Dreaming With A Broken Heart (Hollywood Legends Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Dreaming With A Broken Heart (Hollywood Legends Book 1)
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“Woman or not, Wyatt was right. There is nothing to be
done until morning. Let’s get some sleep.”

“Lynn is off tomorrow. I don’t plan on sleeping.”

“Jesus,” Garrett groaned. “Spare me, all
right? Go. Enjoy. Just keep it to yourself.”

“Will do, boss. With relish.”

Garrett chuckled. His friend was getting some. In all
likelihood, his brother was similarly occupied. He glanced at his watch. Eleven
fifty-eight. In less than two minutes, he planned on heating up the airwaves.
When had sex become so complicated?

That was easy. It became complicated when the person he had
it with started to matter.

As he crossed the cramped trailer, Garrett kicked off his
boots, tore off his t-shirt, and unsnapped his jeans in one continuous motion.
He was bare-assed, on the bed, and dialing the phone just as the illuminated
clock hit midnight.


Jade answered after the first ring. She didn’t care if she
seemed over-eager. For the last ten minutes, she worried he wouldn’t call. When
she heard the first notes of
Undercover Lover
, relief washed over her.
Why wait? She wanted to hear his voice. Even if she knew how, it was not the
time to play coy.

“Thank God,” Garrett groaned. “You’re as
anxious as I am, aren’t you, honey?”

“I’ve thought about this since I got your
message.” She paused, wondering how much she should confess.

“You looked up dirty talk, didn’t you?”

“How did you know?”

Garrett relaxed against his pillow. He knew because every
day he was getting to know her better. She was a little nervous, so she tried
to prepare. He would bet her research didn’t last long.

“There’s some pretty graphic stuff out there.”

“Graphic doesn’t begin to describe it. I don’t know if
I can say some of those things.”

“I don’t want you to.” Garrett turned on the light
by his bed. “It wouldn’t be you if you used somebody else’s words.


Garrett took a deep breath. He knew he was about to take a
big chance. Still, he felt it was time.

“Do you have Skype on your phone?”


“I want to see your face, honey. Turn on your light.
Let me see.”

Garrett didn’t know what to expect. He figured the fact that
they were still connected was a good sign.

“I texted you my information. Call me back.”

Fingers flying, Garrett made the connection in record time.
This time when Jade answered, he saw her beautiful face.

“There you are.”

“Are you naked?” Jade asked hoping he would use
his phone to let her know. The darkened motel room worked both ways. She longed
for memories that weren’t draped in shadows.

“Want to see?”

“Yes, please.”

With a wink, Garrett slowly started panning down his body. He
was a director; he knew the effect of the slow reveal.

“Like it?”

Jade nodded. “You have a beautiful body.”

“My ego thanks you,” Garrett teased. “Tell me
what you like. Give me details.”

“I like—” Jade cleared away the crack in her
voice. “I like that you have some hair on your chest. Not too much. I
remember how it feels against my breasts. My nipples are hard thinking about

“Show me,” Garrett rasped.

Moving the phone so he could see the screen, Garrett waited
silently. His breath quickened when he saw the swell of her breasts over the
top of a wispy scrap of lavender lace.”

“What are you wearing?”

“A teddy. I bought it for myself when I turned
eighteen.” Jade moved the lace cup, exposing the hard, dark pink nub.
“I’ve never had the nerve to wear it. Until tonight.”

“Thank you,” Garrett whispered with a touch of
reverence. “Now, touch yourself. If I were there, what would you like me
to do?”

This was all new to Jade. Yes, she touched herself. When she
was alone. If the lights were out. Even then, she didn’t linger. Her hand would
slip between her legs, taking care of business. It was nice. A stress reliever.
It never occurred to her to start with her breasts. Now Garrett was asking her
to do just that — while he watched.

“Jade, honey. I’m waiting.”

“I wasn’t prepared for this.”

All her feelings of inadequacy knocked on the door, trying
to crawl back in her head. She knew how destructive they could be so she did
her best to keep them at bay. Taking a deep breath, Jade shut out the voices,
focusing on one — Garrett.

“This is easy, honey. Everything about you turns me on.
I wish I were there. I want to be the one giving you pleasure. Think of my hand
touching you. There you go.”

Jade pictured Garrett. What color were his eyes? A stormy
gray? Clear silver? His voice urged her on. Knowing he liked what he saw
emboldened her. She cupped her breast.

“How does it feel?” Garrett asked.

“Soft. Smooth.”

“Mmm, I remember. Run your thumb over your
nipple,” he urged. “That’s right. Do you like that?”

“I like the way your voice makes me feel. I like
knowing I excite you.”

“Oh, Jade. You have no idea. Look at your phone.”

Tilting the screen, Jade gasped. Garrett had his cock in his
hand. The long, hard length seemed to reach out for her. Unconsciously, Jade
licked her lips, her head moving up and down to the rhythm of Garrett’s

“This is for you, Jade,” Garrett informed her.

make me hard. The thought of you. That’s all it takes. All day
I tried to keep myself from picturing you as you are right now. I can’t go
around with a permanent hard-on. What would people say?”

“Too much Viagra?” Jade teased even as her mouth

“Not a rumor I want floating out there,” Garrett
chuckled huskily. “That drug-induced five-hour erection can kill a man’s
reputation. Hell, they can literally kill a man. You’re my drug of choice,
Jade. No little blue pills needed.”

Realizing she was holding her breath, Jade slowly exhaled.
Her breathing was shallow, the flush in her cheeks moving down her body.

“Your face is beautiful. I can see the arousal in your
eyes,” Garrett told her. “The way your lips are parted. I love how
your tongue keeps wetting them. Are they dry?”

Jade nodded.

“Words, honey. Tell what you’re feeling.”

“My throat is dry. My lips, too.”

“And the rest of you?”

Jade closed her eyes. She knew what Garrett was asking.
Slowly, her lids opened expecting to see his rock hard cock. Instead, she was
looking into eyes the color of burnished steel.

“Are you wet, Jade?”

“Yes,” Jade sighed.

“Show me.”

Careful to avoid her scars, Jade turned the phone toward the
ceiling until she was certain it wouldn’t catch a glimpse of her stomach. Just
to be sure, she pulled across, leaving her upper and lower body bare.

“I see a pair of gorgeous legs,” Garrett said.
“Show me what’s between them.”

Jade swallowed. The embarrassment that had slowly faded
tried one last push.
This isn’t who you are
, it taunted her.
Pull up
the covers; turn off the phone
Go to sleep in your cold, little girl
bed. You don’t belong with a man like Garrett. He is out of your league

“I can do this,” Jade firmly informed the voice in
her head. “I
to do this.”

“I know that, honey,” Garrett said. “I
wouldn’t push you if I didn’t think it was what you wanted.”

“It is.” Jade declared firmly.

Slowly, Jade opened her legs. It was slightly awkward. She
wanted to angle the phone so that Garrett could see her while she was still
able to see him. Suddenly it hit her. She grabbed the spare pillow, arranging
it under her knees then propped the phone, hoping to give them both a good
angle. She smiled with satisfaction. Garrett’s face, clear as a bell.

“Can you see me?”

“I love that the hair is red down here, too.”


embarrasses you? You should be shouting it
from the trees. Redheads are timeless. The fact that you are all natural,
honey, makes you the envy of millions. What am I saying? I’m the one who is
envied. There isn’t a heterosexual man alive that wouldn’t bow down in awe if
they could trade places with me right now.”

“Now you’re being silly.”

“That is the last thing I am,” Garrett assured
her. “Silly men do not have raging hard-ons. See?”

“Is it painful?” Jade asked. To her, it was a
thing of beauty.

“Mmm, in a good way. I know I’ll get my reward.”

“Which is?” Jade knew. She wanted to hear him say

“I get off while watching you get off. Win-win,
honey.” Garrett’s hand moved firmly up and down his shaft. “Your

Nervousness turned into anticipation. Jade moved her hand
until her fingers hovered between her legs. She remembered how Garrett liked to
tease her. He played around the edges before giving her what she wanted.
Knowing he was watching, Jade did the same.

“How does it feel?”

“Wet,” Jade answered breathlessly. “Hot.
Slick. See how easily my fingers slide in? Three at a time, no problem.”

“Your fingers are smaller than mine. You’re tight,
honey. I never use more than two.”

“I like the calluses on your fingers,” Jade said.
“My hands are smoother.”

“I know. Like silk running up and down my cock.”

“You like the way I touch you?” Jade asked. God, she
loved touching him.

“Heaven on Earth.”

Without removing her fingers, Jade let her thumb run over
her clit. She gasped at how sensitive it was. When she was alone, it felt good.
With Garrett, it was out of this world.

“You confessed to thinking of me when you touched
yourself,” Garrett said, his hand never missing a beat. “How often?
What was your fantasy?”

Jade was transfixed. Every time Garrett stroked himself, his
erection seemed to get bigger — harder.

“I would get into bed.”


“No,” Jade corrected him. “I never worried
about what I was wearing. You would remove it as soon as you joined me.”

“I like that,” Garrett whispered. “Go

“I close my eyes. The lights are out yet the moon is so
bright the room is illuminated. I know you’re near. You circle the bed. I hear
your breathing. Inside my head, I’m begging you to pull back the covers. I need
your touch. It feels like you’re teasing me.”

“Anticipation,” Garrett murmured. “You like a
slow build.”

“I want it to last,” she admitted.

“It’s a safe bet I eventually join you in that

“Oh, yes.”

Jade removed her fingers long enough to show Garrett how wet
she was. The sound of his swift intake of breath, the way his hand slowed,
almost stuttering to a stop on his cock, gave a boost to her ego

“We both pretend I’m asleep. You’re careful to ease the
covers back. I’m peeking, so I see the smile on your face. You’re amused at my
flannel nightgown.”

“Amusing, but not much protection,” Garrett

“Depends on what I’m wearing underneath.”

“A chastity belt? Though I warn you, I’m excellent at
picking locks.”

Jade felt a rise in her pulse. A familiar tingle spread
through her body. Not yet. She eased back, delaying her orgasm until Garrett
was with her.

“You’re allowed more than one, honey,” Garrett

How did he know? What gave her away?

“You see too much,” Jade sighed.

“We’re lovers. I’m supposed to know your body —
anticipate your needs. Let yourself come, Jade. I’ll help you get there

“We should… you know, together.”

Hearing Garrett’s chuckle, Jade smiled. He was right. She
had a camera pointed at her vagina and she couldn’t say the word come?

“Fine,” she laughed. “I want to
with you.”

“Tell me when you’re ready,” Garrett’s voice
dropped an octave. “I’m with you.”

Jade kept her eyes on Garrett’s hand. Faster now, not as
measured. Her breath caught in her throat. That was for her. His passion, his
arousal. It was about her. The thought sent her flying.

“Now,” she cried. “I can’t stop it,

“Put the camera on your face, Jade,” Garrett
commanded. His face came on her screen. “Show me what you’re

Jade hoped she aimed the phone in the right direction. When
the orgasm hit her full blast, all she could think about was the wave after
wave of pleasure radiating through her body. She knew Garrett was there — with
her. His shout added another layer of satisfaction as she slowly floated back
to Earth.

Jade’s breathing slowed. Her heartbeat steadied. Her eyes
met Garrett’s. No longer steely gray, they were a clear, bright silver. Was
that his happy color? The smile on his face said yes.

“I wish I could hold you.”

Jade took a deep breath. When he said things like that, she
found herself balancing on a slippery slope. Her heart was in the balance. For
both their sakes, she couldn’t let herself fall.

“Do you know how long you’ll be gone?”

Garrett shook his head. “There are some labor problems
that need straightening out.”

“Ah,” Jade said, understanding dawning.

“You sound like you’ve had some experience with

“It’s difficult.” Jade smoothed out the sheet
covering her stomach before settling back on her pillow. “In theory, I’m
all for unions. They have a history of making life much batter for their
members. Still…”

“When you have to deal with them they can be a pain in
the ass,” Garrett finished for her.

“So says the union member.”

“No,” Garrett corrected. “Technically, the
Director’s Guild is not a union. I had to join one when I worked on sets as a
jack-of-all-trades. Back then, I belonged to half a dozen of them. Everybody
has their own. If I wanted to learn, I had to pay my dues — literally.”

BOOK: Dreaming With A Broken Heart (Hollywood Legends Book 1)
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