Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2)

BOOK: Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2)
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Dream On

Anne Conley

Copyright 2013 by Anne Conley



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Cover photo by Dreamstime.  Cover art by Anne Conley.


Edited by Catherine DePasquale.


The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.  Any similarities to real persons, living or dead are purely coincidental and not intended by the author.





Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Other novels by Anne Conley





Chapter 1


Dalton tilted his head back and felt the shot burn as it slid down his throat.
 He looked over at the woman in the vinyl bustier to his right and lifted the empty glass to her in a gesture of thanks.  

He had been second-guessing himself.
 Just because he always came here, didn’t mean he had to always come here, did it?  He wondered if he was getting tired of it all. He had been feeling restless the last couple of weeks and couldn’t quite put his finger on what was causing it.

He briefly wondered if he wa
s finally ready to go back home and fulfill his family’s desires for him.  Then the shot had showed up and the vinyl bustier had winked at him, and all thoughts of home and family vanished.  He figured he could find someone entertaining to do tonight.

She stood u
p from the plush wingback chair and sauntered over to him, to perch on the arm of his chair.  Eerily, her face reflected the multi-colored strobe lights: sickly green, mellow blue, demonical red.  This last color seemed to mesh well with the abundance of makeup she wore, either to hide her age or hard living, Dalton couldn’t tell nor did he care.  

Her hand encircled his bicep, as she inhaled slowly into his ear.
 “That’s a nice shirt.  Can I talk you out of it?”

He inwardly rolled his eyes at her blatant pick up line, but since the outfit she was wearing had “fuck me hard” written all over it, he decided he shouldn’t disappoint.
 He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap.

This was a club, but The Church on a Sunday night had some pretty lax rules about appropriate behavior.
 With the bass beat pounding through his spleen, he dipped his head and tasted the woman’s neck.  She moaned and leaned into him, pushing her breasts against his chest.  That was all he needed.

He nibbled her earlobe, “The last time I had sex in this chair, they asked me to leave.”

“Then let’s get out of here.”  Her hand stroked his erection through his pants.  

So he obliged her.


Alyssa was making lunches for her kids while they fought over toothbrushes in the bathroom.
 “Guys, come on!  We’ve got to leave in ten minutes.  We do not have time for this!”  She finished throwing chips and cookies into the brown paper bags, and tossed them onto the couch on her way to the bathroom.  

Extricating the princess toothbrush from Cayden’s grasp and placing it into Sierra’s hand, she said sternly, “Now, get to brushing!”
 Ten harried minutes later, they were on the way to school.

In the car, on the way to school, Alyssa cranked up the radio and tuned out the children.
 As soon as the bickering faded out, the dream she’d had last night tuned itself in.  It had been a good one.  She blushed at the pool of warmth forming between her legs.  

It must have been some sort of subliminal th
ing telling her to get out more because the dream started out in this wild club. Scantily clad women, men decked out in black leather and metal spikes were everywhere.

After the club, Alyssa had gone home with this beautiful woman and done unspeakable things
with her, because in the dream she had been a man.  Was that her subconscious telling her something else?

She had been an incredibly hot man, for sure.  Auburn hair, gray eyes, muscles everywhere, and apparently a boundless creativity in bed.  Saliva pooled in Al
yssa’s mouth, and she swallowed thickly.

At that moment, with her kids in the car, she was thankful her thoughts were private.

It was confusing.  Alyssa was not attracted to women, and had never had any desire to be a man, but this dream was so real.  In the dream she had performed delicious sexual acts with a woman, and Alyssa had enjoyed every bit of it.  There was something about kissing the smooth skin, the supple softness, being in control of everything, that was deliciously foreign.  The feelings her body had experienced were so strange to Alyssa.  It could very well have been a wet dream.  Did women even have wet dreams?  She wasn’t sure, but she was almost positive she had had an orgasm last night.  

As wrapped up as she was in her own thoughts, the drive was short this morning,
 After dropping the kids off at their school, she continued on to hers, trying to focus her thoughts on the school day.

Walking into the school, Alyssa swept her long blond hair up into a pile on top of her head and secured it with a pencil she found in her purse.  She didn’t have time to look in a mirror in the morning, much less fix her hair.  She pulled a few tendrils down to make it appear purposeful and walked to her room, keys in hand.

Alyssa’s classroom was fastidiously neat.
 She had motivational posters up on the walls, and spirited orange drapes over the windows.  She walked into the room and opened up the drapes, to let some sunshine in.  Before she could even grab her coffee cup and escape to the teacher’s lounge for some caffeine, a tall young man, wearing impossibly baggy jeans and a dirty hooded sweatshirt came ambling into her room.  He dropped his backpack onto the floor by a desk and pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his sweatshirt pocket.

“Ms. Fuller.
 I don’t get the homework.”  He threw himself into the desk, and slouched down as low as physically possible without actually sliding out of the bottom.

“Well, get a book
and show me exactly what you didn’t get.”  Alyssa said to him, after putting her coffee mug back down on the corner of her desk.

“I didn’t get any of it.
 I don’t get what a verb is.”  He made no move to get a book off of the shelf.

“Well, a verb is an action word.
 It’s a word that conveys action, like run, drive, or sleep.  But what the homework was over was adverbs.  They describe action, and most of them end in -ly.  Honestly, Logan, you should have learned this stuff in junior high.  Get a book, while I get some coffee, and I’ll come back and help you with it.”  She grabbed her coffee mug and power walked down the hallway to grab her morning caffeine.

The rest of her day passed in a blur.
 Trying to get kids to understand the parts of speech and basic grammar principles was the reason she had chosen not to teach junior high. She had never in a million years thought she would be teaching it to tenth-graders.  

Seventh period was
her conference period, and when her children were bussed over from the elementary school.  They bounced into the room about halfway through the stack of papers she was grading and opened the snack drawer to get some nuts and juice Alyssa had stashed there just for them.  

“Hey, guys.
 How was your day?”  Alyssa’s brain was mushy by this time of the day, but she had to sound chipper for her kids.  She had learned a long time ago, her moods rubbed off on them.

“It was awesome.”
 Sierra answered candidly, like she always did.

“It was awesome.”
 Cayden parroted his sister.  He idolized her and did everything she did.

“Did you guys do anything interesting in class?”
 Alyssa had to prod to get details out of the kids.

“Ummm...Jonafon stole my turn wiping tables.
 I was supposed to be fe helper today, but he stole my turn.”  Cayden’s bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

“Did you get mad and throw a fit?”
 Alyssa asked.

“No, I told the teacher it was my turn, and she said I could do it tomorrow.”

“Good, I don’t want to hear about any fits at school.  You’re my sweet boy.”  She leaned down and brushed a kiss across the top of his head.  “How about you, Sierra?”  

“Today was art class.
 I got a star.”

 You’re my sweet girl.”  Alyssa brushed a kiss across her daughter’s head, too.  “Now, you guys get started on your homework.  Mommy doesn’t have to do duty today, so we can leave at 4:00.  Okay?”  They giggled at the words ‘do duty,’ like they always did, and Alyssa rolled her eyes.

The kids pulled out their work and sat at the big kid desks, their
feet swinging under the chairs and got busy.  By the time Alyssa was finished grading her papers, the bell had rung.  No students came in for tutoring after school, so they left as soon as they could.

In the car on the way home, Cayden started whining to go to Grammy’s house.

“Not today, honey.  We’ve got to get home so I can fix supper.”

 Cayden persisted.

“Not today, maybe tomorrow.”
 She was constantly putting him off, it seemed, but visits to Grammy’s house never lasted less than an hour.  Her mother wanted to visit every time, and the visits invariably turned to asking favors, and Alyssa just didn’t have the time today.

“I wish parents didn’t exist.
 Only Hotwheels.”  Cayden pouted.Alyssa smiled to herself.  

She couldn’t laugh out loud, or Cayden would think she was laughing at him, so she said, “You can play with your Hotwheels when we get home before dinner.
 I promise.”

Somewhat appeased, he stayed quiet the rest of the way home.


When they got home, Alyssa turned on the radio in the kitchen
on to the local country station and went about her task of making a healthy dinner her children would actually eat.  She had put some chicken in the crock-pot this morning, so she added some cream cheese to the pot and started on side dishes.  These were always tricky.  She wanted her kids to eat veggies, but they didn’t always agree with that philosophy.  She put some green beans on to cook with bacon fat and sliced some raw veggies as a back up plan.

After dinner was bath time, which with Cayden was no problem, but Sierra tended to stay and float in the water instead of actually washing herself, so Alyssa sat on the toilet to he
lp keep her motivated.  Tonight she was appalled to find out her daughter had a bona fide boyfriend.

“What’s his name, Sierra?”

“Adam, and he’s new, but he was in my class last year, before his parents took him out of school to home school him.”

 Alyssa didn’t really approve of the parents who took their kids out of school for “home schooling” just because they couldn’t get along with or agree with the teacher.  She had experienced this at the high school level.

“Mikala asked him if he liked me, and he told her he did.
 And then he told her he was my boyfriend.  At recess, he gave me a shiny rock.  I’m going to cherish it forever.”  Sierra sighed dramatically, as she sank back down into the water.

“Every little girl should love shiny rocks...”
 Alyssa wasn’t sure what to say to this revelation.  Her eight-year-old had a boyfriend.  Oh boy...

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