Dreamwalker (11 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Dante

BOOK: Dreamwalker
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The carnal storm broke with sudden, breathtaking violence.
Brilliant color slashed across his mental sense as she convulsed around him, a low moan escaping her in the throes of her release. She gushed over him, as exuberant in her delight as in her lovemaking.
He fought to resist the call of ecstasy as she gave in to hers, straining to hang on to his vanishing control as she battered his mental sense with wave after volcanic wave of pure rapture. The glorious, incendiary moment stretched out forever, tantalizing him with sweet relief—if only he would give in.
“Oh, jeez,” she panted, her soprano throaty with bliss. Her arms collapsed under her. “Wow.” The haze of pleasure about her suggested it was an honest expression of her sentiments.
Damon couldn’t have phrased it better.
He’d barely managed to stop himself from taking his pleasure. His thighs shook with the effort, his balls throbbing thick and heavy. But he couldn’t take his release yet. He had more planned for his master thief.
Reluctantly withdrawing his cock from her fluttering pussy, he lowered her to the bed and turned her over, onto her back, encountering no resistance—she was that limp. He must have really gotten to her, he realized, gratified by his success. But he wasn’t done yet.
She just lay there, gasping softly, her pulse fluttering at her throat, her rapid breathing drawing his gaze to her flushed, full breasts. Pliant and contented. Ripe for taking. She smiled at him lazily, supremely female in her boneless lassitude.
But not for long.
He had a mission to fulfill.
Damon caught his breath and shored up his control, preparing for stage two. She had challenged his imagination, made sex a requirement for her acceptance of the job. He couldn’t stop until he was certain of her complete satisfaction.
Kneeling on the bed between her legs, he dragged her onto his lap. Ruffling the pale curls at the junction of her thighs, he parted the dark pink folds of her pussy and slid in, biting back a groan as she surrounded his length with sensual heat. Slick, creamy female flesh clasping him firmly, squeezing him with powerful muscles. Fluttering over him.
“What—?” She gaped at him, wide-eyed, her aura hazing over with confusion.
“Shhh.” Gripping her ass, he kneaded her cheeks as he drove deeper into the tight sheath of her body.
“Oh, God. You’re not done?”
Damon grinned down at her startled face, confidence surging at her reaction. “Not by far.”
He trapped her that way, her legs splayed wide, her back arched extravagantly over his knees, her breasts lifted in offering. She might be a master thief, but there was only so much she could do while flat on her back—and he didn’t intend to let her get away until he was through.
With his throbbing cock buried inside her wet flesh, he bent forward, spreading her thighs further, to brush light kisses across her taut belly. Her abs rippled under his lips. She was in damn good shape, which was only to be expected, given the physical requirements of her chosen profession. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate the results.
“Ooooh.” Her pussy spasmed around him in quicksilver quivers of excitement as her head thrashed from side to side, the motion setting her breasts bobbing.
He rolled his hips, swirling her heated, creamy welcome around his length. The sensual woman couldn’t deny she liked that, and everything else he was doing to her.
Leading with his mouth, Damon mapped her torso from her concave belly to her full breasts with their brownish pink tips all tight and suckable. Hard candy waiting just for him.
Despite the enforced intimacy, being her lover promised not to be that much of a hardship. He nuzzled the soft slopes of her breasts, then caught her long nipples with his fingers and between his teeth, the sharp gasp that greeted his actions sweet music to his ears. Certainly there were compensations.
He took his leisure this time, determined to hold out until she begged. Now that he was in a better position to contain her movements, he could make the game last longer.
Lying on top of her, Damon could feel each and every response she betrayed. A gulp for breath. A shudder of pleasure. The goose bumps that greeted his suckling on her breast. The heating of her skin that accompanied the deepening of her flush of arousal. The soft exhalation barely heard that magnified her flagrant delight.
Just the knowledge was heady in itself.
Then there was her flavor.
Salt and sweetness. The scent of her musk rising between them, driving home the reality of sex. Something he rarely got in dreams.
Damon withdrew slowly, just enough for friction. To savor the sensation of skin on skin, her tight pussy clinging to his cock as he inched out. Not so far that he slid out of the clasp of her body.
Then he reversed his motion, gliding back in.
Sobbing, she undulated in his arms, trying to twist higher, demanding more. “I need to move, damn it!”
“Nah, you don’t have to.”
“Are you saying you know better?”
“My scene, my imagination. How do you know you won’t like it, if you don’t try it?” Nibbling on her soft breast, Damon rocked his hips, eliciting more of that tingling delight. “Unless you’re scared?”
“Fat chance.” A strangled scoff that ended in a mewl of excitement when he reached between them to strum her clit.
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” His eyes threatened to roll back in his head as she milked his length in a series of lightning-quick spasms. He buried his face in her cleavage and practiced deep breathing before he lost it, reminding himself of the many virtues of patience—which unfortunately meant more clit work was a no-go.
She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling his head back to accuse him huskily: “You’re enjoying this.” Her green eyes shot sparks at him, her aura just as colorful with its flashes of lust and temper.
“Yeah? How can you tell?” Damon laughed softly, enjoying having the whip hand for once. The thrum of desire in his balls had backed down to a low flame, allowing him the pleasure of delicacy. The gentle thrills of delight, not just the frenzied kick of passion.
His master thief cursed him, low and fervently, as he continued his slow buildup, playing his cock inside her and swirling his length along her creamy sheath. If he had to be her lover, he might as well get the most out of it.
Ecstasy beckoned irresistibly, urging him to move faster. But not just yet. Now that he had the advantage on her, he wanted to hold on to it a little longer.
Damon strung out the moment. Holding them both balanced on the edge of climax. Slowing down when the pleasure threatened to overwhelm his control. Resuming his pace after he’d backed off from the point of no return.
Fireworks sparked the length of his cock, forerunners of the rapture he staved off by dint of willpower. He rolled his hips, savoring the friction engendered.
Sweet, absolutely sweet.
She writhed in response, moaning her hunger. She was almost there, he could tell.
Now to see how long he could last.
Still bent over her, Damon slowed his movement even further until he was barely rubbing her G-spot, practically floating in place as he circled that one point. Bright sparkles of delight flowed up his spine like champagne bubbles frothing up, but short of spilling over.
Deep red exploded against his mental sense in a sudden burst of intense need.
Her legs jerked around his hips, her heels digging into his calves. “Oh, my God.” She squirmed frantically, obviously fighting for the last bit of pressure that would bring release.
“No. Damon.” Stopping all motion, he held her down easily, keeping them both short of the point of no return. Suddenly it seemed of towering importance to establish some guidelines between them.
“The name’s Damon, not God,” he insisted, holding still though his body screamed at him to move, carnal hunger coiling into a tight Gordian knot around his balls.
“I don’t care if you’re the Devil himself. Finish me!” She ground her pelvis against him in demand, impatience edging her aura with orange.
“Say my name.” Damon prayed she’d give in, since he didn’t think he could hold out much longer. His balls ached for relief, so swollen they felt like they would erupt at the slightest pressure. He needed her acknowledgment, needed to establish he wouldn’t be merely a human vibrator in this transaction.
“Bastard.” Scrambling for purchase, she clawed the bedding, struggling to raise herself and get his cock to where she wanted it, but her position prevented her from getting the leverage she needed—exactly as he’d planned.
“Say it.”
Her mouth worked, opening and shutting wordlessly, as she fought not to give in, clearly suspecting more was going on than she understood. But her body vibrated with carnal tension, still balanced on the cusp of climax. “Damon. Now finish me, damn it!”
On a surge of triumph, he moved, driving hard and fast, answering the siren song of ecstasy with a pounding rhythm that shook the bed.
His master thief responded with a cry of welcome. “Finally.” Her inner muscles jerked tight around him as he rode over her G-spot. She let out a thready sigh, her breath hitching when he ground over her G-spot again. No acting there, the bright delight flaring from her assured him on that front.
For his part, Damon almost forgot the point he’d been trying to make. Pressure had built up in his balls, a geyser of scalding hunger ready to blow.
But he had to satisfy her first. Convincingly.
Focusing his attack on her G-spot, Damon drove her to the edge, intent on reaching completion. This time, there would be no holding back.
“Yes. Oh, God, yes!” She arched, trying to meet his wild thrusts, her hips churning against his. Her climax ripped across his mental antennae, a wallop of pure sensation that struck almost before the spasms around his cock began.
Carnal fire licked his flesh, as explosive as gunpowder. Like spontaneous combustion, burning through his ragged discipline with breathtaking speed. He pumped faster, desperation fueling his pace.
Nearly there.
Her breath hitched as she convulsed around him once more, a look of astonished delight flashing across her face. Her savage ecstasy continued to sear him, shredding his control to a meager thread.
His restraint snapped.
Unable to stop himself, Damon bore down on his master thief, lunging into her, immersing himself in the fury of passion she’d ignited. He pounded her with short, brutal strokes, deaf to her cries of transport. Then a firestorm of exquisite pleasure roared through his cock and he forgot everything else.
Rapture and power swept him away, his heart thundering in his ears. A transcendent bliss taking him beyond himself, free of the bounds of his mortal body and from all cares.
Panting, Damon slumped down, his face buried in his thief’s ample cleavage. Though stunned by the magnitude of his release, he couldn’t resist a sense of smug satisfaction at her purr of pleasure.
Looks like we both won that one.
If her current condition was any basis for judgment, he’d passed her test. The glow of happiness his conclusion evoked would have shocked him—if he had any working brain cells left to be shocked.
All too soon, he felt her stir beneath him, uncommonly energetic for one who’d come as strongly and as frequently as she had. She pulled away, leaving his limp cock with a final flutter of her inner muscles.
Damon found a dram of energy to grab her ass before she got too far. “Where do you think you’re going?”
She chuckled. “Right now? Nowhere. I just need to breathe.”
“Sorry if I’m too heavy.” He reluctantly let her out from under him, kneading the firm flesh under his palm reflexively. Then the warm come on his cock registered.
Damon jerked away, levering himself onto an elbow. “Fuck, we didn’t use any protection. I’m clean but—” He left the rest unsaid. His master thief was a smart woman; he didn’t have to spell out the dangers of unprotected sex.
But there was no change to her blissful expression. “No worries. I’m clean, too, and my shots are up-to-date, so there’s no chance I’ll get pregnant. We can have our fun.”
Relief neutralized the spike of adrenaline the shock had given him. Once more enervated, he settled back down beside her. “Oh! That’s good.”
His hand wandered over to her delta, ruffling the pale, wet strands he found there still dripping with their juices. He fingered her idly, absently noting her different textures: smooth skin, feathery curls, slick cream.
All woman.
The uncharacteristic thought jarred.
Her indolent purr shivered with remanent pleasure. “You do that very well.”
“I learn fast.”
Wariness met his idle remark. “That’s good.” She drew back, raising herself up on one elbow to look at him across the space she’d managed to put between them, quickly regaining her poise. “You never know when you might need a fast study.”
“That isn’t all I learned,” Damon countered, to regain the upper hand. “There’s one other thing.”
A thin, golden brow arched in silent inquiry, light from the nightstand lamp glinting off individual hairs. The wariness he picked up from her belied the small, condescending smile on her full, pink lips.
“You’re a natural blonde.”
“Oh, really?” Despite her nudity, cool amusement glittered in her green eyes. She wasn’t just maintaining an excellent facade; he couldn’t sense any misgivings from her, not shock, not even mild chagrin at his pronouncement.
Her unwavering confidence gave Damon a sinking sensation in his stomach, an uncanny certainty that he was mistaken. But how could that be? Even her pubes were pale blond to the roots; he’d seen them up close. Surely that couldn’t have been dyed?
“You know, you’re right.”
He frowned at her statement.
She really

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