Read Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love Online

Authors: Jay Belle Isle

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Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love (2 page)

BOOK: Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love
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"Messages," he called out. A second later, a
man's voice filled the room. "Hello, Mr. Aeternum. Pardon the late
hour of the call, but it's a fairly urgent matter."

Dammit! Evans never says 'urgent matter'
unless shit's about to hit the fan. Guess my toke 'n' tug are gonna
have to wait.

Barrister Garrett Evans handled all of
Edgar's legal affairs, including management of the trust Edgar
lived on in this lifetime. Evans was one of the best and asked few
questions, concerned only with what he needed to accomplish the
task at hand. He also, apparently, worked around the clock which is
why Edgar had no worry about returning the call at such a late

Evans answered immediately, voice as crisp
and professional as it would be at nine in the morning. "Mr.
Aeternum. Thank you for your prompt response. I trust you're

"So far, so good, Evans," Edgar replied.
"Though I suspect that hinges on what you're about to tell me.
What's going on?"

"A complaint has been filed with Altair
Central, sir. A woman by the name of Serina Jarvis claims you,"
here Evans paused, a tell that Edgar knew from experience meant the
item in question had to do with sex, Evans' least favorite topic,
"violated her most indecently." Knowing Evans, "most indecently"
could be anything from a kiss on the nose to the kinkiest role

Edgar chuckled. "Evans, as much as you don't
like to hear about my sex life, you know I don't play that way.
First off, no women; second, never by force. It's all consensual,
every time."

"Yes, sir, I know. Nevertheless, the
complaint has been filed and requires a response." This was why
Edgar employed him; the man took his job seriously, even when Edgar
found the issue at hand ridiculous. Altair Legal also took
complaints seriously and if a response wasn't filed within 48
hours, they sent agents to retrieve the defendant, hence Evans'
sense of urgency.

"True enough, Evans. What's your plan?" Edgar

"The best response possible is proving you
were nowhere near the young lady at the time of the alleged
incident. Failing that, the next best strategy is a psy-test to
prove you're 100% Androphile," said Evans. "They would accept that
as a defense. No pure Andro would attempt to rape a female."

"I'd prefer the former to the latter," Edgar
said. "I don't like psy'ers playing around in my head. So let's
start with the when and go from there."

"Very good, sir," replied Evans. "The when is
Tuesday last, the 14th, at seven p.m. The where-"

"Stop right there," Edgar interrupted. "I was
nowhere near any female at that time, not even a house pet."

"Sir?" asked Evans.

"Grab a glass of wine, Evans, you're not
going to like what I'm about to tell you," Edgar said, knowing full
well that Evans never drank on the job and that Evans was always on
the job. "I was entertaining at that time."

"Would the gentleman in question be willing
to sign an affidavit to that effect?" queried the barrister.

"Yes, they would, Evans; though the security
footage from Highland House will clearly show their entrance and
exit times as well as the fact that I made no exit that day. This
is preferable to the affidavit, but you know the law better than I
do," replied Edgar.

The connection was silent for a moment as
Evans processed Edgar's statement. "So you had a dinner party,
sir?" the hope in Evans' voice almost made Edgar laugh.

"Not exactly, Evans. Though a fair amount of
meat was involved. Dessert, by the way, was splendid," Edgar said.
The silence this time was even longer. "My apologies, Evans. I
couldn't resist."

"No need, sir" the barrister said. "I've long
since grown accustomed to your particular sense of humor. Even when
it's at my expense."

"Fair enough," said Edgar. "So you'll
subpoena the security records in the morning. Who is my accuser, by
the way?"

"A n'er-do-well records clerk from your bank.
Once we prove your innocence, I intend to speak to the bank
President about her continued employment. She's an opportunist,
sir, nothing more. Fabricated a story about a chance meeting on the
magna that resulted in dinner and a post-meal assault in the
lavatory," the distaste in Evans' voice was palpable.

"She must've seen the trust balance and
thought she had a ticket to an easier life," Edgar said. "I've seen
it happen. Fortunately, she's too amateurish to be much of a
problem; if she'd done her homework, she could have found a better
angle to use. Most guys would settle just to keep away from the
legal system. Then again, most aren't lucky enough to have a
barrister as good as you, Evans."

"Thank you, sir. As always, it's my pleasure
to be of assistance. I believe that the matter will be resolved by
late afternoon. Once I finish preparing our answer, I'll fast track
it through one of my connections at Legal. After it's done, I'll
deal with Miss Jarvis," Evans said. Edgar swore he caught a hint of
predatory pleasure in Evans' voice.

"Thank you, Evans; I appreciate it. The less
scrutiny I'm under the better. As for Miss Jarvis... Enjoy
yourself." At some superficial level, Edgar almost felt sorry for
the woman. Evans was thorough and merciless in his work and Miss
Jarvis would likely regret the day she was born by the time the
barrister was finished with her. All through backdoor channels, of

"You're most welcome, sir," replied the
barrister. "Unless you have further questions, I'll leave you to
what's left of your night."

"Nothing I can think of, Evans. Let me know
when Altair Legal closes the matter. Have a good night. Off." The
comm line gave a slight chime to signify the end of the call. Edgar
stretched and swallowed the last of the Cabernet. He rose from his
seat and went to the sofa. Edgar sat down at one end of the sofa
and reached for a small jade box on the glass-topped end table.

Now that's out of the way, time for some
fun. Ya gotta love agricultural science these days. The weed in the
twentieth century was good, especially when medicinal use hit its
stride, but this? This shit beats even the best Maui or Purple
Kush. And it's legal in the 2-4.

Edgar opened the ornately-carved box and took
out a small vial of finely-ground marijuana along with a vaporizer
shaped like a miniature Stradivarius. He filled the bowl and slid
the lid back into place, then returned the vial to its home in the

Hello, old friend! Even with all my money,
it's damn hard to get this strain it's so popular. Money talked and
dealers listened when it was illegal, but nowadays it's like
telling a waiter you'll pay double for a steak when he's already
told you they're out of cow.

Edgar flicked the small node on the side of
the vaper, waited and then inhaled deeply. He felt the buzz roll
through him like a wave of pure bliss. On the exhale, he took his
time to enjoy the sweet spiciness that was the trademark of Mars
Red. Edgar closed his eyes, smiled and leaned back, relaxing into
the plush sofa. The Red was doing its magic; every inch of Edgar's
body sang with joy, uplifted and expanded as though becoming one
with the Universe. This expansion was not entirely spiritual,
though; Edgar's uncut cock began lengthening as well.

Oh yeah. That's the stuff. Good ol' Red
never lets me down. One draw and I feel like I'm on my way to the
Moon. Heh. Been there, though; not so great. Too many moralists; I
had enough 'Thou Shalt Nots' in the twen-cen. Let's get this ship
goin'! Warp nine, Mr. Crusher. Engage!

Edgar put the tip of the Strat's slim neck
between his lips, hit the node and breathed in the delicious vapor.
Holding it for a ten count, he released it, once again savoring the
taste. His typical routine was about five hits, not all that much,
but given the strength of the Mars Red, just enough. He relaxed
even further, stretching his legs like a cat after a nap. The wave
crested, giving Edgar a shiver of pleasure and bringing his growing
erection nearer to its full nine inches. He raised the Strat to his
lips again.

The next drag took Edgar to full erection,
his abdomen tightening as pleasure spread in a tsunami through his
body, his cock the epicenter. He threw his head back and moaned at
the force of the stimulation, muscles temporarily clenching and
releasing. His right hand drifted across his bare chest, eyes
closing at the sensation. He slowly rubbed his left nipple, pulling
and rolling the little nub between his thumb and forefinger, his
breath hissing out from between clenched teeth.

Ah, fuck yeah! That feels so goddamn good!
And that's only three hits; I've got two more go before this party
really gets started.

He licked his full lips and put the Strat
between them again, drawing deeply, the warm feel of the Mars Red
filling his lungs and spreading through his body. He held it in as
long as he could, finally releasing it, his hard cock twitching in
response. A small bead of pre-cum formed at the tip, becoming a
pool within the concave fold of his foreskin. He shuddered, gasping
as he lowered his hand slowly caressing his abdomen, approaching
the head of his swollen rod and the dark blond triangle of hair at
its base.

Another spasm hit and his heavy cock jumped
before he even grazed it, the pool of pre-cum spilling onto his
tight stomach, a thin rope trailing from his abdomen to his cock.
He continued moving his hand still lower until he encountered the
warm puddle. He slowly spread it around his stomach, the slickness
sending his passion into overdrive. His cock returned to its usual
position, pointing toward his chin with a satisfying thud.

Sweet Jesus! I can't believe how close I am
and haven't even touched myself yet! More, baby, more!

Edgar raised the Strat to mouth for the fifth
and final drag of the night. The tingles he felt as the vaporizer
contacted the nerves on the inside of his lips caused the pre-cum
to flow even more. He was a heavy leaker, his loads even larger
when he finally shot, the force of his ejaculations typically
propelling his cum well over his head. As he drew in the last puff
of Red, his asshole twitched, causing another spurt of pre-cum to
leak from his rock-hard cock.

He slowly exhaled, enjoying every bit of the
Red and dropped his hand from his abdomen, reaching farther down
and cupping his full balls in his hand. He gently rolled the low
hangers with his fingers, groaning in pleasure. His hand returned
to his stomach, wiping up a healthy amount of his slick pre-cum. As
he finished exhaling, his hand dropped back between his legs, this
time moving his full sac aside and allowing his fingers access to
his tight hole.

He drew his legs up slightly to get better
access and just grazed the sensitive pucker with his fingers. The
resulting pleasure was so strong he immediately pulled his hand
away. Face flushed, breathing heavily, he put the Strat down and
returned his attention to his erect nipples, working both at the
same time. The sensations, so similar, were different, too. The
fingers of his left hand were dry; the friction on that nipple was
greater. His right nipple, however, was benefiting from the pre-cum
lube still slicking his fingers. The combined sensations elicited
another long, drawn-out moan.

His hole, badly neglected at the evening's
orgy, throbbed in anticipation. He rose from the sofa and strode
purposefully to his bedroom, returning a moment later with a small
bottle of lubricant and a black silk pouch about twelve inches in
length. He set both on the coffee table before sitting down again.
Leaning forward, he grabbed the pouch and opened it. Inside was his
pleasure for the night, just the thing he needed to satisfy the
burning hunger he felt with each throb of his impatient

Edgar pulled out a large, realistic-looking
dildo, bulbous mushroom head sitting atop a thick, veiny shaft,
egg-sized testes nested in a pliable sack at the base. He licked
his lips and brought the huge dong close, running the head over
their fullness. He parted his lips, darting his tongue out to
caress it before opening his mouth wide to fellate it. Edgar closed
his lips over the shaft, just below the head, the dildo's
substantial girth stretching them to their limit.

At two inches in diameter and ten inches in
shaft length, it was the largest ass toy Edgar owned. He liked the
way it filled him, challenging his ability to take it without
making him feel as if he was being ripped apart. He was a fan of a
great many forms of pleasure, but that kind of pain wasn't one of
them. He slowly tongue-bathed the underside of the huge cock and
pushed it into his mouth, at the same time tweaking a nipple with
his free hand. Then he pulled back his foreskin with agonizing

He gasped around the thick rod in his mouth
as he tightened his grip on his own hard cock, finishing the
downward stroke that completely exposed his slick, shiny glans. He
held his fist in place, resting on his pubes as he took more of the
big cock into his mouth. Edgar gave his own cock a few hard shakes,
ending with a firm slap against his stomach and breathed deeply
through his nose further opening his throat. The mushroom head slid
home; he knew from experience that he had now taken three quarters
of the dildo.

Edgar held steady, working his throat,
milking the rod as though it was the real thing. He had no gag
reflex, though even if he did, the Mars Red would've negated it by
now. He withdrew half of the huge dong and slid it home again,
repeating this action over and over, eyes closed, imagining it was
the real thing.

Finally, when he thought he would explode
with desire, Edgar took the dildo from his mouth and set it on the
coffee table. It stood tall on its base, slick with Edgar's saliva.
He picked up the bottle of lube and opened it impatiently, dropping
the cap in the process. He squirted a small amount on the fingers
of his right hand and leaned back, ass on the edge of the seat,
legs spread, feet on the floor.

BOOK: Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love
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