Dream Nights With the CEO (16 page)

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Authors: Kathy Lyons

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Dream Nights With the CEO
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Chapter Sixteen

“How would you feel about dinner tonight?”

Wyatt looked up from his desk on the top floor of his second B&B. It was in a northern suburb of Chicago and one of his best properties, but it was adding a new honeymoon cottage in the back garden. So a month before, he’d moved his offices here to oversee the construction. Which meant that right now, he was buried behind stacks of papers and half hidden by his open laptop. Except he wasn’t looking at it. Right then he was searching the internet on his phone, but one glance at Megan and he snapped it closed. He wasn’t sure what tipped him off, but his mood abruptly swung to wary.

She was standing in front of his desk looking perfect. As in her hair was neat, her clothing lay in pristine lines, and her expression was completely composed. Everything was in its place and totally neutral. But her eyes said something different. They were pinched and her gaze wouldn’t quite settle. Which told him that something bad had happened. Given that the business was running just fine, it probably had something to do with her private life.
private life.

“Uh,” he said stalling for time. “I enjoy dinner. I mean, I would love to have dinner with you.”

“What about me, my mother, and my brother?” She winced. “My older brother is deployed, so he couldn’t make it. And I’ve already emailed Josh. He said he’d be happy to come assuming I bring cheesecake. And Mom will be thrilled, though her thrilled means she’ll be raring to go and not necessarily in a good way. I haven’t told anyone that you’re coming. You don’t have to say yes, I just… I mean, we’re going to have a baby and I thought… Well, Mom called complaining about a dripping faucet and…” She frowned and tucked her tablet tight to her belly. “I’m babbling.”

“I like hearing you babble. I learn all sorts of things.” He was striving for a lighter tone and it worked. She flashed him a quick smile.

“So do you want to meet my mother and brother? She, um, knows that there’s a new guy in my life. She just doesn’t know who. You can say no. We can wait on this. In fact—”

“I’d love to come,” he said. He had hoped to keep it just the two of them for a little bit longer, but he really wanted to meet her family. In fact, he was eager for it.

“I have to go anyway. In all the…um…new things happening this week, I’d forgotten that I’d promised to join her for dinner tonight.” She winced. “Crap, I’ve got to put in an order downstairs for the cheesecake. It was the stupidest thing ever to bring Josh here last month. He can’t stop raving about the dessert.”

“It was a great idea. Take out cheesecake orders have tripled thanks to your brother and his friends.”

She blinked. “Really?”

He nodded, his mind churning on the possibilities for tonight’s dinner even as he continued the conversation. “That was, incidentally, why we had to renegotiate Frank’s pay. Mr. Temperamental Chef thought he could go into business on his own.”

She blinked. Clearly she’d forgotten why he had to leave St. Louis so abruptly. “Because of Josh?”

“Because Josh loves cheesecake. I had to give Frank twenty percent of every cheesecake order.”

She frowned, pulling out her tablet. “We’ll have to adjust the accounting software.”

“Already done.”

She looked up, her expression dark. “But that’s my job.”

He smiled. “I do know how to handle the accounting software, you know. And I thought—”

“You thought I was too delicate to handle my job and a pregnancy? You thought—”

He straightened, quickly coming around the desk before she built into a first class temper. He knew she was just blowing off steam. Knew that it was her mother who was really making her crazy. But that didn’t stop him from soothing her as quickly as possible. For both their sakes.

“What I thought was that you were busy setting up things for Miranda’s Place. I made the changes while you were still down south. Long before—”

She swallowed. “Long before things got interesting.”

He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Oh no, things were
between us from the very first second.”

She looked up and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Took you long enough to act on it.”

Truer words had never been spoken. “I’m just glad I finally got around to it.”

She grunted, something that was half laugh, half reluctant acceptance. Then she dropped her tablet on the desk before wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. He loved it when she did that. Made him feel like a hero. Like everything was perfect.

She sighed in his arms. “You must think me a first class idiot.”

“No, I think your mother stresses you out. And I don’t like that.” She stiffened slightly. “I’ve never liked it. Pregnant or not, you’re still my assistant—”

“Partner. Profit-sharing, remember?”

“Uh, right. Partner. And when you’re upset, I get all mucked up.”

“Mucked up?” she teased.

“It’s a technical term,” he said as pompously as he could manage. “It means I’ll do whatever it takes to un-muck things.”

“Like go to dinner with my family tonight?”

“Like go to dinner, make nice with your mother, and then reward you with a private massage later.” He squeezed her bottom just because he could.

She pulled back to look at him, her eyes sparkling. “Your massages always end up one way.” In the past three days, he’d given her a back massage and two foot massages. And she was right. They did always end up in one wonderful way.

He arched a brow at her. “Is that a problem?”

She winked. “That’s the best part.”

“Then it’s settled? We go to your mother’s tonight, then your place afterwards.” He didn’t suggest his place. They were currently
his place. His bed was a cot in the corner of his office. It wasn’t comfortable for one, much less two. Or two and a half if he counted the baby. Ditto the man cave with its not-so-comfortable pull-out couch.

“Yeah. It’s settled, but…” She straightened to look him in the eye. “My mother’s difficult.”

“Um, I don’t know if you remember the dream. It’s not all clear in my mind but—”

“Baby. Crib. Grandma being awful. Yeah, I remember.”

He leaned back against his desk, giving her room to move if she wanted to. Then he was extremely pleased when she didn’t. “Well, given that she’s raised three amazing children, I’d say your mother has done a remarkable job.”

Megan’s expression eased. “Yes, she has. But after my dad died, it all changed.”

“It was bound to.” He couldn’t imagine how angry and bitter he’d become if Megan left him. If she died in a random car accident, he’d be homicidal. Or suicidal. He wasn’t sure which. “I understand her resentment, Megan, but I won’t allow her to hurt you. I mean it. It was hard enough when you were just my assistant. Now as a partner…”

She flashed him a smile at his use of her new title.

“Look, one month ago how you handled your personal life was not my business. But it is now. I can’t stand by and just watch her tear into you.”

She tilted her head, her eyes narrowed. “You’ve known? About her, I mean. I thought I kept it so quiet.”

He touched her cheek. “I told you. When you get upset—even if you don’t mention it—I get mucked up.”

She blinked and then released a low chuckle. “That may be the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“Uh, I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

“Oh it is,” she said as she pressed a slow kiss to his lips. “Trust me, it is.”

He tried to deepen the kiss. Hell, he’d been thinking of clearing his desk in one full sweep of his arm before laying her out on it. He was tensing to do just that when she pulled away.

“I’ve got to call in the cheesecake order.”

“In a minute.”

“And I’m late on last month’s accounting—”

“Don’t care.”

“And I suddenly have all these lustful thoughts clogging up my works.”

He paused a moment to replay her words. Yup, he’d heard that right. “Well, what can I do to unclog you?”

She grinned. “Don’t move.”

He blinked. “Uh…” She pressed his hands down to either side of him so he could grip the desk.

“I said: don’t move.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He curled his fingers around the desk’s edge. He didn’t move, not even when she started undoing his belt buckle. His abs tightened, his legs tensed, but he didn’t move even though the rasp of the zipper going down had his toes clenching inside his shoes.

“Okay, I’ve changed my mind,” she said.

Thank God.

“You need to stand up.”

He pushed to his feet. His trousers slid down to the floor.

“Now freeze.”

“You’re killing me here,” he grumbled. But he didn’t move.

“And no talking either!”

Goodness, she’d gotten bossy all of a sudden. Perversely, it turned him on even more. So he buttoned his lip and tried not to gasp as she pulled down his boxers over his straining erection.

“In case you’re wondering, I already locked the door.”

His gaze flew to his shut door. He hadn’t spared one thought for that. He’d been completely consumed by her.

His boxers dropped to his ankles. He was now standing naked from the waist down though thankfully his shirt covered most everything. Course that didn’t prevent her hands from doing wickedly wonderful things to him. Warm fingers stroked around his hips and squeezed his bottom.

He gulped at that. No one had ever done that to him. She chuckled at his reaction and did it again. He growled at her, low in his throat.

“I said quiet.” She laughed.

“Involuntary reaction,” he shot back. “Doesn’t count.”

“Hmmm,” she said as she abruptly grabbed his cock, squeezing the tip enough to make his body jerk. “I’ll decide what counts and what doesn’t.”

He swallowed and nodded, completely obedient.

“Good answer. And now,” she said, making sure he saw the twinkle in her eyes, “I get to live out one of my fantasies.”

Seriously? This was one of
fantasies? It ranked number 2 on his all time favorite daydreams. Megan. Him. His office. Number 1 was the desk thing, but this was almost as good.

She’d softened her grip, stroking and touching him enough to make his breath come in short, strangled huffs.

“I love that you’re so big everywhere. But you know what I love even more than that?”

He shook his head, a slight jerky movement.

“How you taste.”

Then she dropped to her knees and started sucking him. No tender licks, just full blown heaven. And if that weren’t enough, she worked a hand between his legs to fondle his sac.

It took about two seconds for him to build to blow, but he didn’t want to do it that way. Lots of girls didn’t like—

Too late.

Biology took over. His hips jerked, his body convulsed, and he spent himself utterly right inside her wonderful mouth. And miracle that she was, she didn’t seem to mind one bit.

He gasped, his knees weak, his body still pulsing. He touched her hair—so soft and glorious. He caressed her neck and her shoulders. Whatever he could reach. And slowly, eventually, he felt the strength return to his body.

She straightened up with a grin. “I always wanted to do that.”

He grinned. “Anytime you want, you just tell me.”


“Good,” he said as he abruptly picked her up. “Because now it’s my turn.”

She squeaked in alarm, but was no match for his strength. He held her with one arm while the other did just what he’d seen in all those stupid romantic comedies his sister was always watching. He swept his desk clear with one dramatic movement.

“Wyatt!” she cried. “Someone’s going to have to clean that all up. And it’s probably going to be me!”

“I’ll get it later,” he said.



She stilled. “Really?”

“Really. But only if you lie back right now and stay very still.” He flashed her a grin. “Well, except for any involuntary movements and the occasional scream.”

She blinked. “You intend to make me scream?”

“Oh yes.”

“Then it’s a good thing the workmen are busy outside.”

“Yup.” He set her on the desk and slowly rolled her backward until she was lying down longwise on the desk. He had a suit jacket nearby that he folded up for her pillow. And then he positioned himself between her legs.

“Wyatt—” she began, but he squeezed her calves until she let out a moan of pleasure.
Good thing to remember
, he decided. Her calves ached, probably from all those high heels.

“No talking, remember. Only screams,” he said.

She grinned, and then he got busy. She was in another one of those pencil skirts.
Not for long,
he thought as he looked for a bulge in her belly. He didn’t see one, but that was normal. He’d looked it up on-line. In fact, he’d spent many hours recently on the internet learning all about pregnancy. And this particular activity was deemed very safe. Beneficial, even.

So he rolled her skirt up and her panties down. He went slowly, massaging every inch of the way. Outside of her legs, inside of her thighs. He even spent a couple moments on her feet, especially the arches, while he pulled her panties away. She was releasing a throaty purr by the time he gently lifted her knees.

He stroked up the inside of her thighs, liking the way her bottom was already convulsing. He looked up, pleased that her nipples were tight beneath her very professional white blouse. On impulse, he reached and stroked across the hard buds.

She gasped, her thighs tightening around him. But he was a large man and she couldn’t squeeze him hard enough to close up. All it did was rev him more, so he quickly undid her blouse buttons and unclasped her bra. Thank God for front hooks.

And once she was exposed to the air, he leaned forward, kissing, sucking, and nipping while her legs tightened rhythmically around him.

Did he have the room? he wondered. He worked his fingers between them to stroke her, to push into her opening, and then to slowly press up and over her clit.

She gasped, her body arching off the desk. He pulled back immediately. He didn’t want her finishing too soon.

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