Dreaming of Jizzy (8 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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Pausing for a heartbeat before he actually opened the door, Rick slowly turned to face his scorned coworker. His expression now serene, Rick stared at her right in the eye, spoke a few words, and then made his escape.


“I would rather die than touch you.”


Even though Rick thought for sure that Cathy would make good on her threat, she actually never did. Instead, once she got back to her seat a few minutes later, she repeatedly messaged him and apologized, professing her deep and profound affection for him. Somehow, she had it in her twisted, little stalker mind that the two of them were playing some kind of kinky courtship game, and Rick, for the moment, just played into it. For the rest of that day at work, Rick carefully played his cards, and he kept his horny coworker at bay with promises to meet up with her on some future date to talk it all over and work it out. In truth though, he couldn't wait to get home, talk with Jizzy, and wish the whole incident with Cathy away. While the whole thing proved to be an innocent little mistake, Rick realized that, in the future, he needed to be a little more careful and thoughtful with his wishes and actions, so he didn't bumble into these kinds of disasters ever again. But, as the saying goes, old habits die hard.








With a bouquet of pink-and-white flowers in hand, Rick happily marched down the hall towards his condominium doorway. While work had been a bit of a challenge to say the least, since he departed his office, his thoughts had been all about returning to Jizzy and all the wonderful things he wanted to do to and with her. With a lot of false starts happening in his boxer shorts on the subway ride home, it was hard not to remember all the revealing things the horny genie had enthusiastically told him the night before about how much she loved anal sex and sticking her tongue up his ass, among other kinky things. The images associated with these memories nearly had him creaming in his shorts, but he held off, his mind clouded with carnal desires centered on the intoxicating genie.


Having survived the train ride home without any embarrassing incidents, Rick decided that he wouldn't just walk in his front door and then proceed to fuck Jizzy's brains out, but instead, he decided to treat her like a real lady, something he thought she might appreciate since she had been locked up inside her bottle for god-knows-how-long. So to help to get the juices flowing, so to speak, Rick stopped at the florist after getting off the train and picked up a bouquet of flowers, and when he got home, he was even planning on taking Jizzy out onto the town for a bite to eat. Then, when they got back from all that fun, he'd be up all night long plunging his meat-stick inside her wet holes to his heart's content. This plan, unlike the one with Candace at work, was flawless, and, as far as Rick was concerned, a sure thing.


As he stepped down the hallway the last couple steps to his door, Rick had to honestly admit to himself that ever since Jizzy had entered his life the night before, he hadn't felt this alive in years. He honestly felt like a young man all over again with the possibility of sneaking a kiss from his childhood sweetheart, and he felt giddy and full of energy. Shoving his dry umbrella under his arm while holding the flowers in his other hand, Rick reached down into his pocket for his keys. With a smile on his face hinting at what was to come, he could hear his television on beyond the door, and he paused a moment to listen to what Jizzy was watching.


“...That's it, one, and-a two, and-a three. Keep it up! This exercise will firm up that buttocks and give you the well-defined, sculpted butt that you're looking for...” came an encouraging female voice.


Imagining Jizzy on his floor, bent over in some skintight leotard, and doing butt-firming exercises made those butterflies deep down in Rick's belly start to flutter with even more of a frenzy, and he suddenly asked himself if maybe not a whole evening of swampy sex without dinner wouldn't be better, than his master plan? To be honest, Jizzy wouldn't likely care one way or another, and he felt like his viper was about to spit at any minute anyway. Considering this really for only a heartbeat, Rick decided to stick to his perfect plan instead. In the end, it would make Jizzy happy. Plus, he'd feel like a real stud walking around with someone so beautiful as her under his arm, not something he got to do every day.


Putting his keys in the door, Rick carefully unlocked both locks, and he opened the door slowly, hoping to surprise her. Peeking his head through the open door first, he smiled long and looked directly into his tiny living room, thinking he'd find her doing exercises right on the floor. Curiously, he didn't see Jizzy in his living room at all, and doing a quick scan of his kitchen and dinning area, he didn't see her there either.


The practical thought then crossed his mind that she must be in the bathroom, if genies in fact even had to do such crude things, or perhaps even in his bedroom sneaking peeks at his porn stash. Chuckling to himself at the thought of her going through all his girly magazines and movies, Rick quickly crept through the door and quietly closed and locked it behind him. The television was loud though, much louder than he normally kept it himself, but he could see a pink pad on the floor in front of the television, where he guessed Jizzy had been doing her butt-toning exercises.


Dropping his umbrella in the can by the door, Rick kept his flowers in hand, and he craned his head and did a quick double-take inside his closet-like kitchen. Noticing that his sliding glass door was slightly ajar just a few inches, Rick then wondered if perhaps Jizzy wasn't out on the balcony, taking a break and enjoying the city skyline. Quickly stepping through the kitchen and wanting to surprise her, Rick paused suddenly when his foot just happened to kick something that skid across the floor and then ended up underneath the nearby cabinets. Wondering what it could be that he kicked, Rick reached down under the cabinets and picked up the ornate cap to Jizzy's bottle, and he remembered the night before that he had dropped it when he had opened the bottle but had never picked it back up.


Looking for the bottle, Rick turned to his left, to his little two-person table in the dining area right next to him, and curiously, he didn't see the bottle on the table where he had left it the night before. Cringing in thought, Rick could have swore he saw the decorative bottle there when he left that morning for work too. Quickly scanning the kitchen counters and sink area, he didn't see the distinctive bottle in there, and turning around, he failed to see it on any of the end tables in his living room either.


Slipping the cap to the bottle into the pocket of his slacks, Rick had the thought suddenly occur to him that maybe Jizzy had washed the bottle in the shower, or possibly moved it to his bedroom to be closer to him? Slapping an eager smile back onto his face, Rick crept up to the sliding glass door to his balcony, and he took a quick peek outside. It was already dark out and the porch light wasn't even on, but he didn't see anyone out there either. The door, however, was cracked open a few inches, and he could feel the biting outside air creating a draft in his place. Shutting the sliding door and locking it, Rick made a mental note to talk to Jizzy about leaving it open, especially when it was so cold out and he had the heater on.


Turning back around and peeking back into the living room a minute later, Rick still didn't see Jizzy, not only that, but it suddenly occurred to him that he couldn't hear her either. With the distinctive golden bells that she wore around her ankles and had attached to her genie outfit, he realized he'd honestly have to be deaf not hear her anywhere remotely near him and certainly within the walls of his tiny condo. Once again scanning for the distinctive bottle in the living room and not seeing it, Rick suddenly had a momentary sinking feeling in his gut that something wasn't quite right. He couldn't exactly put his finger on it, but the smile on his face was then replaced with a puzzled expression.


Telling himself that there was probably a totally reasonable explanation for all this and that his feelings were out of line with reality, Rick turned and quietly walked towards the brief hallway that led to the bathroom and his bedroom beyond. He could see that his bedroom door was closed almost all the way, but the bathroom door was wide open and it was dark inside. More puzzling though, his bedroom light wasn't on either. For a moment, that nagging sinking feeling returned once again.


Why would Jizzy be walking around in the dark? She wouldn't have just stepped out for a minute, would she? Or worse, could she have just decided to leave him? If he didn't have that ornate cap in his pocket from her bottle and the pink pad in the middle of his living room floor, Rick might have actually been able to convince himself at that moment that she had never existed at all, but she had clearly been there. That pink pad wasn't his, and the ornate cap in his pocket clearly came from that unique bottle of her's.


Peeking inside his dark bathroom, Rick saw no one inside and nothing out of place, but when he turned to push open his bedroom door, he saw something that forced him to immediately stop in his tracks and his heart began to race. The wooden door to his bedroom had a fist-sized hole in it, and he knew he didn't make that hole, and it definitely had not been there when he had left that morning for work.


Before he was able to think of all the ramifications and possibilities this presented, the next second Rick heard a noise, like someone knocking things over on the dresser in his bedroom. When he looked up through the crack in his bedroom door, he suddenly saw a bright light flash over his room, like a powerful LED flashlight being used by someone within his room in the dark.


His eyes bulging, the next second, Rick heard his dresser drawer being pulled all the way open, and what sounded like it being pulled out and then its contents haphazardly discarded onto the floor. A million things flashed through Rick's mind then, and he knew his dresser was next to his bed and that both were against the far wall on the other side of his bedroom. Meaning, whoever was in there, likely had their back to both him and the door. In addition, he always kept a wooden baseball bat just inside his door, so if there was ever an intruder that broke in through the front as he slept, he could easily grab the bat to defend himself on the way out of his bedroom.


Hearing another dresser drawer being pulled all the way out and seeing a flash of light in the room again, Rick determined that there was a very real possibility now that he had an intruder in his house. This intruder possibly took the unique bottle, thinking it was of some value, and was now rummaging through the rest of his belongings looking for other valuables too.


But what had happened to Jizzy? And who put that hole in his door?


The next second, Rick swallowed hard and his heart sunk then thinking of what these intruders might have done to Jizzy, whoever these people were. His mind scrambling, Rick quickly went through all his options in a flash. He knew he could retreat out of his condominium and call the police with his cell phone, but they'd likely take twenty-to-thirty minutes or so to get there. Shaking his head and firming up his resolve, Rick quickly decided on the fly that he was going to deal with this intruder himself instead of calling the police.


Nodding his head repeatedly and feeling his heart pounding in his chest, Rick then reached inside his bathroom and put the flowers down on the sink. Even though the plastic wrapping around the flowers made a brief crinkling noise when set down, the television was so loud in the other room that it completely masked the sound. Gently grabbing the handle of his bedroom door with his left hand, Rick then pushed the door open just a tad, reached in with his right hand, and retrieved the wooden baseball bat that was leaning against the wall right next to the door.


Breathing just a tad bit easier now that he had a weapon in hand, Rick heard another dresser drawer being emptied out, and he saw the light from a flashlight again go along the back wall of his bedroom. He knew once he pushed the bedroom door open the whole way, the light from the living room would flood in and would immediately give him away, so he knew he'd have to just charge in and attack the culprit. He didn't know who might be in there, but if they had a gun, Rick knew his only advantage was surprise. He also knew that his bedroom wasn't that big, and he could be on top of the intruder in a heartbeat. Steadying himself, Rick clearly understood that he had to act decisively and without any hesitation if he had any chance at all to get the drop on them.


With his adrenaline now flowing, Rick patiently waited, and once he heard another drawer being pulled open, he immediately shoved open the door the whole way and charged into the room. Without screaming out, Rick dashed a few steps forward and raised his bat high overhead to strike at whoever it was that had broken into his place. In the split second it took for him to push open the door, the intruder, which he immediately could see was too short and petite to be Jizzy, swung around at the light immediately spilling in through the door to face him.


As Rick raised his bat to strike, he was suddenly shocked to see that his intruder was a stunning, four-armed female in some kind of pearl, skintight bodysuit. The suit started at the base of her neck, and it then opened up into a V-taper down the center of her chest, ended just below her little belly button, and exposed the insides of either of her round tits. The back of the suit was wide open as well and left her back naked all the way down to the base of her asscrack, leaving her cute little Venus dimples exposed. The futuristic pearl suit was reflective and so skintight, Rick could swear he could see individual goosebumps on her flesh bleeding through, and he could see dimples on either of her tiny nipples bulging through the suit as well.


The sexy intruder was short, maybe five-feet tall at most, and her body was firm and sporty, like a gymnast. Around her narrow waist, she had some kind of military-style belt with odd-sized pockets. A heavy sword hung from one hip with a meaty and sharp end that looked like it could do some serious damage, and on the other hip, she had a holster with some kind of bizarre, futuristic pistol housed within it. On the very top of her head, the intruder wore a flashlight contraption that wrapped around her head from ear-to-ear, kind of like a hairband, and it had little LED-like lights on either side of it, tiny colorful buttons all along it, and little antennae on either side by her ears. Just before this strange device on her head, the alien had a circular set of goggles, like a World War One fighter pilot would wear, but she didn't have them pulled down over her eyes just at the moment. While her hair was only shoulder-length, the curious thing about her hair was each individual hair strand was several inches thick, and from the ends of these thick strands, she had tiny glowing bands wrapped individually around them, putting off a white luminescence like tiny glow sticks.

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