Dreaming Of You (13 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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Without music, he began moving, but she followed his steps, even when he swung her out and brought her back. Totally amazed, her smile widened when she realized he actually did know how to dance.

“Are you shocked?” he asked.


After a few more swings, his chuckled. “You’re doing really well for a beginner.”

“Thank you,” she answered, not taking her eyes from off his, “and you’re doing well for a Fred Astaire wannabe.”

His laughter rang through the empty halls. “Fred Astaire doesn’t dance country.”

“You know what I mean, Shane.”

He swung her one last time then held her against his body, slowing the rhythm. His gaze rested on her lips as his expression softened, and she felt the pull…but no. She couldn’t let him kiss her again. Although she hadn’t stopped thinking about that one incident in his truck, it was wrong. And he was definitely the wrong man for her.

She moistened her dry lips. “Shane, I never thanked you for having my jeep towed away.”

He smiled. “Anytime.”

He’s still staring at my lips!
“But you never did tell me how much it cost,” she added.

His head moved closer. “Don’t worry about it.”

Her breathing became deeper and when he pressed his lips to the side of her face near her ear, she thought her heart would leap right out of her chest. When he took in a deep breath, the brick wall of defense crumbled around her.

“Katelyn, you smell like heaven,” he whispered.

So do you.
She breathed the scent of his after-shave, but bit her lip to keep from speaking aloud.

“I can’t stop thinking about that time in my truck,” he said, his voice still low. “Your scent is still on the sweater I let you wear. I can’t bring myself to wash it and remove your fragrance.”

“You need to stop thinking about it. It shouldn’t have happened.”

“No, you’re wrong,” he muttered. “It happened for a reason.”

He kissed her earlobe and she unconsciously let out a heavy sigh.

“See, you can feel it, too.” His voice was husky.

She tried to withdraw from his embrace, but he kept her in his arms. “I shouldn’t be feeling anything. I don’t want to feel it.”

He twirled her out of his arms one more time, and as he brought her back, dipped her and held the position. His expression was serious, but tender. “Are you sure you don’t want to feel it?”

She wished he wasn’t so irresistible. His eyes expressed what he felt, and heaven help her, she felt the same, no matter how much she wanted to deny the attraction.

His gaze dropped to her lips, and when he lowered his head, she didn’t stop him. The moment his mouth covered hers, she let out a sigh. With an urgency that she didn’t quite understand, she clung to him and kissed him back.

He brought them to an upright position, and his hands wandered over her back to pull her closer. She couldn’t stop herself from cuddling against him. Her mind argued with her body to pull away and tell him to leave. She didn’t want to have feelings for a man who carried so much baggage. Yet, it was his baggage that made him into the man he was right now—the same man who had looked at his children with so much love. Just thinking about it made Katelyn want to weep with happiness.

The loud chirp of Shane’s cell phone brought her alert, and she jerked out of Shane’s strong, comforting arms. A different feeling washed over her, leaving her feeling empty. It took all her will-power not to fling herself back into his arms where she felt complete.

“Sorry,” Shane said, his voice deeper than normal. He pulled out his cell and clicked it on. “Hunter here.”

Katelyn adjusted herself, swiping a nervous hand over her shirt and skirt.

“Hey, Justin.” Pause. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Katelyn held her breath. Why was his lawyer calling?

A long paused followed, as Shane’s sultry gaze changed to confusion and left her to skim up and down the hallway.

“Uh, well… Yes, I’m still considering, but—” he swallowed hard and turned his back to finish, “actually, this is not a good time. I’ll call you later.”

Her heart broke and her hopes were crushed. She didn’t need to ask what he and Justin were discussing. She knew. Shane was still going to continue with suing her.

All too soon, loud voices of the departing audience echoed through the halls. Snapping her head in the direction of the crowd. Inwardly, she thanked fate for stepping in and ruining the mood, and especially getting her mind back on track.

She took a deep breath, threading her fingers through her own mass of hair, hoping she didn’t look as disheveled as she felt. “I better go talk to my nephews.” Her voice came out lower than normal, so she cleared her throat. “I don’t want them to know I’ve missed their play.”

“Katelyn, wait.”

He clasp her arm but she yanked it away. “Really, Shane. I’ve got to go.”

Without looking back, she walked past him toward the crowd, praying that this kind of situation would never happen again.

* * * *

Katelyn dismissed her temporary mental breakdown with Shane. Why had she fallen so easily for his kisses? And why was he kissing her if he still intended to sue her? Perhaps she wasn’t the only one who’d had a temporary mental breakdown.

Putting those worries aside, she tried focusing on her trip to Disneyland with her nephews. Unfortunately, she couldn’t take all three of them, only two. Xavier was just too young, or so his mother insisted.

The drive wasn’t that bad, and within a few hours, Katelyn had the three of them checked into a hotel room very near the theme park. Steven and Luke jumped up and down as they waited for their Aunt Katie to get her things together.

With a nephew holding each hand, they walked to the park. Nonstop for several hours afterwards, the excited boys told her which ride they wanted to go on. Most of the day passed, and thankfully, the boys hadn’t worn her out. Yet. She took pictures of her nephews with the characters—Mickey & Minnie, Donald Duck, Goofy: pretty much the whole gang. There were some characters that Steven and Luke didn’t want a picture with, mainly the Princesses.

Katelyn’s favorite time in Disneyland was at night when they had the light show and fireworks. And this time of the year, the light show would be geared toward Christmas. She hoped the boys would be just as excited as she was, but in the late afternoon, she could see the fatigued expressions on her nephews’ faces. Poor Luke looked as if he would drop at any moment.

“Why don’t we rest for a few hours?” she suggested. “Then you won’t be too tired to see the light show.”

Steven shrugged, not looking enthusiastic about her idea at all. “I really don’t want to see it, Aunt Katie.”

“Oh, but it’s spectacular. You’ll remember it always, and it’ll be something you can tell your friends. I bet you Santa will even be in the parade.”

Luke leaned against her and rested his head on her stomach. “I’m too tired to see the light show. I wanna go back to our room. We can see the light show tomorrow.”

She ran her fingers lightly through his hair. “But Luke, by this time tomorrow, we’ll be heading back home.”

Their droopy expressions gave her the answer. Her heart sank, knowing she’d not get to see the light show this time.

She pulled them to the nearest bench to rest for a minute. Luke kept his head against her shoulder, and Steven slumped beside her. Disappointment spread through her, but she couldn’t deny she’d have a wonderful time with her nephews just the same.

Rolling her head slowly from side to side, she stretched out the tired muscles on her neck, listening to the joyful sounds coming from the rides and the kids’ raised voices as they waited for their turn ride. Screams of children were all around, either having fun or being frightened of the rides.

She smiled, remembering her first time here many years ago. Closing her eyes, she could see herself as a young girl—probably Steven’s age, as her parents held her hand and took her and her siblings on each ride.

Soon the memory turned into a daydream…the way her mind always seemed to work a story scene into everything.

Katelyn laughed as the ride dipped and turned. Her belly followed the motion of the carnival ride. Beside her, Luke and Steven clung to her. Excitement danced in their eyes as they laughed.

The ride climbed higher, and she didn’t dare look down since she’d always been afraid of heights. Luke and Steven looked over the side, leaning closer than she wanted. She grasped each arm to bring them back inside.

Suddenly, the ride came to a quick stop, jerking them forward. Katelyn looked around, from the other cars on the track, to down below. Other people wore confused expressions as well.

“Aunt Katie? What’s happened?” Luke asked.

“I don’t know—” Another strong jerk had her sliding forward in her seat as the car tilted. She screamed and clung to the steel bar holding them inside.

“Aunt Katie. We’re going to fall!” Steven cried.

“No, don’t say that.” She tried to calm herself, but her shaky voice said it all. “They’ll fix the ride and—“

Another strong jolt rocked their car on the narrow rails. The three of them screamed.

She glanced at the other cars. They were fine. So why did her car act like it would turn over and dump them to their deaths at any moment?

“Katelyn, don’t move!”

She looked up the narrow rails. Shane Hunter came toward them, balancing on the tracks the best he could. Her heart leapt, but her stomach rolled. He would fall since he had nothing to hold him.

She said a silent prayer that he would not slip and fall to his death—that he would come to her rescue yet again, save her, and they would live happily ever after.

“Katelyn, I won’t let anything happen to you. I love—”

“Hey, Aunt Katie.” Steven nudged her, bringing her back to reality. “Someone is calling your name.”

Oh good grief! Why was she fantasizing about Shane again? But more importantly, why was she thinking about those three little words she’d wanted him to say before she was pulled out of the daydream. She must be crazy!

Off in the distance, she heard her named being called. She turned and looked toward the sound. Two little kids ran her way, shouting and waving their hands.

“Miss Palmer! Miss Palmer!”

She gasped. Of all places… Cori and Casey?

Glancing behind them, the object of Katelyn’s dreams walked toward her, and he looked just as handsome as he did the last time she saw him. Excitement beat in her heart. For some reason, she didn’t think this was a coincidental meeting.

She stood as Cori and Casey ran up and hugged her legs. “Hello, Miss Palmer.”

She laughed and bent to return their hugs, then looked back at Shane. “I’m so surprised to see you…here.”

Shane stopped very close to her, and she thought he, too, was going to give her a hug. Thankfully, he didn’t.

“Well, you mentioned to Cori you were going to Disneyland, and so my kids have been bugging me nonstop until I agreed to bring them.”

“But—how—I mean, you—me…” She stumbled over her words, still surprised.

“Yes, isn’t it funny how we’re always running into each other?”

By the teasing look on his face, she wondered if he hadn’t planned this all along. Dare she ask if he were stalking her now?

Before she could say another word, a woman walked up behind Shane and stopped. Katelyn’s heart dropped. He was here with a date! Katelyn quickly assessed the other female, secretly wishing her own hair was as curly, and that her face was as pretty. Katelyn felt like such an outcast at the moment. Of course Shane would be with a date. He was unattached and probably looking for a mother for his twins. Katelyn shouldn’t be thinking that maybe something might happen between her and Shane, anyway. Impossible!

Luke jumped up from the bench and ran to the woman. Katelyn reached out to grab him, but the little bugger slipped through her grasp.

“Mrs. Christensen? What are you doing here with Cori and Casey?”

The beautiful model-like woman bent to Luke’s level and smiled. “I’m Cori and Casey’s aunt.”

Their aunt?
This was definitely not Tori. Katelyn quickly looked the woman over again and noticed the resemblance she and Shane shared.

Katelyn laughed. “Luke? How do you know this lady?”

Mrs. Christensen laughed, too. “I’m the vice principal at his school.”

Shane entered the conversation. “I’m sorry for being rude and not introducing you before now. Katelyn, this is my sister, Elaine. Elaine, this is Katelyn Palmer.”

Katelyn shook hands with the other woman. Happiness burst in Katelyn’s chest. Shane wasn’t here with a date! Maybe, just maybe something would happen…

“Are you guys in the mood for a couple more rides?” Shane asked.

Katelyn shook her head, preparing to tell him how tired the boys were, but suddenly her nephews got a spark of energy and jumped up and down.

“Oh, yes,” they chimed.

Shane winked at her. “How about you?”

She shrugged, not knowing how to act. The last time they were together and she overheard the brief conversation he had with Justin, she thought for sure he was still planning to take her to court. Silently she prayed she had been wrong. “I think I could handle another ride or two.”

He reached his hand to take Katelyn’s, but a smaller hand slipped into hers first. She looked down into the smiling eyes of Cori. The little girl then took hold of her father’s hand. As the three of them walked down the path, a strange feeling of family unity came over Katelyn. Although she had no right to feel so complete, she couldn’t help herself. Shane even looked at her differently, and the pound in her heart wouldn’t subside. Her nephews tagged behind with Casey and Shane’s sister.

The first ride Katelyn went on was with Cori and Casey and Luke, since the ride could hold four. They laughed and screamed, and suddenly the day seemed a little brighter. The next ride, Katelyn voted to sit out, explaining that because it was a two-seated ride, there wouldn’t be any room. This gave her time to sit and watch Shane with his children.

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