Read Dreams Take Flight Online

Authors: Jim Dalton

Dreams Take Flight (24 page)

BOOK: Dreams Take Flight
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As for my personal life, Heather has become an important part of it, but she is always preoccupied with my past, or who I am, or something like that. We have fantastic sex. She is beautiful, kind, and loving. I think she would do anything for me. But how can I give serious consideration to making a future with someone who won’t accept me for the person I am today? This business of wanting to know more about me is a puzzle; guess I’ll never understand it.

Then there’s my new job waiting for me. I start my training with Global in about four weeks. I will have a crazy schedule for at least six months, perhaps even a year or longer. I have always focused on one thing at a time. Lately it’s been school, then my job, and then Heather. I won’t have school to deal with, but the Global training and transition to another plane will require a lot of bookwork and time. At this point, I’m not sure I will have the time to give Heather the attention she wants, much less deserves. Is it right for me to ask Heather to sit tight and just wait for me to get my life organized? She could be dating other people. Who knows, she could fall madly in love with next person she meets. Besides, I still can’t stop thinking about Morgan. It pains me to think of having a serious relationship with another woman. Dating and sex is one thing, but Heather is looking for a long-term commitment and I can’t do that. The way I felt when I lost Morgan was almost more than I could stand. I just can’t take that chance again. I owe it to Heather to be completely honest about my feelings. I just don’t see her understanding that my doubts are a result of thinking about what is best for her.

I’m not going to say anything to Heather today—I need to get this graduation behind me—but tomorrow is a different story. The first order of business is to be completely honest with Heather. The truth has always served me well, and I see no need to change that approach now. I will put my plan into motion tomorrow, but first I need to reflect on this to make sure I’m doing the right thing.

Immediately following the ceremony, Lucas found Mike and Heather mingling with the crowd of proud onlookers.

“Hey! Mike, Heather, the two of you apparently made it to the end.”

“Lucas, that was a nice graduation and you should feel proud of your accomplishment!” Heather gave Lucas a big hug and a kiss. “I know how much you put into your education while working a demanding, full-time job. Way to go!”

“Heather’s right,” said Mike. “You’ve worked hard for this, and I am so proud of you. Most people I know would’ve quit some time ago.” Turning toward Heather, Mike asked, “What are you two going to do to celebrate?”

“Don’t have any concrete plans,” Lucas said. “What would you like to do, Heather?”

“This is your day; you decide. Whatever you choose is fine by me.”

“For the first time in a long time, I don’t have any homework and I’m not on standby at the airport, so why don’t we go to that restaurant on top of the hotel downtown—the one that rotates? Can’t think of the name off hand, but we could have a nice meal and then go for a moonlit swim at my place.”

“I think that sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate,” responded Heather.

Mike extended a hand to Lucas for one last congratulatory comment, and then looking at Heather said, “You lovebirds have a nice evening, and don’t stay out too late!” He gave Heather a wink as he turned to walk away.

“Heather, I can’t believe this chapter in my life is finished. I feel a little at odds. I don’t have anything with which to occupy my thoughts.”

“Mr. Lucas,” she said in a playful voice, “I’ll give you something to occupy your thoughts tonight, and in the meantime, you just think about it.”

“Heather, you really tickle me. I’m glad we got together. But now we have a decision to make: do we go straight to dinner, or do I run you home now and pick you up later?”

“Can we go later? I would like to freshen up.”

“I’ll run you home, then we can both freshen up and I’ll pick you up at seven. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Heather, once home, was determined to make the evening special for both Lucas and herself. A quick shower seemed to be in order, followed by shaving her legs while sitting on the edge of the tub. Legs smooth as silk, her attention turned to her bikini area for a quick trim. All twenty nails received a touch-up with pearl-colored polish that complemented her outfit. Applying just the right amount of makeup—essential to make her complexion flawless—completed the process of putting her body in shape for the evening. The last step before donning her favorite miniskirt—a black silk skirt with a matching strapless top—was to select a pair of panties that would make her feel both elegant and just a little naughty. A black thong did the job. Sandals with rhinestones showed off her freshly painted toenails and completed her outfit.

As Heather slipped into her sandals, she heard her doorbell ring. Heather made her way to the front door. Opening the door, she found Lucas standing there like a date picking up his girl for the prom. He wore black shoes, gray slacks, and a blue blazer with a white shirt.

“Heather,” he said, “you’re elegant tonight! You’re beautiful, but of course you always are.”

“Well, thank you. Give me just a minute to throw a few things together and I’ll be ready.”

Heather retreated to the bedroom to get fresh underwear, a bikini, a toothbrush, and a pair of shorts and a blouse. She tossed her essentials into a small overnight case and returned to Lucas, who still stood near the door of her apartment.

“I’m ready if you are,” announced Heather as she approached her waiting date.

“Let’s do it.”

Lucas stepped out of the apartment and turned to face Heather as she stepped out and then turned back toward the closed door to lock it. Door secured, Lucas took Heather’s hand and led her to the right side of the car, where he opened the door and assisted Heather into the car.

Getting into a Corvette in a miniskirt isn’t any more difficult than if I were wearing shorts,
Heather thought,
but it can’t be done ladylike. I think I just gave Lucas a preview of dessert. Who cares? Hope he enjoyed it.

Belted in, Lucas and Heather motored their way to the city, where Lucas had made reservations for an eight o’clock dinner. Their restaurant was located on top of a hotel overlooking the city, including the Gateway Arch. The restaurant rotated, so it didn’t matter where they started their dinner, since they eventually saw the entire view. Both Lucas and Heather were in a festive mood.

“Heather, it doesn’t matter what you want for dinner or to drink,” Lucas said. “This is our night. You want it, we’ll get it.”

Lucas and Heather celebrated until the restaurant closed. There was no shortage of food or drink—especially drink. As Lucas and Heather began to exit the restaurant, it became apparent that Lucas was in no condition to drive. Being a responsible person, Lucas hailed a cab. In no time, the cab dropped Lucas and Heather off at Lucas’s apartment. Although not stumbling drunk, neither felt any pain and both remained in their party mood. It was nearing midnight, but the party went on.

“Heather, let me get a bottle of wine and let’s go swimming.”

“I would love to, but it looks like the pool is closed.”

“Nope, they just turn the lights out at eleven, I assume to discourage late-night partying.”

“Like we’re about to do.”

“Not exactly like we’re about to do. I think what they’re trying to discourage is more than a party of two. I don’t expect we’ll make much noise. In fact, I would just as soon not call any attention to our presence.”

“You’re forgetting one thing.”

“What’s that, Heather?”

“My swimsuit is in your car.”

“You’ll be OK. Let me go get that wine.”

“If you say so,” Heather said.

While waiting for Lucas to return, Heather stood there, surveying the area. Much as she had suspected, the complex was dead, with no signs of life anywhere. Even with the sounds of crickets, there was an eerie quiet on that dark, moonless night.

As Lucas emerged from the apartment, Heather could see that he had retrieved two bottles of wine instead of one, as well as two plastic wineglasses. A grocery bag hung from his right arm, and he’d draped a blanket over his head so that it almost covered his eyes.

Seeing that Lucas had his hands full, Heather darted to his aid and took away one bottle and the blanket. Not only was Lucas relieved to have help, he no longer looked so silly. Between the alcohol and the moonless sky, the two found it difficult to walk in a straight line, and the two supported each other as they made their way to the pool. Heather and Lucas were the only ones out, so the entire pool was theirs for the taking. It was late, dark, and quiet. Once there, the two dropped the blanket within a step or two of the water and, after being comfortably seated, spread their goodies out within arm’s reach. Heather checked the grocery bag and found that Lucas had brought cheese to go with their wine.

Lucas leaned on his right arm with his legs spread out within inches of Heather. Heather sat facing Lucas, with her legs crossed in front of her. Such a position required Heather’s skirt to be hiked to her waist, but it was dark and no one was around so she let it. With bottles tapped and wineglasses full, Lucas proposed a toast to the future.

They touched glasses and each said, “To the future.”

“What do you say, Heather: up for a little swim?”

“I would love to take a dip in the pool, but my suit is back at the hotel in your car.”

“Look around: there isn’t anyone here, and this is a dark night. I plan to go skinny-dipping. You can too.”

“That would be cool. Do you really think we can?”

“Watch me.”

Standing, Lucas released his belt, unzipped his pants, and pulled his slacks and underwear off in one motion. His socks were next, followed by his shirt. Sitting there naked, he raised his glass and said, “Your turn.” Then he took a sip of wine.

With Lucas’s encouragement, Heather pulled her blouse over her head and tossed it on the growing pile of clothes. Her bra followed her blouse. Heather leaned back to pull off her skirt and panties, then added them to the pile.

Sitting there naked, Heather raised her glass and said, “Here’s to us.” She also took a sip of wine.

Both were naked, both sipped their wine, and neither said anything. Heather was about three feet in front of Lucas. Her legs were crossed, with her knees nearly touching the pool deck. Lucas could only see her major features. Her breasts were distinguishable, but the rest of her body was cloaked in darkness.

Lucas’s feet were flat on the pool deck, with his knees together just under his chin. His features were also ill-defined, with only his dick protruding between his legs and pointing upward in an otherwise darkened atmosphere.

“Heather, how about that swim?”

“Let’s go,” responded Heather.

Lucas was first to his feet, so he reached down to assist Heather. The edge of the pool was only a few feet away, so the walk was short. Heather was the first one in the pool, followed by Lucas.

“Heather, I love to go skinny-dipping. I feel liberated with my business just hanging free and unencumbered.”

“I know what you mean; I think this is bringing the devil out in me. Incidentally, the last time I noticed, which was just before you got into the water, your dick wasn’t exactly hanging.”

“For what it’s worth, the little general has a mind of his own. Out of respect for you, he’s just standing at attention.”

“I bet he is. Seems like that’s the way he stays. You skinny-dip before, Lucas?”

“I have, but never with someone else in the pool. I think I prefer it this way.”

“Lucas, you bring the little general within arm’s reach and I’m going to kidnap him!” Lucas and Heather just moved around in the shallow end for a while, with Lucas occasionally taking a lap for the exercise. Between occasional bursts of energy, both found themselves back at the edge closest to their wine. Their random swimming continued until Heather spotted a flotation device someone had left behind.

With the floatie tucked under her arms, Heather propelled herself to the deep end, where she just allowed her arms and legs to hang. She found the water, the wine, and having Lucas nearby, to be totally relaxing. Almost completely submerged, she could spread her legs wide apart, feel the freedom of being nude, and still no one was the wiser.

Again and again, Lucas and Heather gravitated back to their waiting wineglasses. At one point, Lucas leaned against the side of the pool, wineglass in hand, when Heather arrived with the same intention. With Heather’s wineglass now directly behind Lucas, the shortest distance between her glass and her current position brought her directly in front of Lucas.

Being the playful person Lucas was, he decided not to move or hand the wine to Heather, but instead to have her work for her reward. Heather could see that retrieving her glass of wine would require a solo effort. Paddling directly in front of Lucas while still cradling her floatie, she tried to reach over Lucas by placing her right hand on his shoulder and pulling herself higher, putting her within reach of her glass. Lucas found himself staring directly at her left breast. The temptation was too much for him. With his wine in his right hand, he stretched his arm out to avoid a spill, wrapped his left arm around Heather’s bottom, and pulled her close. At the same time, he leaned forward and placed Heather’s left breast in his mouth. Her nipple was hard.

Although Heather hadn’t lost sight of her original mission—to get her wine glass—Lucas was definitely changing her focus. Wine glass is in hand, she preferred to simply hold the glass while Lucas sucked on her left nipple. Lucas’s stimulation caused Heather’s senses to come alive, heightening her awareness that the two were naked and alone in the pool.

Heather began to release her stretch, put her glass on the pool deck, and move both hands to the top of Lucas’s shoulders. Lucas, sensing Heather’s interest in returning to the water, allowed her to settle back into the water.

She began to recede back into the pool, sliding down Lucas’s chest and stomach until the folds between her legs met his dick, at which point she hesitated, feeling an opportunity to tease Lucas. Half submerged, and with hands still on Lucas’s shoulders, Heather lifted herself very slowly and then relaxed, allowing Lucas’s dick to barely enter her well-lubricated cavern. Heather’s own juices, plus the pool water, enabled Lucas to slide in effortlessly.

BOOK: Dreams Take Flight
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