Drop Dead Beautiful (53 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Drop Dead Beautiful
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“This is bad,” he said. “It could be that maniac.”

maniac?” Cookie asked, her eyes widening. “The dude who kidnapped her in Big Bear.”


“Yeah,” he said urgently. “Let’s go. We gotta find her before he does.”

“I have to talk to you,” Venus said, cornering Lucky. “Alone. Now.”

Excusing herself from Cole and his rock star boyfriend, Lucky concentrated on Venus. “What’s on your mind?” she asked. “What’s with the ‘alone’ and ‘now’ bit?”

“We’re getting married,” Venus confided, somewhat breathlessly.

me?” Lucky responded with a look of surprise. “Did I just hear you say the M word? I mean, isn’t that the word you swore you’d never use again after Cooper?”

“Yup,” Venus confessed. “You’re right. But Billy finally asked me.”

“I don’t believe this!” Lucky exclaimed. “Believe it,” Venus responded. “Is it what you want?” Lucky asked. “I think so.”

so?” Lucky said, shaking her head. “You’d better be sure.”

“Well, I’ve said yes, so it’s too late to
be sure.”

“Man!” Lucky grumbled. “Like I don’t have enough going on, now I’ve got a wedding to plan. When we get back we’ll—”

“No!” Venus interrupted. “You don’t understand. We’re doing it tonight, after the concert. So if you’re planning anything, you’d better do it fast!”

“Mr. Dollar,” Emmanuelle said, sidling close to the famous movie star, thrusting out her considerable assets. “I’m your biggest fan.”

Charlie Dollar checked the young blonde out. She was
certainly succulent, and he was certainly into succulent. Young too. Yes, this one was just his type.

“Hi, there, chickadee,” he said. “What’s your name?”

“Emmanuelle,” she answered, reaching up to touch one of her recently acquired diamond earrings.

“Oh,” Charlie said with a knowing chuckle. “Like one of those dirty movies from the seventies.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You wouldn’t. Too young. Are you even legal?”

“I’m twenty, and I’ve been on sixteen magazine covers,” she boasted.

“No shit?”

“Sixteen covers,” she said proudly. “But I bet you’ve been on more than that.”

“Well, little lady,” he drawled, “I’m mucho older than twenty.”

“I just wanted to say how much I admire you,” she gushed.

“That’s very smart, young lady,” he said, scratching his stubbled chin.

“I’m here with somebody tonight,” Emmanuelle continued. “But I was wondering if you’d give me your number so that when I come to L.A. I can call you.”

“You’re with somebody tonight, huh?” he said, peering at her over the tops of his tinted shades.

“That’s right.”

“A guy?”

“I’m not a
, Mr. Dollar,” she said coyly.


“Excuse me?” she said, toying with her necklace nestled cozily in her cleavage.

“Uh … nothin’. Where’s your boyfriend?”

“Somewhere around. I’m sure he’ll find me in a minute.”

what’s he gonna do, beat my ass?”

“He might,” she giggled. “He
kind of the jealous type.”

“Why is it that you jailbait little hussies always manage to target Charlie?” he complained. “You got any clue how many times I’ve had one of you poptarts come on to me, an’ then
some asshole boyfriend or husband appears ready to beat the shit outta me?”

“No,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes.

“It happens, sugar-tits, so here’s my suggestion—take your pretty little ass an’ go peddle the goods elsewhere.”

He walked away, leaving Emmanuelle nonplussed.

Irma and The Grill standing nearby observed the entire scene.

Irma felt a tiny frisson of satisfaction. Anthony was going to get what he deserved from this one.

“I should leave,” Venus sighed, holding Billy’s hand. “I need time by myself before my show. I have kind of a ritual I put myself through.”

“I understand that you want to be alone,” Billy said, “but you’re not changing your mind, are you? You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?”

“Now why would you think that?” she said softly. “I’m as excited as you are.”

“Just checking,” he said with a nervous laugh. “I mean, I know it’s sudden and all, but we’re doing the right thing— I’m sure of it.”

“So am I, baby, otherwise I wouldn’t’ve said yes.”

“Okay,” he said, taking a deep breath. “After the show we’re gonna do it, an’ we’re not telling anyone except Lucky and Lennie, right?”

“Lucky’s promised to get it all organized. All she’s asked is that we wait until after the fireworks display. Then we show up at the chapel, and

“Sounds perfect.”

“What about Kev?”


“He’s your best friend. Surely he’ll be hurt if he’s not included.”

“Since when did you care about
feelings?” Billy said, thinking that the last person he planned on telling was Kev—who’d immediately share the news with Ali, and Ali
was the kind of girl who would most likely alert the media and maybe even sell her story about her afternoon of sex in the pool with Billy Melina, movie star.

Oh shit! Why had he ever banged her? Shit! Shit! Shit!

“I don’t hate Kev,” Venus explained. “I think he always resented me for taking you away from him.”

“You’re wrong, babe.”

“No I’m not. So here’s what I think we should do.”


“Make a new start and invite him.”

“No!” Billy said sharply. “He didn’t invite

“Don’t be so petty,” she chided. “That’s not like you, Billy.”

“I do not want him there, baby. Okay?”

“Whatever you say.”

“Hey, I kinda like it when you’re subservient.”

“And I like you,” she said, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I like you so much I’m even marrying you.”

“That’s right, we’re getting married, babe, so I think you can use the L word.”

The spa was located in a separate building near the main swimming pool at the back of the hotel. The setting was idyllic—fountains and exotic fish ponds surrounded by lush greenery and tall palms. Since the spa did not open until the following day, and with everyone’s attention focused on the reception and concert, the area around the spa was quite deserted.

Max, who’d thoroughly explored the hotel earlier with Ace, raced to meet him. She felt comfortable and excited in his company. Once again she marveled at how different he was from the kids she’d grown up with in Malibu and Beverly Hills, her so-called peers—all with rich, famous, or powerful parents. Cookie and Harry were the only two she’d bonded with. They were different, and so was Ace—he didn’t have that rich-kid vibe, he was genuine and nice and most of all HOT!

Just thinking about him made her shiver with the anticipation of seeing him. Was it possible to have a relationship with someone who didn’t live in L.A.?

Yes! Yes! Yes!
They could drive to see each other on alternate weekends. One weekend she’d go to Big Bear, the next he’d drive to L.A. It was a workable situation.

Then it occurred to her that she was getting way ahead of herself, since Ace hadn’t even kissed her. Hmm … she definitely had to do something about

And just as she was thinking he was late, a figure began walking toward her, and to her utmost horror she realized it was the Internet Freak himself.

For a moment she froze. Then she turned to run.

“Wait!” he yelled, leaping toward her. “Maria, wait! It’s me. I’ve come back for you. Please wait!”

Reaching in her purse for a Kleenex, Irma discovered that she still had Oliver Stanton’s card. She stared at it for a moment, studying the numbers. What if she called him? And in exchange for information about Anthony’s drug dealings asked him to rescue her? It was a thought. A very welcome thought.

She had plenty of information about Anthony’s drug activities. He’d taken her to Colombia on more than one occasion, and she knew some of the names of the people he dealt with. She’d also witnessed many of his late-night business transactions in Acapulco.

Yes, she knew more than enough. But how to get to a phone, that was the problem.

“I need to use the bathroom,” she informed The Grill.

“You wait,” the big man said, glowering.

“I can’t wait,” she said sharply. “I need to go now.”



Reluctantly The Grill escorted her to the ladies’ room, where he stationed himself outside.

The moment she got inside the restroom, she quickly looked around to see who else was in there.

A redheaded woman was standing at the sink washing her hands.

“Excuse me,” Irma said, approaching her. “Would you happen to have a cell phone I can use? I left mine at home and it’s kind of urgent.”

“I don’t, dear,” the woman said, drying her hands. “Damn thing wouldn’t fit in my purse. My friend might have one, though.”

“Where’s your friend?”

“Making a tinkle.”

Irma stared at the closed stall door, willing the woman’s friend to emerge.

“Are you all right?” the redheaded woman asked. “You look awfully pale.”

No, I am not all right. Earlier today I watched my husband cut off my lover’s balls in front of me. And now my insane husband is threatening to kill me and my parents

“I’m fine, thank you,” she managed. “But I do need to make this call, it’s very urgent.”

“We should go outside,” the woman suggested. “I’m sure my husband has his phone.”

Before she could think of an excuse, the other woman, a petite brunette, emerged from one of the stalls.

“Ah, Doreen,” the redhead said. “Do you have your phone on you?”

“Yes, why?” Doreen asked.

“I promised this lady she could use it. She has to make a quick call.”

“The battery might be low,” Doreen said, reaching into her purse. “I’m always forgetting to charge it.” She handed Irma a pink sequined phone.

Irma pulled out Oliver’s card and squinted at the numbers again. Office. Home. Cell.

She chose cell and quickly punched out the number, moving away from the two women who were now chatting about the reception and how much they were enjoying it.

Her hands were trembling, any moment now Anthony might return and come busting in.

She misdialed, tried again, and finally the number rang.

Please God, let Oliver pick up

Please God, let him answer


“Oliver,” she gasped. “It’s Irma. I need your help.”

Chapter 85

The reception was winding down. A series of assistant P.R.’s were attempting to usher the most famous guests to the red carpet pathway where they would be photographed and interviewed by the many photographers and TV crews as they made their way to the lingerie show.

Lucky was swamped, what with everyone attempting to speak to her, members of her staff giving her a series of updates, Gino trying to attract her attention, and now a wedding to get together in a matter of hours.

She elicited the help of Mooney, who knew everyone in Vegas, to arrange the wedding chapel and keep everything quiet. If the news of Venus and Billy’s impending nuptials got out to the press, it would be chaos.

Next she spoke to her catering and entertainment directors about organizing a small, extremely exclusive private reception in her penthouse later that night.

“A very close friend of mine is getting married,” she informed them, revealing no names. “It has to be special.”

They assured her it would be. Everyone who worked with Lucky loved her—she had a way of inspiring great loyalty and enthusiasm.

“Have you seen Max?” she asked Lennie when he appeared to accompany her down the red carpet.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “And I was looking forward to meeting the new boyfriend.”

“Don’t say ‘boyfriend’ around her, she’ll kill you.”

“Something wrong with ‘boyfriend’?”

“She wouldn’t like it.”

“Then I won’t say it.”

“That’s wise.”

“Gino’s waving at you.”

“I know. Let’s try to get over to him. I can’t seem to make a move without a dozen people attempting to stop me.”

“In that case, grab hold of my arm and hang on. Smile a lot, I’ll get you there.”

“You’re so macho.”

“And handsome, right?” he quipped. “Isn’t that why you married me?”

“Oh yes!” she said, laughing as he propelled her through the crowd until they reached Gino.

“What’s up?” she asked her father.

“Somethin’s not right,” Gino replied, rubbing the scar on his cheek.

“Not enough ice in your drink?” she said flippantly. “Music too loud?

Gino’s face was serious. “Enzio Bonnatti’s widow is here with a supposed grandson,” he said. “I don’t like it, Lucky, they’re up to somethin’, an’ you’d better find out what it is. She had a crazy hostile look in her eyes. Kept on muttering about the hotel being cursed. They’re here for some kind of revenge—you can bet on it.”

When Anthony came back with an angry Francesca lagging behind him, he was perplexed to find Irma missing.

“Where the fuck is she?” he demanded of The Grill.

“In the ladies’ room,” the big man muttered.

“What the fuck you let her go there for?”

“She told me she had to go.”

“Jesus Christ!” Anthony steamed, walking over to the door of the ladies’ room. “Irma!” he yelled. “Get your ass out here.”

Irma came out immediately.

He glared at her. “I told you not to go anywhere. When I tell you somethin’, you’d better fuckin’ listen.”

She refused to look at him.

“Where’s Emmanuelle?” he demanded, turning back to The Grill.

“Over there, boss,” The Grill said.

Anthony observed Emmanuelle talking to a man. He’d told both women to stay next to The Grill, not to go running around all over the place. Amazing wasn’t it, that he had to control everything?

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