Dunn, Daisy - Earth's Desire [Elemental Magic 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Dunn, Daisy - Earth's Desire [Elemental Magic 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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This morning had been no exception. She drew her blankets off and took in her nude body. Looking at her large breasts, she noticed her nipples were already hard with excitement. She licked her finger and ran the tip around her elongated nipple. Her pussy clenched with her touch, reminding Ivy it needed attention, too. With her other hand, she ran her fingertips down her bare mound and stroked her outer lips. Immediately, she felt wetness coating her slit as her fingers glided easily between her slick folds to find her opening.

She plunged two fingers deep into her core, barely satiating the burning desire devouring her from the inside out. She continued submerging her fingers in and out of her warm pussy as her hips lifted easily off the bed to force deeper penetration. With her free hand, she grabbed her full breast and pushed it as far up as she could so her nipple reached her eager lips. She bent her head forward and flicked her tongue over the tip of her nipple, sending waves of pleasure rushing to meet the throbbing of her clit.

She needed release, and she needed it now. Ivy pulled her slick fingers out of her cunt and slid them against her swollen clit in a back-and-forth motion. She sucked her inch-long nipple into her mouth and suckled on it while she continued to stroke her wanton clit. In less than a minute, her body shuddered with release. She cried out to no one but herself. The waves of bliss washed over her core, and she felt the familiar, deep contracting always associated with her orgasm.

Her body fell back on the bed, relieved of the sexual tension tormenting her for a short while. It would be back, however, as it seemed to occur more often these days. It was more frequent each time, more urgent. The only logical explanation she surmised was her body knew time was running out for her to find her soul mate. She needed to talk to her Elemental sisters today and see if they had been suffering this same state of animal heat she endured off and on throughout the past month.

Ivy decided to get up and go for a walk in the forest as she often did whenever she wanted peace. She lived in the quaint town of
, known for beautiful murals painted on many of the buildings. Located a ferryboat ride away from Vancouver, the small, picturesque hamlet found itself surrounded by mountains on one side and ocean on the other. The small-but-growing community, attracting tourists from all over the world, would remain her home forever. The thought of leaving would never be a consideration.

Ivy got dressed in her hiking gear, a white, fitted, long-sleeve T-shirt, a khaki pair of cargo pants, and hiking boots. She stepped out the back door of her house and breathed in the cool, crisp mountain air. Her small cottage home backed right up into the forest, so she headed straight through her yard and into the trees. “It’s so beautiful out here today,” she cried out to the morning.

Following the pathways she had created with her many walks in the woods, she felt free, at home, and loved. The earth embraced her as the branches of the trees gently stroked her arms while she walked along. An elk and her calf sauntered by, acknowledging her presence with a nod of their noble heads. In her favorite place in the world, she continued her trek, feeling as one with nature. “I’ve missed you all so much over the past winter.”

A short time later, she stumbled upon her secret waterfall. She had never been here with anyone, as it seemed her private place to think. She decided since the morning had been warmer than usual, she craved to feel the earth under her body. Not even looking around, she striped her clothes off and lay naked beside the waterfall. Underneath her body, she felt the soil moving, stroking her skin, welcoming her back from her long winter hiatus. The tiny grass shoots rapidly grew into a thick carpet beneath her body, offering her plush comfort. Her spirit soared inside her, waking up for the first time this year.

As she communed with nature, a feeling came over her as if someone stood out there, watching her. She sat up, feeling the cool air hit her body. Looking around through the dense trees, she saw nothing.

The feeling wouldn’t go away, but instead of being scared, she felt her body becoming aroused as the grass invited her to lie back down.
Not now.
She followed the call of the plants, falling gently back. The thick grass caught and guided her down with thousands of its tiny, soft blades. The soft cushion of grass continued to grow under and around her.
Oh, yes. That feels so good.

Vines, jutting up and out from the rocks by the waterfall, grew quickly and reached out for her like tendrils of satiny, green ribbons. Ivy frowned. The feeling of being watched persisted, but her body’s release demanded her full attention now. The forest would protect her, as always, from any predator lurking in the shadows of the mighty trees.

* * * *

Levi found himself drawn to the woods, the pull inexplicable. He usually went for walks at night, but this morning, he jolted out of bed and felt the need to head north. He heard the trickle of water from about a mile away, as his hearing had always been acute. As he continued north, the noise of the water grew louder, adding an extra enticement to his journey. He neared the source of the flow, and as he had been about to step into the clearing, he saw her standing by a small waterfall. He froze. His breath caught in his throat. She oozed sensuality with every movement of her curvaceous body. Her hair flowed down her back in dark waves, thick and luxurious. Even from a great distance, he could see every detail about her. Her eyes were a light hazel color with a hint of green, her nose regal, and her lips looked plump as a cherry. His fingers itched. He longed to wrap her thick hair in his hands and nibble on her luscious-looking lips. She stood about five feet two inches, tiny, but with a well-proportioned body. Desire slammed into his body, hot, hard, and urgent.

As he stood in the bush, spying on his prey, wondering how best to approach her, she surprised him. She quickly removed all of her clothing and stood naked in the forest.
He crouched down, realizing he couldn’t walk up to her at this moment, as he’d probably frighten her. He knew he should walk away and never look back. Women only added complications to his already-complex life, but she drew him to her. He felt the wrench in his soul, crying out to her to accept him as a man.

Her body had been beautiful with her clothes on, but standing naked before him, she personified perfection.

She proceeded to lie on the ground, seemingly enjoying herself, when she suddenly sat up and looked around. Assuming she must have heard him, he didn’t move as he watched her intently, still in a crouched position. His keen sense of smell kicked in as her aroused, womanly fragrance wafted seductively through the air. His cock jerked. His erection felt like it wouldn’t stop growing. Pushing painfully against his jeans, he ached for her.

She settled back on the earth, took one last look around from her recumbent position, and then she slowly relaxed. Once she stopped looking around, he stood quietly back up, immediately unzipping his jeans to give his cock some much-needed space. Unable to tear his gaze away, he watched her grab her full breasts and flick her fingers over her elongated, hard nipples. She moaned with desire as Levi noticed the vines coming to life, wrapping themselves around her wrists and gently pulling her arms back above her head. His first reaction had been to run over to her, chop the plants down, and save her. However, he didn’t sense any fear from her regarding the plants as she became one with them. The vines continued down her body, wrapping around her legs and tenderly pulling them apart.

The blades of grass continued to grow rapidly, sensuously reaching up, stroking her breasts, flicking her nipples softly, and caressing her inner thighs. Lower down her body, their long, green fingers reached higher and fondled her sensitive snatch as she wiggled against their touch. More vines joined in, snaking around her hips to her flat stomach and edging lower to her pussy.

With incredible dexterity, hundreds of grass blades worked together to open her outer lips, allowing the leaves on the vine at her stomach access to her obviously swollen clit. The vines moved into place, applying subtle pressure on her mons while the attached leaves flicked her clit with a steady rhythm.

The sexuality and need in the air was palpable. Without thought, he grabbed his erection and stroked it firmly. As he gazed at her naked, aroused form, never had he been more jealous of plants in his life. He wanted to touch her, soothe her, and open her the way they did.

He continued to rub his erection faster and harder. He imagined her pussy surrounding his cock, pulling him in deeper, and wrapping her shapely legs around his waist.

Levi swore he felt the earth’s power surge through the air past him and into the beauty before him. The speed of the vines’ leaves increased their tempo, which meant her release wouldn’t be far behind. He began to pump his cock faster and tighter, the pressure built pushing him to the brink of sexual madness.

“Oh God, yes!” he heard her scream. Her muscles strained while her body arched against the plants.

He came immediately after her, spilling his semen all over the floor of the forest. It took every bit of control he had in him not to make a sound while the blissful indulgence of this moment flowed through him. It took even more control to stop himself from striding over to her, taking her, and marking her. She belonged to him, and he planned to make their union happen.

Women often flocked to him with his thick, dark hair carelessly tussled, his six-foot-three-inch muscular build, and his light brown eyes. He enjoyed their advances and took what had been offered, never once feeling anything but a passing desire. This woman seemed considerably different. Even with his recent release, he had to have her, body and soul.

He slid his cock back inside into his jeans and zipped them up. His gaze moved back to her as the plants retreated to their natural state.
Who are you that you command the forest to do your bidding?
He knew he had to find out. He decided to follow her to see where she lived and then approach her in a seemingly unplanned meeting, which wouldn’t appear so menacing to her. Scaring her off was the last thing he wanted to do.

She finally stood up and put her clothes back on. As she tied up her hiking boots, Levi felt a vibration in his front pants pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and saw his brother, Luke, on the line. He always answered his brother’s calls since their lives were often times threatened by werewolf hunters. He silently turned and ran away from the waterfall with exceptional speed and stealth, so she wouldn’t hear him on the phone.

“What?” he answered more harshly than he meant to.

“Why are you whispering?”

“I can’t talk right now. Is there something urgent going on?”

“No, I called to say I found a magic shop here in town, called Elemental Magic. I think I’m going to stake the place out and see if any of our hunter friends shows up for wolfsbane.”

“Good, you watch the shop. I’ll talk to you later.”

Without saying good-bye, Levi hung up on his brother, knowing Luke remained safe, and headed back to the waterfall. His heart sank when he noticed she had gone. He sniffed the air, hoping he could follow her scent trail, but for some reason, it didn’t exist. He ran to the waterfall and knelt down on the ground where she had lain only minutes earlier. He put his nose right against the grass, but her scent had disappeared. He stood up and scanned the area for her footprints or disturbed ground cover. Sadly, he noticed nothing. His mysterious woman had vanished. He thought he might be dealing with a specter but quickly put the thought out of his mind, as specters didn’t have a scent, let alone an intoxicating odor calling out to him like a siren.

He knew he had to find her. His body demanded it. His heart cried out for her, and his soul knew she had to be his mate. Once a mate had been found, there could be no escape from their soul-tugging pull. He vowed to tear the town apart, building by building, searching for her, if he had to.

* * * *

Luke believed Chemainus was the perfect place for Levi and him to escape the clutches of the werewolf hunters, regroup, and plan their next move. They’d been chased all over
and the
United States
and decided to make this small town their home for now. The network of hunters had grown over the years as werewolves became careless, changing forms in front of people and running through towns and cities at all times of the day and night instead of in the forests, backcountry, or swamps. They could go weeks without letting their beast out, but the longer they went, the less control they had over it.

The herb, wolfsbane, had always been an enemy of the werewolf, not because it would kill them, but it would induce the beast to step forward, the human losing all control. If the hunters suspected anyone of being a werewolf, they would seize the person, bind them, and then force them to drink a brew of the herb. If they turned, they killed the werewolf. If they didn’t turn, they killed the human so they couldn’t be caught and stopped from what they viewed as their mission in life.

Levi and Luke took a different approach. They’d escaped the clutches of these evil madmen on several occasions and decided instead of running from them, they’d sit tight and wait for the hunters to come. They always came.

Their parents were both werewolves and had trained the boys from childhood how to protect themselves and each other from the various threats in the world. Sadly, their parents had been captured and killed by the hunters not long after the twins had left home. They remained closer than ever, vowing to look after each other for life.

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