Dreamwalker (14 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Dante

BOOK: Dreamwalker
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Damon hissed, his grip tightening convulsively around her fingers.
She grinned to herself. He hadn’t expected her to take the initiative, had he?
Catching his short ponytail with her free hand, she held his head in place while she explored his ear. She licked the intricate whorls and curving rim, blew on it, then giggled when he shuddered under her hands. Score one for her!
Naturally, he didn’t let her have her way for long.
Damon released her but immediately wrapped his arm around her waist. Gentle tugs told her he was pulling her blouse free of her skirt, but that didn’t distract her from her own reconnaissance. She found that the skin behind his ear was just as soft and—he jerked in startlement when she tongued it—even more sensitive. Perfect for her purposes.
“Tease.” He twisted in her arms and reared back, capturing her lips in an openmouthed kiss that shook her senses. His tongue brushed hers, rough velvet delving deep. He kissed her as if she was his one hope of heaven, stealing her breath and returning it in the next heartbeat. Impatient in his insistence. Exigent in his exploration. Rapacious in his hunger.
Caught up in his desire, Rory hummed her approval, relishing his desperation.
Then it was her turn to hiss when his hard palm glided under her blouse, along her back, handling her with decided possessiveness. His hand moved upward to release the clasp of her bra, then pulled it down until her breasts were free of its constriction.
She bit her lip, suppressing a gasp of delight, when he cupped a swelling mound, fondling it to aching awareness. Then he rolled her nipple between his fingers, and she had to bury her face against his neck, unable to hold back a moan as tingles of excitement spun through her. He’d remembered how much she enjoyed his rough handling.
Alternating between her breasts, he tweaked the sensitive nubs, drawing them to tighter peaks with deliberate pressure. The simple motions were like live wires grazing her womb, a spark of electricity jolting her with raw pleasure.
Good God, he knew all the right buttons to press!
He urged her closer but the wide console between their seats got in the way.
“Get over here.” In a casual show of strength, Damon lifted her into his arms and over the barrier, seemingly oblivious to her weight. He pulled the hem of her skirt up, then set her astride his lap. “That’s more like it,” he growled, grappling with the front panel of her panty and pulling it aside, baring her hot sex to the chill cabin air and sending a quick thrill of delight tripping up her spine. His knuckles dug into her mound and rubbed against her hard clit, the rough contact setting off small explosions in her belly.
Rory nearly swallowed her tongue at the nerve-jangling sensations. He was in a rush! “What’s your hurry?”
“I want you,” Damon growled, reaching between them to free himself. “Right here.” His cock sprang up, thick and hard, to nudge her with its broad head. “Right now.”
Boy, he
impatient! He was also scorching hot. In stark contrast to the cool air, the velvety tip of his hard-on was like a burning brand against her wet folds.
Rory swallowed against the dryness in her throat, the knowledge that only her legs and skirt prevented his public exposure sending a shiver of pure excitement streaking up her spine. She licked her lips reflexively. Someone could walk by at any moment, catching them in the act. Heat suffused her, the very risk seductive as hell.
“No waiting,” he gritted between clenched teeth, his fingers digging into her hip. “I have to have you right now.”
The strength of his desire was a complete turn-on she couldn’t resist. Cream flooded her sex. The novelty of the situation and the chance of discovery only added piquancy to their lovemaking, fanning the flames of her own desire.
He thrust into her, working his way into her welcoming body with short, brutal strokes that stretched her wide, almost to the point of pain. “Oh, yeah.”
Thrown off balance, Rory grabbed his lapels, startled by the barely restrained power trembling beneath her. It was so unlike him. Why now? What had brought on this driving urgency?
Just then Damon moved again and she forgot her questions in the wake of burning pleasure. He drove into her with a passion, as though trying to prove something, bucking under her like a wild stallion. His thrusts lifted her off her knees and drove the air from her lungs.
His cock inside her, stuffing her to overflowing, rubbing her inner membranes, was almost more than she could bear—and yet not enough. Panting, she tried to take more of him, to relax her sheath and let him in deeper.
He kneaded her butt, the pressure spreading her cheeks and pulling on her labia in a delicious motion that had cream spurting from her womb.
Suddenly, Rory slid lower, completely impaled on thick male flesh. “Ooooh!” She couldn’t prevent the moan that escaped her, too startled by the abrupt plunge, her senses electrified by the contact. The fullness of her loins only emphasized the extent of his possession.
Damon caught her eyes with a fierce stare, his expression so predatory she couldn’t look away. He continued to hold her gaze as he pumped into her, holding her captive as surely as he held her body.
He reached between them to trace a rough finger along the junction of their union, feathering over the straining edges of her folds and drawing back the hood of her clit to stroke that swollen bead.
The intimate friction on top of her earlier arousal quickly had her at the tipping point. She clung to his jacket, biting her lip to stifle the moans that begged for release. How could he command her body so completely?
With little regard for stealth, Damon manipulated her clit ruthlessly, circling it and rubbing its length, allowing her no respite from his carnal assault. Like an impatient safecracker cutting through with plastique, he set off explosions of delight in her quivering core. Then he tweaked the nub, driving her straight into climax.
Rory kissed him desperately, muffling her gasp against his lips as a wave of potent rapture spilled through her veins. Her Adonis jerked inside her, warmth flooding her core.
Breathless from his sensual ambush, she panted in his arms, surrendering to the lassitude spreading through her body, her nerves still jittering from the strength of her release. Her thoughts scattered in all directions. His lovemaking had come on too suddenly to take in.
Warmth settled across Rory’s shoulders, cutting off the blast of cold air. She shifted lazily, rubbing her nose against rough bone—Damon’s sandpapery jaw.
This close she couldn’t miss the light scent of sweaty male or the thundering of his pulse. Proof that she hadn’t been alone in the violence of her desire.
What had that been all about? She couldn’t imagine his seduction had merely been a whim on his part; there had to be a compelling reason behind his sudden desire.
His arms tightened around her, his hands squeezing her butt as he rolled his hips under her. The movement drove him deeper, reminding her of the intimate mesh of their bodies and banishing all irrelevant thought.
She wanted him again. Slowly this time.
Rory pressed her mouth to the fluttering pulse on his neck, licking it and delighting in the vivid tremor against the tip of her tongue. “Again, again, again,” she purred, stretching just to feel that hard body against her own. “That was over so quickly it barely had time to register. I want it to last.”
Damon leaned back to look into her eyes. “You’re insatiable.” A wolfish grin accompanied his murmured observation.
“Complaining?” she whispered against his lips.
“What do you think?” He twitched inside her, lengthening and thickening, caressing her wet, inner membranes with each delicious extension.
Just that much was almost more than Rory could bear. Hypersensitive from his lovemaking, her swollen sheath heightened the effect of his erection, making him feel huge.
She swallowed a moan of delight at the intimate friction, shivering in excitement as cool air brushed her exposed skin. The contrast with his intense heat was a turn-on all its own. “I think you’re all talk.”
“Ah, a challenge. I’ll make you eat those words.” He kissed her thoroughly, a heated promise of carnal retribution. “You want ‘again, again, again,’ you’ll get it.” He nibbled her lower lip, then sucked on it gently, intently. “Now that I’ve gotten the edge off, I can last a long time.” He drawled out
, making it sound almost like a threat with his deep rumble. “You’ll register this. I guarantee it.”
Rory’s heart leaped, anticipation a roaring in her ears.
Aurora diScipio, you might have bitten off more than you can chew.
But right or wrong, it was bound to be an experience.
This time Damon went slowly, lingering over each slick thrust, pulling out with excruciating slowness, then working back inside her with a deliberate focus on maximizing friction. Taking forever to return until he was back and snug against her womb. Doing it over and over.
His single-minded focus had need stretching her nerves to singing tension, until everything impinged on her senses. Her panting breath. The roughness of the seat under her knees. Damon’s hard hands clamped on her hips. Her loose bra flapping at her waist. Her tight nipples rubbing against her silk blouse. The cold air searing her lungs and legs. His scalding heat.
With him raising and lowering her with unswerving resolve, Rory’s attention spiraled down to that one point of intimate contact. She could feel the ridge of his cock head dragging against her sheath, in and out, as slow and steady as the tides. Building the flames in her core as surely as friction.
He led her on, up the dizzying heights of desire. Doling out pleasure in measured portions. Feeding the carnal bonfire raging in her loins.
Damon rocked under her, lifting her off her knees.
She tightened her legs against his thighs reflexively, the motion catching her clit between them in a sharp burst of pleasure. Gasping, she clung to his shoulders, fighting not to moan. Sweet heaven, it was even stronger than before!
The breathtaking sensation escalated as he continued to roll his hips, swirling his length inside her. It fanned the flames of her desire, a buoyant pressure that woke a need to moan and vent the hunger burgeoning inside.
But she couldn’t! If she opened her mouth, she might scream instead, giving voice to her increasing desperation.
Damon watched her from half-shuttered eyes, a lazy smile ghosting his lips. The bastard was enjoying her dilemma. He’d meant it when he said he’d taken the edge off his hunger.
Rory cursed him silently, limited to urging him on with her body, lap dancing in the hopes of enticing him faster. Words were out of the question.
Obstinate man that he was, her Adonis persisted in his torturous pace, holding her astride above him and servicing her steadily, no matter what she did. Her own movements only served to inflame her senses; he gave no indication of any effect. She could only take the overwhelming pleasure he lavished on her and hope he wouldn’t last much longer.
Next time, she vowed, she’d remember not to bait him— unless she wanted to walk funny for days.
He built her desire the same way he had that night in his hotel—with diabolical patience—riding her sweet spot, leading her to the precipice, then drawing her back. Heat and chill alternating between her thighs as he pumped her. Over and over. Slowly. Making it last, damn him.
A lifetime of nerve-jangling arousal.
Until Rory was ready to beg for relief. If it weren’t for their public location, she would have, too. She craved the orgasm he dangled just beyond her reach.
If he would just let her grab it . . .
As though he knew how close she was to release, Damon stopped, holding her locked against him, his cock snuggled next to her womb. Not letting her take that last step.
She clamped her hands over her mouth to muffle her scream of desperate hunger. The whistling silence did little to relieve her excruciating need. Her nipples tingled as another tremor shook her. Suppressing her cries only seemed to magnify her passion, the awareness of the risk they ran fueling her excitement.
He hooked a hand around her neck and pulled her close to murmur in her ear. “Long enough for you?” He had the nerve to sound amused when she was next to jumping out of her skin.
“Finish me, damn it.”
“Is that any way to talk?”
“Please,” Rory forced out through gritted teeth, not using any names. She could barely remember hers—much less his!
His mouth brushed her neck, followed by a wet lick to the base of her shoulder. Then Damon nipped her, sucking strongly.
The sudden sting was all it took.
A tidal wave of blistering rapture crashed through her, relentless and undeniable, the chance of discovery amplifying its power. She buried her face against his neck, silencing her cries of ecstasy on thick broadcloth.
It was just the first of many. She lost track at five.
Her Adonis made good his vow to give her
again, again, again
, spinning out her climax and inundating her with so much pleasure she nearly forgot where they were. He shattered her with an intoxicating ravishment of her senses that went on and on. Tirelessly.
Until she sprawled in his arms, unable to move, too spent by the overwhelming surfeit of orgasms. Only then did he finally come again.
And though her curiosity stirred much later, just as she drifted off to sleep, Rory couldn’t muster the energy to ask even one question.
triggered that wonderful spate of lovemaking?
“Is there a doctor on the plane?” The question was delivered by a troubled soprano in Italian, then repeated in Spanish and English, over the plane’s speaker system. It was an annoying announcement to wake up to, given how little sleep Rory’d gotten.

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