Eagle's Destiny (14 page)

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Authors: C. J. Corbin

BOOK: Eagle's Destiny
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“You know, you and I were probably thinking the same thing.”  His mouth lingered at my lips.

I smiled and gazed
his sparkling eyes.  “Mine was probably better.”  I giggled.

He kissed me again quickly.  “
f you won’t tell, I guess we’ll never know.”  Michael let me go, and took my hand to lead me to the door of the winery.

us had been changing.  I noticed it for the first time today.  He held my hand when we walked, and he pulled me closer.  There were times when we would simply look at each other in silence.  I felt a comfort level with
and knew he shared it with me.  Most importantly, I had stopped blushing every time he spoke or looked at me.

After the third winery, I was beginning to feel the effects of the wine.  Michael had tasted the wine and spitted out the samples, which was the proper way to taste wine.  I thought that method was a waste of good wine. 
knew far more about wine that I did.  He showed me how to taste the wine by rolling it in my mouth, observing the color, and sniffing the wine in the glass. 
Still, h
e could not get me to spit it out into the bucket.  We had several cases in the trunk and on the back seat, all his purchases. 

Michael helped me into the car at the
winery.  I was giggling and finding everything
amusing.  He sat in the driver’s seat and looked at me.  I simply sat there with a big grin on my face. 

“I think I need to get you home,

e declared.

I giggled again, “Okay.” 

I leaned back against the seat and waved my red scarf around.  Michael rolled his eyes.

“Hopefully the drive home will sober you up.”  He laughed.

I giggled and
my scarf around my head as he started the car.  
my head back
was fast asleep
before we were on the freeway.
  I awoke shortly before we arrived home. 

“I must have fallen asleep.  Sorry.”

Michael laughed, “You snore.”

I protested, “I don’t!” Then I blushed, “Do I?”

Michael kept laughing, “Buzz-saw city.”

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize how tired I was.”  I said.

“Don’t apologize.  You’re cute when you sleep.”

I straightened myself out and sat up.  “We’re almost home?”

Michael nodded.  “
he Giants and Dodgers are playing tonight.  Do you want to watch it together?”

“Real cross state rivalry.  You know I bleed Dodger Blue.”

Michael chuckled, “Somehow I am not surprised.  We’ll watch it at your place.”

“Okay.  Want to invite the girls?”  I asked.

“No.”  Michael answered with firmness in his voice.  “They are not invited.  Besides its Saturday night, they’re
probably going
pulled up in front of my house.  “I’ll take my car home and I’ll be back shortly.”

I got out of the car.  “Don’t you need help carrying the wine in?”

“No.  I got it.  I want to put the Mustang away.”

I went into the house, greeted the dogs, and quickly went into my bathroom to take a quick shower.  I didn’t wash my hair but wanted to get the road dirt off me.  I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top.  When I came out of my bedroom, Michael was already in the kitchen.  He had changed clothes too, wearing a loose pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt.  He was bending over with his head in the refrigerator, and even with a loose pair of jeans, he still had the best-looking butt.  I saw his shoes by the back door, and that meant he was barefooted.

I leaned over him.  “What
re you doing?”  I asked.

Michael straightened up
, pulling a few containers out
of the refrigerator.

“I’m trying to put some dinner together for us.  Aren’t you hungry?”

“I’m starved.  There should be some left-
from the bonfire.”

“I think I have everything we need.” 
had brought over several ingredients from his house.  He handed me a brick of cheese.  “Here, cut this up in small chunks

I pulled a knife and cutting board
from the drawer.  “How big do you want the chunks?”

“Dice sized.”  Michael answered.  “Tammy told me she fed the dogs about an hour ago.”

“Yeah, I figured.  They weren’t dancing around me for food.  Was she home?”

started washing small grape tomatoes in the sink and put them in a bowl. 

“Yeah.  She wanted to come over and I said no.”

“Oh Michael, you didn’t?”

“Yes, I told her we wanted to be alone.”  He put the cheese chunks in the bowl with the tomatoes.

“What did she say?”  I was blushing again, so much for my theories.

laughed as he sprinkled balsamic vinegar and olive oil over the tomatoes and cheese.  “I told her we were going to make out and that she
probably get bored watching us.”

“Oh great.”  I rolled my eye
s.  Now my blush was in full force.
  “I told her last week nothing was going on between us.”

his arm around my waist
, he
kissed me.  “So far nothing has.” 

He opened the container of pasta salad from the dinner last night.  After a quick bite of the salad, he added the salad to the tomatoes and cheese mixture.  Then, he threw black and green olives, cut up mushrooms, and a jar of artichoke hearts into the mix.  Next, he added some garlic, onions, and ground some pepper over the top.  Michael took a big spoon and offered me a taste.
The combination of flavors was delicious. 

“Yum.”  I murmured.

Michael open
one of the bottle
of wine he
purchased today.  I pulled
two glasses out of the cupboard, and he
sliced up a loaf of French bread. 

“Can we eat on the couch?”
  He asked.

“Absolutely.”  I answered already carrying the food over to the couch table and turning the television on.  The baseball game had not started yet.

Michael sat on middle section of the couch and I sat in the corner.  He poured us both a glass of wine and handed me mine. 

held his glass up and looked at me, “
o us.”

“To us.”  I said, as we touched our glasses. 

The wine was one we had tasted earlier in the afternoon.  It tasted of wild berries with a hint of orange.  After our tours, I appreciated the flavor
even more

When we had finished eating, I leaned back into the corner of the couch.  Michael had lifted my legs and laid them across his lap.  The game was boring, and the Dodgers were losing.  Far more interesting were Michael’s hands moving up my legs.  He had started very nonchalantly tracing circles softly on my knees and then moving slowly up my thighs until he reached the bottom hem of my shorts.

leaned over me to turn off the lamp next to me.  The room was dark with just
the glow of the television.  His
face was over mine. 

I looked at him, “You weren’t kidding were you?  We really are going to make out?”

He laughed and cleared his throat, “Those were my plans.  I usually make smoother moves and don’t announce it in advance.”

I moved my arms up around his shoulders.  “Oh you’re plenty smooth enough for me.”

Michael did not answer.  I was glad I had a big couch when he stretched out next to me.  His arm wrapped around me, and he traced the line
of my jaw with his other hand. 
Touching my lips softly with his lips, h
is mouth delved into mine and I could taste the wine we had shared.  While our kisses explored, his hands were on their own expedition around my body.  Michael’s large hands gently kneading my hips and waist began to awaken parts of me that I thought I had deeply buried.  A well-hidden need inside of me I had not felt in a long time started to grow.  If his kisses could elicit these types of responses from my body, I could only imagine what it would be like when his hands touched naked skin.  I expected him to pull back after we kissed.  Instead, his lips trailed to my neck and then
went lower on my chest.  Michael’s lips stopped just above where my tank top started.  He raised his head and looked at me.  His free hand moved under the bottom of the tank and he touched my bare stomach.

I breathed in.  I wanted him to go higher and I wanted him to go lower.  There were also those parts of me that said no, and stop.  My body tensed and Michael felt the change.  He looked up at me with questioning eyes.  “Too much?” he asked."

I nodded.  “I’m sorry Michael.  Things are just moving kind of fast.”

He removed his hand from under my top and laid it around my waist.  Michael smiled at me, “
ou know that wasn’t my intention, you are hard to resist.”

“You are too. 
You’re not going to leave, are you?

I did not want to know the answer because I was so sure he would answer yes.  Disappoint
started to fill me.  Once again, I had messed up a good thing by being cautious.

“Do you want me to?” he asked.

My eyes grew big and I could not believe that tears were forming my
eyes.  I closed them and I shook my head.  “No.  But…”  I trailed off opening my eyes again.

Michael laughed.  “Oh Elizabeth.”  He sat up and pulled me up into his lap.  “I’m not going anywhere.”  His smile was inviting and warm
and not the least bit angry.  “
At least not right now, later I’ll have to go home and take a cold shower.”

I whispered into his neck, “I’m sorry.”

He bent to kiss me again.  “I don’t want to rush you.  When you’re ready you’ll let me know.”















I had drawn the line and Michael did not attempt to cross it again.  We sat on the couch watching the game and kissing, but it was all tame in comparison to the earlier event.  He left me with a goodnight kiss after we cleaned the kitchen and a promise that we would go to the baseball game together the next afternoon.  I lay in bed Sunday morning long after I awoke.  I wasn’t interested in my usual coffee
.  T
here I was just staring at the ceiling, thinking.

Michael confused me and at the same time excited me.  He was a man that would not deter easily.  I knew this and yet I still didn’t know why he was so attracted to me.  I was certainly attracted to him.  He was handsome, intelligent, caring, fun to be with, and definitely sexy.  I giggled aloud at that thought.  There were no bad sides, or at least none had seen the light of day.  What was it that I offered to him? 

I was so boring.  I waited for life to come to me and rarely chased after it.  Michael on the other hand seemed to pursue life, capturing excitement with every step he took.  I was simply a writer, living vicariously through my characters. 

I sighed and spoke aloud, “Even they have more exciting lives than I do.”

Samantha, after hearing my voice got up from her spot and lay on top of my stomach.  I reached down and petted her soft head, “Mommy is feeling sorry for herself, isn’t she?  Are you both hungry for breakfast?”  I pulled myself together and threw back the covers.  The dogs happily followed me into the kitchen.

  While I made coffee the phone rang,
and I
wasn’t surprised to hear Nancy’s voice on the other end.  I had been neglecting my writing and she yelled at me for a few moments.  Nancy was far too interested however in what had transpired yesterday between Michael and me.

“Girl, he has it bad for you.  I’m surprised he didn’t just rip off your clothes and have his way with you,” Nancy teased me.

“You know I’ve never been one for casual sex, and I’m not going to start now.”  I retorted. 

Nancy laughed her voice was low and easy, “How long are you planning on dragging this out?  The poor man, how many showers are you going to force on him.”

“Nancy,” I said my voice taking a serious tone, “all kidding aside.  I know he is interested in me, I’m just not sure why.  I don’t want to get into a relationship with someone just for sex, because I’m not looking for that in my life.  It wouldn’t be fair to him or to me.”

“Then Elizabeth, what is it that you want?  It certainly isn’t fair for you to string him along.”

“Do you think I’m doing that?  Nancy we’ve only known each other a few weeks.”  I asked worriedly.

“Girl, this is not one of your romance novels, this is your life.  You need to figure out what you want and when you’ve decided then you need to figure out if he fits into your life.”  Even though Nancy was younger, she started to sound like my mother.  “Michael obviously likes you.  Look, he introduced you to his grandmother.  What man does that?  I say go for it.”

I paused so long that Nancy had to ask if I was still on the line.  “I’m here.  I think I’m just afraid, you know of being hurt all over again.”

Nancy snorted, “Well my dear, welcome to the club.  None of us wants to be hurt, ever.  Nevertheless, how are you going to enjoy the mountains if you have never been in the valleys?  Hurt is intrinsic to relationships.  Of course, you can be really stupid and marry someone like Kevin the wonder boy.”

“Exactly my point Nancy, I don’t want to make another mistake like Kevin.”

Nancy laughed, “Oh, I doubt you will.  Kevin is one in a million.  You just got lucky.”

“Some luck.”  I whispered.

I had plenty to think about after our conversation.  I sat at my desk and started on my book.  A commotion outside drew my attention.  Michael and the two girls were playing with a Frisbee.  When one of them did not catch the Frisbee, their dogs were on the scene to pick it up and run.

Their laughter was contagious, and I found myself laughing with them

I walked out to
porch.  All three of them saw me at once.  My dogs went bound
ing down the steps to join them
and I followed.

“Catch Elizabeth!”  Michael snatched the Frisbee out of Tammy’s hands and threw it at me.

I caught it with one hand.

Tammy yelled, “No fair Dad!  Throw it to me Elizabeth!  Dad and Katy are cheating!”

I laughed and looked at each one of them, “I don’t think so!  It’s mine now.”  I shielded the Frisbee.  Michael and Katy ran toward me and I quickly threw it to Tammy.  They rapidly turned and ran toward Tammy. 
Tammy threw it back to me. 

Michael jumped up and caught it in the air.  He was so close to me as he came down he pulled me with him.  We lay there in a heap with our dogs surrounding us.  Michael breathed heavily from the exertion as he waved the Frisbee up in the air.  “I win!”  He shouted victoriously.  Michael was back on his feet and pulled me to my feet in two fluid movements.  He put his arm around my waist and planted a kiss on my forehead.  “Thanks for helping!”

I was a little surprised that he did not kiss me on the lips but I shrugged it off.  “I wasn’t trying to help you win!”

Michael laughed, “It’s all the same!”  He did a small victory dance.  “Have you had breakfast?”  When I shook my head he said, “Come and join us.  I made quiche and we’ve got some strawberries that Katy picked up yesterday while she was out with her twin friends.”

The table was already set for four.  I asked Katy about the whereabouts of Ben and Bob and she replied that they would be in San Francisco until the next morning.  Someone had planned to invite me.  The idea comforted me. 

“What can I do?”  I asked looking for a task.

Michael quickly replied.  “Sit.” 

The three moved around me like a well-oiled machine.  They had performed this drill many times before and were well used to their roles.  The table reminded me of the setting yesterday at Grandmother Helen’s house.  Plain yogurt and preserves were on the table.  Tammy added the baguette and cheese to the table and she sat next to me.  Bringing in the strawberries, Katy sat opposite to me.  Michael brought the quiche to the table and sat between Katy and me.  This time when Michael gave the blessing over the food I was waiting for it.  Michael took my plate a put a big portion of quiche in the middle. 

“Way too much,” I said.

Tammy poked me in the ribs, “Wait until you taste it, it is really good.”

I took a bite.  I could not believe the taste.  The quiche was a wonderful blend of different types of cheeses with broccoli, spinach, onions, and roasted peppers. 

“Oh my gosh!”  I exclaimed with another bite in my mouth, “This is incredible!”

Michael smiled and Tammy whispered.  “See I told you.  Dad is a fantastic cook.”

His face had a slight blush.  “It was out of necessity.”  Michael said humbly.  He continued to heap quiche on the remaining plates.

“You’re not kidding on that one.”  Katy replied matter-of-factly.  “Mom is a terrible cook.  Her idea of cooking was a frozen dinner for us and she would eat out.”

“It isn’t that bad Katy,
” Michael

So, his ex-wife did not cook either, well at least we were even on that score.  I smiled to myself and Michael caught my grin.  He looked puzzled but let it pass.

We continued the brunch with conversation around the table.  Katy still wanted me to sing with their trio and I agreed on times for rehearsals next week.  Both Katy and Tammy begged off the dishes and they left the house.  Michael and I carried the dishes into the kitchen and I helped him load the dishwasher.

Michael turned to me as he put the last dish in the washer.  “Would you do a favor for me Elizabeth?”

“What?”  I asked.

“I’m going to Louisiana tomorrow to start a job.  It’s been planned for awhile.”  Michael explained.

“Oh?  What’s in Louisiana?”  I asked.  This was the first time I had heard about an assignment in Louisiana, but his work had not been an extensive topic of conversation for us.

“Alligators.”  He said giving me a broad grin.

My eyes widen.  “You’re going to photograph alligators?”

Michael laughed quietly, closing the dishwasher door and pressing the buttons to start the cycle.  “Yep.  National Geographic is doing a special photo expose’ on Louisiana, you know, after Hurricane Katrina.  There is a biologist who is trying to rebuild some of their habitats in the bayou.”

I laughed too, “So you want to know what shoe size I wear?” 

Michael really chuckled, “Elizabeth, shame on you!  No, I want you to keep an eye on the girls.”

“Oh, you mean spy on them for you?”  I joked.

“No, well, yes, no, I mean no.  I don’t want you to spy on them

I want to make sure everything runs smoothly in the house, with Jason and the other boys. 
o there are no wild parties going on.”

“Don’t you trust them?”  I asked raising my eyebrows.

“Of course I trust them.  I just want to make sure there is a mature adult around in case they have problems.”

“Gee, what a compliment Michael.  A mature adult.”

He grabbed me around the waist.  “You know what I meant.  Stop giving me such a hard time.”

I laughed and expected him to kiss me.  When he did not and he just released me, it made me pause. 

“Well,” I said, “I need to get home and prepare myself for the baseball game.  What time do you want to go?”

“Yeah, about the game today.”  He broke off for a second.  “We can drive together, but I’m coming back to the house right after the game.  I need to pack and get my gear together.  I’m meeting up with a new assistant
and I want to have everything ready to go.  Do you think you can get a ride home with Debi and Don?”

My heart sank.  I knew it.  Michael was rejecting me.  I would not sleep with him and now he was not interested in me anymore.  I wanted to cry, but I held back the tears. 

“Oh, okay.  Well, come by and let me know when you’re ready to go.”

“Okay.”  He picked up the newspaper from the kitchen table and we both walked to his back porch.  Topper and Samantha followed me down the steps while Michael stuffed the newspaper into the trashcan.  “I’ll see you in a little bit.”

I did not turn around.  I was afraid that he would see the tears running down my cheeks.  Two days in a row, I had cried over Michael and I was more confused than ever now.  The more I told myself not to think about it the more I did. 

I went straight to my bedroom.  Laying down on my bed with the dogs snuggling up to me, I held my pillows tightly and cried.

Time went by, and I knew that I had to get up and put my uniform on.  I did not want to play baseball and I was in no mood to see anyone.  Dreading the ride over to the park, I hoped there would not be an uncomfortable silence.  I thought about taking my own car and almost called him.

My eyes were puffy from crying and holding a cold, wet washcloth against them did nothing to alleviate the puffiness.  I sighed and resigned myself to wearing my sunglasses until the game started.  No one would really be able to see me when I was on the mound.

Michael knocked on the door and I grabbed my stuff.  I opened the door with full hands and no chance to put my sunglasses on.  He was standing in front of me and I knew he saw the appearance of my eyes. 

“Are you okay?”  He hesitated and then softly touched my cheek.  He quickly removed his hand as if he had done something wrong.

I cleared my throat and swallowed.  “Ah yeah.  Fine.”  Not wanting to fabricate a story, I offered no further explanation.  He moved out of my way when I walked toward him.  I slipped my sunglasses on and waited at the car for him to open door. 

Michael slid into the driver’s side and started the engine.  Anything was better than sitting in the car in silence.  I poked my brain for something to say.  “Did you get started on your packing?”

Michael nodded as he moved out into the traffic.  “Yeah, I’m leaving at about seven tomorrow morning and there is always a lot of preparation before a shoot.  I’m working with a new assistant from the university so I’ll be breaking him in too.  My biologist friend sent me a ton of reading material discussing the new habitats.  Tonight I’ll be doing a lot reading about alligators and their behavior so I know what to expect.”

“How long are you going to be gone?”  I tried to keep the emotion that was building in me out of my voice.”

“I should be back late Thursday.”

“You know I’m taking Tammy to the doctor on Wednesday.”

“I really appreciate your helping Tammy.  I don’t know if I could do it.”

“It’s not something she should do alone, at least the first time.  I don’t mind.”  Thinking to myself, I added that it was more important to go photograph some stupid alligators than go to the doctor with your daughter.  I inwardly huffed to myself.

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