Dream Chaser (44 page)

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Authors: Kate Vale

BOOK: Dream Chaser
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Suzanna’s mouth formed a perfect little o when she seemed to realize what he was leading up to.

He slipped
the ring
onto her third finger. “Will you marry me, Suzanna?”

If Time could stand still, this is the moment it happened. What would she say?
His pulse quickened again as she looked down at her hand, the ring twinkling on her finger.

She touched the ring for a brief moment before she gazed back at him, her eyes the same soft green as the pines coating the hills surrounding the ranch pastures.

“I’m—I—Kevin said—oh, Jonathan.
I love you so much. I want to tell you that every day for the rest of my life.
” Tears in her eyes,
she looked up at him as
a smile spread slowly across her face. “I thought you’d never ask. Yes, I will marry you.”

He gathered her into his arms.
It felt so right. He sighed and kissed her.

returned his
with one
that promised a future he
yearning for.






Thank you for reading this book. My characters reflect the life experiences of people I know. Perhaps also, people you know! If you enjoyed this story, please post a brief review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.
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Here’s what two different readers had to say about it:

Vale keeps us rapidly turning pages in this contemporary novel that is as suspenseful as it is romantic. – Chanticleer Book Reviews


Vale’s novels have heart and always, always remind u s what it is to be human, and to love life and each other with tenacious passion. – Kathryn Johnson, author of
The Gentleman Poet


If you are looking for a series, check out CEDAR ISLAND TALES
and what one reader has said about it:

Engaging characters, poig
nant, true-to-life characters…
Kate Vale's novels have heart.
– Kathryn Johnson, author of
The Gentleman Poet.




… and its sequel





About the author

Kate Vale lives in the beautiful Fourth Corner of Washington State and enjoys revisiting all the places she’s lived, through the adventures of her characters, several of whom have some of the same foibles as she. Some geographic names have been changed to protect the innocent.

First announcements of new titles appear on her webpage: http://katevale.com.


Contact Kate …

[email protected]






Published by North Cascades Press


Copyright 2012 Kathleen Auerbach



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