Electing To Murder (20 page)

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Authors: Roger Stelljes

BOOK: Electing To Murder
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“He called earlier to let me know they had a line on Montgomery. I’m betting he’s the other body at McCormick’s. It’s only a matter of time before that gets out.”

“I don’t see how that hurts us, actually,” Wellesley Jr. answered nonplussed. “I think it might even help us.”

“How so?”

“Two political bloggers and the deputy campaign manager for the Thomson campaign end up dead in St. Paul just miles from Thomson Campaign Headquarters. The media being the media are going to fall all over themselves trying to find a connection. What is the connection? Were they hiding something? If they were, what was it?”

“The connection is that those two saw the meeting in Kentucky and took pictures,” Connolly retorted. “If the media gets that information, then we will all be fucked. The idea I’m sure tonight was to get possession of that information and finally plug that leak.”

“If you’re right, then why the shooting outside the bar?” Junior asked. “Why did Kristoff go after Dixon?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t believe in coincidences.”

he clock struck midnight as the group filed into the conference room near Mac’s desk. On the whiteboard was the investigation, with Mac’s notes, pictures of Stroudt and Montgomery and the timeline he and Lich were developing before the events of the night. Now Mac had a lot more to add and his mind was racing with where to take the investigation next.

There was no shortage of people willing to offer suggestions, whether it was Dixon, Wire, or any of the other higher ups that were starting to appear around the conference room. The Secret Service was on the scene now and was not shy about making their presence felt and word was the FBI would soon be in the building. The only one not causing a ruckus was Kate Shelby, who sat quietly curled up in a chair in the corner, her eyes watery. She had been through hell tonight and she was fraying in front of everyone’s eyes.

The room was altogether chaotic and Mac took one look at it and shook his head and turned his back to it and looked at his whiteboard and the case.

Charlie Flanagan recognized what was happening.

He put a stop to it.

The chief called everyone together: “This is McRyan’s investigation. If you want a role, then let him assign you one. Otherwise, shut the hell up.”

Charlie Flanagan was a man who had a presence and commanded respect.

The room went uncomfortably silent for a moment and then heads slowly nodded.

Mac loved the man.

Wire sauntered up beside McRyan and watched him write “To Do” on the right side of the whiteboard. Underneath he wrote, who is our killer and underneath he put the printed picture of the man captured on Wire’s cell phone. “If he is alive, we need to see if we can find him.”

“How do you propose to do that?” Wire asked.

“Where’s Double Frank?” Mac asked out loud, not looking away from the whiteboard.

“Right here, Mac,” Double Frank came into the conference room with three cups of coffee, one for him, and one each for Mac and Wire.

“You’re on finding this guy,” Mac pointed to the picture on the whiteboard and handed Franklin a copy of the picture of the killer from McCormick’s house. “If our theory is right and he’s not at the bottom of the river, then someone is taking care of him. Take this picture and get it to all the hospitals as quickly as possible. Then we need to check out ‘off-the-books’ doctors. This guy had three in his left upper chest from Ms. Wire here at close range. That takes some serious surgical intervention so the pool of people performing that work should be pretty small. See what you can find. Take as many guys as you need to help you out and keep me updated with what you’ve done.”

“You got it.”

Next was the van from the shootout. “Paddy, you out there?” Mac was calling for his cousin Patrick, a newly minted detective.

“Right here, cousin.”

“You know the traffic cameras on West Seventh around the pub?” Paddy nodded. “We need that footage. I want to see if we can track the panel van that was in the shootout. Get a plate for it, track it and see what we can find.”

“Done,” Paddy replied.

“Mac, Duffy’s here,” the chief reported from the doorway to the conference room.

Ed Duffy was the local agent-in-charge for the FBI. His history with the department had been long and somewhat checkered, mostly due to a long simmering feud with the chief. However, he worked with Mac and the rest of the Chief’s Boys on a double kidnapping sixteen months ago and in the process snuffed out an FBI traitor. Duffy was a bureau man through and through and appreciated the work done by Mac and his friends to smoke the man out. They’d done it in a not so by the book fashion and warned Duffy off while they did it. Duffy got the traitor and his fingers weren’t on any of the illegality in exposing him. Since that time Duffy had worked well with St. Paul and St. Paul with him, bygones were bygones. “Hey Mac,” Duffy said, extending his hand which Mac took.

“Special Agent Duffy, glad you’re here. Ed, I need you to tell me who this guy is,” Mac handed him a photo of the killer from McCormick’s house. “This man killed Sebastian McCormick, Adam Montgomery and I’m betting he killed Jason Stroudt on Tuesday. So he has for sure two and perhaps three bodies on him. I want him. We’re hunting for him at hospitals but whether we do or don’t find him, I need to know
he is. I’m betting he’s not local. He doesn’t look local.”

“No he doesn’t,” Duffy replied, soaking in the photo. “He looks European, French, maybe even Italian.”

“He could be Greek, Russian, Ethiopian, I don’t care, I just want to know who he is, and if possible, Ed, known associates and if we’re really lucky, an idea of who he might be working for.”

“We’re on it.”

Wire had backed away from McRyan and moved to stand with Sally Kennedy in the back of the room. She watched McRyan in action again and was impressed. The man knew how to take command and run an investigation. He moved quickly and decisively, putting people in action without bravado, just getting things done. In less than two minutes he’d assigned three pieces of the investigation and from what she could tell to three people he trusted.

“God, he’s in his element now,” Sally remarked.

“He appears to be,” Wire agreed. “He’s definitely taking charge.”

Sally laughed quietly. “That’s Mac. He’s not too good riding shotgun, he has to be the driver.”

“Control freak?”

“More than just a little,” Sally replied. “It leads to some interesting conversations at home to say the least.”

Wire caught Kennedy’s subtext, “You don’t strike me as the shrinking violet type. I imagine as a prosecutor, you like being in charge as well.”

“I do. Makes for some fun battles in everything,” and then Sally smiled mischievously and whispered, “and I mean in
we do.”

Wire smiled herself, “I think I understand.” Kennedy was offering assistance, a little insight, and also letting Dara Wire, the other attractive woman in the room, know ever so gently, that the really good looking detective giving orders was not in play.

“I can just tell you want to help, and I can tell you like to be in control as well, so just thought you’d want to know what to expect,” Sally added.

Wire nodded and casually moved back around the table to join McRyan who was now going through the backpack.

Mac looked up as she approached, “You’re still hanging around, eh?”

“I was rather hoping I could help you,” Wire said, arms folded. “That is, if you need any help?”

Lich was at the hospital with a bullet hole in his shoulder, Riley and Rockford were working the McCormick crime scene and others Mac trusted were working other parts of the investigation. Mac was on his own at the moment.

“I don’t work for Dixon,” Mac stated.

Wire nodded. “I know, and I do. But I can still be helpful. I bring a certain insight to matters that could prove beneficial.”

“My case. My rules. I control it.”

“Your girlfriend told me that is the way it would be.”

“She did, huh?”

“Oh yeah. She said you like to be in charge. I’m good with that.”

Wire was obviously smart, an ex-cop, could clearly handle herself, personally motivated by the night’s events and Dixon trusted her, which spoke volumes. “Okay, Dara Wire. You want in, you’re in.”

“What’s next then?”

“Let’s work through this backpack. I’m betting there is something here.”


“When these guys killed Stroudt, they took whatever he had for luggage. He checked a bag for his flight here but there was nothing left in the motel room. We tracked down some airport footage, and he was carrying a backpack. Those were all gone from the room. These guys saw or knew something that was worth killing for. Maybe the answer is in this backpack.”

Inside the backpack there was a laptop, spiral notebook, a cell phone, camera and pictures. He started with the cell phone, flipping it open and scrolling through the calls.

“Burner phone,” Wire offered.

“Yup,” Mac agreed. “There aren’t many calls, although I recognize this one.”

Wire looked and nodded. In the call history, the last call was to McCormick.

“We’ll run the other numbers, you never know.”

Next he took a look at the laptop, a Dell. He flipped it open, turned it on and it was password protected. He was a good operator of a computer, but he was no hacker. Mac pulled out his cell phone.

“Who are you calling?” Wire asked.

“A computer genius.”

Wire looked at him skeptically.

“No, I’m serious,” Mac said. “This guy is a genius, this thing will be child’s play for him,” and then into the phone, “Jupiter, I need you down here pronto. My office. Right. See you in fifteen.”

“You were saying genius?”

“Yeah. Old college friend from the U named Jupiter Jones, he’s …”

“Jupiter Jones, as in Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators Jupiter Jones?”

“Yeah, exactly, you like those books too?”

Wire nodded. “How can you not.”

“Exactly,” Mac answered smiling. Anyone who liked Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators couldn’t be all bad. “His parents were big fans of the series. Anyway, I met him in college and after school he made millions with business intelligence software. He cashed in on that and then started doing some amazing stuff with video and photography. His skill set is pretty valuable and we’ve hired him to work with us on occasion.”

“What are you going to have him do?”

“Two things I can think of. First, get that computer up and running so we can go through it. Second …” Mac picked up the photo of the younger blond man holding something in his hand that was squared on the end. “Jupiter is a magician when it comes to blowing photos up and that may help us identify what this guy is holding in his hand or maybe there’s something else in the photos that might prove helpful.”

Wire nodded and then asked, “What are you going to do while he’s working on that?”

“I was going to start working through these spiral notebooks to see if anything pops.”

“I’ll help with that,” Wire offered. Mac slid two of the four books over to her.

Judge Dixon was in the corner of the room, on his cell phone. He hung up and approached Mac. He looked anxious and jumpy. “Mac, are you done with me? I know politics aren’t your thing, but they are mine. I just got off the phone with the governor and we need to start getting in front of all this.”

Mac happened to catch Sally’s eye as the Judge spoke. Her look said let the man go and do his job. The Secret Service was now on the scene in force, at least ten agents were hanging around. The Judge would be secure.

“Okay, Judge. I understand what’s at stake. But I have one condition.”

“Which is?”

“If I call, you answer.”


The Judge turned to leave and Mac felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned to see Sally. “I’m going too,” she said.

“I don’t know …” Mac started with concern but Sally put her fingers to his lips.

“I’ll be fine,” Sally answered. “The Secret Service is on this and from what I can tell, it looks like at least Battalion strength. The safest place for me now, other than right here, is with the Judge.”

Dixon heard her and said: “Mac, two things. I need Sally.” Dixon looked over to the corner and Kate Shelby shriveled up in the chair. “Kate is out of commission and Sebastian is gone. I

“What’s No. 2?” Mac asked.

“She doesn’t leave my side and that’s a promise. She will have Secret Service protection around the clock. She couldn’t be safer.”

Mac nodded. It wasn’t like he’d really be able to stop her. She was a stubborn, fiery and determined Irish woman and he could argue with her about it, but that would only delay the inevitable.

Sally smiled, pecked him on the lips and left.

* * *

The Judge and Kennedy waited at the front doors of the Department of Public Safety. A Secret Service detail had already taken Kate Shelby to the Judge’s house where she would be under constant guard from the Service and St. Paul Police and under the care of the Judge’s wife.

The task in front of the Judge was a daunting one in the last few days of the election and he would be without who his two right-hand people. He glanced over to Sally Kennedy.

“You ready, young lady?”

Kennedy looked up to the Judge and replied simply, “Yup.”

Dixon chuckled. She was either cool as a cucumber or putting on a good front. He’d find out in the next three days.

A Secret Service man stepped inside the glass doors and said, “Let’s go.”

The two walked out the front door with agents in front, to the side and behind them. A rather sizable uniform police force was present as well and there was a well-armored motorcade awaiting them.

“So where to, Judge?” Sally asked.

“Campaign Headquarters,” Dixon replied. “We need to get to work on this.”

“What did the governor have to say?” she asked.

“That he’s on his way.”

“To where?”



“Of course. Politically, his deputy campaign manager was murdered tonight. His campaign manager, another deputy and that deputy’s assistant were nearly killed. He needs to be on the scene and in command because this is a crisis and a political leader needs to lead during a crisis. If he didn’t come back, the media would be all over him.”

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