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Authors: Alison Weir

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William of Newburgh
(c. 1135-c. 1200) was an Augustinian canon of Newburgh, Yorkshire, and another brilliant historian, whose work is one of the most important sources for Henry II's reign. His
History of English Affairs
covers the period 1066-1198 (at which latter date it was probably written). William of Newburgh wrote in a vivid, racy style, and took an objective, judicious, and relatively impartial approach. Like many chroniclers of the period, he included fantastic anecdotes and accounts of supernatural occurrences.

William of Tyre
(c. 1130-1185) was probably born in Italy; he became an ecclesiastic in Syria, being appointed Archdeacon of Tyre in 1167 and Archbishop in 1175. He began writing
A History of Deeds Done beyond the Sea
-- an account of the Second Crusade (1146-1148)-- around 1170, when he was Bishop of Palestine, where he spent much of his life. He may well have had some personal contact with the crusaders, although he was under twenty at the time. Nevertheless, his work, which covers the period 1095-1184, is well researched and fairly objective, thanks to his living at a distance from those he was writing about. However, it is pro-French in bias, and therefore takes a hostile view of Eleanor.


Primary Sources

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The Miscellaneous Works
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(ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

The Crusade of Richard the Lion Heart
(trans. Morton Jerome Hubert, ed. John L. La Monte, New York, 1941).

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(probably English, late thirteenth century; only exists in a single surviving manuscript in the Vatican Library; ed. G. Paris, Paris, 1897; also in
Three Old French Chronicles,
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The Crusade of Richard Lionheart,
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(trans, and ed. John Jay Parry, New York, 1941).

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The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
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Annales Monastici,
ed. H. R. Luard, Rolls Series, 1864-1869).

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Annales Monastici,
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Annales Monastici,
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(source for Philip of Cognac). Arnulf of Lisieux.
TThe Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux
(ed. Frank Barlow, Camden Society, 1939).

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(ed. A. Hiika and O. Schumann, Heidelberg, 1930-1970).

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(ed. E. A. Bond, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1866-1868).

Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I
(ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1864-1865).

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The Chronicon of Battle Abbey
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(ed. G. J. Aungier, London, 1844).

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Receuil des historiens des Gaules et de la France,
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(ed. L. Halphen and R. Poupardin, Collection des Textes, Paris, 1913).

Chroniques des eglises d'Anjou
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Collection des memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France depuis lafondation de la monarchic francaise jusqu'au de siecle
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Le roman de Melusine ou histoire de Lusignan
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Court, Household and Itinerary of King Henry II, instancing also the Chief Agents and Adversaries of the King in his Government, Diplomacy and Strategy
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(see Ambrose,
L'estoire de la guerre sainte).

Curia Regis Rolls: Rotuli Curia Regis
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Daniel, Samuel.
The Complete Works
(ed. A. B. Grosart, no provenance given, 1885).

Drayton, Michael. See under More, Sir Thomas, et al.
English Historical Documents, 1042-1189
(trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and George W Greenaway, London, 1953).

English History from Contemporary Writers
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Fantosme, Jordan.
Metrical Chronicle: Chronique de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Ecossais en 1173 et 1174 (Chronicle of the War between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174)
Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Ricltard I,
ed. Richard Howlett, Rolls Series, 1884-1890; also in
English Historical Documents, 1042-1189,
trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W. Greenaway, London, 1953).

FitzNigel/FitzNeale, Richard.
Dialogus de Scaccario: Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, or, The Course of the Exchequer, by Richard, son of Nigel
(trans. Charles Johnson, London, 1950; reprinted 1963).

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A Description of London
(trans. H. E. Butler with "A Map of London under Henry II" by Marjorie B. Honeybourne, Historical Association Pamphlets, nos. 93 and 94, 1934).

FitzStephen, William.
Materials for a History of Becket
(ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885; also trans. W. H. Hutton, "St. Thomas from the Contemporary Biographies" in
English History from Contemporary Writers,
ed. D. Nutt, 1889).

FitzStephen, William. "Vita Sancti Thomae: The Life of Thomas Becket" (trans, and ed. G. W. Greenaway in
TTie Life and Death of Thomas Becket, Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury,
the Folio Society, London, 1961).

Florence of Worcester.
Florenti Wigorniensis Monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis: The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester
(ed. B. Thorne, 2 vols., London, 1848-1849; also trans, and ed. Thomas Forester, Bohn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1854).

Florilege des troubadours
(trans, and ed. Andre Berry, Paris, 1930).

Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica
(ed. Thomas Rymer and Robert Sanderson, 20 vols., London, 1704-1735; also ed. A. Clarke and F. Holbrooke, 7 vols., London, 1816-1869).

Foliot, Gilbert.
The Letters and Charters of Gilbert Foliot
(ed. A. Morey and C.N.L. Brooke, Cambridge, 1967).

"A French Chronicle of London" (in
Chroniques de Londres,
ed. G. J. Aungier, London, 1844).

Fulcher of Chartres.
Chronicle of the First Crusade (Historia Hioerosolymitana)
(trans, and ed. M. E. McGinty, Philadelphia, 1941).

Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Historia Regum Britaniae: The History of the Kings of Britain
(trans, and ed. A. Griscom and R. E. Jones, New York, 1929; also ed. J. Hammer, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 1951; also trans. Lewis Thorpe, London, 1966).

Geoffrey de Vige/Vigeois.
Chronica Gaufredi Coenobitae Monasterii S. Martialis Lemovicensis ac Prioris Vosciensis Coenobbi: La chronique de Geoffrey, prieur de Vigeois
Nova Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum,
Vol. 2., ed. P. Labbe, Paris, 1657; also in
Receuil des historiens des Gaules et de la France,
ed. Leopold Delisle and others, 24 vols., Paris, 1738-1904; also trans, and ed. F. Bonnelye, Tulle, 1864).

Gerald of Wales. See Giraldus Cambrensis.

Gervase of Canterbury.
The Deeds of Kings
(ed. William Stubbs in
The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury,
Rolls Series, 1880; also in
English Historical Documents, 1042-1189,
trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W Greenaway, London, 1953).

Gervase of Canterbury.
Opera Historical The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury
(ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1879-1880).

Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani: Chronici Monasterii S. Albani,
Vol. 1 (ed. H. T. Riley, Rolls Series, 1867).

Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum: The Deeds of the Franks and the Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem
(ed. Rosalind Hill, London, 1962).

Gesta Henrici Secundi: The Deeds of Henry II
English Historical Documents 1042-1189,
trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W. Greenaway, London, 1953).

Gesta Regis Ricardi: The Deeds of King Richard
(ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series).

Gesta Stephani: The Deeds of Stephen
(anonymous; trans, and ed. Thomas Forester in
Henry of Huntingdon,
Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 1853; also trans, and ed. K. R. Potter, London, 1955).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
The Autobiography of Giraldus Cambrensis/Gerald the Welshman
(trans, and ed. H. E. Butler, London, 1937).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
The First Version of the Topography of Ireland by Giraldus Cambrensis
(trans. J. J. O'Mara, Dundalk, 1951).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
The Journey through Wales, and the Description of Wales
(trans. Lewis Thorpe, London, 1978).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
(ed. J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimmock, and George F. Warner, 8 vols., Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
De Principis Instructions Concerning the Instruction of Princes
(trans. J. Stevenson, London, 1858; also ed. George F. Warner, Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

Giraldus Cambrensis.
De Vita Galfredi: The Life of Geoffrey
(ed. J. S. Brewer, Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

Gottfried von Strasburg.
Tristan, with the Surviving Fragments of the Tristan of Thomas
(ed. A. T. Hatto, London, 1960).

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