Read Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood Online

Authors: Carol Lynne,T. A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood (9 page)

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The kiss heated up and became sloppy as they teased each other with teeth, tongues, and lips. Bobby threaded his fingers into Nik’s hair, holding the younger man still while he plundered his mouth.

Only when his lungs screamed for oxygen did he back off. Nik’s face was flushed and his eyes hazy with lust. The front of Nik’s khakis didn’t hide the bulge of the man’s erection.

Smiling, Bobby helped Nik back into his seat and fastened the seat belt while Nik caught his breath and seemed to get his body under control.

“Shit. I knew you were going to be a firecracker.” Bobby inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of desire and need filling his car. “If I hadn’t needed to breathe, our first time would have been in the backseat of my car, and trust me, that isn’t comfortable.”

Nik ducked his head, cheeks beet red. Bobby reached out and caressed Nik’s cheekbone.

“I think our first time should be in a bed with all the time in the world. I want to lick every inch of you and have you screaming my name by the time I’m done with you.”

His crude words seemed to have shocked Nik, because the professor didn’t comment as Bobby started the car and pulled away from the kerb. He turned the radio up, letting classic rock pour out of the speakers. He took Nik’s hand and rested it on his thigh under his own.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“Which track are we going to?” Nik’s voice was hoarse.

“Belmont. It’s their fall meet. I only go up to Saratoga when I have a couple days in a row off, and I know I’m not going to get called in.” Bobby squeezed Nik’s hand. “Got some good horses running today. I’ll teach you how to pick a winner.”

“I don’t gamble.”

“You won’t even wager a dollar?” He drove with easy confidence, knowing just how tightly tuned his car was.

“I work hard for my money. Why would I want to throw it away on a horse race?”

Nik frowned.

Bobby winked at Nik. “See, I knew you were smarter than me. I don’t bet a lot of money. Don’t wanna have to sell my car to pay my debts. It took me too long to restore this beauty to lose it all on a bet.”

Twenty minutes later, they were parking at Belmont and Bobby led Nik in through the gates. After grabbing a programme and the Daily Racing Form, he rested his hand at the small of Nik’s back and directed the smaller man through the crowd to the grandstands.

Track regulars called out to him, asking him who he picked to win the first race. He joked with them, but didn’t stop. Nik’s shoulders were tense and Bobby got the feeling that Nik didn’t get out much and crowds might make the professor nervous.

“Don’t worry. This is my favourite spot, right at the finish. We’ll get a good look at the horses crossing the line.” He gestured for Nik to take a seat. “Are you hungry or thirsty? I can get us something.”

Nik shook his head, his gaze wandering over the crowd. What was Nik thinking? Did he regret coming to the track with Bobby? Was the noise and the people overwhelming for the man?

Bobby sat down and gripped Nik’s shoulder. “If you get bored or decide you’ve had enough, let me know. I come here every weekend, so leaving early wouldn’t be a problem for me.”

Nik nodded and Bobby decided to relax. Nik was a big boy and he’d tell Bobby if he wasn’t happy. Opening the programme, he checked which horses were running in the first DRACUL’S BLOOD

Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


race. He handed it to Nik and folded the Form open, flipping through the pages until he got to the Beyer Speed Figures.

“Okay, Nik. Are you ready for your first lesson in betting on the horses?”

Biting his lip, Nik wrinkled his nose and Bobby laughed.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to frog-march you up to the windows and force you to place a bet. I’ll do the betting.” He bumped their shoulders together. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll be good luck for me.”

Nik didn’t look convinced, but it didn’t bother Bobby. It was a gorgeous fall day and he had a hot man at his side. He pushed all thoughts of the case out of his head for the time being. Tomorrow would be soon enough for him to get back to working on the Thompson murders.

* * * *

Nik grinned as Bobby handed him his winnings. “Beginner’s luck.”

Bobby slapped the rolled programme in his hand against his thigh and took his seat.

“Yeah, well three straight wins is pushing the beginner’s luck thing a little far.”

Feeling comfortable for the first time since they arrived at the track, Nik leaned against Bobby’s side. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’m done. I’ll take my mountains of cash and buy us a hamburger after we leave.”

Bobby swung his arm to the back of Nik’s seat and cupped his shoulder. “I still say picking a horse by the colour isn’t a smart way to bet.”

Nik inched even closer to Bobby’s warmth. If they’d been alone, he definitely would’ve tried everything in his arsenal to get Bobby’s mind off the races. He could tell Bobby knew what he was doing when it came to placing bets, but the detective’s luck seemed to have been left in the car.

With his free hand, Bobby opened the programme and began studying the race after the one getting ready to be run. It was nice being with someone who wasn’t afraid to show a little affection in public.

Nik had never gone for making out or anything like that around the straights, but DRACUL’S BLOOD

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holding hands or simply wrapping his arms around a lover seemed natural. Why should he hide his feelings just because they made some people uncomfortable?

Evidently, Bobby wasn’t the only one losing, because the stands slowly emptied as the races continued. It suited Nik just fine. He knew it was strange for a man born and raised in a city to feel overwhelmed by large crowds, but he’d grown up in his small corner of Chelsea.

His parents had barely managed to pay the bills on the home he still lived in. Traipsing around Manhattan hadn’t been a luxury they could afford, so Nik spent the majority of his time either in his room or the local branch of the library.

Bobby hugged Nik closer to his side. “You doing okay?”

Nik gave in to temptation and rested his hand on Bobby’s flat stomach. “Does it bother you if I sit this close?”

Bobby chuckled, and leant down to whisper in Nik’s ear. “The only thing it’s bothering is my dick.”

Nik licked his lips. “I can’t do much about that here, sorry.”

For a brief moment, Bobby nuzzled Nik’s ear. “As soon as this next race has been run, why don’t we get out of here?”

Nik nodded. What was it about the detective that made him feel different from any other man he’d been with? Normally, he was reserved when it came to jumping into the sack.

It was only about three hours into his first official date with Bobby, and he was more than ready to jump the man’s bones. He was so lost in his fantasies, he didn’t even realise the horses were ready until it was over.

Bobby growled and tossed his ticket to the ground, before standing. “My luck is complete shit today.”

Nik stood and grabbed Bobby’s hand as they walked towards the parking lot. Once they were far enough from the crowd, Nik stopped and pulled Bobby’s head down for a quick kiss. “I’ve a feeling your luck is about to change.”

Without a word, Bobby once again started towards his car, only this time it was more like running. Nik held tight to Bobby’s hand and tried to keep up. In a sea of cars, Bobby managed to find the Camaro.

The moment they reached the car, Bobby pressed Nik against the passenger door and ravaged his mouth, sweeping the interior with that delicious tongue Nik was beginning to crave. Nik let out a soft whimper and Bobby pressed his thigh between Nik’s legs, giving DRACUL’S BLOOD

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him something to grind against.

Holy fuck.
Nik didn’t know if he’d be able to make it somewhere secluded before shooting in his pants. “Need you.”

Bobby reached between them and covered Nik’s cock with his hand. “Can you maintain this for the twenty-five minutes it takes to get to my place?”

Nik laughed and kissed Bobby again. “I’ve had it the entire time we’ve been here, what’s another twenty-five minutes.”

Bobby groaned and pulled away. “Get in.”

Nik followed orders and reached across the console to unlock Bobby’s door, before fastening his seatbelt. He practically vibrated with lust, but he knew New York City traffic didn’t lend itself to groping, so he sat on his hands to keep from reaching for the bulge pressing against Bobby’s fly.

Leaving the track, Nik realised he didn’t even know where Bobby lived. “So, where are we headed?”

“Bronx.” Bobby didn’t even look over at Nik as he said it.

If it weren’t for the prominent erection, he might think Bobby was mad. The white-knuckled grip Bobby had on the steering wheel told Nik the detective was also trying to keep himself in check. The thought of pushing Bobby’s control excited Nik.

As soon as Bobby got on Cross Island Parkway, Nik released one of his hands from under his ass and ran it over his cock. At first he didn’t think Bobby noticed, so he did it again, applying more pressure and giving himself the slightest squeeze.

“Stop it,” Bobby growled.

Nik giggled. He couldn’t remember ever having so much fun on a first date. With his seatbelt still in place, Nik turned his body towards Bobby. He gave his cock a purposeful grope and moaned. “Does this bother you?”

“Let’s put it this way, you’re about thirteen minutes from getting that tempting ass of yours spanked.”

Nik’s jaw dropped. Would Bobby really do it? Nik hadn’t received a spanking since he was a boy. His shock must have shown on his face because Bobby started to chuckle.

The bigger man reached over and ran a hand up Nik’s thigh, stopping just short of his groin. “Does it turn you on to think of my hand coming down on your bare ass?”

Nik swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think so.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Bobby took his eyes off the road long enough to glance at Nik. “What? You’ve never had a lover spank you?”

Nik felt his face flush. “No. Not that there’ve been many lovers, but maybe I didn’t piss them off enough to spank me.”

Bobby laughed harder. “It has nothing to do with pissing me off.”

“Then why would you hit me?” Naïve he may be, but Nik didn’t understand the draw of allowing a lover to hurt him.

Bobby turned off the parkway and merged into the Saturday traffic, before turning onto a side street. “Okay, no spankings. Remind me to talk to you about those later. The main thing you need to know is never to let someone do it to you in anger. It can be intense, but it has to be enjoyable for both partners or it won’t work.”

Nik subtly turned back to face front. He didn’t even find the idea appealing. He couldn’t imagine doing it for pleasure. Sounded kind of sick to him, but he decided to withhold judgement until a later date.

The conversation had somehow managed to alleviate some of the pressure in his underwear. Nik wasn’t worried. He knew the second Bobby touched him, he’d be back to hard and needy.

He studied the neighbourhoods as they drove through. It wasn’t often that he’d been to this side of the city. “This is nice,” he commented.

Bobby pulled up to a big security gate and rolled his window down. He tapped a few numbers into the keypad and the gate opened. He pulled into what looked to be a reserved spot and shut off the engine.

Before opening the door, Bobby reached out and pulled Nik forward by the back of the neck. Bobby’s mouth slammed down on his, thrusting his tongue inside. He finished the kiss with a soft bite to Nik’s bottom lip. “Let’s go.”

Nik opened his door and climbed out, making sure to lock it. He checked the handle just to make sure before rounding the back of the car and wrapping his arm around Bobby’s waist.

After using his key, they entered a small lobby, complete with mailboxes. Bobby pointed towards the stairs. “Third floor.”

They started up the stairs with Nik leading the way. “There’s no elevator?”

“Yeah, but it only works every second Tuesday. Better to take the stairs than chance DRACUL’S BLOOD

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getting trapped for hours.”

By the time they got to the second floor, Bobby’s hands kept reaching out to pat and pinch Nik’s ass. Once they were outside Bobby’s apartment, Nik was hard as a rock.

They barely made it inside, before Bobby locked the door and pulled his T-shirt over his head. “Strip.”

The first thing Nik did was to remove his glasses and carefully set them on the entertainment centre. He turned back to Bobby and almost swallowed his tongue. Clad only in boxer-briefs, Bobby was stretched out on the couch, staring at him.

Nik’s fingers began fumbling with the buttons of his blue cotton shirt. “Sorry. I learned a very important lesson growing up about my glasses. I tend to be a bit anal when it comes to taking care of them.”

As he talked, Nik managed to remove his shirt. He toed off his old loafers and started on the zipper of his khakis. He pushed his pants down, eyes riveted to Bobby’s hand as it rubbed and pulled on the long, thick cock trapped underneath his briefs.

Nik started to lunge for Bobby’s package and tripped over the pants still trapped around his ankles. As he began to fall, Nik tried desperately to right himself before he went face-first into the coffee table.

A strong pair of arms scooped him up a split second before impact. Nik gazed into Bobby’s eyes and grinned. “Oops.”

Bobby tossed Nik onto the couch like he weighed nothing. Bobby came down over top of Nik and shook his head. “A trip to the emergency room isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“Lucky you caught me then.” Nik wrapped his legs around Bobby’s torso, bringing their cloth covered erections into contact.

With their cocks grinding against one another and Bobby’s added height, Nik began kissing and licking his soon-to-be lover’s neck.

Bobby groaned as Nik playfully bit the soft skin under his ear. “No bruises, at least not there.”

BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
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