Read Dreaming of Jizzy Online

Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

Dreaming of Jizzy (14 page)

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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Nodding her head but with a frightened expression pasted over her face, the alien cat-woman readied herself for the invasion. Positioning the head of his prick perfectly for insertion, Rick then gently rocked his hips forward just a tad, just to test out her innards. His head hadn't even fully sunk into her hot pie though, and the alien woman's back arched sharply, she grit her teeth, and the claws in her hands extended out and dug into the dry earth. She was so tight inside, in fact, he felt like maybe she wasn't going to allow him entry, and he eased up his gentle thrust in response.


Immediately pulling back out, Rick then wiped his cock back and forth over her slit again, all the while running his hand up and down her back, gently petting her. As he slid his meat-monster in and out of her, Rick allowed just his fat head to probe her a bit in-between each wet glide over her bulging lips.


“You're a little tight. Never had a dick this big before have you, Kitty?” Rick asked as he methodically worked, deciding to call her that from now on.


A heartbeat later, Rick once again set his cock and then gently rocked his hips forward like before. Looking down, he watched his head get swallowed by her moist pussy, and he gasped as he felt like his dick had just been inserted into a contracting, wet vice.


“Oh! Damn! You are tighter than Asha... Fuck!” Rick breathed, pausing for a moment and just enjoying the pleasurable sensation of his meat being squeezed tightly on all sides.


Her claws dug into the dirt, Kitty moaned out, her back collapsed, and she spread her legs further apart, attempting to accommodate his stout prize. After a minute of just enjoying the sensation of having the front quarter of his hard pecker inside her, Rick decided to push himself in a little further, and he gently rocked himself forward again to the point where his rock-hard dick was halfway inside her now.


As he did so, she pulled away from him, but he immediately got on his feet and crouched up behind her. Reaching down and under her, Rick wrapped his two arms around her torso and held her in place. With his stomach now pressed firmly to her sweaty back, Rick began a slow, rhythmical groove in and out of her tight uterus, feeling her ribbed insides giving way with each manly stroke. While at first, she tried to pull away at the end of every thrust, Rick held her in place and continued to grind a little deeper with each gentle probe inside of her.


His prick was so sensitive and her love canal so tight though, Rick closed his eyes and felt like he could feel each individual millimeter of her flesh inside pressed against him and holding him tightly. During these joyful moments, each heartbeat slipped into an eternity of ecstasy, and Rick closed his eyes and just enjoyed digging out her little cunt.


Within a few dozen strokes within her, Rick had finally loosened her up to where she no longer pulled away from him, but instead moaned almost constantly, her voice rising and falling with each one of his manly thrusts.


“Oh, ya, you like that dick now, don't you?” he breathed, reaching under her with his hand and playfully pulling on her spike-like nipples.


Kitty's only response to his words though was to throw her head back and continue her rhythmical moaning. After several dozen jabs inside her and now that she was finally thoroughly enjoying the ride, Rick pulled back off her then, and he continued to crouch behind her and ram his cock deep inside her, to the point his entire shaft was now dipping into her farthest reaches.


Reaching up with both hands, Rick then placed either of his hands on either side of her round face from behind, and he sunk two fingers from each hand inside her wide open mouth. With her head fully upright, her mouth wide open, and with her tongue hanging out, Kitty's eyes rolled back into her head, and she was hopelessly lost on a roller coaster ride of sheer joy. Her panting and moaning intensified then as Rick, picking up the pace, continued to drive his cock deep into her and then pull almost all the way out on every single stroke.


“Oh, ya! Oh, ya! Kitty likes big dick now, don't you?!” Rick breathed, now pumping her so hard that his pelvis was ramming into her ass and causing her round ass to ripple with each hammering strike.


With her mouth wide open, long drools of saliva then dripped from her tongue and chin, and Rick grit his teeth and began grinding his cock deep inside her tight love-hole.


Kitty was completely in another world though, and he pulled her head back, so that her back sharply arched and her hands were just flopping freely in the air. As he ground away, dredging up her insides and breaking new ground with every deep thrust of his pulsating meat-stick, her body was now just putty in his hands. More like a puppet on a set of strings, Kitty just helplessly swung and rocked back and forth under the force of his long, delving thrusts.


Her voice now was almost screaming when it was at its peak, and Rick felt like he could honestly loose his mammoth store of semen inside her at any moment. Instead though, he looked down at his prick, and he saw her lips, like a stretched rubber washer, completely wrapped all around his thick dick and bubbling along its edges.


“Oh, fuck! You're so fucking tight, Kitty!”


It was right at that moment, just as he was holding off his nut and drilling the far reaches of her tight little cunt out, that he suddenly heard a heavy pair of stomping feet racing up from behind him. Surprised, Rick immediately ceased his drilling and whipped his head around to his rear and to the approaching footsteps.


Charging up behind him was a giant of a man, well over nine-feet tall and with skin as black as coal. While the man looked human enough, he was clearly too big to be a human, and he was dressed in a strange outfit, which resembled garb from the Middle East, with a pristine white turban and matching bagging pants with pointy shoes. The look on the giant's face was one of surprise and anger, and when he saw Rick and what he was doing, the giant's eyes flared open, he immediately stopped in his tracks, and he pointed at Rick accusingly.


“What are you doing to my pet, you monster?! Do you know how much I paid for that cat?!” accused the dark-skinned giant.


Jerking himself out of the sexy alien and with his rock-hard shaft dripping wet with her juices still, Rick stared at the giant in horror and was momentarily stunned.


“You bastard! Look what you've done! You have defiled and ruined her!” the black giant continued his emotional rant. “I... I will not stand for this! You understand me!? You will pay for this, you... you... monster!”


Rick's mind was suddenly scrambling, and all he could see in his head was this giant wrapping his fat hands around his neck and snapping it like a twig. Facing off against this giant and being caught red-handed in the act had Rick at a total disadvantage, and though his mind spun with the horrors of what might happen to him, he was frozen in terror like a statue and unable to act.


As the giant man took a few assertive steps forward and then reached out to seize him, Kitty immediately jumped to his rescue from seemingly out of nowhere. Hissing like a angry cat, Kitty leapt forward and slashes the giant with her retractable nails on her hand, just before the giant was about to seize him.


“Arg!” cried the giant in pain, stumbling back a few steps. “You little, ungrateful pussy cat! I give you the run of my villa and all the food you can eat and this is how you repay me, by allowing this... this intruder to defile you even before your own master?! You'll pay for this, you little whore! You hear me?!”


Kitty having given him the time that he needed to snap out of it and act, Rick then scrambled over to his shotgun only a few feet away, and he picked it up and leveled it on the giant.


“Get the fuck out of here! Now!” Rick barked, clicking the safety off and knowing he already had a shell in the chamber.


“Who do you think you are, huh?! You steal into my villa, abuse my pets...! What's your name? Tell me! What's your name? Where do you come from?” the giant demanded, holding his bleeding hand which had been scratched only a moment before.


As the giant raged, Rick was on his knees, his dick going limp, still wet, and dangling down now between his legs. At that moment, he felt Kitty snug up behind him, hiding against him, and he felt her suddenly reach around with her hand and gently start stroking on his meat from behind. Seeing the abject danger they were both in, Rick realized that this little pussy cat friend of his maybe wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box, or perhaps she was just more horny than even he was?


“You are a filthy, lecherous cat! I cannot believe I wasted so much money on you! You ungrateful...!” raged the giant.


“Get the fuck out of here... now!” Rick repeated his threat, cutting him short.


“Mark my words, this will not be the last you hear of me! I will get the Constable! She is my slave! Mine! You cannot steal my pussy cat and think you'll get away with it! You'll see!” the black giant threatened, as he stumbled backwards in the direction he had come from.


“Beat it, asshole!” Rick shouted out, keeping his shotgun leveled on the retreating giant.


Just as the giant retreated out of the alleyway calling for help, the sexy little cat woman already had wrapped her lithe little body around him and was sucking so hard on the head of his dick, Rick thought she was trying to suck the head of his penis completely off.


“Holy shit! Stop, stop! We are in real trouble here, Kitty! We need to get the fuck out of here!” Rick rambled, pulling away from her thin lips locked on his dick.


“Meow! Meow!” she alarmingly begged, looking up at him in desperation.


The next second, Kitty laid on her back in front of him and spread her legs as far as they would go to either side, like a V in the air. Looking up at him with a pathetic expression, she reached down with one hand and with two fingers, spread her little lips invitingly for him to sink his pole deep inside her once again.


“Meow!” she pouted.


“Fuck! Don't get me wrong, Kitty. I want to knock your fucking socks off, but we need to get the fuck out of here! There will be a time for this shit later. We are in real danger here, you understand?!” Rick tried to explain.


Pulling up his pants and buttoning them back up, Rick then scrambled to his feet. Just around the corner, he could hear the giant shouting that he had an intruder on his premises and to call the Constable. Dashing over to his backpack, Rick quickly shoulder it, and at the same time, he picked up the utility belt and put that around his waist too. He had no idea where Asha and Seeka were, but he knew he couldn't stay where he was any longer. He had to find a way to escape.


Glancing over at Kitty, Rick saw that she was up and had put back on her black leather outfit, but she had a rejected expression on her face with her bottom lip pathetically jutting out. Stepping up beside her with his shotgun in hand, Rick threw his arm around her and kissed her cheek.


“Hey! Don't be sad, all right? We can play later. We just need to get the hell out of here before we get caught and killed,” Rick explained, and her spirits lifted after his kiss and she nodded that she understood.


“Do you know Asha? Or Seeka?” Rick asked, gazing into her crystal blue orbs.


At the mention of the names, Kitty shook her head and looked at him with a confused expression.


“Shit! We need to get the hell out of here and hide out. Do you know where we can run and hide to?” Rick quickly asked, suddenly hearing several hammering footsteps and a whistle blowing at the open end of the alleyway.


Outside of the nook he woke up in, the narrow alley ran in either direction and opened up on one end but came to a wall on the other, only after a dozen or so feet. Just by looking at the high wall at the dead end of the alley, he knew instantly that it was too high for him to scale. Rick soberly realized then that they were now completely trapped down in this narrow corridor, and their only escape now was down in the direction where he heard footsteps quickly approaching and where he knew the angry owner of the villa had fled.


“We're fucked!” Rick breathed. “We need to get out of here!”


Before Kitty was able to answer him though, suddenly Rick saw the giant villa owner from before along with two other giant men with deep tans. All three of the men wore baggy and colorful clothing in bright hues, and they paused and stared down the alley at him. The two newcomers, meanwhile, had large scimitars in their hands, which were almost as long as Rick was tall, and they wore gold chains with some kind of badge over their broad, naked chests. Worse, both of these men looked taller and more menacing than even the villa owner, and Rick guessed that they were probably eleven or twelve feet tall, sheer giants in comparison to him.

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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