Draeger Legacy 8 (17 page)

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Authors: Jaden Sinclair

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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Drake nodded and stood up. A Cabinet meeting to decide the fate of Philip Millard. After Drake walked out with Natasha, Millard was placed under shifter arrest. He was taken from his home and locked up, waiting for a trial of sorts.

James drove. The meeting was held on the outskirts of town. Night was coming by the time they reached the place, and everyone was gathered outside. Millard was surprisingly clean but cuffed and standing in front of the Cabinet, the members seated at a long table. Once Drake showed himself and stood next to Millard the meeting began.

“Philip Millard,” one of the members called out, silencing all talk.

“You have been brought before us, charged with breaking claiming law and threatening the life of another who had made a claim.”

“And a request of banishment has been made,” another added.

Drake felt Millard looking at him, but kept his face forward. Having a conversation now with the man wouldn’t get him anything.

“We have come to a decision,” Charles spoke up. “Banishment it is.

All of your withholdings will go to your daughter and you will be sent to another colony until the end of your days for the breaking of our laws.”

Now Drake turned to face the man. “And if you come back here I will kill you for what you’ve done to her.”

They faced off. It was Millard who cracked a smile, shocking Drake slightly. “One day, boy, your time will come when everything you love is gone. I just hope I live long enough to see it.”

Millard was taken away. Drake nodded to the Cabinet turned and walked away also. James drove him back home. Standing outside, Drake watched him leave before turning and getting into his own car. He didn’t go inside to check on Natasha or let her know what the outcome of her father was. Instead, he left for a hunt all his own.

Lanz Martin’s home was not what Drake was expecting. A middle class, small house, two- stories high with a garage. In fact, the damn place was nothing more than a damn farmhouse—the place where his father died.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

Drake parked his car down the dark road walked to the property and watched the place. No one inside—good. He went to the house, picked a lock, and entered.

The house appeared just as it seemed from the outside—a simple farmhouse. Drake looked in every room, every closed door, and tapped on walls until he found what he was looking for; a hidden door behind a bookcase.

Not giving a damn about damaged, he tore the shelf away from the wall, smashing it as he went. The door behind it was locked. Drake took step back and kicked it in. Going down he could smell the stench of death. When he flicked a light on he saw the proof of what his nose picked up.

An iron torture table rested in the middle. Thick leather straps, blood everywhere. He could almost hear the screams of pain from the ones that had suffered in this room.

He saw red. Drake had never been so pissed in his life as what he felt right now in this moment. Males were dying in this room by a man who wanted the world to believe that there were werewolves.

Drake sniffed and almost gagged. Cooking meat hung in the air, but it wasn’t the kind one wanted to eat. He followed it to discover a walk in furnace complete with chains hanging from the ceiling to hold a body.

This time, Drake did lose it and vomited on the floor.

Bones were still on the floor along with some cooked flesh. He couldn’t stay in this room and rushed out, slamming the door closed. He also lost his cool. Tears fell free again with the knowledge that his father not only died, but his body burned in that room. Nothing left of his father but the memory in his head.

It took a few seconds for him to get himself back under control.

When he did, Drake went to work at making sure not another male would suffer his father’s fate.

He found some lighter fuel, poured it on top of the bed, and lit it.

Using the fuel, he squirted a trail into the furnace, turned it on, and kept going with the trail up the stairs. He used all six of the bottles he found, spraying it all over the place on the first floor. When he walked out the same way he came in, the whole house was in a blaze.

Drake just walked away.

He never looked back at the house on fire. He simply walked back to his car, got in, started it up, and pulled away.

* * * *

Natasha found Drake out in the back, sitting on the side of the pool 103

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with a beer in hand and three more empty bottles next to him. Biting her lower lip, she went outside and sat down close to him.

“Missed you at dinner,” she said.

Drake finished off his drink, “Sorry.” He set the bottle down with the others and took hold of another, twisting the cap off.

“James called and told me about my father,” she went on. “I think I’m going to sell the house. My mother had another place in Cape Cod that I’ll keep, but I really don’t think I want anything of his.” He said nothing. “I’m sorry about your father.” Drake stiffened. “There’s been some talk about males going missing and your father’s name was among the names.”

Drake put his bottle back down and hung his head. “I found the place where this bastard was taking them all. He tortured them. Then if they died, which I sure as hell hoped they did, he would burn the bodies to get rid of them.” He looked at her, and the pain she saw in his eyes had her shivering. “I burned it Natasha. I burned that motherfucker’s house down to the ground.”

Natasha gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She didn’t know what to say to him, how to comfort him.

Drake looked up at the sky and she saw one single tear fall free.

“I’ve never in my life wanted to hunt and kill another like I do this man.

I want to see him bleed at my feet for what he’s done.”

Natasha took his hand, getting his full attention back on her. “Don’t start a war Drake. Let it go.”

“It’s already been started.” He touched her cheek with his other hand and she leaned into it.

He stood up, pulling her to her feet also. Words weren’t needed then. Drake led her back into the house and Natasha followed willing; through the kitchen, dining room and up the stairs towards their bedroom. Once inside Natasha stood in the center of the room watching Drake. His dark eyes met hers and he began to strip in front of her. The shirt first came up over his head to land on the floor. Next, he kicked off his shoes and pulled the belt at his waist free.

Again, she shivered and began to undress also. When she got down to her panties and bra, Drake held up his hand for her to stop. He stood naked before her, hard, powerful, and very aroused. He came towards her or it felt more like stalking towards her. Her mouth went dry just from the intent expression he had on his face, and dark eyes.

“You promised me something, remember?” he asked.

Swallowing hard, Natasha nodded her answer. Speaking at this point 104

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was not going to happen.

“You going to give it to me?” He walked around her, standing right behind her. So close, she could feel his body heat, but he didn’t touch her.

“Yes,” she breathed out.

“I have something new for you.” His breath tickled her ear and sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. When he finally did wrap his arm around her waist Natasha sighed and rested her head back against his chest and shoulder. “You ready to play.”

Again, she nodded.

Drake turned her towards the bed, walked her over, and positioned her up on her hands and knees, ass raised high. She looked over her shoulder at him, watched his every move. Drake opened the nightstand drawer and brought out something very strange looking. It was a plastic replica of his cock, she realized.

“Ever seen a vibrator before?” he asked. She shook her head. “Well this is going to drive your orgasm even higher, I promise.” He tossed it on the bed along with a bottle of something. He took hold of her hips, kissed one satin covered cheek and growled low. “I can smell your desire.”

He yanked down her panties, and kissed her ass. He kissed down one leg, helped her raise it up, and then moved to the other, removing her panties. A quick kiss to her clit made her gasp, and Drake only chuckled.

He touched her pussy, rubbing back and forth from clit to the entrance of her ass. It felt so good, had her quickly wanting more. When he replaced his hand with the length of his cock, Natasha thought she might scream with frustration. So quickly, he had her at the point of needing him inside her. It was crazy. Drake hadn’t done his normal things with her, the kissing or touching like he always did, and still she was ready for him.

The quick impalement had her breath leaving her lungs and her upper body dropping down on the bed—unexpected, powerful, and filling. Drake moved hard and fast within her, building the fire deep inside her womb, but before she could reach it, he stopped and pulled from her body.

She whimpered, and stilled when she heard the loud buzzing sound.

Natasha stiffened and jumped when he touched her with the vibrator.

“Relax. It isn’t going to hurt you, only heighten your pleasure,” he purred in her ear.

Drake rubbed the vibrator up and down her slit, stopping to tease her 105

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clit, which throbbed in need. True to his word, it felt good. He teased her with it until she was wiggling her ass, trying to get a harder touch.

“You ready for this?”

Natasha nodded. “Yes!”

He began to enter her with the vibrator. Natasha opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. It vibrated inside her, touching places she never thought were there. In and out, he moved it and she struggled to breathe through it. So close to her release she fisted her hands into the bedding, climbing higher and higher to it.

Once more Drake stopped, only this time when he stopped he left the vibrator deep inside her. Natasha couldn’t stop her body from moving, or from her hips bucking, trying to get the thing to move. The humming form the toy radiated all through her body, and when the first cool drop of something touched her rear, she climaxed.

“Hey!” Drake laughed behind her. “You’re not supposed to do that yet.”

“Deal with it,” she panted.

He parted her cheeks, and the thick swell of the head of his cock touched her anal ring. Natasha gasped. Already she could feel another climax starting and welcomed it with open arms.

“Oh I’ll deal with it alright,” he growled.

He pushed, she held her breath, and with a deep growl, he entered her. Not once since they came together did she feel so full, so stretched, and tight. Drake sunk into her slowly and the vibrations from the vibration had her climbing quickly to the pleasure.

When he began to move inside her, he also reached around, took hold of the vibrator, and moved it. In his cock went, out the vibrator and vice versa. It drove her crazy. New sensations hit, every nerve in her body felt like it was on high alert and burned. She cried out with each trust from him, gripped the covers so tightly her knuckles turned white.

“Drake!” Natasha screamed his name right before the wave hit.

Just like tidal wave crashed into rocks. Rush after rush of pleasure consumed her. She shook with the force of her pleasure, and still Drake moved. He surged into her ass powerfully and moved the vibrator quickly into her pussy. One wave lead to another. She was blinded by the pleasure and helpless to do anything but hang on for dear life.

A howled from him, the vibrato pushed deep inside her, and teeth clamping down on her shoulder. She felt his cock swell into her ass, felt the seed that left his body. Drake wrapped his arms tightly around her body, hugging her close. His whole body shook with the release she felt 106

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filling her. Reaching up, Natasha fisted her hands into his hair, holding him just as he held her.

Both were walking on shaking legs into the bathroom. Drake filled up the large tub and together they took a long soak. She laid back into his arms, sighing in pleasure as he held her.

“You happy?” he asked her, kissing the mark on her shoulder.

“Very,” she sighed, rubbing her hand up and down his arm. “But you know what would make me even happier?”

“What’s that?”

She turned her head to look him in the eye. “A baby.”


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair


Three years later

Drake paced the floor, back and forth in front of the closed bedroom door. Tony and James leaned against the wall acting like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Something out of the ordinary was happening and it was happening right now!

Natasha’s scream came forth again. He turned with the intent of going inside to her, but one hard look from James with that damn eyebrow of his going up and he stopped. He made a deal with her that he wouldn’t go in until she was about to deliver.

She wanted a baby. Wanted one desperately and they worked at it.

Even went so far as to going to the doctor to find out why it wasn’t happening. Nothing was wrong with them, but Natasha’s cycles weren’t normal. Some months she’d have her cycle after his heat, or a week before the heat. They never knew when it would hit, making conceiving a bit harder. But after three years, they finally had their wish. She became pregnant was about to deliver their first child.

Another scream and he started growling.

“You promised her,” James pointed out. “Not until it’s about to come.”

“I can’t just stand out and listen to her screaming,” Drake stated through his teeth. “I’ve had enough of this shit!”

He moved faster than James did. Drake entered the bedroom, his eyes going right to his mate upon the bed, panting, gasping, and grabbing on to anything she could. Marry was helping the doctor at the foot of the bed.

Drake went right over to her, taking her hand.

“What’d you doing in here?” She asked him, breathing hard.

He picked up the wet cloth on the nightstand and wiped her forehead. “I can’t stand to hear you screaming and not knowing what’s going on. So be pissed at me later if you want, but I’m not leaving.”

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