Dragons of Preor: Taulan (6 page)

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Authors: Celia Kyle,Erin Tate

BOOK: Dragons of Preor: Taulan
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ana was
beautiful as she slept tangled in the sheets of Earth silk. He had ordered his warriors to not only gather her belongings, but also items for their quarters. She was already stuck with a wingless male—he would not be a failure in any other way. She would have the best the planet had to offer. Thankfully the Negotiate Master Zurer joi Sobol negotiated trade agreements with Earth that ensured their ability to make purchases without worrying over payment. The sparkling crystals Preors considered trinkets were highly valued on Earth though the humans called them

They apparently had the technology to create them using machinery and science, but a large part of the population preferred “natural” stones.

Taulan did not care what the humans liked as long as it allowed him the ability to purchase items that would make his kouva smile. She had smiled
moaned when she slipped between the sheets. He believed she had even purred like an Earth feline. For some reason, the sound and sinuous movements as she wiggled beneath the deep purple fabric made him hard. It had taken every shred of honor in his soul not to take what she subconsciously offered. Or perhaps she had known what a temptation she presented.

No, he would not succumb. He would not… The words repeated in a well-known mantra now.

He was not sure whether he tried to convince his heart or his cock. Perhaps both.

Jarek did not mention the difficulty he would have in not bedding his mate. Being near her in this way, while she remained clad in the smallest bits of cloth and only hidden by a thin layer of fabric… He was not sure he could resist her much longer.

No. He would not…

Lana breathed deeply and writhed amidst the folds of purple, body contorting as she released a low moan. Her arms stretched to her sides, back bowed and leg straightened. Taulan recognized the movements, seeing as they were similar to his morning stretches when he shook off the night’s sleep. Except his usually included a flutter of his massive wings.

But now…

Taulan coughed, jarring his mate from the last vestiges of slumber. She opened her eyes with a flutter of lashes. Her unfocused eyes met his and a few more blinks gave him her intense stare.

“Taulan,” she murmured, her voice husky with sleep. She gave him a small smile and a hint of pink stained her cheeks. Was she embarrassed? By him? By what they’d done together?

Of course. Her mate was the wingless bastard of—

“Did I sleep too late?”

That was not who he was, but what he was. Today would be the first day of showing her the type of man she mated. He hoped. If he hadn’t ruined everything with his passion the night before.

“No,” he assured her. “I thought we could spend a few hours together today.”

“But,” her brows pinched together. “Don’t you have to—“

Taulan’s denial was immediate. “Nothing is more important than you.” He crouched beside the bed but kept his hands to himself. If he touched her, he would take her, and his restraint would have been for nothing. “A Preor male spends his life hoping to experience the Knowing. War and violence destroyed our female population, but that did not vanquish our prayers.”

He risked a soft touch to her cheek, the gentle stroke of her smooth skin with a single finger. He could not allow himself more. “My own were answered by you,
shaa kouva
, and I will spend the remainder of my days becoming worthy of you. Yet even if I fail to be the male you deserve, I will be the only male you know.” Taulan leaned forward, unable to resist her. He still remembered the taste of her lips and the way her tongue slid against his. “Because now that I have you—and tasted you—I will not let you go.”

The truth settled into his bones. Had he still possessed his wings, he would have stretched them, showing his strength and allowing the certainty to suffuse his scales.

Lana’s breath caught with a soft gasp, her eyes widening with surprise and… fear? No, not true fear. He’d witnessed that expression when they’d still been among the Ujal. This was more of a wariness. He could overcome a wary nature, but not stark fear.

“I, uh…”

He traced her lower lip, the small bit of flesh pink and plump and begging to be nibbled. “You are mine, Lana joi Taulan Coburn. And what I claim, I keep. I am not your Steven, but you are mine.”

At least until he was killed in battle.

When a shy smile teased her lips, a spark of pleasure in her gaze, he decided he would not die in battle.

He also would not claim her yet. Just in case.

She flicked her tongue out, dampening her lower lip and lapping at his thumb at the same time. His hardness strained against his pants, cock fighting for freedom, and he took a slow, deep breath in an effort to calm his need.

“Are you prepared to face the day?”

“I, uh, what am I facing?” She raised her eyebrows.

“A day with me at your side.”

“Here?” Her frantic gaze bounced between him and the wide bed. He’d given up the War Master’s primary resting chamber so she could sleep undisturbed and comfortably.

He only wished he could join her now. He grinned and hid his grimace when his dick protested the confines of his clothing. “No.” He shook his head. “I thought I would show you the ship. The fleet is your home until we return to Preor. I do not want you to become lost among the decks and walkways.”

It was also a way to get her away from the temptation a bed presented.

“Sure,” she whispered and nodded. “I’ll just…” she glanced around the room, eyes falling on the box he’d given her last evening. “I’ll find something to wear and we can go.”

Taulan’s attention followed hers and recalled exactly what was present. Hardly anything worth wearing as a Preor female, let alone the mate of the ship’s War Master. Preor females were given the best of what was available and as a mated female, his Lana deserved anything to make her smile.

Unable to resist tasting her, he leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers in a gentle kiss. He could not dare to take mo—

He did not take, but his kouva gave. She was the aggressor, the one to unleash her passion and claim his mouth. In moments he was drawn into the sensual storm. He leaned over her, giving her his weight and wrenched control.
dominated their kiss,
directed the course of their desire,
was about to find release in his own clothing like a dragonlet with his shell stuck to his backside.

Taulan pulled away from her, ripping his lips from hers and turning his head so the temptation was no longer so close. Panting, he closed his eyes and fought for calm. His back twitched and jerked, his wing base trembling, and he knew if he still had them, they’d flutter with his need and unfulfilled arousal. Regret speared him and he shoved the unending mourning aside.

He’d lamented his lost wings long enough and he would allow himself time to feel those emotions later. Today was a time of… of discovery. The Knowing supplied him with much genetic memory and Jarek had supplemented that knowledge. Enough to know he wished to discover all of the secrets of Lana’s delicious body.

“Taulan?” Her soft question drew his mind from the throbbing in his pants and back to his mate.

“I will secure alternative clothing. The ship has patterns for most female Preor clothing. It will not take much time to have something created.” Pink tinged her cheeks and her lips twisted with a grimace. His heartbeat stuttered and he had the uneasy feeling he had stepped wrongly. “Unless you prefer your clothing. Does it have sentimental value? I can have the ship clean—“

“Taulan,” her soft touch nearly shattered what little control he’d gathered. “It’s fine. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like something to wear that’s more like the Preor anyway.”

Her small smile did not smooth his scales, but he nodded.

“Can you make something without the slits for…” She waved her hand toward her back.

This time he shook his head. “Only males have wings.”
Except me.
“A male requires the mobility and strength of a dragon to protect his mate and dragonlets. A female’s sole purpose is to provide softness to her mate and dragonlets. Two extremes to find balance. I protect,” he pressed his hand to his chest. “You nurture.” He did not trust himself to place his hand on her body, so instead, he merely caressed her hand. Unwilling to test himself further, he rose and strode to a nearby panel. It did not take him long to enter his request.

When he turned, he found Lana staring at him. “The panel will alert you when its task is complete and clothing is prepared. The cleansing room is through there.” He gestured at the opposite door. “And I will await you in the central meeting room.” No, that was not the correct term. Jarek shared the knowledge with him. And because Jarek knew, so now did Taulan. He simply had to ask for it. “I will await you in the
living room

And as she lifted the dark purple sheet from her body, revealing the curves clad in tight clothing, he fled the room. A male could only suffer so much temptation.


ana caught
her breath with a low gasp at first sight of the aerie. The second breath came out as a whooshing gust, all air leaving her lungs. It was… She didn’t have the words. Beautiful wasn’t an apt description. It wasn’t enough. It didn’t fully describe the soaring sky nor the lush green grass. It couldn’t explain the scents of earth and crisp air. It couldn’t explain the varying colors of light that danced across the sky.

No, beautiful definitely wasn’t enough.

“We’re still on the ship?” She wasn’t sure why she whispered, but it seemed necessary. Like she couldn’t speak in her normal voice in such a blessed place.

“Yes.” Taulan matched her volume but she heard the smile in his voice. “The humans call this the stern—the rear. The battleship is large, but half is comprised of the communal aerie.”

Communal aerie.

Communal, right. She’d forgotten that part. She wasn’t sure why. The shouts and laughter of other Preor filled the air, the flying males dancing through the faux skies. Taulan told her that fully shifting on a ship was not allowed, but a Preor still needed to feel wind beneath his wings.

“Are you prepared to enter? You recall my explanation?”

His explanation… Gravity shifted within the aerie. Up became sideways as the gravity pivoted. The ship wasn’t tall enough to accommodate such a large space, so the Preor elongated their vessels and toyed with science. How that was easier, she didn’t know, but whatever gave her the gorgeous view worked for her.

“Lana?” He stroked her arm, his callused hands caressing her skin and she remembered those palms and fingers skating over her body, bringing her to release.

She nodded, the view stealing her breath for a moment. She cleared her throat and swallowed hard. “Yes.”

His smile blinded her, the proof of his joy shining brighter than the fake sun that illuminated the aerie. “Then let me show you some of Preor.”

The hand on her lower back urged her forward and she did as he desired. He wanted to show her a hint of his world and she wanted to see it.

The transition from the ship to the altered aerie sent her stumbling, but Taulan quickly righted her, his grip firm and sure. She grasped his muscular bicep and he tensed beneath her touch. Because he didn’t want her? Just last night he’d…

Taulan groaned and pulled her close, enveloping her in his arms. His thick cock was snug against her lower belly, proving her wrong. He was already hard for her and she found herself growing wet with an answering desire.

Shaa kouva
,” he rasped and she shuddered, his voice stroking her from head to toe.

Shaa kouvi
.” The Knowing had the words popping to her lips, the endearment as natural as breathing. The Preor genetic knowledge crept forward, overwhelming her in its strength. Once those two words burst free, more followed in their footsteps. From the Preor language to history, her mind was filled with thoughts that were not her own.

She gathered each snippet, her mind scrounging for every hint of information. She’d pushed it aside before, but now… now she knew where—with whom—she belonged.

Preor and Taulan. Her new home, her new mate. It didn’t mean she accepted him without reservation, but there was no disputing the draw of her heart. Every part of her body wanted to mate Taulan. To spend her life with him and give birth to his dragonlets.

But didn’t dragonlets come out of a shell? They were lizard-ish, right? If they came out of a shell and she was a human, how did…

“Come, Lana. I have others I would wish you to meet.”

She swallowed hard, suddenly wary and worried. He hadn’t said anything about friends. “Taulan, I don’t think…”

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Come.”

Come. That word was more fun when he whispered it against her pussy and not when they were about to meet his friends.

He drew her along a pebbled pathway, the rocks crunching beneath her shoes. Her
shoes. Everything she wore was new, skin tight, and didn’t leave much to the imagination. The soles of her shoes were tough, yet flexible, giving her great movement while protecting her feet. The better to climb aeries apparently. She hadn’t quite understood him at the time, but staring at towering walls of man-made, craggy rock, she got it.

“This way.” He drew her around a row of tall hedges and came face to wings with a handful of other males. Taulan placed his hand on the first male they came to—his wing base, the Knowing informed her—and shoved. “Move, old dry scales.”

The male stumbled forward, his laugh splitting through the air and some of Lana’s tension eased. She recognized that voice, the deep timbre along with the dark green wings. War Master Jarek. The tinkling laugh that came soon after told her the male had brought his human mate along.

So she knew-ish a couple of people—of a sort.

A flutter of Jarek’s wings had the Preor’s feet lifting from the ground and then a quick contraction let him fall to the grass beside his mate. With Jarek out of the way, Lana got a look at the others in the area.

Yeah, she got a look at them and took one giant step back. “Uh…” She wanted to not be there now. “Taulan,” she whispered.

She wasn’t sure if he heard her wariness or read her mind as the Knowing assured her he could someday, but his reaction to her unease was instantaneous. He pulled them to a quick halt and stepped in front of her, blocking her view.

Her view of several males, but that wasn’t the most worrying part.

Nope, it was the two Ujal standing alongside the four Preors. The Ujal incarcerated her, scorned and looked down on her. Why were they on the ship and laughing at Taulan and Jarek.

Taulan placed a finger beneath her chin and encouraged her to lift her gaze. “
Shaa kouva
?” he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Do not let worry plague you.” He spoke against her flesh. “You are my very world, Lana joi Taulan Coburn. I will allow nothing to happen to you as long as there is breath in my body.”

That didn’t change the fact that she was uneasy around strangers.

Her mate continued. “You did not meet Erun and Nessa. They have a youngling—Tabby—but she remained at home for this visit.”

Despite their welcoming smiles, Lana’s throat tightened and threatened to close. “Because of…”

Because she wasn’t who she claimed to be? Because the Ujal didn’t like that she’d lied?

Erun didn’t move, but Nessa came forward. “Because Tabby has a cold and we weren’t sure what it’d do to a Preor’s system.” The woman pulled Lana away from Taulan and the absence immediately struck her with a sense of loss. “Neither of us will judge you based on your past, Lana.” Nessa gave her hands a gentle squeeze. “I’m human—
human. There are many reasons a person changes their name.” Many reasons women changed their names and Nessa seemed to sense Lana’s reasoning. “Rina knows that and Tave will too. The Ujal are just very on edge. My ex-husband helped sell Ujal children as slaves. He’s the reason the Preor will be helping the Ujal search for lost younglings. As for Erun…” She shook her head, her gaze on Erun. “It is his story to tell, but know that not all Ujals will look at you like Tave. He…” The woman’s hand trembled. “We’ve all lost someone to the extremists. Either close to us or an acquaintance, but even one is too much. It makes him very,
cautious. Fanatically so.”

Lana nodded. “I understand,” she whispered. And she did. “Thank you for the warm welcome.”

When Nessa stepped back, Taulan moved to her side once more and continued the introductions. Jarek and his mate Melissa—sister to Nessa’s ex-husband. Then Kozav, the ship’s new Primary Warrior. From there, it was Rendan, the Offense Master. Evuklar and Nalan, the Defense Master and his mate. She also met Vende, the Engineer Master, and Choler, the ship’s primary Negotiate Master now that Zurer and Sobol returned to Preor. The males were mostly single, traveling with the Third Fleet in hopes that they would find their mates amongst Earth’s female population.

And… speaking with them, laughing and smiling with them, she realized she wanted that for these males. Sure, they had wings and turned into dragons, but that didn’t make them any less deserving than any other man on the planet. They were strong, worthy, self-sufficient, and dependable. No Preor became a master in his craft without a lot of study and training. These were males who’d battled for their position and won.

Like, literally battled and fought for their places on the ship.

Even then, Choler retold his fight with Yuass—the way the elder stumbled when struck in the chest yet rallied and nearly broke Choler’s arm. In the end, Yuass relinquished his station and Choler joined the fleet for their mission.

“So, every time someone is promoted or takes a position, others can fight to displace them?”

“Yes, War Mistress,” Vende, a deep blue Preor, answered her. “The council appoints the masters yet the males beneath him can either accept the new male or battle for his position if they believe they are better suited.”

War Mistress. That title again. Each of the males had used it when speaking with her and she still didn’t understand why. Now was the time to find out. “Why do you keep doing that?”

“Doing what?” Kozav spoke up.

“Calling me War Mistress.” She raised her eyebrows in question.

“Because you are.” His expression matched hers.

“That would…” she slowly turned to Taulan. “That would mean you’re War Master. But Jarek is,” she looked to Jarek. “You’re War Master of the fleet. Aren’t you?”

Jarek didn’t respond to her question and, instead, looked to Taulan. “I believe it is time for our party to depart. Enjoy your afternoon and we expect you both for the evening meal in the dining hall.”

Taulan’s gaze remained on her while the others fled. Hell, they practically
from the aerie. “Taulan?”

Her mate winced. “I planned on speaking of this when we were alone.”

Lana waved her hand and gestured at the empty space. “We
alone. Are you the War Master now?”

Another wince. “Jarek chose to relinquish his position so he could remain on Earth with Melissa.”

“And the council confirmed you.” It was a question and statement in one.


“So other Preor can challenge you—possibly kill you—for the right to be War Master of the fleet?”

Shaa kouva

“Answer the question,” she snapped, concern overriding every other emotion, the feeling quickly transforming to anger.

“If your wingless mate will not answer you, then I will.” The gravelly voice scraped her flesh, pulling her from panic-tinged anger and back to the present. The present where fear crawled into her heart.

She spun in place, swinging around to find the largest Preor she’d ever seen. Granted, she hadn’t met many, but this guy was ginormous. He easily neared seven feet of heavily muscled, wide and strong Preor.

“Droze…” Taulan’s voice held a clear warning.

The stranger—Droze—stalked forward and she slowly took a step back, fighting to keep space between them.

War Master Taulan
?” Her mate’s title and name were no more than a sneer.

“Enough,” Taulan snarled.

But Droze wasn’t done. He spoke to her once more. “Any challenger may come for the new
War Master
. Any challenger can kill this wingless garbage for accepting the position.”

“You can try.” Taulan’s words were ice cold.

“Oh, I shall, Taulan. I shall be the first to face you and the one to take your life’s blood.”

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