Dungeon Royale (Masters and Mercenaries) (8 page)

Read Dungeon Royale (Masters and Mercenaries) Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #McKay-Taggart, #dom, #Spies, #Lexi Blake, #bdsm, #Masters & Mercenaries, #MI6

BOOK: Dungeon Royale (Masters and Mercenaries)
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“Oh, I’ve already moved you into my place.”

“You did what?” The question came out in a slightly panicked screech.

He sighed a little, his eyes hooded as though he expected a fight and wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. “I had a team go through your place, pack up your things, and move them to my club in Chelsea. The rest of the house is being moved to storage, and I already found you an estate agent.”

She shook her head. He was upending her life and he’d managed to do it all in a manner of hours. “You can’t just move me. And I already have an estate agent.”

“No, you had a front for the Ukrainian mob.”

“I did?”

“Yes, darling. You really need to let the tech boys do their job. I have them run searches on everyone in my life. By the way, your florist is dealing prescription drugs out of the back of her store. You buy a bouquet from her every Monday. Scotland Yard is raiding her tomorrow. The good news is, we have a very nice one in Kensington station. I’ll take you there on the way back home.”

He was missing the point. They hadn’t made this deal. “You can’t just walk in and move me.”

“I did. Actually it was rather difficult to figure which clothes were yours and which were your mum’s.”

“I already packed up Mum’s things.”

“Oh, well. Not a problem then. I was going to buy you new ones anyway. I’m going to kiss you now, Penelope.”


“You seem to have an enormously hard time understanding me today. We’re going to have to work on our communication skills.” He moved right between her legs, spreading her knees and making a place for himself there. One minute she was utterly gobsmacked by the chaos he’d brought into her life in a couple of hours’ time, and the next, she couldn’t manage to breathe. He invaded her space, looming over her. Despite the fact that she was sitting on the counter, he still looked down at her. His hands slid her skirt up, making her gasp a little. “You said yes. That means you’re mine, Penelope. You’re my partner and my submissive. I take care of what’s mine.”

She swallowed, forcing herself to look into those stormy eyes of his. He was so close she could smell the scent of his aftershave, feel the heat his big body gave off. “For the mission.”

“I don’t know about that,” he returned, his voice deepening. “If this goes well, I get to go back out in the field. It’s always good to have a cover. Men are less threatening when they have a woman with them. If you like fieldwork, there’s no reason you can’t come with me. Especially if you’re properly trained. Tell me how much your siblings know.”

She shook her head before finally realizing what he was asking. His fingers worked their way into her hair, smoothing it back, forcing her to keep eye contact with him. “Oh, about work, you mean. Everyone in my family thinks I work for Reeding Corporation in their publishing arm. They think I translate books.”

Reeding Corporation was one of several companies that fronted for SIS. When she’d hired on, she’d signed documentation that stated she would never expose who she truly worked for.

“Excellent. If they research me they’ll discover I’m an executive at Reeding. We’ve been having an affair for the last three months. You were worried about your position at the company and the fact that I’m your superior, but I transferred to another department and now we’re free to be open about our relationship.”

“I don’t know that they’ll believe we’re lovers.”

“Of course, they will. I’m very persuasive, love. Now, I’m going to kiss you and I’m going to put my hand in your knickers. You are wearing knickers, aren’t you?”

“Of course.”

He shuddered. “Not anymore. Knickers are strictly forbidden. I told you I would likely get into your knickers, but what I really meant was I can’t tolerate them and you’re not to wear them at all anymore. I’ve done you the enormous service of making it easy on you and tossing the ones you had in the house out.”

His right hand brushed against her breast. The nipple responded by peaking immediately, as if it were a magnet drawn to Damon’s skin.

“You can’t toss my knickers out, Damon. And you can’t put your hand there. We’re in the ladies’ room for heaven’s sake.”

“Here’s the first rule, love. Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” His mouth closed over hers, heat flashing through her system.

His mouth was sweet on hers, not an outright assault at first. This was persuasion. Seduction. His lips teased at hers, playing and coaxing.

And his hand made its way down, skimming across her waist to her thigh.

“Let me in, Penelope.” He whispered the words against her mouth.

Drugged. This was what it felt like to be drugged. She’d been tipsy before, but no wine had ever made her feel as out of control as Damon’s kiss.

Out of control and yet oddly safe. Safe enough to take a chance.

On his next pass, she opened for him, allowing him in, and the kiss morphed in a heartbeat from sweet to overpowering.

She could practically feel the change in him. He surged in, a marauder gaining territory. His tongue commanded hers, sliding over and around, his left hand tangling in her hair and getting her at the angle he wanted. Captured. She felt the moment he turned from seduction to Dominance, and now she understood completely why they capitalized the word. Damon didn’t merely kiss her. She’d been kissed before, casual brushes of lips to hers, fumblings that ended in embarrassment, long attempts at bringing up desire.

This wasn’t a kiss. This was possession.

He’d said she belonged to him for the course of the mission, and now she understood what he meant. He meant to invade every inch of her life, putting his stamp on her. If she proceeded, he would take over. He would run her life and she would be forced to fight him for every inch of freedom she might have.

“That’s right, love. You touch me. I want you to touch me. If you belong to me, then my body is yours, too.”

She hadn’t realized her hands were moving. She’d cupped his bum even as his fingers slid along the leg band of her knickers, under and over, tickling against her female flesh.

He’d said exactly the right thing. He hadn’t made her self-conscious. He’d told her he would give as good as he got. It wasn’t some declaration of love, but she’d had that before and it proved false. Damon Knight was offering her something different. He was offering her the chance to explore without shame.

She cupped Damon Knight’s arse and, god, it was a magnificent piece of work. Those cheeks were made of steel, but there was a bloody generous portion of them. She could sink her nails into them when he worked over her. Damon Knight likely wouldn’t tell her she was too rough with him the way Peter had.

She pulled back.


“I just thought about Peter. He said I was too hard on him. I don’t mean to be.”

Damon’s face hardened, his eyes darkening. He pushed his pelvis forward, letting her feel every ridiculously long inch of his cock. “Don’t you hold back on me. Sex isn’t polite, Penelope. Sex is dirty and nasty and raw. I want you rough. I’m a bloody man and you’re going to treat me like one. And I’m going to show you just how much of a woman you are.”

His thumb slid over her clit, and she nearly screamed in pleasure.

Damon took the opportunity to forage deep. His tongue slid against hers. She let her hands cup that amazing bum of his even as his fingers played in her pussy.

Pussy. She couldn’t think of it as a vagina, and fanny seemed adolescent. It was a pussy and it was readying itself for Damon Knight’s cock.

“Do you like that, Penelope?” He slid his thumb back over her clit. “You seem to. You’re wet. Were you thinking of me before? Or were you thinking of him?”

“Who?” She seriously couldn’t think about anything except Damon. When she arched her back, she could feel the hard line of his erection against her belly. She hadn’t had sex in over two years, but now she was about to have at it in a washroom at her cousin’s wedding.

“Good.” His thumb stayed on her clit but his fingers parted her labia, teasing into her channel. “I want you focused on me. Tell me how it feels. Tell me what you like.”

She was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about what she liked to eat or watch on telly. “I don’t really know what I like, Damon.” She gasped as his fingers curled up inside her, stroking deep. “I like that. I really like that.”

He growled a little, pulling his fingers back out and then slowly, so slowly, pressing deep again. “You’re not a prude at all, are you? No prude gets so fucking wet in such a small amount of time. You’re soaking my hand.”

Embarrassment flared. “I’m sorry.”

He nipped her ear, a sharp tingly pain that somehow seemed to have a straight shot to her pussy. “Apologize again and I’ll spank you right here and now. Your pussy is hot and wet, and I like it that way. I’ll try to keep it that way as much as possible over the next few weeks. You read the materials I gave you?”


He sighed and suddenly his fingers were gone, and she felt a flash of pain as he twisted her clit between his thumb and forefinger. The sensation flared and then she felt flush with heat and another wave of that wet arousal seemed to flow through her pussy.

“Sir or Master when we’re playing. I’ll give you a tweak every time you forget.”

“Yes, Master. I read it, Master.” He’d told her he preferred Master. She could barely speak because his fingers were teasing again, keeping her on the edge of pleasure. Even the pain threatened to send her over the edge. It wasn’t real pain, just a torture tactic to bring her more pleasure.

“And you respond beautifully to discipline, Penelope.” His mouth was right at her ear. “Do you understand why your pussy clenched down on my fingers when I nipped your ear?”

“Because the pain is tied to pleasure.”

“Because you’re submissive, love. Not just sexually.” His fingers found their way inside again, and she practically sighed. “You’re a soft little thing. You like to take care of the people around you. You’re that woman who remembers everyone’s birthday. You’re the one everyone cries to and complains to because you always listen. You’re the one who never asks for anything in return, but I’m going to teach you to ask me for this. You’re going to ask me to let you come, Penelope. You’re going to ask your Master to please fuck you with his fingers and toy with your clit and allow you to come all over his hand.”

“Please, Master.” Somehow with his hands playing her body like a finely tuned instrument, it didn’t seem wrong to ask him. It didn’t seem wrong to say dirty things and expect pleasure. He was right. She tried very hard to be everything to everyone, and most of the time they didn’t even think to invite her to the pub after work. She deserved a bit of pleasure. She deserved what he was willing to give her. “Please let me come. Please fuck me with your fingers and toy with my clit and let me come on your hand.”

The kiss he placed on her cheek was oddly tender, and she could feel him smile against her skin. “Very good, love. Your Master is pleased, and he will grant your very polite request. Come for me.”

His fingers curled up, one and then two taking up all the space. She felt filled and stretched as his fingers worked their magic. Over and over he plunged deep, fucking inside her as she pressed against him, begging for more.

His thumb pressed hard against her clit and she went flying. Pleasure pounded through her starting at her core and pouring through her body, making her blood sing, her skin come alive.

She was still shaking with it as he gently pulled his fingers out of her pussy and very deliberately brought them to his mouth. He sucked his fingers inside, licking off the arousal as his eyes watched her.

“You taste like sweet cream, Penelope.”

“Everyone calls me Penny.” It was stupid. He was licking her arousal off his skin and that was all she could think to say?

He took a step back and then turned on the water at the sink, washing his hands. “I’m not everyone. I’ll wait for you outside. Ditch the knickers, Penelope. You won’t want to wear them now. They’re soaked. I’ll know if you’re still wearing them and you’ll discover that not all discipline is about pleasure.”

She managed to nod.

He smiled, a simple turn of his lips that seemed to somehow light up the bloody room. “Now you look like a girl who just fucked her lover. That should make them believe our cover. I’ll meet you outside. Don’t take too long. I think we should have a dance before we leave. Explain to your siblings that we’re going on holiday in a week or so. We don’t want them to think you’re missing now, do we?”

He unlocked the door, and she was alone again.

Cover. He’d done it all to establish their cover. She’d just come apart in his arms and he’d been thinking about how best to fool her relatives.

The door opened again and Penny forced herself off the counter.

“What on earth?” Her elderly aunt frowned her way. She’d come in with three other relatives, all of them scowling in deep disapproval. “You look like a trollop, girl. Your whole generation has gone to the dogs. In my day, the washroom was for washing and other things that ladies do not talk about. It was certainly not for whatever that man was doing to you.”

Penny couldn’t help it. Laughter bubbled up. She was thirty-two and finally getting lectured on how immoral she was.

It was a new day. Penelope Cash was a bad girl. Penelope Cash was Damon Knight’s girl.

Even if only for a while.

“You’ll have to forgive me, Aunt Edith.” Right there in the middle of the posh loo, she wiggled out of her very soaked knickers. “I’m not allowed to wear these.”

“Good god!”

She tossed them in the trash, collected her purse and walked out, her head held high.


Chapter Four

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