Dragon Storm (30 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Dragons, #Fantasy Fiction, #Erotic Fiction, #Triangles (Interpersonal Relations), #Twins

BOOK: Dragon Storm
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Raith kept Shanya with him, settling her at his side while everyone else arranged themselves around the large table. Nico sat next to Roland, opposite Raith and Shanya. Connor and Darius were on Roland’s other side, with Josie between them. The snowcats took up the rest of the chairs, each with varying expressions on their faces.

“Now,” Nico began the dialogue, “we should probably introduce ourselves. I am Nico and this is my brother, King Roland.”

“We are honored that you would come to us yourself, your majesty,” Raith said after a moment. He seemed preoccupied with Shanya, whatever anger he’d nursed dissolved by her mere presence. “I am Raith, leader of the snowcats. This is my brother, our shaman, Teuren.”

The man who’d identified himself as a healer bowed his head in acknowledgement. Raith introduced the rest of the men, one by one.

Shanya regained her strength as she sat close to Raith’s side. The leader looked as if he couldn’t bear to take his gaze from her. His hand held hers, and his expression was a testament to his confusion.

“There has never been a mixed mating among my people” he said with calm finality, “but I will not give you up, Shanya. Even if I must go into exile. You are my mate. Can you not feel it?”

Shanya smiled at the big man. “I foresaw it. I knew you even before I met you, Raith. The Mother of All brought us together.”

Josie felt like she was intruding on a private moment. She also understood the way the leader seemed blindsided by the amazing feeling of finding his mate. She’d been through it.

“Raith, if it’s any help, I’m only half snowcat. My mother was human. Totally non-magical.” Josie only now caught the horrified looks on some of the other snowcats’ faces.

“Josie, you should show them your snowcat,” Shanya prompted. “They need to see her strength. They need to understand that the snowcat spirit thrives even though your mother had no magic of her own.”

“If you think it’ll help.” Josie moved uncomfortably in her seat. This felt too much like when she’d been younger and subjected to the tests of her grandfather’s clan. She’d passed every one of those with flying colors. She shouldn’t be nervous. It was anger more than nerves that prompted her to shift rapidly, sitting on her haunches in the elaborate chair.

Josie looked around at the gathered company, trying to remember she was a princess. These people could only intimidate her if she let them.

“Did you feel her spark?” Shanya whispered. “Did you feel the surge of magic? She is potent. Josie is stronger than her forefathers. The mixing of blood benefited her snowcat. It did not harm it in any way. She is stronger for the addition of other blood.”

Josie decided to show these cats a little of what she could do. As a female, she was smaller and lighter than these big males. There were carved protrusions on the walls of this chamber much like the ones in the throne room she had climbed for Tor’s amusement. These were spaced farther apart and were smaller. Scaling these walls would be a real test of her agility and skill. Perfect.

Josie bounded out of her chair and leapt onto the table, using it as a springboard for her initial leap onto the wall. She circled the room, gaining speed and height as the group below watched.

For her big finish, she used the central chandelier that hung high over the center of the huge table. Padding off that, she launched into a twisting, spinning leap that landed her on all fours on the table. She landed with a flourish, doing her best to look bored as she flicked her tail toward the snowcat leader.

As nonchalantly as she could, she hopped off the table, back into her chair between Darius and Connor. In a shimmer of magic, she shifted to her human form, glad to see she hadn’t even broken a sweat.

She looked at the faces of the snowcat men. A few tough customers looked guardedly impressed while some of the others seemed truly blown away by what she’d just showed them. Good. Let that be a lesson about what a half-breed girl snowcat could do.

“Impressive,” was Raith’s comment. “You give me hope for our offspring, daughter of Marpa.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be even more impressed with the kits you and Shanya produce. I’m half human. No magic from that side of my family at all, I’m afraid. Shanya is one of the fair folk. In many ways, she is a much better match for you than any other being I know. Her people live as long as you do.”

“Is this true?” Raith looked deep into Shanya’s eyes.

“It is. The Mother of All sees everything. She knows what is best.”


The snowcats were amazed to learn that Shanya’s people had the same longevity as theirs. They were also impressed by her magic and her Sight. Raith couldn’t take his eyes off her, which was a condition the mated dragon brothers understood all too well.

“You are welcome in Draconia.” Roland smiled kindly at the newly mated pair.

“Thank you for the welcome. We came prepared for war only to find we have made a grievous error. Forgive us.” It was Teuren who answered, an indulgent smile on his face as well.

“There is nothing to forgive,” Darius said impulsively, taking one of Josie’s hands. “We understand what it is to seek a mate. After traveling through the magical storm twice, we also surmise it took a great deal of effort to create the rift between our world and Josie’s without the amulets.”

“You know of the amulets of power?” Teuren seemed astonished. His eyes only widened further when all three mates pulled their amulets from around their necks.

“It shows as an armor breastplate when we are in dragon form,” Connor commented. “Josie’s becomes an elaborate collar, as you saw when she shifted for you.”

“How did you come by such sacred objects?” Teuren looked in awe at the gleaming necklaces.

“I foresaw the twin princes must have them,” Shanya spoke up, surprising the snowcats. “Gryffid had them. He gave them to me to bring to Darius and Connor, though I wasn’t sure which set of twins they were destined for until I saw them for the first time.”

“And my grandfather took us to Marpa’s cave.” Josie picked up her part of the story. “This amulet revealed itself to me, and Grandfather said it was meant for me.” She wouldn’t mention the gifts her mates had walked away with just yet. She wanted to see how the snowcats dealt with this first. “The three together allowed me to call the storm to bring us here. To bring my mates home.” She spared a loving glance for both of them before continuing her speech. There were things the snowcats of this world had to know. “There is little magic left in my world. After the wizards battled, they dispersed all magic. It only survives in a few isolated populations of shifters. There are no dragons at all—shifter or otherwise. There is only one village of snowcats, and they keep to themselves. Shifters live in secret among humans, who dominate the planet with their ingenuity based on science and technology.”

“We saw some amazing things while we were there,” Darius confirmed. “We flew across an ocean in a metal machine with a hundred other people seated inside. We saw images beamed to a small box from miles up in the heavens. None of it was magic, our mate assures us. It is amazing what the human race has accomplished on her world, all without magic.”

“But the other shifters we met…” Connor broke in, speaking in a subdued voice. “They had to disrobe before they could shift. Their magic was potent, but very limited in scope. It was kind of sad. None of them had ever seen a dragon.”

Silence filled the chamber as the words sank in. Finally, Nico drew everyone’s attention by clearing his throat. It was a calculated move by the man known as the Prince of Spies. He was no doubt, up to something.

“As my brother stated, you are welcome in Draconia. We have recently begun to interact with the fair folk on Gryphon Isle, which is located over the water to the south of our land. Perhaps some of you would like to discuss a possible visit with Shanya and the gryphons who nest near our castle? And there are other enclaves of fair folk. I could help you there. I have contacts among several of them.”

All the dragon brothers looked at Nico in surprise. He only grinned. The Spymaster of Draconia always had a few tricks up his sleeve, it seemed.

Raith looked from Shanya to his brother, Teuren, and back to Nico but he addressed his words to Roland, as was only proper. One leader to another.

“I must go back to my people and hold Council. They need to know what we have learned. Then I would very much like to bring a delegation into Draconia with the idea of contacting the enclaves of which you speak on behalf of my brethren.” He looked back at the girl in his arms. “Does that sound about right?”

Shanya smiled beautifully at him. “It is perfect. Oh, if only you could see what I see. The future for the mated snowcats is filled with happiness.” She sat up straight, and her face turned solemn. “But there are enemies who would cause trouble for all people of good will. It is my hope you will consider working with the Draconians to battle the evil in the North. The Citadel is at serious risk.”

Raith’s expression hardened. “Then we will take the risk seriously, my lady. Our village is hidden in the mountains near the Citadel. In return for your help connecting with the fair folk, we will pledge our support and assistance in fighting evil in the northlands.”

A satisfied grin broke over Nico’s face. Roland was more circumspect, but he also looked pleased.

“To that end,” Raith continued speaking, “we have news that might be of help in your dealings with the northern tribes. Salomar is no more, but his pet warlock seeks to bring the tattered remains of his army back together. To my surprise, he is succeeding. He also has the help of the North Witch.”

“Loralie?” Roland asked sharply.

“The very same.” Raith looked disgusted. “She is more powerful than you know. With her help, Gebel will no doubt be able to step in where Salomar left off.”

“Gebel,” Nico mused. “We have heard that name before. He is a warlock, you say?”

“So he claims.” Teuren picked up the story. “He does have some magic, but it is weak. His use of the North Witch though, that makes him inordinately powerful.”

“Why does she follow him if she’s so strong?” Josie wanted to know.

Teuren turned sad eyes on her. “Gebel holds Loralie’s daughter hostage. If the mother does not do his bidding, he tortures the girl.”


The snowcats went back across the river, and Shanya went with them. Dragons monitored what went on in the army camp from afar. News traveled quickly when a shout of joy went up from the gathering attended by most of the snowcats. No doubt, they had just learned of their leader’s mating and that there was hope for them as well.

Josie could feel the joy vibrating in the air as she rode on Darius’s back the next day. They’d been invited to the snowcat encampment where a party was in progress. The rest of the snowcats wanted to meet the half-snowcat woman from the world of their ancestors and her new mates.

Darius and Connor were hesitant at first but when the snowcat men welcomed them with joyous hearts, they began to relax. For her part, Josie had never felt more welcome in her life—except maybe among her new family of dragon shifters. Nobody in this world looked at her with expectations she couldn’t meet. They accepted her for what she was and even loved her for it.

This, then, was her home. The place she was meant to be. With respect, love, wholehearted acceptance of who she was…and her mates at her side.

About the Author

A life-long martial arts enthusiast, Bianca enjoys a number of hobbies and interests that keep her busy and entertained such as playing the guitar, shopping, painting, shopping, skiing, shopping, road trips, and did we say…um…shopping? A bargain hunter through and through, Bianca loves the thrill of the hunt for that excellent price on quality items, though she’s hardly a fashionista. She likes nothing better than curling up by the fire with a good book, or better yet, by the computer, writing a good book.

To learn more about Bianca D’Arc, please visit
. Send an email to Bianca at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Bianca D’Arc

Now Available:


Dragon Knights

Maiden Flight

Border Lair

Ladies of the Lair

The Ice Dragon

Prince of Spies

Wings of Change—I Dream of Dragons Vol. 1



Tales of the Were

Lords of the Were



Forever Valentine—Caught by Cupid anthology

Sweeter Than Wine


Resonance Mates

Hara’s Legacy

Davin’s Quest

Jaci’s Experiment

Grady’s Awakening


Brotherhood of Blood

One and Only

Rare Vintage

Phantom Desires

A forbidden union forged in love—and tempered in hellfire.



© 2009 Bianca D’Arc


Tales of the Were

One last task and Megan will be free of the debt of honor owed by her family. Spying on Dante, a powerful vampire with questionable friends, sounds simple enough. But her mission is complicated by the fact she’s got something every vampire wants—tangy, powerful, werewolf blood.

It’s easy to capture his attention. The hard part will be getting out with her heart—and soul—intact. Not to mention her life, thanks to a crazed bomber.

Dante isn’t the kind to forgive or forget easily, especially the grudge he holds against werewolves. Still, he is instantly drawn to the injured lone wolf in his care. When he and his friend Duncan treat her wounds, they discover something that marks her as much more than she seems.

That mark is a neon sign warning to be careful, but Dante can’t help himself. He wants her and nothing will stand in his way. Not her species. Not his. Not the strange woman who keeps trying to kill him.

Not even the magical poison in Megan’s blood…


Enjoy the following excerpt for

Dante paused to sniff the air, satisfied for the moment with the ripe scent of humanity that assailed his sharp senses. He also noticed some other, more subtle scent lacing the air.

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