Eleanor of Aquitaine (53 page)

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Authors: Alison Weir

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Les origines ... de la litteraire courtoise,
ed. Bezzola.

37. Henry of Huntingdon.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

39. Ralph of Diceto.

40. Henry of Huntingdon.

41. Ibid.

42. Gervase of Canterbury.

43. The
of Battle Abbey.

44. Gervase of Canterbury.

45. Henry of Huntingdon; for the coronation, see also Gervase of Canterbury, Robert of Torigni, and William of Newburgh.

46. Henry of Huntingdon.

47. Ibid.

48. William of Newburgh.

7 "All the Business of the Kingdom"

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

2. It was only in the thirteenth century, with the growing concept of chivalry, that they began to be better regulated and governed by an ever-stricter code of etiquette. It was for the identification of participants at tournaments that the code of heraldry developed in the late twelfth century.

3. Richard FitzNigel.

4. Giraldus Cambrensis.

5. Walter Map.

6. Ibid.

7. William of Malmesbury.

8. Roger of Hoveden.

9. Peter of Blois.

8 "Eleanor, by the Grace of God, Queen of England"

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

2. William of Newburgh.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Walter Map.

6. William of Newburgh.

7. Ibid.

8. Pipe Rolls.

9. Richard FitzNigel.

10. Adam of Eynsham.

11. Walter Map.

12. Ibid.

13. Adam of Eynsham.

14. William of Newburgh.

Rotuli Curiae Regis
(ed. F. Palgrave, Records Commissioners, 1835).

16. Peter of Blois.

17. Ralph of Diceto.

18. William of Newburgh.

19. Ralph of Diceto.

20. Ibid.

21. Peter of Blois.

22. Translation by Owen in
Eleanor of Aquitaine.

23. Pipe Rolls.

Court, Household and Itinerary of King Henry II.

25. Peter of Blois.

26. Layamon.

27. See Owen,
Eleanor of Aquitaine.

28. Giraldus Cambrensis.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid. Although the tomb was destroyed and the bones dispersed during the Reformation, the site is still marked in the abbey ruins.

31. Peter of Blois.

32. Ibid.

33. Ibid.

34. Ibid. 35- Ibid.

Constitutio Domus Regis
(see C. Johnson, "The System of Account in the Wardrobe of Edward I" (Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4th series, 6, 1923).

Court, Household and Itinerary; The Red Book of the Exchequer.

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. John of Salisbury,

41. Giraldus Cambrensis.

42. Pipe Rolls.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

9. "The King Has Wrought a Miracle"

1. Gervase of Canterbury.

2. For the life, career, and character of Becket, see chiefly
Materials for the History of Thomas Becket; The Icelandic Life of Becket;
John of Salisbury; Edward Grim; William of Canterbury; William FitzStephen; and Herbert of Bosham.

3. Henry of Huntingdon.

4. William FitzStephen.

5. Roger of Hoveden.

6. William FitzStephen.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Ralph of Diceto.

10. Gervase of Canterbury.

11. Robert of Torigni.

12. William FitzStephen;
Court, Household and Itinerary;
J. H. Ramsay,
A History of Revenues of the Kings of England.

13. William of Newburgh.

14. Roger of Hoveden; Robert of Torigni.

15. Pipe Rolls.

16. Robert of Torigni.

17. Founded by Matilda of Scodand, first queen of Henry I.

18. Gervase of Canterbury;
Court, Household and Itinerary;
charters in
Receuil des actes de Henri II;

19. Jacques Boussard.

20. William of Newburgh.

21. Ralph of Diceto.

22. Ibid. The significance of this act is still not understood by historians.

Receuil des historiens.

24. For details of Becket's visit to Paris, see William FitzStephen.

25. Robert of Torigni.

26. Ralph of Diceto.

27. Ibid.

28. Robert of Torigni is the main source for the Toulouse campaign; see also
Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

29. Robert of Torigni.

30. Ralph of Diceto.

31. William FitzStephen.

32. Ibid.

33. Robert of Torigni.

34. Pipe Rolls. 35- Ibid.

36. Ralph of Diceto; Gervase of Canterbury.

37. Robert of Torigni.

38. Pipe Rolls.

39. Ralph of Diceto.

40. Ibid.

41. Roger of Hoveden.

42. William of Newburgh.

43. Ibid.

44. Roger of Hoveden.

45. Robert of Torigni.

46. Gervase of Canterbury.

47. Not 1162, the date incorrectly given in some modern history books.

Patrologiae Latinae.

49. Ralph of Diceto.

50. Herbert of Bosham.

51. Ibid.; William of Canterbury; John of Salisbury.

52. Pipe Rolls.

53. John of Salisbury.

54. Ralph of Diceto.

55. Herbert of Bosham.

56. William FitzStephen.

57. Ibid.; Herbert of Bosham.

58. Herbert of Bosham.

10 "Conjectures Which Grow Day by Day"

1. Herbert of Bosham.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

3. Ibid.

4. Roger of Pontigny; Herbert of Bosham.

5. J. H. Ramsay,
A History of the Revenues of the Kings of England.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

7. Ibid.

8. Roger of Pontigny.

9. Letter of Gilbert Foliot.

10. Roger of Pontigny.

11. Roger of Hoveden; Gervase of Canterbury; Edward Grim; Herbert of Bosham.

12. Herbert of Bosham.

13. William FitzStephen.

14. William of Canterbury.

15. Gervase of Canterbury.

16. Roger of Pontigny.

17. Pipe Rolls.

18. Roger of Pontigny.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket;
John of Salisbury.

20. William of Newburgh.

21. Ibid.; Herbert of Bosham; William FitzStephen.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

23. Robert of Torigni.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

25. Roger of Hoveden.

26. Ralph of Diceto.

27. Robert of Torigni; William of Newburgh; Ralph of Diceto.

28. For a full discussion of these legends and the literary tradition surrounding Rosamund de Clifford, see Owen,
Eleanor of Aquitaine.

29. Translation by John of Trevisa, 1387.

30. Ralph of Diceto.

31. Pipe Rolls.

32. Pipe Rolls.

33. Roger of Hoveden.

34. John of Salisbury.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

36. It has been suggested by some of her biographers that during her travels she visited Woodstock with the intention of having her child there, only to find Rosamund de Clifford installed, which prompted her to withdraw in anger to Oxford. This is another example of the unsupported fictions that have attached themselves to Rosamund's name, and it is more likely that Eleanor had intended all along to be confined in Oxford, where she had borne her third son, Richard.

37. Not 1167, the date erroneously given in many history books. 1167 is the date given by Robert of Torigni, but it must be inaccurate: in 1167 Henry was on the continent and Eleanor in England at the time when she would have conceived, and both spent Christmas in Normandy.

38. Ralph of Diceto;
Court, Household and Itinerary,
quoting the chronicler Matthew of Westminster, who also gives the date as 1166.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

40. Pipe Rolls.

41. Some sources state that she was veiled as a nun of Fontevrault on her deathbed.

42. Her remains were later removed to Rouen Cathedral.

43. Ralph of Diceto.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Robert of Torigni; Gervase of Canterbury.

48. Some writers claim that Eleanor stayed in Lusignan Castle, but she could not have done, because it was then occupied by the rebel Lusignans.

49. Bibliotheque Nationale MSS. Latin 5480, Paris.

50. Robert of Torigni;
Chronique des eglises d'Anjou.

L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

52. For this episode, see
L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale;
Gervase of Canterbury; Roger of Hoveden.

L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

54. William FitzStephen; Ralph Niger.

55. See below, Chapter 13.

56. Ralph Niger.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

58. Giraldus Cambrensis.

59. Ralph Niger.

11 "The Holy Martyr"

1. Gervase of Canterbury.

2. Robert of Torigni; John of Salisbury. The office of Seneschal of France had previously been bestowed by Louis on another son-in-law, Theobald of Blois.

3. William of Canterbury.

4. Robert of Torigni.

5. William of Canterbury.

6. Giraldus Cambrensis; Richard.

7. Herbert of Bosham.

8. Ibid.

9. Robert of Torigni.

10. Ralph of Diceto.

11. Ibid.; William FitzStephen.

12. He was a son of Earl Robert of Gloucester, Henry I's bastard son.

13. Ralph of Diceto.

14. William FitzStephen.

Court, Household and Itinerary.

16. Ibid.

17. Robert of Torigni.

18. Ibid.

19. Ralph of Diceto; the date is sometimes given erroneously as 24 May.

20. A few twelfth-century chroniclers refer to him as Henry III.

21. William of Canterbury; Matthew Paris.

L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

23. Walter Map.

24. Geoffrey of Vigeois.

25. Walter Map.

26. Ambrose.

27. Giraldus Cambrensis.

28. Walter Map.

L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

30. Roger of Hoveden.

31. Robert of Torigni.

32. Walter Map.

33. William of Newburgh.

L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

35. Giraldus Cambrensis.

36. Ibid.

37. Adam of Eynsham.

38. Geoffrey of Vigeois.

39. Ibid.; Gervase of Canterbury.

40. Ralph of Diceto.

41. William FitzStephen.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

43. Roger of Hoveden.

44. Robert of Torigni.

45. Richard.

46. Ralph of Diceto.

47. Ibid.

48. William FitzStephen.

49. Herbert of Bosham.

50. Ralph of Diceto.

51. Roger of Hoveden.

52. William FitzStephen.

53. Ibid.

54. William of Newburgh.

55. Edward Grim; he knew Becket personally and wrote a biography of him around 1175-1177. There are two other versions of the King's speech in
Materials for the History of Thomas Becket,
the version given in this text being an amalgamation of all three.

56. William of Newburgh.

57. There are nine contemporary accounts of the murder of Becket, four of them by eyewitnesses. The account given here is by one of the latter, Edward Grim.

58. Edward Grim.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

60. Ibid.

61. William FitzStephen.

62. Edward Grim.

63. William FitzStephen.

64. Edward Grim; Ralph of Diceto.

12 "The Cubs Shall Awake"

1. Roger of Hoveden.

2. Ibid.

3. William of Newburgh.

4. Roger of Hoveden.

5. Edward Grim.

English Historical Documents;
see also Ralph of Diceto.

7. Ralph of Diceto.

8. Ibid.

9. William FitzStephen.

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.

11. Ralph of Diceto.

12. Roger of Hoveden.

13. Ibid.; Gervase of Canterbury; William of Newburgh.

14. Roger of Hoveden.

15. Henry kept this promise: he established a Carthusian house at Witham, Somerset, refounded Amesbury Abbey as a cell of Fontevrault, and re-founded and greatly enlarged Waltham Abbey in Essex.

16. Geoffrey of Vigeois; some sources give the date of Richard's investiture as Duke of Aquitaine as 1170 or 1179, but it is clear that Geoffrey of Vigeois is correct.

17. Richard.

Itinerary of Richard I.

19. Ralph of Coggeshall.

20. Ralph of Diceto.

21. Charter of Eleanor to the Abbey of Fontevrault, 1199.

Itinerary of Richard I.

23. Ibid.

24. Giraldus Cambrensis.

25. Philip perhaps married Amelie, heiress of Cognac, and became Lord of Cognac. It has been suggested by later writers that a noblewoman, Jeanne de St. Pol, bore Richard a son called Fulk, but there is no contemporary evidence for this.

Chronique de Touraine.

27. Ralph of Diceto; Roger of Hoveden.

28. Ralph of Diceto.

29. Roger of Hoveden; Gervase of Canterbury.

30. Jordan Fantosme.

31. Robert of Torigni.

32. William of Newburgh.

33. Roger of Hoveden.

13 "Beware of Your Wife and Sons"

1. Ralph of Diceto.

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