(Dragonkin) Dragon Rider (17 page)

Read (Dragonkin) Dragon Rider Online

Authors: C.E. Swain

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: (Dragonkin) Dragon Rider
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   Falendor sat in his tent, and waited for the warrior to arrive. He had sent four guards with orders to bring the warrior to him, and they should have been here by now. He had to speak to the man before they arrived in Corlindum, and warn him about Beloran. The warrior did not know the danger he put himself and his friends in, he thought.

   It was a long time before the guards returned, and Falendor was growing impatient. He did not like to be kept waiting, and was no longer sitting when they walked in. Falendor expected to see the warrior in the middle of the four guards, but he was not. Menimeth entered the tent followed by Litlorn and Commander Rayden, while Javen and Kyler stood at the entrance and guarded it. Falendor's anger turned to astonishment when Menimeth dismissed the four guards and they withdrew from the tent.

   "You wished to see me?" Menimeth asked, when the regent had taken his seat again.

   "Well, yes. However, I did not expect anyone else." Falendor said as he looked at the men in front of him.

   "When you sent four solders, we assumed you expected four guests to accompany them, but Javen would not be left out." Menimeth replied, and smiled at the regent.

   Falendor studied the men who stood before him, but could see no threat from any of them.

   "I do not understand you Menimeth." He said at last. "You help the people of the realm, and ask nothing in return. You accomplished the impossible by retrieving the box, but why did you give it to me?"

   "To release the men from the fair." Menimeth replied

   "I see you use the colors of the royal house of the old empire. No one has used them in over five hundred years, and an agreement was reached by all of us, that none of the regents would be allowed to do so."

   "We do not represent any of the regents." Menimeth replied, as he waved his hand, including the others who stood with him in his statement.

   "Beloran will not see it that way, and will have you arrested on sight. He believes that he should rule the empire, and will stop at nothing to achieve it." Falendor said. "The other regents want to be king also, but our realms come first, his does not."

   "Does he have a claim to the throne through some bloodline?" Litlorn asked, and did so as the prince of the Elvin kingdoms.

   Falendor looked at him, and realized that the elf before him was from the most powerful kingdom in the lands of magic, and was the heir to the throne. Things were not as they seemed to be, and he was just now realizing it. Men, who were summoned before a regent, usually feared the outcome of that summons. This warrior did not.

   "No he does not have such a claim to the throne." Falendor replied, "But that has not stopped him in the past."

   "Who is the steward and what is his place in the empire?" Menimeth asked the regent out of curiosity.

   "He is the descendent of the dragon rider who ruled through the council of The Browns, before they disappeared." Falendor told him. "His family began losing their power when the last of the dragon warriors left the empire at the end of the Great War. He is no more than a than a mediator to the regents now."

   "What would it take to become the king of the Empire?" Menimeth asked, and it caught the regent by surprise.

   "That would be next to impossible. It would require all of the regents to acknowledge the man, and that will never happen." Falendor replied, and as an afterthought said. "Or be in command of a dragon."

   "So a dragon rider would be the king, regardless of what the regents say, where any others would need all four regents to agree to take the throne?" Litlorn asked.

   Falendor smiled and said. "Yes, however, since there are no more dragons, there can be no riders."

   "What can you tell me of Beloran?" Menimeth asked.

   "He is the eastern regent, and the richest of us all. He has the most population, but the smallest amount of land. He is overly ambitious and very cruel to his people, and anyone he thinks is a threat, he will have arrested or killed. His dungeon is filled with people who under estimated him, and he would destroy the empire if he were to gain the throne." Falendor said. "Beware of him, for it is believed that he poisoned his father to gain the seat of the east, and he would have no problem doing the same to you."

   "Why is he allowed to continue as regent, if he is so evil?" Commander Rayden asked.

   He had not spoken before, and he did so out of curiosity. Falendor looked at the Commander of the lost Cavalry, and noted his confusion. When he gave the man his answer, it was like he had been defeated.

   "He remains the regent of the east because we can do nothing about it." Falendor said. "He has the largest army of us all, and if he sends his forces against any one of us, he would win. If he were to control two realms, he could claim the throne, and we would be powerless to stop him. We cannot give him an excuse to attack us, so he gets his way at the council most of the time."

   "So you fear him, or what he could do to your realm?" Commander Rayden said, and this time he was not confused.

   "Yes I do, but I also fear for my family." Falendor said. "Beloran would not leave any of them alive, if he were to take the west. He killed his own brother and sister after months of torturing them."

   "You need not fear him any longer." Menimeth said. "You will be safe from him from this day on, that is my oath."

   "You are very kind, but you do not know what you say. Beloran has more than one thousand solders at his command, and I have barely three hundred. There are five of you, and I do not see how you could stop his army. Even with Commander Rayden and his twenty cavalry, you would not stand a chance."

   "You misunderstand my position sir." Commander Rayden said.

   "You are not the Commander of the men who ride with you?" Falendor asked, with a puzzled look.

   "Yes Sir, I am their Commander, I meant these are not all of my men." Commander Rayden clarified.

   "You have more men than twenty?"

   "Yes Sir I do. There are ten battle groups in my cavalry, and in each battle group there are one hundred solders, with two scouts among them, One Captain, and two lesser officers added to each one, and there are six, higher Command officers, so there are one thousand and thirtyseven of us. I only have a few with me because we are not here to confront you; we are here to ask for your help.

   Falendor sat stunned by the numbers Commander Rayden had given. He never considered the fact that there may be more solders to the Lost Cavalry than the ones that were accompanying him now.

   "You and your family are safe from harm, and your realm will be defended." Commander Rayden said, as he looked at the regent.

   "We thank you for your kindness in bringing Beloran to our attention, and if there is nothing further, we will retire to our supper now." Menimeth said to the regent, and waited for him to dismiss them.

   "You are right, we must use this time to eat and rest for the ride tomorrow. Thank you for coming." Falendor replied, as he dismissed them.

   The regent sat in his chair, and thought about what had just happened. The warrior had taken control, and dictated the conversation without any trouble, and did it in a way that made Falendor envious. He was not as worried as he had been before, but he had the feeling that he was caught in the middle of events that were far bigger then him.

   The next night, Commander Rayden and Menimeth walked through the camp and talked.

   "The regent acknowledged that you are the king of the empire," Commander Rayden said.

   "Yes he did, but we must wait until the time is right, before we tell them." Menimeth replied. "We cannot afford a civil war."

   "If we are to follow you, we should wear the colors of your empire. The commander of the Lost Cavalry said.

   "You do not need to. A dragon added to you standard, and the uniforms of your men, would identify you as warriors of the empire. You should wear your colors with pride wherever you are." Menimeth told him, and they agreed.

   Chrisanna walked through the trees by the camp and thought about Corlindum. She loved the parties and the excitement of it all, and was lost in thought when the brigand stepped from the trees. She stopped abruptly when he did, and started to turn and run. He was between her and the camp, and cut her off when she tried to run to the side and around him. He grabbed her by the hair and flung her to the ground, as he pulled out his sword.

   She was dazed by the collision when her head hit the ground, and could not find her voice. Javen had followed the girl when she walked into the trees, to make sure she was safe from harm. He ran to where Chrisanna lay, and confronted the outlaw with his sword held high like Menimeth had taught him. Chrisanna watched in horror and excitement, as the battle for her was fought. The brigand was a seasoned solder, but Javen killed him within minuets, and only received a small cut on his arm for his trouble. With the bandit dead, Javen picked up the regents daughter, and carried her to the tent and her family. She felt the muscles of his chest and arms as he carried her, and looked into his face as he laid her on her bed. No one had ever made her feel this way before, and she thought about it as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

   Falendor was mortified by the attack, and ordered the woods searched. Patrols were to be made from now on, until they reached Corlindum, and on the return trip as well. He thanked Javen for saving her several times, and did not stop until her rescuer returned to his own tent. He was just protecting her from the brigand, but Javen could not stop thinking about her.

   Falendor watched the warrior in dragon armor over the next five days. The man and his companions were as heroic as they were deadly, and were superior in every way to his guard, but did not act like it. The council of regents was going to be interesting this time, and Falendor was looking forward to it

   Captain Brannor stood before the regent and waited for him to speak. He had served Falendor's father before him, and had watched the boy grow into the man he now was. He was very young when he joined the guard, and had worked his way up to the position he now held. He had been the youngest captain of any guard in the empire, ever, and he owed it all to Falendor's father. He served the western regent only, and everyone knew it. Falendor trusted him more than anyone, and often asked his advise on things. Tonight he was asking advise, and asked Captain Brannor to sit with him and talk awhile. Captain Brannor knew something was troubling the regent, or he would not have asked him to sit with so many people around. His image was what kept a regent in good standing with his people, and you ordered, solders, you did not ask them.

   "You knew there were more than twenty solders with Commander Rayden in his Cavalry?" Falendor asked his captain

   "Yes Sir I did." Captain Brannor replied. "There was about one hundred and four or five, when he helped us kill the last of the outlaws we chased from the monastery."

   "And where are the rest of his cavalry, do you know?" The regent asked.

   "No Sir I do not, but they are somewhere in the southwest." Captain Brannor replied, and he wondered about the regent's sudden interest.

   "Do you think we can trust Menimeth and his men?" Falendor asked, and looked at Captain Brannor as he did.

   "Yes I do. He has always kept his word, and he is honorable above all else. " He replied. "He has the people of the empire in his thoughts but he does not want to rule them. He is a warrior of the empire and only the empire."

   "I trust your judgment Captain Brannor, and thank you for your time." Falendor said to his friend, and stood. "I will let you get to your duties now, I have kept you long enough."

   "Thank you sir." Captain Brannor said, and walked from the tent.

   Later that night, a figure slipped into the camp and entered the tent Litlorn used. Thirty minuets later he was gone, and Litlorn went to see his leader.

   "I have urgent news for you." He said when they were inside Menimeth's tent.

   "At This hour?" Menimeth asked, puzzled.

   "One of my kinsmen has just informed me that a force of twenty-one solders from the brigand camp in the north, is on its way to ambush you at Glansford. A mage is with them and gave him the information. We will meet at the crossroads in two days and will have to be ready for them.

   "Who is this mage and what does he want?" Menimeth asked.

   "My kinsmen believe it is his freedom from Arnoran he seeks." Litlorn replied.

"Then we will keep an eye on him and see what his intentions are."

"What about Falendor?" Litlorn asked.

   " We will inform him of the ambush and hang back to give him time to pass. I do not want any of his party injured." Menimeth replied.

   "And what about Commander Rayden and his cavalry?"

   "I think I will send them on ahead to the crossroads to hide, and ambush the ambush. Menimeth said.

   Litlorn smiled and shook his head.

   "We could pass it by early and avoid them altogether." He said.

   "But then we would not know where they were and we would have them to worry about on the return trip. Menimeth replied.

   "That is true, and so we must vanquish them at the crossroads." Litlorn said, and turned to leave.

   "I will see you in the morning, and we will decide how best to proceed, then." Menimeth replied, and went into the private quarters where Chanry slept.

   "What can you tell me of the solders who come to kill me, my friend." Menimeth asked his dragon.

   "They camp just off the road, northeast of where you are. The mage is very powerful but he uses dragon magic. I do not think he is a threat to us, and he has cast spells to hinder the solders he is with.

   "How far from the crossroads are they?" Menimeth asked.

   "Almost the same as you but they travel faster even with the spells the mage has cast. They will reach the crossroads before you will, do you want my help.

   "I do not think so, but you can be close by just in case we do."

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