Ecstasy Bound (23 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ecstasy Bound
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* * * * *

Halah let out a whoop. “I found the files. Everything. It’s all here. Well, not everything. But enough to help us out where we need it to get out of this shelter in one piece.”

Kam came up behind her as she worked at Laszlo’s computer. “So who’s the traitor?”

She felt his tension, heard the frustration in his voice and hated to disappoint him.

was still the one missing link. She looked up at him. “I don’t know.”

He scowled and mumbled something incoherent.

“But look. The person did make a log of the transmissions after all—at least some of them. They were saved in a folder outside the log directory, which was why they didn’t pop up when Torque ran a normal log search. They include the instructions on how to sabotage the ships, the oxygen and even the power down here. Which is probably why the person saved them. To refer back to. With this information, we know exactly what was done and where. We can reverse everything.” She smiled up at him.

“So it
sabotage. All of it.” He let out a heavy breath. “All right. Let’s get on it and get things repaired as quickly as possible.”

“We should tell the others.”

“Let’s fix what problems we can first, starting with the oxygen. Once they discover we’ve escaped, they might not be keen on listening to anything we have to say. Not right away anyhow and we have a time factor to consider.”

“Good point. Though to fix the oxygen, we’ll need to go down to the sublevel. We might run into someone down there.”

“With a little luck, I think we’ll be able to sneak by. Especially if whoever is down there is working on the orbiters. They’ll be in the docking areas or inside one of the ships. I should be able to sense if anyone comes near. Although that blasted machinery down there puts out some wicked interference.” A frown crossed his face.

“I trust in your abilities.” She smiled, knowing that his sensing power had been growing. At least until they’d gotten down here. She didn’t know the reason for his stronger senses nor why they had suddenly waned. Such powers normally did not cycle, as far as she knew. Neither of them could figure out the changes happening inside him. Her brow furrowed as her thoughts returned to the traitor. With what she’d found in the files, they should be able to figure out who had betrayed them.

“What is it?”

“I was thinking… There are only three people down here who would have needed instructions from Frost to carry out this sabotage. The rest would already have enough knowledge to cause plenty of destruction.”

“Four,” Kam corrected after only a slight hesitation. “Alexa, Delemar, Briggs, Josella. None of them would know how to sabotage the systems without help.”

“Delemar doesn’t have the knowledge?”

“His background is in social sciences. He was never a Warrior, as far as I know, only an advisor. The Council brought him in after one of the uprisings to help reestablish order.”

“I see. I never did follow the political side of Xylon that much. Especially after the Council refused to help me.” The memory of how they’d turned their backs on her and her sister still burned strong. When Kam touched her shoulder, she gave him a shaky smile. “Well, we can discount Josella as the traitor.”

“And Alexa.”

“So that leaves Briggs or Delemar. Who do you think?” she asked.

“I never sensed anything of that caliber from Briggs. Delemar hasn’t been around enough for me to gauge him. Even before all this happened, I was never in his presence much. I can’t really say.”

“You can sense something like that? Betrayal?”

“Sometimes. It depends on the person and the level of emotion attached. In this instance though, it’s a toss up.” He rubbed his temple.


“It’s not bad.”

She wasn’t so certain, from the look in his eyes. She feared his physical problems were affecting him mentally and probably making his sensing ability not as effective.

Maybe that was even the full cause of his waning abilities instead of any external force.

That worried her for they needed him at full strength.
needed him—in so many ways.

She got out of the chair and pressed her fingers to his temple, giving him a little shock. “You think Delemar would betray his own people?” A stupid question actually, given the fact that more than one Warrior had turned against Xylon over the years. Why wouldn’t a civilian? She had just figured, or hoped, that a Council member would be above corruption. But then if the incentive was attractive enough…

“Everyone has a price.” Kam groaned and his whole body seemed to relax.

“Thanks.” He kissed her lightly on the lips.

She stroked his cheek. “Yes, a price.” Precisely what she had been thinking. She knew about that only too well. Her price had been the safety of her sister. Though she now regretted how she’d gone about securing Josella’s safety. She should have found a better way. All this suspicion surrounding them wouldn’t be as acute if she’d followed a different path in her life. But she couldn’t change the past. All she could do was choose better in the future. “You ready to go?”

He nodded. “I’m feeling better.”

“Good. I’m going to leave these files up on the screen. If Laszlo returns, he’ll see them right away. I’m sure he’ll come to the same conclusion as we did. He’ll know we’re innocent.”

“He’s not the one who thinks we’re guilty of anything. Still, it’s a good idea. It’ll be proof for the others. Lock it in so the files can’t be erased and let’s go.”





Chapter Seventeen





Sam tried to push aside the accusations of the male Warriors but his confrontation with them kept replaying in his mind. Thank goodness for Josella or no telling what would have happened. They might have killed him, given their anger and his vulnerability, or imprisoned him and even refused to help his planet defeat the Egesa.

And it would have been his fault.

All because of his deception and accusations he had no way of proving false. Guilt pressed him hard over what he’d done. He shouldn’t have kept the transmitter a secret.

Erik had confiscated it as he’d feared but if he’d been honest from the beginning, it might never have happened.

His orders had been clear though. No disclosure. And he’d followed his orders.

Still, he should have at least told Brianna. She had deserved the truth from him.

He pulled her into his arms and she willingly came, stroking his shoulders. Though fucking her was foremost on his mind, he couldn’t help remembering her actions in front of her people and feeling pleased. She’d come to his defense.

But she had also questioned him, just as her training dictated. The woman versus the military officer. The woman had taken precedence. He loved her for that.
Yes. Love.

For that and for so much more. Burying his feelings wasn’t something he wanted to do any longer.

Unfortunately, even though Josella had cleared him and Brianna believed in him, he felt the others would now be looking at him with suspicion since he hadn’t been forthcoming about the transmitter. They would probably be wondering what else he could be keeping a secret. He squeezed Brianna’s waist and their eyes met. He hoped his actions didn’t cause problems for this woman who had done so much for him.

He would prove himself trustworthy to her and to the others. Somehow.

As the thought went through his head, a surge of lust hit him so hard that he winced. Damn! His body felt on fire. No matter how hard he fought to keep other thoughts in his head, his sexual needs were growing at too rapid a rate. That’s all he should really be concentrating on at the moment. If he didn’t fulfill his desires, he knew his brain would implode.

After stepping back a bit, he pulled the sheet from around Brianna and dropped the sheet he’d grabbed for himself, to the floor. He pulled her close again. Skin against skin.

So much better.

When he saw Josella moving away, he turned his head. “No. Stay here with us.”

She immediately looked to Brianna.

“Only for the Initiation. Remember that,” Brianna told her. She fingered his chin, turning his head back until he met her gaze again. “After this, you’re all mine.”

He liked the sound of that and leaned in to cover her lips with his. He loved the possessive tone in her voice. He felt possessive too. He reached down and squeezed her ass. Still, Josella being right there next to them increased the sexual intensity.

Sam felt his cock growing harder. Those chemicals had done their job. Too well. He broke the kiss and stepped back.

Laszlo and Pitch must have left and gone to the observation room, for he didn’t see them anywhere. He’d forgotten all about them when his body had gone into sex-starvation mode. He barely remembered Erik and Torque leaving.

He’d fought back the sexual cravings while the others were in the room. For the most part. But now the feelings were hitting him with such force that he couldn’t deny them any longer. He wanted both women under his sexual control. “Get on your knees, Josella.”

Again the young woman looked to Brianna.

“Stop looking at her for approval.” He was in charge now. “Take off your clothes and get on your knees.”

Josella hesitated only a moment, then hurried to follow his instructions. She pulled off her clothing, tossed it aside and dropped to her knees. She hunched slightly, partially covering her body.

Brianna cocked an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled at the look on her face—a cross between surprise and curiosity. He found that he liked being in sexual control of two women at the same time. One woman had his heart, the other was simply there to assist with his physical cravings if she was needed. The idea of both of them fulfilling him was a huge turn-on. His balls ached something fierce and he swore his cock was throbbing.

“You too, Brianna.” He tenderly touched her cheek. “On your knees.”

Brianna didn’t protest any of Sam’s words, though it surprised her how quickly he’d embraced the sexual freedom of the Initiation ceremony. After his brain function returned to normal, he would also return to normal and no longer crave two women.

Well, no more than any man fantasized about such a thing.

But he wouldn’t need two women for survival.

For now, he had to be sexually satisfied. Repeatedly. She wasn’t certain she could do that without help, so she was grateful for Josella’s presence. Sort of. The conflict inside her about sharing Sam sexually confused her more than it should, considering this was Xylon’s way of life and something she was very familiar with.

She lowered to her knees, wondering at Sam’s plans where Josella was concerned.

Once she knew, she’d be all right, as long as Sam was all right and didn’t suffer any mental or physical damage because of all this.

He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. “Come here, Brianna. Slide those luscious lips over me and suck my cock like you’re starving to taste
cum only.

Watch her, Josella. I want your eyes on us at all times.”

She did only want his cum and none other. She leaned forward and took the head of his swollen cock into her mouth. Big, but not impossible to manage, which made him perfect in her eyes. At his urging, she slid her lips over him farther, taking more, moving back and forth along his shaft. She loved the unique taste of him. She glanced up and saw him staring at Josella’s breasts, the first real interest he’d shown in her body. An unexpected wave of jealousy hit her.

His gaze briefly returned to her. He smiled slightly as if knowing her thoughts, then his gaze again switched, once more concentrating on the young woman beside them.

“Lie down and play with yourself.”


Brianna hesitated, but only briefly, then she continued sucking. She felt like laughing at Josella’s confusion. Sunevian translations were lacking apparently. Well, she wasn’t about to explain. Sam would handle it. Besides, she had her mouth full.

“Sexually,” he added in explanation. “Use your fingers.”

“Oh.” Understanding filled her voice. Josella lay back on the mat. One hand slid down her body toward her pussy. Sam’s eyes followed the movement.

That’s about all Brianna could see from her position. But she sensed Sam’s breathing grow deeper. Good, he needed to climax again. And she craved the taste of his cum in her mouth.

“Play with your clit,” he ordered, his voice sounding gruff. His muscles tensed.

Brianna had thought it wouldn’t take much. She worried about the added stress on his body from watching Josella touch herself and her own sucking. He needed to come quickly to relieve the pressure in his brain. After such a long wait since his last climax, he had to be in pain. She reached up and gently massaged his balls.

“Ah. Yeah.” Sam’s hand slid into her hair. “Suck my dick faster, Brianna. Stronger.

Yeah, like that. Oh, your lips feel great. Rub your clit harder for me, Josella. Open your legs wide. I want to see everything when you come.”

Brianna heard Josella getting more and more excited. She took more of Sam’s cock in her mouth as she bobbed her head, sucking hard. Certainly he was on the edge now.

“Come for us, Josella. You’re so wet, so ready. Don’t hold back. Fuck yourself until you scream.”

Josella moaned and came, her body twitching in reaction. “Oh…ah! Yes!”

“Ah, that’s right, baby. You’re going to have me coming in a minute.”

Brianna’s clit ached. She needed to come too. In response to Josella’s orgasm, Sam’s fingers tightened in her hair. This was it. Brianna prepared to swallow his cum. But to her surprise, he pushed her away.

She looked up at him and concern filled her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” As he answered, his eyes never left Josella. “I just want something more.

I want Josella to do something special. You did well. Come here.” Sam eyed Josella closely as she scooted close. “Don’t move, Brianna.”

Brianna recognized the tone in his voice. The commanding nature. She’d heard it numerous times before, from other men, during Initiations, so she said nothing and just allowed Sam to control the situation in the way he needed.

“Use your hand to make me come. Make me come all over Brianna’s gorgeous tits.”

Brianna sucked in a sharp breath but didn’t move.

Josella didn’t hesitate. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and worked his cock like an expert. Brianna was impressed and knew it wouldn’t take long for Sam to climax.

“Ah, that feels great. Pinch your nipples, Brianna,” he ordered, his eyes finally meeting hers again.

She licked her fingers then played with her nipples, pinching and tugging on them.

“Harder. Make yourself squirm.”

Brianna did as he wanted, really needing to come badly. She saw Sam’s fingers curl into fists. He was close. She couldn’t wait to feel his cock inside her pussy. She knew he’d need to come several times.

“Come on her,” Josella said, moving her hand rapidly. “Right now.”

Brianna dropped her hands to her sides.

Sam groaned and his cum shot out. “Ah, yeah…yeah.”

Josella smiled. “Keep coming. Soak her.”

Brianna watched his cum splatter onto her breasts. She lifted her hand and slid her finger across one nipple, then brought it to her mouth, tasting him on her tongue.

“Ah, fuck, that’s sexy,” he ground out. The last bit of his cum dropped onto the mat. “You taste it too, Josella.”

Josella smiled and wiped some up with her fingers. Her tongue darted out for a taste. “Mmm. I’ve never tasted an Earth man’s cum before.” As her hand slid along his shaft, the contented smile on her face slowly faded. She looked at his cock. “He’s still hard.”

“That’s normal,” Brianna replied. She grabbed one of the sheets and wiped her chest, then the mat. “Has the pressure eased any, Sam?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, a haze filled his eyes. From the strained look on his face and his lack of movement, the same haze had probably also filled his brain.

Josella pulled her hand from his cock. “Sam?”

“Fuck!” He growled and dropped to the mats between them. His eyes looked feral.

With unexpected speed, he pushed Brianna flat and spread her thighs with his knees. “I need inside your cunt. Now!”

“Yes.” She reached for him, holding tightly to his arms. She was ready for this.

“Fuck me the way you need to.”

He stared down at her body, then looked deeply into her eyes. Without another word, he thrust his cock inside her, pumping her pussy hard.

Josella gasped and started to ease away. Sam’s hand shot out and he grabbed her ankle. “Stay. Watch us fuck.” He leaned down and licked Brianna’s nipple. “Hold her down, Josella—by her shoulders.”

Brianna saw her move and Josella’s hands pressed on her shoulders. Sam curled his fingers around her arms, then bit her nipple. Brianna jerked, but couldn’t really move with them holding her.

Josella chuckled and tightened her hold. “Do it again. Harder.”

Sam bit into the fleshy bud. Brianna shrieked at the pleasure and at the small pain.

A compelling combination that almost had her coming. He soothed the bite with several swipes of his tongue.

“Do you like a hard fucking too, Josella? This one does. Don’t you, Brianna?” He thrust his hips forward.

“Ah! Yes!” Brianna wrapped her legs around him and held on.

“Fuck her like a savage, Sam. I want to see her get it hard.”

He looked at Josella. “Give me your tongue. Now.”

Brianna watched Josella lean forward and Sam kissed her with an open mouth.

Josella’s fingers dug into her shoulders. Brianna’s hips jerked forward against Sam. He plunged forward into her cunt in response. When he broke the kiss, he looked down at Brianna. “Josella wants to see a savage fucking.”

“I heard.” Brianna breathed heavily. “Do it.”

* * * * *

Erik entered medical. He spotted Leila leaning over one of the lab tables. She looked in deep concentration and hard at work, so he didn’t interrupt her. He saw Alexa in the back of the room, hovering over the babies.

Braden rose from the computer. “We all listened in. I knew something was up with Delemar, but I never—”

“None of us suspected, Braden. Not even Laszlo.”

“I’ve always been able to read people better than that. Analyze situations. And act quickly to stop problems.”

“Don’t blame yourself. We’ve been under a lot of stress and with the oxygen at minimal, it’s no wonder we’re not in top form. It was almost too obvious with Delemar, now that I think about it.”

“Not really, considering his position. Council members don’t turn.”

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