Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2)
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After Sierra had washed her hair and all of the essentials, Alyssa left her to float and swish in the tub, while she cleaned the kitchen.
 Cayden was happily playing with his beloved Hotwheels in the living room so Alyssa could do the dishes in relative peace.

While she scrubbed and rinsed, she reflected on her day.
 It had been hectic and busy, like always.  Sometimes it seemed like she just ran and ran all day long taking care of other people.  Making sure her own children were clean, fed and happy, as well as making sure she provided a safe, comfortable learning environment for her students, was difficult on a good day, which this had been.  She briefly thanked the heavens there weren’t any major conflicts at the moment and wondered how long it would be before something came up.  She couldn’t imagine her life going this well for too long.

Once both of the kids were bathed, she double-checked their homework, and put a Scooby Doo video on for them to watch in their room.
 Since the divorce, they insisted on sharing a room.  Her ex, Steven, didn’t like it, but he wasn’t calling the shots anymore, was he?  They experienced a devastating blow when Alyssa and Steven had split up, and they seemed to find a measure of comfort in sharing a bed with each other.  She knew it probably was inappropriate, but it was temporary, and she was a firm believer in picking her battles.  The whole bed situation would change, and soon.  For now, though they were all happy, and sleeping well.

After making up a short bedtime story for the kids, and singing them her special Scooby Doo lullaby, she tucked them into bed and went into her own bedroom for the night.

The rest of the evening was hers.
 Alyssa ran a hot bubble bath, and immersed herself into the fragrant water, remembering her still vivid dream from last night. The sensations the dream evoked were alien to her.  She had never been touched the way the man in her dream had touched that woman.  He had touched her everywhere, and had touched her with urgency, like he had to have her.  And the places he touched her.  Alyssa thought the woman could have faked her reaction to those caresses, but she didn’t think it was likely.  It looked like the man knew what he was doing.  Alyssa rubbed her own hands over her body in the bathtub, feeling the soapy bubbles dissolve under her fingertips, but she didn’t know what else to do to herself to evoke those kinds of sensations.  She knew about self-love but never had felt comfortable enough with herself to actually perform it.

Her thoughts drifted to Steven, her ex-husband, and his views on sex.
 Procreation only, that’s what he said.  Masturbation was totally out of the question.  Sighing heavily, she rose from the tub and wrapped a towel around her body.  Putting on her pajamas, she went to bed, falling asleep almost instantly, hoping to dream of the man again.





Chapter 2


Dalton awoke in a hot sweat.
 “What the hell?” He looked around the room to make sure he was home, the dream had been so vivid, so detailed.  He mumbled to himself before getting out of bed and into the shower.  While he was soaping up, he remembered the woman in the bathtub, definitely the highlight of the dream.  The rest of it, he could have done without.  

What possessed him to dream about a school teacher?
 He recalled the repetition of her teaching the grammatical rules to classroom after classroom of bored teenagers.  

He could almost see the teacher thing.
 Almost.  He had been known to entertain the random naughty teacher fantasy.  What red-blooded boy hadn’t?  It was the mom thing that really threw him.  He could honestly say he had never fantasized about a woman with kids, until last night.  Sure, he wanted kids someday.  He should probably start thinking about that soon: he was thirty-six.  But he still had plenty of time.  What was making him dream about that shit now?

Shaking his head, he went back to the bathtub part of the dream.
 Yeah, that was hot.  All those bubbles, hiding parts he wanted to see.  Her large breasts floating atop the bubbles, and when she ran her hands across them, and then down her body...oh yeah, he liked that part of the dream.  

Dalton stroked himself lazily, stopping only when he realized he had been a participant in the dream.
 He had been her.  What was that all about?  He remembered the feelings of frustration the dream had awakened.  Frustration at the teenagers, at the children’s eating habits, at not knowing what to do with that beautiful body.  

Lost in his fantasy of the dream girl, he realized he was running late for work.
 He dressed quickly and left.  

At the bar,
he started stacking the glasses and cutting the fruit for the drinks he would be making.  Intent on his job, he didn’t notice when a slender pair of arms came around his waist and a husky voice whispered in his ear, “What’s a stud like you doing in a place like this?”  

He turned to see his boss.
 “Charlie.  That could be construed as sexual harassment, you know.”  He bent and kissed her cheek. “I’m getting ready for a slow tip night without a barback.  Where’s Kenny?”

Charlie smiled at him. “I told him he didn’t have to come in tonight.
 I figured you could use the extra money, to finance your extracurricular activities.”  She cocked an eyebrow at him.  “His girlfriend got a promotion and isn’t home with the baby as much.  He needed the time off more than the money.”  She moved away to go check on the other bars.  Dalton had worked there long enough to not need much supervision.  

Dalton’s mind was still on the dream, as he finished getting ready for customers.
 When he had plenty of glasses stacked, fruit washed and cut up, and double checked his bottle openers and supply of matches, he looked up to see a sultry pair of eyes watching him.

Embarrassed to realize he hadn’t anticipated a customer, he asked, “Evening ma’am, what can I get you?”

She smiled slowly at Dalton, “Screaming Orgasm?”

He leaned in to smell her perfume, pretending he hadn’t heard her, “Pardon?”

“I would like a Screaming Orgasm.  It’s a shot.”  She said it suggestively, while shifting in her seat.  She bit her bottom lip.

‘Sheesh, it’s a little early for this kind of thing,’ Dalton thought to himself.
 Out loud he said, “I know what a Screaming Orgasm is,” just as lustily.  He wondered when his life had turned into this cliche.  

“I just bet.”
 She winked at him before he turned to prepare the shot.

He set the drink down in front of her, and before he had turned away, she had the glass in her mouth, looking at him over the rim right before she pounded the shot back.

“You want another one?”

“Do you?”
 She hadn’t broken eye contact with him.  He knew he was being a whore, or a slut, or whatever the male equivalent was.  Now was the time that he should just say no.

“Um, give me just a minute.”
 Okay, who was he kidding?  This woman just offered him a blow job, or a quickie, or something else equally scintillating.  Of course he would take her up on it.  He went to find somebody to cover for him for a few minutes before it got too busy in the bar, and took the woman to the liquor closet.

When he returned, Charlie was behind his bar instead of the girl he had left to take his place.
 “Dalton.”  She raised her eyebrow at him.

“Sorry, Charlie.”
 He smiled a devilish grin at her, knowing she hated that Charlie tuna reference.

“Don’t try to charm me on this, Dalton.
 You are on the clock, here.  No kinky fuckery in my liquor closet.”

“Yes, ma’am.
 Nice ‘Fifty Shades’ reference, ma’am.” He tried to look properly chagrined, but she saw through his attempt.

“Don’t yes ma’am me.
 That redneck charm won’t work.  Get to work, or I’ll have to take disciplinary measures against you.”  She turned to leave, then paused.  “You’ve read
Fifty Shades of Grey

He quirked the mischievous
grin at her again, “Started it; couldn’t finish it.”

She winked at him, and before walking away, said, “Watch yourself.”

Dalton sighed heavily.  He knew better.  The blow job wasn’t even that good, and after it was over with, he had felt like the butt-end of a dare. She had left without a backward glance, or even paying for her drink.  Bitch.

Dalton went on to the next waiting customer, and a
fter that to the next, ad nauseam, until his shift was over.  He couldn’t seem to shake the restless feeling that was still with him.  He really wasn’t enjoying his life like he used to.  Tending bar, partying, women, it had all been fun when he was twenty-three, but thirteen years later?  He wasn’t so sure.  He still wasn’t sure he was ready to go back home to his parents, though, either.  He had done what they wanted all the way through college, but once he had that degree, he needed to do something else for a while. 

He w
as still doing ‘something else,’ but it wasn’t enough, anymore.


After school the next day, Alyssa took the kids to her mom’s house.  

 They both ran to her power chair in the living room, where Pat was watching the cooking network on TV.

 How are my favorite babies?”  

 They replied in unison.  “Can we watch TV?” asked Sierra, at the same time Cayden asked if he could play computer games.

 Alyssa’s mom wasn’t capable of saying no.

“After you guys do your homework!”
 Alyssa yelled after them, as they scrambled from the room.  “Thanks for watching them tonight.  I’ll be back around 7:30 to pick them up.”

“My pleasure.”
 Pat motored her power chair into the kitchen, where she started fixing a snack for the kids to eat. Alyssa followed her.  

ase make them do their homework and eat most of their dinner, and don’t let them eat too much ice cream before dinner.”

“This is not my first rodeo, Alyssa.
 Go do your thing.  I got this.”  She waved Alyssa away.

Alyssa left, a little reticent.
 She didn’t want to leave the kids with her mom for the purpose she had in mind.  It felt dirty.  When she met up with her friend Jessie, she told her.

“I don’t like leaving my kids with my mom so I can go to a sex party.”

“Number one, Alyssa, it’s not a sex party; it’s a sex toy party.  And number two, kids aren’t allowed, so you have to leave them somewhere.  Wanna leave them with Steven?”

“Um. No.”
 Alyssa sighed, heavily.  “Tell me again, why am I going to this?”

“Because Sharon likes to get free goodies by hosting parties, and we are supporting her endeavor.
 And you need to get out and do something fun with other women.”  Jessie cajoled.

 But I’m not buying anything.” Alyssa huffed.

“Whatever.” Jessie mimicked.
 “We’ll see about that.”

As they made their way to the party, Alyssa’s mind flicked to her imagin
ary dream guy.  The other night there had been toys involved in his sexual escapades.  She remembered them vividly, although had absolutely no idea what they were called. There was a small vibrating thing that he held on the woman, down there, until she had screamed in pleasure.  And then there were these bead things he put...Oh, she couldn’t even think about that.  Alyssa blushed furiously at the memory.

When they got to the party, there were about eight women standing around, chattering nervously, which made Alyssa feel better.
 When Joni showed up, she adeptly broke the ice by making all the women play a game called ‘pass the penis’ which mortified Alyssa to no end.  Holding a three-foot penis between her legs and passing it to other women musical chairs style definitely broke the ice.  To her horror, Alyssa won the game, being the last to have the penis between her legs, which made her think of her dream man again.  Instead of winning a cake, like she would have expected to happen during a game of musical chairs, she won a jar of pleasure powder that came with a little brush.  She stashed it in the couch cushion behind her and sat quietly, feeling the heat on her face.  Would this night never end?

When Jodi had completed her spiel of all the products, and passed out order forms, she began taking the women back into the bedroom, one at a time, to get their orders, privately.
 Alyssa awaited her turn, knowing she would have to buy something to be polite.  She decided to buy some massage lotion, which smelled heavenly, thinking it would be something safe.  She could use it on herself.  She had run out of lotion a month ago, and kept forgetting to buy more at the grocery store.

When  she got into the bedroom, though,
Jodi surprised her by handing her a bag full of items.  “Your friends pitched in and bought you a bag full of goodies.  They said you needed this stuff.  Have fun.”  She winked lasciviously.

Alyssa immediately turned and left the room, furious at her friends, but unable to speak.
 As the heat flamed her cheeks, she strode through the front door and out to her car.  She could hear Jessie call her name, but her utter mortification kept her from turning to let her friend explain.

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