Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2) (23 page)

BOOK: Dream On (Stories of Serendipity #2)
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“Shh...” She murmured against his lips as she pushed him toward her bedroom.

Not wanting to stop, but remembering her rule, he pulled back briefly, “Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not.
 But I need you, Dalton,” she whispered, before pulling him by his tee shirt into her bedroom and shutting the door quietly.  Then she was back in his arms, her hands rubbing his chest through his shirt. He responded immediately, by picking her up and taking her to her bed, setting her down gently, continuing to kiss her, her tongue making love to his in agonizing thrusts.

 He couldn’t control his hands, he wanted to touch her, all of her.  He was frantically unbuttoning her shirt, kissing her neck, then her shoulders as the bare skin revealed itself to him.

“Dalton...” Her hands were all over him, driving him insane with need.

“Alyssa...I won’t be able to stop.  Please...”  What was he saying?  He couldn’t stop now.  He had her shirt off and the sight of her breasts heaving with her ragged breathing almost undid him.  He jerked back, in order to force himself to stop.  Running his fingers through his hair, he started pacing her room.  “What about your rule?”  He looked at her on the bed, her skirt askew, in her bra, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen.  Dalton tore his gaze away and waited for an answer.  When all he could hear was her breathing, he said, “I didn’t want our first time to be like this.  I wanted...to take a little time.  And not have to be quiet.”

Alyssa looked like she was struggling to gain control of herself.
 She straightened her skirt, and started put her shirt back on.  “You’re right.  I did make the rule.  I don’t know what came over me.”  To herself she muttered, “Such high expectations for the first time…”  

As her shaking hands started in on her buttons, Dalton felt a deep sense of disappointment.
 “Care to make a compromise?”  

Her hands stopped moving, and she looked up at him.
 “What kind of compromise?”

“I can wait to make love to you, but I can’t stand to see you so...frustrated.” He finally trusted himself to walk closer to
her bed.  He had said the words but was going to have to work like hell to make them true.  He saw a lot of self-abuse in his future.  “May I sit?”


Alyssa bit her lip as she nodded to him, completely unsure of what to think.  She had no idea what he had in mind, but she knew she didn’t want to stop.  She wanted his warm hands on her.  He sat on the bed next to her, reaching his hand behind her neck, pulling her into a soft kiss.  She felt herself melting into him, as his hands undid the few buttons she had managed to button.  Slipping her shirt off of her shoulders, he unclasped the front of her bra, and lowered his mouth to her breasts.  Leaving her shirt and bra straps on her arms, he leaned her back on her pillows, effectively pinning her arms helplessly at her sides.  

 I can’t move.”  She squirmed as he fondled her breasts, evoking gasps from her as she vacillated between the urge to be able to move her arms and the undeniable pleasure he was putting her through.

“I know.”
 He grinned at her with a mouthful of nipple, and she leaned back and relaxed slightly, until he sucked hard on one breast, while tweaking the other nipple into a painful pleasure that caused a moan to escape her lips.  She had never experienced anything like this exquisite pain before.  This wasn’t like the other night, when she had come undone with soft caresses and suckles.  This was hard and awesome.  Her insides quivered, and she couldn’t stop her body’s wanton writhing.

“Dalton, please...”
 He watched her over the breast he was working on, then ran a hand down the side of her body, to her leg, where he pushed up her skirt.  His hand traced lazy circles on her thighs as she whimpered with need.  “Dalton...” She gasped.  He let go of her breast in his mouth with a plop.

“What, Alyssa?”

“You’re driving me crazy.”

He chuckled, not stopping the lazy circles his hand was making on her thighs as she squirmed under his touch.
 He lifted her skirt and looked at what was underneath.  “I want to bring you pleasure, Alyssa.  Release.  May I?”

She was embarrassed to tell him she wanted both of his hands everywhere, not just the one hand on her thigh.
 She tilted her hips toward his fingers in response.  He lowered his mouth to hers, hungrily feeding off of her need.  

His fingers kept dallying closer and closer to where she ne
eded them to go but never quite made it.  His other hand toyed with her breast.  The heat inside of her was building to dizzying heights, like a spring that was coiling and coiling.  She just didn’t know how to uncoil it.  She whimpered in frustration as she thrust her hips towards Dalton.

He breathed into her mouth, as he slid his body next to hers, and began kissing down her neck again.
 When he got to her breasts, he laved each nipple in turn before kissing down to her navel.  She was lost in the ecstasy of his warm, wet mouth on her feverish body.  She arched her back to feel more of him.

He slid her panties off, and she heard him exhale.
 “Alyssa, you are so wet...”  His ragged voice sent ripples of pleasure throughout her trembling body.  His fingers finally found her folds, and caressing them, he bent further still to kiss them.

 She was suddenly uncomfortable with this, and she tried to sit up, but his hand on her chest pushed her back down.

“This is about you, Alyssa.
 Lie down and enjoy it, before I tie you to the bed.” He growled at her.

She closed her eye
s, completely mortified.  His hands continued to move though, making her want more.  Her hips gyrated, and he licked the folds of her most intimate place slowly, eliciting a gasp from her.  As he rubbed the inside of her thighs, she finally opened her legs to him, not caring he was in such a position, caring only that he do something to make this spring uncoil inside her.  When her legs opened, his tongue started circling the tiny nub at the top of her folds.  His warm breath on her, sent dichotomous chills throughout her body.


Unable to move her arms, she had no choice but to lay there and writhe with ecstasy while fisting the sheets at her sides.  He continued his ministrations with his tongue, while she tried to stifle her moans, turning her head to gasp into pillows.  Whimpering, she felt the inevitable climax come, gyrating, undulating, thrusting her hips, feeling her body climb, while Dalton maneuvered a finger inside her, taking her to new heights of passion she’d never imagined possible.  As every muscle in her body clenched, she arched her back, pulling it off the bed, and Alyssa felt a tightening of her core, and wave after wave of warm pain that was too pleasurable to bear washed over her, and she sank into her bed, unable to move.

Dalton chuckled softly, as he pulled her skirt off her, and gently rolled her to remove her shirt and bra, until she lay there, naked and satiated.
 She opened her eyes to look at him, lazily.  She stood next to her bed.  “May I use your restroom, before I go?”

Nodding weakly, she smiled as he chuckled again.
 She noticed his enormous erection, as he turned to walk into her bathroom.  “Dalton?”

He stopped and turned back to her.

She stared at the bulge in his pants.
 “Do you want me to...?”

He bent down and kissed her forehead.
 “You’ll get your chance.  Tonight’s not about me.”

Alyssa marveled at the jello-like consistency of her muscles, and the tingly sensations still going on down in her nether regions.
 She was almost asleep when she heard her bathroom door open and soft footsteps come over to her bed.  A soft kiss brushed against her forehead..

 She whimpered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

“It was my pleasure, Alyssa.”
 She could hear a smile in his voice, as he stroked her hair.  “Sleep well.”

“Oh, I will.”
 She snuggled farther down into her bed.  He kissed her again, and then he was gone.





Chapter 18


The next morning, Dalton awoke to sounds of his mother in the kitchen.
 Surprised to hear her awake so early, he dressed quickly and walked into the kitchen, buttoning his shirt as he went.  

“Morning, Mom.”

“Morning, Sweetie.”  She walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Why are you up so early?”

“It was either get up and live my life, or curl up and die.  I’m not finished living, yet.”  She turned from him and rummaged in the cabinets for the cast-iron skillet.  “I’m going to fix breakfast.  Are you going out to the pasture this morning?”

“Yeah, um...Are you sure you’re okay?”

“No, I’m not okay, but I will be.  Get going.  I’ll have breakfast ready when you get back.”  She shooed him out of the kitchen with a dishtowel.

In the pasture, he watched a bull get randy with one of the cows, as his thoughts turned toward Alyssa.
 Last night had been so amazing for him, watching her unravel under his touch.  He couldn’t wait to do that again.  Dalton wanted to see her again tonight.  She had tried to discourage him from going to the homecoming game, but that just made him want to go more.  

He thoug
ht back to his high school days and realized he had never taken a date to homecoming.  Tonight would be a first for him.  Dalton had a sudden desire to do it right.  He wondered if that pup coach was still sniffing around Alyssa.  A flash of jealousy flared to life in his chest.  He would make sure everyone at her school knew she and her kids were spoken for.  Dalton had an idea.


Alyssa was on duty at the game, bored out of her skull, thankful this was the last home game of the season.  She wished she hadn’t squelched Dalton’s desire to come with her.  Sierra and Cayden were sitting on the bleacher in front of where she was standing, coloring on paper she had brought for them.  She hadn’t found a student yet to watch them for the evening, so she was hoping they could entertain themselves for a little while.

She looked to the field, wh
ere the players were warming up and caught Cody’s stare.  Alyssa sighed.  She wished he would get the hint.  She had avoided him all week, as he had pursued her doggedly.  He had tried to be alone with her several times this week, and she had managed to put him off each time.

A light touch at her back turned her around to see Dalton’s deep gray eyes boring into hers.

“Dalton!”  She threw her arms around him in a hug, overjoyed to see him.  He returned the hug with one hand, as his other was full with a giant box.

Sierra noticed him and squealed with delight, hurtling herself at his waist, while Cayden stood back stoically.

“I brought you guys something.”  Dalton said, opening the box and removing two garter mums with the kids’ names on wide streamers, as well as charms and bells.  Cayden’s eye’s shone brightly, as he allowed Dalton to affix it to his sleeve.  Sierra chose to wear hers on her leg, where it would jangle with each step.

Turning to Alyssa, he said, “And for you...”
 He withdrew a large mum with maroon and white ribbon streaming from the base. On one of the wide ribbons was Alyssa’s name and on another one was Dalton’s.

She fingered the ribbon with Dalton’s name on it, “Honestly?
 How old are you?”  She laughed at his sheepish expression.

“I’m a guy.
 I want everyone to know you’re mine.  Will you wear it?”  She nodded at him, inwardly pleased at his token of possession. She was happily his.

As he fastened it to her shoulder with multiple safety pins, she said, “Dalton, really.
 I’m not a high school kid.  I don’t need one of these.”  She could feel the warm flush rising to her cheeks.

“This is homecoming.
 All the boys have one for their girl.”  After he finished pinning it on, he dropped a chaste kiss on her cheek and stood next to her to watch the game.

Sierra tugged on his pants leg, “Dalton, look what I drew.”

Dalton squatted down to be eye level with her.  “That’s the prettiest butterfly I’ve ever seen, Sierra.  Will you make me one?”

Not to be outdone, Cayden showed off his drawing of a barely discernable monster truck, and Dalton insisted on one of those for himself as well.

Soon, he was holding a handful of heartfelt drawings, oohing and aahing over them as if he would cherish them for eternity.  The children were beaming wide smiles, as he sat down next to them and took up a crayola of his own to draw them pictures.

 A stern voice behind her drew her attention to Steven, who was standing with his hands on his hips, his mouth twisted bitterly.  Stomping to the children, he grabbed them roughly and pulled them away from Dalton.

To Dalton, he said, “I’ve been asking around about you, Mr. Colt.”
 He spat Dalton’s name as if it were a foul taste in his mouth.  “And I don’t like what I’ve heard.”

Dalton’s jaw clenched, but other than that, he showed no emotion.
 “What have you heard?”

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