Dragon Storm (11 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Dragons, #Fantasy Fiction, #Erotic Fiction, #Triangles (Interpersonal Relations), #Twins

BOOK: Dragon Storm
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Their host walked with them back toward the house. “I’ll finalize the arrangements in the morning for your flight. For now, you’re welcome to the hospitality of our house. I hope you’ll have a good night.”

He left them at the door with a slight nod of his head. It was the deference of one Alpha to another. High praise, she knew.

The room they were given for the night was luxurious compared to the bare necessities in her cabin. She lived simply up in the high country, and she didn’t mind it at all, though she enjoyed creature comforts like any woman. The big bathroom was something she wanted to explore…with her mates.

She sent them a come-hither look as she dropped her clothes and turned on the taps. Darius and Connor weren’t far behind. Both were undressing at record pace as the tub filled with hot water. They didn’t bat an eye at the modern plumbing.

“You have hot water and baths where you live?” She looked at them over her shoulder as she ran her fingers through the steaming water, adjusting the faucet to get it to be just the right temperature.

“Of course,” Connor answered. “Being dragons, we often heat the water ourselves, but some Lairs keep a communal cistern that feeds into the pipes that lead to each chamber. If the Lair is big enough, there are hot and cold cisterns kept ready at all times.”

“Then there are the larger baths fed by hot springs. Everyone uses those for both cleansing and recreation.” Darius gave her a saucy wink. “Dragons, as a general rule, have exhibitionist tendencies that rub off on their knight partners from time to time. It’s not uncommon to find a set of knights frolicking in the baths with their mate while their dragon partners enjoy a mating flight.”

“Your world sounds very different from this one.” Josie marveled at the images he inspired with his words while Darius took her in his arms. Connor came up behind her, boxing her in with their warmth and masculine hardness. “But many shapeshifters have exhibitionist tendencies. They spend a lot of time either naked or in their beast forms. They’ve been known to get it on in the forest regardless of who might be looking.”

“So shapeshifters in your world like to be watched?” Connor’s deep voice made his wicked words even more enticing.

“I guess so.” Her voice was breathy with rising desire as they crowded her. Both men were naked, hard and oh so desirable. “Snowcats, however, are a little more circumspect.”

“Hmm…we’ll have to see what we can do to change your mind,” Darius teased her even as he dipped his head close to steal a kiss. She fell deep under his spell as Connor’s hands came around her waist and moved lower to delve between her legs.

She widened her stance, helping him achieve his goal. She was sure he found her wet and wanting as she arched her back, rubbing her ass over the delectable hardness of his cock. Oh yeah, that was what she wanted.

“Do you think this tub is big enough for the three of us?” Connor whispered in her ear.

She looked down at the small swimming pool, filled with heavenly warm water. “It’s a Jacuzzi. It’s meant for more than one.”

“What’s a—?” Darius asked as she bent to flip the switch that turned on the jets. “Ah, now that’s different. We don’t have anything like that outside the hot springs.”

Both men seemed interested in the motion of the water, watching it instead of focusing on her. She’d see about that.

Josie slipped out of from between them and stepped into the huge tub. That seemed to wake them up, and they quickly followed her in. Water sloshed. She’d intentionally filled the tub only halfway, knowing the three of them would be moving around. Vigorously, if all went as planned.

She smiled secretively as she lured her men to her side. The huge oval tub was made for up to four. There was enough room to squeeze all three of them together on one side, if they didn’t mind bumping against each other intimately.

No, she didn’t mind that at all. Not one little bit. In fact, she intended to get a whole lot closer to them both before the night was through.

Apparently Darius and Connor were thinking the same thing. Darius grabbed her around the waist, lifting her in the water until she sat in the V formed by his legs at one end of the oval tub. She could feel his cock bobbing against her ass and suddenly she didn’t want to draw this out any longer. She wanted him. Now.

Josie tried to turn in his arms.

“Whoa, where are you going?” Darius’s big hands stopped her movement.

“I don’t want to wait, Darius. I want you now.”

He leaned close to her neck, speaking against her ear. “Then now you shall have me.” He lifted her as easy as if she weighed nothing at all, settling her slowly on the hard rod of his cock. The slick water and her own eagerness allowed deep penetration with little effort.

“Yes,” she groaned when he was seated fully within her. The sound echoed off the gleaming tile of the bathroom. She tried to move, but he held her still.

“You’ve got what you want,” Darius purred in her ear. “This time we take it slow and easy. You think you can handle that, little girl?”

Slow and easy would kill her. She just knew it.

Connor sat back at the other end of the tub, watching them with hooded eyes. Darius lifted her up slowly, then lowered her on his cock, all while Connor watched. The sensation was wickedly stimulating.

“I think she likes being watched after all, Dar.” Connor licked his lips as he watched his twin finger her nipples. When his gaze rose to meet hers, Josie felt a small explosion of need in her body. She whimpered as Darius lifted her and lowered her again. It was an agonizingly slow motion that made her want to scream—both in pleasure and frustration.

Darius rocked her on his shaft, drawing out her pleasure. Connor watched it all, rubbing his cock beneath the surface of the sloshing water. She could see the motion of his hand and the rippling of his tight muscles as he worked himself. It made her want more.

“Please, Darius.” She didn’t really know what she was asking for. Thank heaven Darius seemed able to read her mind. He began to thrust harder and faster, causing the water to ripple violently around them. She didn’t care. They could flood the whole damned house as long as Darius kept doing what he was doing.

Connor leaned forward as his twin repositioned her. They caught her between them, Connor holding her by the shoulders as Darius maneuvered for more leverage. It was worth the slight wait. When Darius pushed in again, he went deeper and more forcefully than he had before. The change of angle also hit something inside her that made her entire body clench in need. She couldn’t take much of this.

She began to moan on every thrust as her completion drew near. Darius increased his pace as Connor murmured encouragement. He watched every sway of her breasts with an avaricious glint in his eye. She held his gaze, promising him without words that he was next…if she survived. The way it was looking, she might not.

Darius pushed her higher, the water around them swishing in counterpoint to his harsh movements, driving her onward. Connor’s hands held her steady, suspended between her men.

“Almost there, my love,” Darius whispered, his ardor intensifying that last little bit.

“Darius!” She felt the climax looming in his possession, heard it in his voice. He was close and so was she. So close, in fact, that all he had to do—

“Come for me, Josie. Come now.”

That was all she needed. He commanded her response, and she gave it to him. Shudders shook her body as orgasm hit her like a tidal wave. Darius followed a heartbeat behind, filling her body and soul.

When the storm dissipated they were both breathing hard. Connor was there to catch her, lifting her in his arms as he stepped from the giant tub. He rubbed her sensitive skin with a heated towel, caring for her as if she were the most precious thing in the world to him.

She felt cherished. Pampered and spoiled by two of the most delectable men she had ever known—or would ever know. After these two, she knew she would be spoiled for anyone else. They were her mates. The only ones for her. If she succeeded in helping them find a way back to their own world, she didn’t know if she could go on living without them. That was a bridge she would have to cross when they got to it. For now, she intended to bask in their attention and lavish her love on them as well. For as long as it lasted.

Connor carried her to the bed after drying her with pleasant thoroughness. He’d only swiped the towel at his own aroused body, but he’d taken time with her, rekindling the fires that had only been banked, never put out. By the time he joined her on the big bed they’d been given for the night, she was purring, ready for more of her men.

This time, Darius watched from the sidelines, and she suddenly realized they were as good as their word—they were trying to see if she could enjoy being watched. The very idea spiked her arousal.

She liked it when either of her mates watched her being pleasured by the other, but she wasn’t sure how she might deal with a stranger’s eyes on them as they made love. As in all things carnal, she’d let her mates guide her. These two rascals no doubt had vastly more experience than she did in such matters. Jealousy wanted to take hold, but it was impossible to be mad at them for things that had happened before they ever even met. Now that they were mates, the twins’ prowling days were over.

Connor made love to her hard and fast. He couldn’t wait after watching that steamy scene in the bath. Neither could Josie. She welcomed him into her arms and between her thighs with abandon. He pounded into her, making her come hard and fast, screaming his name as ecstasy took her.

When he was done, Darius climbed over her once more. He hadn’t been unaffected by watching his twin. And so it went for most of the night.

Josie was sore when she woke, but she couldn’t disguise the grin of utter satisfaction on her face. Her men wore identical expressions. The three of them no doubt looked smug when the joined the cougars for a quick breakfast before the Alpha arrived to take them to the airport.

They took their leave of the cats with genuine warmth and invitations from the cougars to return anytime. Josie felt truly welcome among them without the usual pressure of being snowcat. With her men around there was something far more interesting for the cougars to focus on. What was one half-snowcat when compared to two fire-breathing dragons?


Josie hadn’t seen the guys since early that morning when Stewart had escorted them to the charter portion of the big airport. She would board the usual way, assured by the cougar Alpha that he would be able to smuggle the twins aboard the aircraft via some friends in the charter area. She didn’t know how it all worked, but she trusted the Alpha to do his best.

She only hoped it was good enough. Josie was a nervous wreck when the time came to board the jumbo jet that waited on the tarmac. She’d watched out the windows while various service vehicles docked with the aircraft, delivering all kinds of supplies. Crew members had come and gone while she watched and, though she’d strained to catch some glimpse of her men, she hadn’t seen any sign of them anywhere.

Josie jumped in her seat when the boarding announcement for her flight was called. If all went as planned, the twins would be waiting for her on the plane. If they weren’t there, with security the way it was today, she’d be stuck on a plane bound for China with no idea of their fate. They were taking a risk, but there seemed to be no other way.

She was the first in line to board when the gate attendant started taking tickets. She rolled her carry-on bag up the ramp toward the hatch and was relieved to smell a hint of cat up ahead. Cougar, if she wasn’t mistaken. The blonde flight attendant who waited to welcome her was most definitely a shifter. The knowing smile clinched it as the woman pointed her toward the back of the plane.

Josie went as fast as she could through the tight space between the seats. It was supposed to be an aisle. It was more like a very narrow gap between the rows and rows of seats on the big plane. Nerves assailed her as she made her way out of first class, then business class and into the main cabin where everyone else would sit.

Her heart started beating again when she saw two figures waiting for her in the last row. Darius sported a hooded sweatshirt that he wore with the hood pulled low over his head as he slouched in his seat. Connor waited for her, appearing wide-awake and watchful. It was probably wise to hide one of their faces. At least during boarding. They were handsome enough to draw attention from every female on the flight without there being two of them. Better to only let one be seen at a time. Twins were much too memorable.

Josie went to them, and Connor helped wrestle her bag into the overhead compartment. She smiled, thinking how impressed he’d been by her wheeled bag and the fabrics from which it was made when she’d packed it the day before. Wherever they were from, they didn’t have technology like they had on Earth. What little they’d told her about their world made it sound vaguely medieval.

“Any problems?” Connor gave her a quick peck on the cheek as he settled in the seat beside her. Darius had the window seat, and she was between the twins, in the middle. The flight wasn’t full. The empty seats meant they might have room to stretch out later, but for now, she liked the security of sitting between her two mates.

Two mates. She still couldn’t really wrap her head around that idea.

“No problems. I was worried about you two, though. Was it okay?”

“Your friends took us in a large, square vehicle from the building where you left us to here. We went across a vast distance of what he called a runway, though we saw no creatures running there. And the stone was surprisingly flat.”

She stifled a giggle. They really had no technology. “First of all, it’s not stone. Well, not really. It’s cement—a mixture of rock, sand and other stuff with water that we spread to make the roads flat. When it dries, it’s hard like rock and lasts for years. Like the roads we were on yesterday.” She’d had fun trying to explain macadam to them, though her knowledge of construction was sadly limited. Connor nodded, so she supposed her explanation was good enough. “As far as what a runway is…” She tried to think of a way to prepare him for what was to come, but was at a loss. “This plane needs room to get up to speed before it can lift off.”

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