Dreaming of Jizzy (5 page)

Read Dreaming of Jizzy Online

Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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“Oh, it is so nice to have a hot dick between my tits! Make love to my breasts, Master! Love them!”


After only a few short minutes though, Rick suddenly found himself feeling like his prick was going to explode, and almost instantly, his toes curled, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he felt the pump deep down in his semen reservoir suddenly kick on.


“Oh! Oh, my god! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!”


Reflexively thrusting his hips all the way forward once again, he then let loose his full store in a couple paltry spurts.


“Yes, Master, yes! Cum all over me! Cum all over me!” Jizzy enthusiastically encouraged.


It seemed like only a heartbeat later and after a few violent thrusts of his hips, Rick was completely spent. Breathing hard, Rick opened his eyes and stared down. Jizzy, at that moment, had a bewildered expression on her face, and he watched a few paltry streaks of cum wash right off her face from the water coming out of the showerhead above.


“Is there a problem?” Rick asked, as Jizzy grabbed his limp cock and held it up.


Closing one of her pretty eyes, Jizzy then looked down his urethra with the other, as if confused and trying to understand why there wasn't more coming.


“You do not have a lot of semen in there, Master,” Jizzy seriously noted, gazing up and shrugging her shoulders at him, clearly at a loss.


“Is... Is that not good?” Rick asked.


“Oh, I suppose... if that makes you happy, Master,” Jizzy replied somewhat reluctantly, and just let the matter be.


Standing, Jizzy mechanically put her micro bikini back over her puffy nipples, and she looked frazzled and a little less enthusiastic than before, almost as if she felt let down by the experience.


“But it doesn't make you... happy?” Rick asked, studying her pretty face.


“Oh, Master, if you are happy...” she replied, waving him off.


“No, what is it? Did you not like my penis after all?” Rick asked, suddenly worried as he really liked the change himself and felt more manly because of it.


“No, Master, it is the perfect size, and I can't wait to feel it deep inside my tummy. I will cum like a fountain when you do me! Like, I really can't wait!” Jizzy eagerly answered, hopping up and down in the shower.


“And my cum?” Rick pointedly asked, an eyebrow arching.


“It is... fine, but...”




“But I... I really like cum, Master! I like the taste of a man, and it is so much fun to play with! You can blow bubbles and cum swap with sexy partners... You spit out so little though...”


“So why don't we just... wish for more, right?” asked Rick with an innocent shrug and a sneaky smile.


“Oh! You'd do that for me, Master?!” she enthusiastically asked.


“I don't know why not? Why not make me have the cum say of... three men...”


At the same time he suggested three men, Jizzy quickly offered, “A horse!”


“A horse!?” Rick barked back in shock.


“Yes, it will be a bit messy, but better a bit of a mess to clean up than... hardly anything,” Jizzy argued and then cringed, clearly not wanting to offend him.


“Well, I guess? If it will make you happy, then go ahead and do it,” Rick told her, nodding his head.


“Really, Master? You won't mind?”


“Well, we'll see how it goes. Go ahead,” Rick agreed.


“Wonderful, Master! Wonderful!”


Crossing her arms then over her wet breasts, Jizzy closed her eyes and nodded her head. As she did all this, Rick just stood there and didn't feel any different at all and was waiting for something, anything to happen. Then, opening her blue eyes once again, Jizzy excitedly announced,“Done, Master! You will see next time... Oh, it is going to be so much fun! I can't wait!”


“Good, or... right. I need to get moving! I'm going to be late for work,” Rick then announced, suddenly turning off the shower and stepping out of the tub.


“Would you like me to dry you off, Master?” Jizzy asked.


“No, no. Here is a towel for you,” Rick answered, offering her a spare towel from under the sink.


“Thank you, Master,” she graciously replied, taking the towel with a bow of her head.


Within a few minutes, Rick quickly dried off and put on his work-clothes. Running into his room, Rick saw he was running a few minutes late, and he quickly slipped on a pair of black dress socks and shoes to match.


“You look very handsome, Master,” Jizzy complimented him, standing in the doorway to his room and once again completely dry and in her purple and gold genie outfit.


“Thanks, Jizzy. Hey, look, I got to get running to work. Feel free to hang out and... watch whatever you want on the television and help yourself to whatever food you want out of the kitchen,” Rick quickly offered, his mind racing and in a hurry.


“This work must be very important. You seem in quite a hurry,” Jizzy seriously observed.


“It is. It is... Well, not really. It isn't so much that the work is important, you see, but I don't want to hear my boss bitch at me. Look, I'll be back later. Thanks for the... shower,” Rick told her, throwing on his wool jacket, scarf, and retrieving an umbrella from a bucket next to his front door.


“Oh, no problem at all, Master. You may fuck my breasts any time you'd like!” Jizzy happily informed him.


“That's... That's freaken awesome!” Rick told her with a wild smile, and he immediately spun around and started unlocking the door.


Then, a sudden thought occurred to him, and Rick stopped dead in his tracks. Turning to Jizzy with a secretive smile on his face, Rick had a naughty thought pop into his head.


“What is it, Master?” Jizzy asked, reading his expression.


“You can make any wish come true?” Rick asked, the sneaky smile on his face growing.


“Well, not any wish, but most. What would you like?”


“Let's see, how can I say this?” Rick paused and put a finger to his mouth. “All right! Can you make it so that any woman will fall madly in love with me at just the snap of my fingers?”


“Oh, that's an easy one, Master!” she enthusiastically replied, leaning forward and giggling.


“Let's see. Wait! I need to be smart about this... I only want the closest woman to me... So, this is my wish. I want
the closest woman to me to fall madly in love with me when I snap my fingers,” Rick carefully explained.


“No problem, Master!”


The next second, Jizzy folded her two arms over her breasts, closed her eyes, and then nodded her head. Rick meanwhile watched her do so, but he didn't feel like anything at all had happened.


“Done, Master! Have fun!” Jizzy giggled, waving goodbye to him.


“Awesome! I'll see you later when I get home. Make yourself at home, all right?” Rick quickly told her.


“I will, Master! I will! I can't wait for you to return!”


As Rick shut the door behind him, he found that he had a long smile on his face and felt like he was on top of the world for the first time since he could remember. Somehow he had this smoking hot genie from out of a bottle making all his wishes come true. She had just literally made his dick into something he could be proud of and allowed him to titty fuck her until he blew all over her face, even if there wasn't much cum involved. Plus, she couldn't wait to get fucked by him later that night. Honestly, Rick realized, this was more than any man could want in the world. Skipping down to the elevator, Rick marveled how last night, passing through that exact same hallway, he was so down and dejected, but now, he felt like he was a completely changed man and things were finally looking up for once in his life.



An Innocent Mistake





Rick was, of course, fifteen minutes late to work that morning because he missed his train, but that didn't stop him from spending his entire subway ride daydreaming of stuffing Candace like a Thanksgiving Day turkey with his new and improved super-dick. All his lustful thoughts on the way to work that morning literally had his prick almost permanently stiff in his slacks, and he was happy that he had purchased a newspaper, which he kept half-opened over his crotch on the subway, to hide his many dreamy erections throughout the train ride to work.


Unfortunately, Rick knew that sneaking into work was next to impossible, and he also knew that he'd more likely than not hear something from his boss, Tanner, about his tardiness some time that morning, even though he couldn't honestly remember the last time he was late for work. After skipping through his department floor and sliding into his cubicle, Rick threw his things down, turned on his computer, and he waited a few seconds while it warmed up. Once the screen was finally up, Rick immediately opened his company email folder, his client database, and then his office instant message service. He knew the instant message service would immediately give his tardiness away, as company policy was; if you were at your desk, you were to have it on at all times.


All around him, Rick could already hear his coworkers on their phones with clients, talking shop and trying to coax their clients down whatever road to financial success his managers had laid out for them. While each individual employee had the liberty to sell whatever financial products were available on the market, the company always had its own agenda and fed their employees particular investment products that would be more beneficial to the company's bottom line. Rick honestly thought the whole thing a bit underhanded, but it was just the nature of the business in that particular industry, not only at his own company, but pretty much everywhere else he had worked as well.


As he quickly clicked through the emails in his mailbox, Rick deleted some emails and then prioritized others according to their particular urgency. Taking a quick peek over at his phone, he saw the red light blinking, indicating he had messages. Every day at his company was the same old shit, and Rick kind of thought of every single day like he was a race car driver in a race against time. He knew he had an enormous number of tasks to accomplish daily, and if he didn't get through them all that day, they'd backlog onto tomorrow, which is honestly the last thing he wanted to have happen. Not only would he effectively fall behind in his workload, but when you didn't tend to your clients' needs right away, they tended to complain. If they complained, then you were placed on the managers 'radar', as he and his coworkers so fondly called it. Being on the radar was a recipe for disaster and a mountain of headaches, as management would then micro-manage the shit out of you to try and coach you back to the path of success. Luckily, during his tenure there at Samuel Barton & Sons, Rick had never been on the radar before, and he wasn't planning on starting a stay on it any time soon. After quickly prioritizing his emails, Rick immediately picked up his phone and began checking his messages. It was at that moment, when he started scribbling some notes from his missed phone calls, that an instant message popped up on one of his flat-screen monitors.


“From Tanner: Once you're open for business, but before you make any calls, come back to my desk, please.”


Exhaling, Rick instantly knew he'd probably get a warning from Tanner for being late to work, and he honestly wished he could skip the whole lecture just so he could tackle the mountain of work on his plate that morning. While Tanner was generally a nice guy on the whole, Rick's boss was a man who went strictly by the book in about every situation. Not only did he go completely by the book, but he did so in such a cold and aloof way that Rick thought of him more like an unfeeling calculator at times, than an actual human being. Rick thought Tanner was such a obedient slave to the system that he often joked to himself that, if his boss were in Germany during the Second World War, he could totally see Tanner gassing Jews without a conscious because that was simply what the orders said to do. Not only did Rick not think his boss would have any problem at all executing those terrible orders, but he was pretty sure Tanner would be at the local church on Sunday's singing in the choir too. It wasn't that Tanner couldn't think for himself, he clearly could and was a smart guy, but the man was part of the machine. Men like him did whatever they needed to in order to advance themselves and that equated to following all the rules to the T. Reading over the message from his boss again, Rick then riffled off a quick reply.


“From Rick: np, brt.”


As he was locking his computer but before he actually stood up to head off, Rick was abruptly greeted by a blimp of a smiling face on his left, staring down at him over the gray cubicle wall.


“Good morning, Rick! Running a little late this morning, eh?” Cathy greeted, in an I-know-something-you-don't kind of tone.


“Ya, got caught up,” Rick simply replied, she being the last person on Earth he essentially wanted to talk to, ever.


“Oh, hot sauce! I love hot sauce! Do you mind if I use a little at lunch?” Cathy asked, her eyes firmly locked on the tiny red bottle of habanero sauce, which Rick had neglected to hide in his hurry and was just sitting on his desk in plain sight.


As soon as the words left her mouth, Rick felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and a bulldozer inside of him completely flattened his glorious plans at getting back at her. While the morning itself had started out great fucking Jizzy's wonderful breasts in the shower, Rick was starting to get the sneaking feeling that things were starting to turn ugly for him.


“Uh, ya, sure. Feel free,” Rick answered in defeat, putting the hot sauce next to the candle on the top of the cubicle wall between the two of them.


“Why thank you, Rick!” Cathy beamed with a long smile that still told him there was something she knew that she wasn't telling him. Leaning close to him then, she whispered, “Oh, and don't worry about being late. I'm sure no one noticed.”


“No one but you,” Rick sourly thought to himself, but he only managed a dismissive 'thanks' in reply.


As Cathy dropped down into her cube like a good little groundhog, Rick stood up in his, intent on walking back to Tanner's more spacious cubicle at the end of his aisle. But before he turned to walk back, his eyes quickly scanned the hundreds of cubicles across the massive, football field-like floor of his department. While his eyes innocently skipped over one head after the next, they finally came to rest, only for a brief moment, on the sole object of his desires that day.


Wearing a rose-colored blouse with another tight black skirt, Rick saw Candace at that very moment throwing her lovely auburn-colored hair back and then tying it back behind her head. As she threw her hair back, he could see the gentle angle of her neckline and her wonderful soft jawline. Tracing her jaw with his eyes, he then wandered up to her lovely full lips, which she had perfectly colored to match her rosy red blouse. He wanted nothing more than to go over there that very minute, take his fat dick out, and have her lovingly suck away on his pipe right then and there with those lovely lips of hers.


Just the sight of her made the butterflies deep in his pelvis scatter, and he felt the sleeping cyclops in his slacks open its lone eye and stir awake. Filling slightly with blood, Rick thought his penis was asking him, “Is it time for sex now?”


As his prick had a very red-light-green-light type of personality, Rick knew it was asking if it needed to be up for this. Otherwise, the beast was kind of like a male lion and simply wanted to lay back down and slumber until it was needed for the heavy lifting.


Taking his eyes off the twenty-something year old beauty across the office floor, Rick told his new and improved python to slither back into its hole, but there would be a time later in the day where he'd be needed, or so he hoped. See, Rick had been plotting, and all that morning on the way to work, Rick had spent his time on the subway devising, what he thought, would be the perfect plan to get into Candace's panties that very day and even in his office building. While the plan itself made him excited with testosterone giddiness, he knew that his plan would have to wait for now. First, he had to take care of official business, and that meant dealing with Tanner.


Stepping into boss's spacious cubicle a few minutes later, Rick looked into Tanner's lazy, half-comatose eyes and his boss's lips barely formed a smile in welcome. As a young thirty-something year old, Tanner had rose up through the ranks within the company fast after college, first becoming Department Lead, and then taking the Team Manager position when it became available a short time later. A no-nonsense kind of guy, Rick actually got along quite well with Tanner, unlike some of the other employees who were put-off by his less than enthusiastic approach to leading.


“Please have a seat,” Tanner gestured to an open chair and put his coffee down on his desk at the same time.


“Thanks,” Rick nervously began, taking a seat next to his boss' desk. “You know, sorry about this morning, Tanner. I had something happen at home, it held me up, and I ended up missing my train.”


“Don't worry about it. I can't remember the last time you were late,” Tanner dismissively answered, leaning back in his chair in his power-boss pose while folding is fingers together over his lap.


Shocked, Rick thought to himself that maybe Tanner wouldn't have gassed Jews after all, and he immediately felt horrible thinking such terrible thoughts about the stoic young man.


“So, uh, what's up?” Rick asked, as Tanner seemed to be silently considering something.


Exhaling, like he found what he was about to do laborious, Tanner then looked up at Rick and mechanically began.


“Look, I know you're a good employee, Rick, but upstairs wants me to address something with you.”


“All right?”


“There have been some complaints...”


As soon as Rick heard the word 'complaints', he knew exactly where Tanner was going, and he leaned back in his chair, his shoulders slouched, and he didn't bother to say a word to defend himself. The quicker Tanner gave his lecture, the quicker it would all be over with for the both of them. In the end, Rick knew it wouldn't do any good to argue and fight anyway. At these companies, Team Leaders, like Tanner, major role was essentially babysitting adults. While the 'adults' under them would be horrified to hear that, that was really the truth of the matter. Tanner had to keep the peace on his team and within the department and part of that was dealing with complaints, no matter how legitimate or illegitimate they were. Sadly, Rick found in most corporate settings that the squeaky wheel was often the one that gets greased in these situations, and Rick knew he was seated next to possibly the squeakiest wheel in his entire department, maybe the entire company.


“... I am not going to name the person, or persons, involved in these complaints, but an email, or emails, have been received lately implicating you using language that is... far too casual for an office setting... Look, Rick, this is just a warning, all right. Just mind your Ps and Qs. In an office setting like this, you never know who is listening, and because anyone can be on the phone with a client and overhear what you're saying, these kinds of complaints are going to have traction with the higher-ups, know what I mean? So just be careful in the future to keep it strictly business in the office.”


Rick was honestly sick and tired of this shit. This wasn't the first time Tanner had to have these kinds of talks with not only him, but other people in his row as well, and he and everyone else knew exactly where these mysterious complaints were coming from.


Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Rick immediately replied, “Look, I want to be moved, Tanner...”


“You know that I can't do that,” Tanner cut him short and shook his head.


“Why not?”


“Because I have to get approval from my boss, and then put in the order request with IT, blah, blah, blah. Its costs us money to move people from place-to-place, even within this department. Those above us are not going to go for it just because you... want to move,” Tanner plainly explained.


“Look, I'll do it myself then! We don't even need to get IT or the department head involved. I know how to plug and unplug a computer, and you know that I do. I fix computer issues in this department all the time,” Rick continued to plead his case.


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