Dragon Storm (27 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Dragons, #Fantasy Fiction, #Erotic Fiction, #Triangles (Interpersonal Relations), #Twins

BOOK: Dragon Storm
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She could hear the other people in the vast cavern talking and splashing, but the sounds were muted. Still, she knew they weren’t alone. There were people nearby who could hear if they got loud enough. The thought should have shocked her. It didn’t. It had quite a different effect altogether.

She slipped between her two men, diving shallowly to get away. Playfully, she swam down to the deep end of the pool, turning to find her two dragons were gone. Only the rippling water told her where they had gone. They’d dived underneath the water and were no doubt stalking her even now.

Josie struck out for the shallow end, swimming strong. Within three strokes, she felt the warm presence of one of her mates. He was swimming below her, mirroring her movements.

Just how long could a dragon hold his breath? Josie sucked in air, knowing he would drag her beneath the surface at any moment.

She was right. Strong arms wound around her waist, stopping her forward movement and dragging her downward. She opened her eyes in the hazy netherworld beneath the water, recognizing the glint of Darius’s teasing expression. He wrapped her in his arms, kicking for the surface.

He wasn’t even breathing hard when they broke into the dim light of the cavern. He didn’t give her time to say anything, clamping down on her lips with his own in a passionate kiss as soon as they’d surfaced. Josie didn’t mind. And when Connor teased the back of her legs beneath the water, she could only bask in the feel of his lips and teeth against her skin.

She yelped a little when Connor bit the fleshy cheek of her butt. Darius broke the kiss and smiled at her.

“Is Con being naughty?” His voice carried in the stone chamber, and she realized others in nearby pools could no doubt hear them, even if their view was blocked by the statues.

“He bit me,” she whispered. Darius responded with a laugh.

She felt Connor rise out of the water behind her. His hands stole around her waist, dragging her backward as his chin settled on her shoulder, his lips nibbling at her throat. Darius let go as Connor moved backward with her, settling on one of the convenient ledges at the side of the pool.

Darius prowled through the water like some kind of devastatingly handsome sea serpent. His gaze held her mesmerized, the soft light of the cavern making the peridot of his eyes sparkle and shine with an almost incandescent shimmer.

He spoke not a word as he slid his palms over her feet, then over her ankles to her calves. Exerting light pressure, he parted her legs to stand between. The water wasn’t too deep here. He could stand on the bottom, the water lapping just above his waist. The way Connor had her positioned on his lap, Darius was in perfect alignment with her core.

She felt Connor’s hard cock sliding over the cheeks of her ass, the fingers of one of his hands delving between to spread and prepare her. Darius’s hands continued their upward climb over her knees and onto her thighs. He moved closer, and she could see his cock, hard and wanting, straining toward the place it wanted to go—the place that slicked with heat that rivaled even the bubbling waters of this subterranean oasis.

“Are you ready for us?” Darius asked, his seductive smile reaching into her soul. She could deny him nothing and he damned well knew it.

“Almost there,” Connor answered for her, sliding his fingers into her rear hole, preparing her for his possession.

“Get inside her, Con.” Darius sounded the teeniest bit impatient as his fingers tangled in the curls at the apex of her thighs. She sighed as he sank two long digits inside her.

She could hear voices just beyond the statues. A time or two, she thought she saw people moving through gaps in the carved surfaces. Rather than fear, she met the realization with startling hunger. Maybe her mates’ exhibitionist natures were rubbing off on her after all.

Josie knew she wasn’t quite ready for a public exhibition, but she was quickly discovering the allure her mates had hinted at.

All thought fled as Darius deepened his possession, adding another finger as Connor did the same. Her body cried out for their possession, widening to accommodate their every wish. She was theirs to command, theirs to dominate, though she had never let anyone—man or woman—dominate her sexually ever before. She’d never seen the appeal in it. But now that the snowcat who shared Josie’s soul had found the perfect mates for both sides of her nature, she reveled in submitting to their superior strength.

“The water will soothe you as I take possession of your luscious body, my mate. It is one of the reasons knights like to bring their ladies down here. The salinity of the water, along with other components makes it deliciously slippery where it counts most, don’t you agree?” Connor nipped her earlobe as he removed his fingers and quickly replaced them with his cock.

. Now that you mention it…” And she did notice the way the water eased his possession.

It was as if the mineral content had been designed to make this kind of thing easier. Who knew? Perhaps it was. This culture seemed to thrive on triple marriages. Maybe this healing, helping water was one of the things that made such a thing both easy and possible.

Darius’s fingers abandoned her pussy as Connor slid home. She missed the double penetration but didn’t have to wait long to feel an even deeper connection as Darius stepped closer between her thighs. With his twin fully sheathed in her rear, Darius thumbed her nipples as he positioned himself for frontal entry.

“This is going to be so good,” he whispered as he began a gentle pressure that would join them fully. “Do you like the feel of Con up your ass, sweetheart?”

He waited for her answer, unmoving until she spoke shyly. “You know I do.”

“Tell us, Josie,” he insisted. “How does it feel to have us both at the same time? Is it as good for you as it is for us?”

“I doubt it could be any better,” she gasped as he advanced farther into her aching body. It was a good ache. The very best kind. She bit her lip to keep from moaning and Darius stopped his forward motion. Bending, he sucked her lower lip into his mouth, nibbling lightly before releasing her and pulling away.

“If anyone’s going to bite your luscious body here, it’s going to be me. Got that?”

Fighting the impulse to writhe, she nodded. Her body was on fire with their dominant possession. She wanted to moan but knew there were people all around their secluded little grotto that might hear. Some might even be peering in through the cracks in the statues right now. The thought sent a spasm of heat right to her core as Darius shoved all the way home. At last.

“My love.” Connor’s breath whispered past her ear, gaining her attention. “Look up.”

She did, shocked to find three green-eyed men watching her. Watching them. She gasped and would have struggled, but her mates had her firmly pinned between them. She wasn’t going anywhere until they released her.

“Only the royal family is allowed to enter this enclosure,” Connor rumbled near her ear.

Sweet Mother of All. That could only mean these three behemoths were family. Brothers, perhaps? She took another quick glance and realized all three were slightly older than her mates and two were identical. Another set of twins. Holy Mother, they were all handsome as sin too. She could see the resemblance to her mates. Definitely brothers.

What a way to meet the family! This world had some strange—exciting—customs. She saw the appreciation in three sets of emerald eyes…and the fire. Her mates’ brothers were getting turned on by watching their brothers fuck her.

Even in the dim light, the thin layer of crystal-clear water was no shield. There was no doubt they could see everything. The three doffed their robes and hung them on the statue hooks, treating Josie to a glimpse of three very firm, muscular male backsides. When they turned around, the vision of three equally impressive and hard cocks made her blush to the roots of her hair.

She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the rumble of Darius’s and Connor’s chuckles through their bodies and into hers. The vibration even reached their cocks, buried for a timeless moment deep inside her.

She heard splashing and felt the ripple of water as the three men entered the pool. She didn’t dare look to see where they were. She was mortified enough. Although she had to admit, knowing they were watching her, impaled on their brothers’ cocks, sent a secret thrill through her that was as undeniable as it was unbelievable.

“Ignore them, my love.” Darius placed a kiss on her brow as he crowded close to her. His cock pulsed in her pussy, making her aware of every last inch of him…and his twin.

“Unless their presence turns you on,” Connor whispered from behind, a suspicious humor in his voice. “Which I believe it does.”

“Does not,” she protested weakly.

“Really?” Darius asked. “Then why did your pussy clench in eagerness when you caught sight of them? And why is it weeping with slick welcome knowing they are here, watching us?”

She didn’t know what to say to that. It was true. All too true. The twins saved her from answering by taking her on a wild ride as they pistoned in and out of her trembling body. Before long, she was caught up in the motion, whimpering against Darius’s chest each time the twins picked up their pace.

Once, when she opened her eyes just a fraction, she saw the other men arranged around the pool, watching her. Watching her get fucked by Darius and Connor. The other set of twins were on one side of them. Both men had their hands on their cocks, stroking in time with Darius’s and Connor’s rhythm. She opened her mouth, unable to hold back a pulse of arousal that stole through her like a lightning bolt as she realized the men were jerking off right along with them.

The other brother was on the other side, in slightly deeper water. She couldn’t see him as well, but she was sure he was touching himself beneath the warm waters, tugging on his dick like the others.

All of a sudden, she felt all-powerful, like some sort of female fertility goddess. She had the very real possibility of making five men come with her when she climaxed. Simultaneously. How many women could claim that kind of feat? Aside from porn stars, of course. Even then, five at once had to be some kind of special category.

Josie grinned as the odd thoughts flickered through her mind. Darius saw her smile and answered with one of his own.

“Our mate likes being watched by our brothers, Con.”

“No doubt she just realized she holds us in the palm of her hand.” Connor gasped as their pace increased yet again. Josie fought to hold on, to keep up with them. This moment was too incredible to let end so soon.

“Her hand is not where she has us,” Darius joked even as he strained against her, his cock slamming hard and fast into her core.

Connor didn’t answer—couldn’t answer—because with only a few more intense pumps of their cocks, Josie came. She cried out, growling and screeching as an intense climax hit her full force. She pulled Darius and Connor over with her. She heard them groan and felt their come shoot into her body. It was warm and comforting, hot and incredibly erotic.

She heard three more masculine groans and knew the others had come as well. Yes, siree. Five at once. A new record. For her at least.

She was feeling a bit smug as she clung to Darius’s shoulders, riding out the storm wrapped in the security of her mates’ arms. The only thing she had yet to figure out was how she would ever face the twins’ brothers after what had just transpired.

Chapter Thirteen

Connor and Darius pulled out of her body with an obvious regret that made her giggle. Connor spun her around in the water, capturing her in his arms for a tender kiss that melted all her inhibitions away once more.

When he carried her up the tile steps and out of the water, her sole focus was on him. Only later did she realize his brothers watched as Connor kept her captivated, and Darius slid the robe on her shoulders. When she was covered, the belt of the robe tied tight around her middle, the twins stepped back and she became aware again of her surroundings.

Three robed men stood a few feet away, waiting. Moment-of-truth time. It looked like they were waiting to be introduced, and Josie could feel a blush stealing over her face once more.

“Sweetheart, we want you to meet our brothers,” Connor said in a soft, understanding tone.

“I’m Collin,” one of the twins said in a firm voice, making the first move. It was clear all the men could sense her discomfort. Collin seemed to be a no-nonsense sort of man who took the bull by the horns, so to speak. Josie was grateful for his matter-of-fact demeanor.

“And I’m Trey.” Collin’s twin stepped forward. “The ugly one over there is Trent.”

All the brothers chuckled at Trey’s little joke.

“And you’re Josie.” Trent eyed her with masculine appreciation, but it didn’t make her feel self-conscious in the least. No, all three of these men—so obviously related to her mates—made her feel welcome. Their words were both friendly and respectful, and she could read nothing in their eyes to alarm her. On the contrary, she felt even more protected under the family mantle of strength than she had before. She felt accepted.

That wasn’t a feeling she had experienced much in her life. The wonder of it brought tears to her eyes.

“What is it, love?” Connor placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Josie shook off the feeling. She didn’t want to appear weak in front of these powerful men. They were her mates’ family. Her family now too. The wonder of that hit her again. She was part of this big, loving, strong family and they seemed to accept her—just for
—without putting expectations on her. She didn’t have to prove herself. She was accepted simply because she was mated to their brothers.

That easy acceptance was something rare and precious to her.

“How many sets of twins are in your family?” she asked Connor, declining to answer the concern in his gaze.

“Just two sets. Collin and Trey are a few years older than us, and Trent came right between,” Darius answered with a smile.

“Thank you for sharing with us,” Trent said formally. “We all have hope that someday we will find our perfect mate, but it is a distant hope. Four of our brothers have already found their partners. The rest of us live in hope and fear that we will never find our other halves.”

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