Read Dreaming Of You Online

Authors: Marie Higgins

Dreaming Of You (17 page)

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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“Yes, it will.” He wagged his eyebrows. “So is my lady ready?”

She laughed. “Are we back to that again?”

“Back to what?”

My lady

He shrugged. “I want to be the hero you’ve created in your books.”

A tug pulled at her heart, and she wondered if the constant referring to her books was going to ruin the evening. “Shane, you don’t understand. You don’t have to pretend with me. You’re already a hero in my eyes.”

His expression softened as he stepped closer and gathered her in his arms. His mouth swept over hers, and she met his passionate kiss. As she clung to him, she realized her heart was definitely involved.

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. “I better slow down,” he said, his breaths coming quickly, “or I’m going to want to skip dinner and just be satisfied with holding and kissing you tonight.”

Threading her fingers through the hair resting on his neck, she leaned into him and smiled. “I, too, better control myself. I really do want to go to Roberto’s.”

“Your wish is my command.”

* * * *

Shane stared into Katelyn’s incredible blue eyes from across the table. Once they’d been seated, he took her hand in his and didn’t let go as they waited for their food. The dimly lit room and violinist wandering throughout the dining area created such a serene mood that made Shane not want to have this evening to end. She looked so beautiful, and he couldn’t believe he’d once thought of her as plain. Then again, he didn’t know her well. The more he knew about her, the more beautiful she became both inside and out.

Unfortunately, she still held secrets. The very idea was the key keeping him from falling in love with her. She’d melted his heart, but he refused to confess his feelings yet. Knowing now that he’d jumped the gun with his first marriage when he fell in love with Amber so quickly, he knew he wanted to use more caution this time. His kids deserved vigilance.

Then again…it was his kids who were making it hard for Shane not to fall in love with Katelyn. They loved her, and her genuine care for them nearly had him weeping with happiness.

Since returning from Disneyland, his head had been spinning with indecision. So then why when he was with her, did his mind finally slow down from the whirlwind of confusion?

“Oh, Shane, this place is everything I’d imagined and more.” Katelyn smiled and her eyes sparkled like gems.

“Roberto’s has a reputation for being very romantic.” He ran his thumb over the soft skin of her knuckles.

She nodded. “They’re living up to their reputation, that’s for sure.”

The waiter brought their food—two pasta and seafood dishes. Reluctantly, Shane released Katelyn’s hand. As he took his first bite, he watched her lift the fork to her mouth and taste her food. Her eyes closed and she smiled with an expression of pure bliss.

“Oh, Shane.” Her voice was so soft it practically purred. “I’ve never tasted anything so heavenly.”

He smiled. She’d definitely chosen the right word to describe the food. Even the setting was heavenly. Shane tore his gaze away from her and glanced around the room. Waiters wearing the traditional white shirts with black vests and matching pants hurried around the dining area, stepping carefully as not to spill their trays of food. Slowly, the violinist moved from table to table, creating the mood with his talent. Fancy-dressed couples sat together holding hands, staring dreamily into each other’s eyes as they listened to the music. Shane recognized a few people, but most of them he didn’t.

Then his gaze landed on a very familiar person, and his happy mood disappeared. Anger filled his chest, and he wished it hadn’t.

What is she doing here?

Tori—the very devious and overbearing sister-in-law—was going to ruin Shane’s night. He just knew it!

Shane didn’t know the man Tori batted her overly caked-on eyelashes at, and Shane didn’t care, either. The point was that she was
on the very night he wanted to have a romantic dinner with Katelyn. What were the odds? Then again, knowing his control-freak sister-in-law, he suspected this was not a coincidental meeting at all.

Tori’s gaze moved away from her date to focus on Shane. She arched a dark-penciled eyebrow at him and gave him a wicked smile. Irritation grew in him like a poisonous plant. No, this was definitely not a chance meeting.

Shane’s sister-in-law moved her eyes to Katelyn. Within seconds, Tori’s eyes widened and her expression turned to one of surprise. Silently, he grumbled. Did Tori think he wouldn’t date anymore? Maybe it was Katelyn’s beauty that Tori found so shocking. At this point, he didn’t care because Katelyn made him happy.

He tore his eyes off Tori’s offending sight and looked back at his plate of food. He speared his fork into his shrimp scampi and shoved it in his mouth. His bitter mood had grown and festered, making him want to get out of this place quickly. This was supposed to be the perfect date—first
date, he reminded himself—with Katelyn. So why was he allowing Tori to ruin it for him?

What he needed to remember was tonight was about Katelyn.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, he focused back on his date. Hopefully, she hadn’t noticed he’d been preoccupied for the past few minutes.

“So tell me,” Katelyn said in between bites, “did Cori and Casey enjoy Disneyland?”

Slowly Shane’s anger left and he was able to smile without feeling like it was forced. “They haven’t stopped talking about it yet.” He chuckled. “They want me to bring you over to the house so they can play with you.”

She chuckled. “They are so adorable.”

“What about your nephews?”

Katelyn nodded and sipped her water. After setting it down, she smiled. “They had a great time. In fact, Steven told his parents about the field trip you wanted to take the boys on, and my brother and his wife gave their permission. So whenever you want to take the boys on your big trucks, let me know.”

“Great. I’ll see what I can arrange. I know Cori and Casey love those construction trucks.”

“You’ve never told me about your company.”

“I haven’t?”


“When I was in college, I worked for a man who owned a construction company. He treated me like a son. It was a small company, and I could see possibilities for growth. But Ted Walker was old and because of his declining health, he knew he wouldn’t be around much longer. He had no sons of his own, and so he talked me into investing into his company. He left me his company when he died. From that point, I was able to turn it into something big.”

“How amazing.”

“I kept the company here, but took the opportunity to start an office in Montana. That’s where the twins were born. At first, I only had a small crew—and my secretary, of course—but that’s where the company took off and the money started rolling in faster than I knew what to do with.”

She finished chewing what was in her mouth and wiped the linen napkin across her lips. “Not many men have your good fortune, you know.”

“Yes, I know.” He took a small bite. “I had a great crew in Montana, and the best secretary around. In fact,” he swallowed, “I ran into Mags just the other day.”


“Yeah. Her name is Margaret Hess. While in Montana, we had a falling out so she left the company, and I ran into her again at the grocery store.”

“It’s a small world, isn’t it?”

He shrugged and took another tiny bite. “Well, considering she was Ted’s secretary here and just stayed with me when I took over the company, it wasn’t that surprising to see her here. In fact, I might just hire her back. She hinted she’d be interested.”

“I’m sure you’re a wonderful boss.” She winked. “If you’re as kind to your employees as you are to your children, anyway.”

He belted out a laugh. “Yeah, I wish my employees were as easy to handle as my kids.”

“Well, I’m quite certain Cori and Casey love the big trucks at your company just like Steven and Luke will.”

He nodded. “I’m sure they would love to come with your nephews for our tour, too.”

“Definitely.” Katelyn took another bite. “It’s obvious how your twins love spending time with you.”

Shane’s heart flipped with happiness. “You can see that?”

“Of course. Can’t you?”

He shrugged. “A while before my divorce, I was working many hours and didn’t spend time with my family. My wife was…” He sipped his drink, mainly to think of a polite way to talk about Amber. “She wasn’t a very happy woman and complained all the time about my absence. Of course, I was starting up my business in a new state, too. After the divorce, she took the kids, and I was only able to see them once a month. When Amber died and I regained custody, I felt alienated from my children, and it worried me that I would never be close to them.”

Shane quit talking for fear he’d get emotional. This subject had always upset him because he knew Amber and Tori had been lying about him.

Tenderness touched Katelyn’s expression when she smiled. “Now I realize why Cori said what she had to me the day you saw me at the daycare.”

He lifted his brows. “Yes, what was said. All I know is that was the first time Cori had shown me her love since Amber died.”

“Cori told me her father wouldn’t let her go to Disneyland because he didn’t love her. When I enquired to her statement, she expanded by saying her auntie had told her that.” Katelyn touched his hand. “Shane, I’m worried that your sister-in-law is brainwashing them. That’s not good at all for their emotional state.”

Anger shot through him and he clenched the tablecloth. “I had suspected something like that.” He took a deep breath, then calmed himself. “I’ll take care of Tori. You can count on that.”

“Good. But you don’t have to worry about knowing if your children love you or not. I can see they love you very much.”

Shane had never cried in front of a woman—except for his mother—and he wasn’t going to break down now and cry in front of Katelyn even if his heart was full of happiness. “Thank you, Katelyn. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He caressed her fingers with the pad of his thumb.

The waiter came and filled their empty glasses with water. “How is everything?”

Katelyn smiled wide. “The meal is the best I’ve tasted.”

Shane nodded.

“I’ve never been here before,” Katelyn continued, “and I think this is such a magnificent place. It’s so beautiful… so romantic.” Her gaze softened when it landed on Shane. “I have to admit, this will be a time I’ll not forget.”

“I’m so glad you think so,” the waiter said.

Shane stared at Katelyn, his smile stretching the longer he looked at the wonderful woman across from him. This was so far one of the best moments of his life, too.

He took another glance at Tori’s table. Her gaze had been on him, but she quickly turned her head. He hoped she wouldn’t do anything to disturb his date. Yet, knowing Tori, she would have done something already, so maybe Shane was safe. For now.

After the waiter left, Shane lifted Katelyn’s fingers to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Do you know how special you’re making this evening for me?”

A blush stole across her cheeks. “No.”

“Well, you are. It’ll be hard to let you go tonight.”

Her blush darkened on her cheeks. She gently pulled her hand away and smiled. “You are certainly a charmer, Mr. Hunter. I’m seriously starting to wonder about you now.”

He laughed. “Wonder about what?”

“About what you
want from me.”

He scowled at her playfully. “You are a very distrusting person, you know. Why would you think that about me? Don’t you know I like you for yourself?”

“Well, I would hope so. What you see is what you get.”

“I sure like what I see.” He winked.

“There you go again, turning on the charm.” Grinning, she shook her head. “Now I’m worried what else you have in store for our evening.”

Shane laughed. “It’s a surprise, but I know you’ll love it.”


Chapter Thirteen


Katelyn’s face hurt from smiling too much. Yet the happiness jumping inside her was the best feeling in the world.

Shane had made her put on a blindfold before taking her to his ‘surprise’. She worried what other drivers would think of her being blindfolded, but it was night and she hoped not many would see. Besides, Shane looked excited about this excursion, and she didn’t want to ruin his enthusiasm.

The truck finally stopped and Shane turned to her and touched her arm. “Don’t peek.”

“I won’t.”

He climbed out of the truck and a few seconds later, her door opened. He clasped her hands and gently pulled her down before leading her away from the truck. A light wind stroked her skin and blew through her hair. Tonight’s weather was slightly warmer, for which she was grateful.

Shane stopped and stood in front of her, his hands cupping her head. “I hope you like the surprise.”

“I’m sure I will, Shane.”

He kissed her briefly on the lips before removing her blindfold and stepping out of her vision. Ahead of her, large and beautiful in all its glory stood a church…magnificent enough for God Himself. Against night’s dark backdrop, the church was lit up—looking like a white castle in heaven—glowing so beautifully it brought tears to her eyes. The overwhelming feeling of love for the Lord burst in her chest.

“Oh, Shane,” she whispered as her throat choked with emotion. “It’s so beautiful.”

He slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “Yes, it is.”

“I—I—I really can’t believe you brought me here.”

“Well, the other night I drove by this place and I was somehow
here. I sat in my truck and just looked at the church. I felt so peaceful. And I was also thinking of you.”

She tilted her head to look at him. “Really?”

“Yes. I wanted to be here with you.”

Her heart melted—for the hundredth time today. She laid her hands over his wrapped around her middle. “Thank you. You have made this the perfect evening.” Relaxing against him, she was content to stare at the church all night.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said softly.

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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