Read Dragons of the Watch Online

Authors: Donita K. Paul

Dragons of the Watch (47 page)

BOOK: Dragons of the Watch
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One of the seven high races. Mariones are excellent farmers and warriors. They are short and broad, usually muscle-bound rather than corpulent.

moonbeam cape

Cape woven from moonbeam plant fibers. It can be used for camouflage if it remains still.

morgym tree

A tall, leafy tree.


A bird similar to an owl.


One of the high races. Five to six feet tall. They are most likely to become wizards because they hold Wulder in esteem.


Green fruit like a pear.

quaken tree

A tree very similar to an aspen.


A fruit that can be eaten fresh, baked into pies, or made into jam.


One of the seven high races. Short, squat, powerful fighters, though for the most part, they prefer to use their great intellect.


One of the seven high races, gentle giants up to fourteen feet tall. They are well proportioned, and very intelligent.

watch of dragons

A unit of dragons (like a gaggle of geese).


Batlike creatures. They are fragile and disintegrate when touched.

More of the Chiril
Chronicles Series

Book One:
Dragons of Chiril

Before the DragonKeeper Chronicles, a young emerlindian’s mistake may spell the end of the world unless she and her ragtag band of adventurers can find three lost sculptures.

Book Two:
Dragons of the Valley

In this spine-tingling adventure, Tipper and Bealomondore are faced with a new threat to Chiril—one that is tearing their land apart.

Read the book that started it all!

Book One of the epic
DragonKeeper Chronicles

previously titled
The Vanishing Sculptor

BOOK: Dragons of the Watch
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