Electric! (10 page)

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Authors: Ava McKnight

BOOK: Electric!
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He had them nicely arranged and went about efficiently
eliminating them. Cassidy cringed. When he finally missed a shot, he only had
two balls left. And he’d jacked her program by leaving the cue ball behind one
of his solids, with only the narrowest of bank shots possible.

Wagging his brows at her, he swooped in and whispered in her
ear, “You’re going to be naked tonight and so very, very wet.”

Excitement raced down her spine. So too did fear of the
unknown. She should have guessed that someone as sexually potent as Chase Logan
would have an intimidating bedroom repertoire.

He was dangerous to her highly sane and stable lifestyle. He
threatened all of her well-constructed walls, especially with his slow-burn
seduction. He still toyed with her, she saw it in the twinkle in his ocean-blue
eyes. There were boundaries he wanted to push, she held no misconception about

Perhaps that was what the bondage thing was all about. He
wanted her vulnerable and wanted to be the one who broke through her defenses.

Granted, he had last night. To an extent. He clearly knew
there were greater challenges to face, for surely he didn’t discount the fact
they were having a sexy weekend fling and when it was over…

Well, could Cassidy keep herself from morphing back into her
all work and no play

She gnawed her lip as she pretended to assess her shot on
the table.

Was she actually capable of balance? Of succeeding in her
career while dating Chase? The notion settled into the back of her brain.

Could she have her beefcake and eat it too?


She eyed the table and did a quick calculation in her head.
Then she leaned in and took aim. The cue ball went haywire. She missed the
exact tag of her ball and instead smacked into Chase’s with just enough oomph
for it to ease toward the side pocket, teeter on the rim—mocking her—then plop
soundly into the bag.


Could it be the universe was sending her a sign to just
chill out and get laid more often?

Beside her, Chase snickered playfully. “Thanks for the help,

He slammed in his final solid, called the eight ball off the
cushion and sank it into his intended pocket.

“Well, now,” he said, his gorgeous face all lit up with
triumph and his massive chest puffing out a bit. “I’d say we’ve got a real
humdinger of a tournament on our hands.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “A humdinger, huh? Chase, you
do amuse me.”

He grinned, stole a glance around them—apparently to gauge
how low to keep his voice—and said, “And I make you scream pretty damn loud.”

Her face flushed. “Don’t pat yourself too hard on the back,
stud. It was one night. And I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.”

“Ah, the challenge of a repeat performance.” He reached for
the rack. “You’d better drop all your balls in a single run, babe, because I’m
good at proving I’m no one-hit wonder.”

Her stomach flipped. He winked at her, but she knew he was
serious about their bet—and getting her all worked up again.

Good thing she’d rented the house. They’d have been kicked
out of a hotel room last night. And tonight…?

By the mischief glowing in Chase’s eyes, she suspected she
was in for an even wilder ride.

The thought sent adrenaline coursing through her veins. A
part of her wondered if she should throw the tourney and reap the rewards of
Chase tying her up and taking charge in the bedroom.

But Cassidy had a competitive nature and wouldn’t give
in—not even for multiple orgasms.


She laughed softly. Okay, clearly Chase had her wanting
more. So much more. But she liked a fair-and-square game, so she pushed aside
thoughts of him doing things to her no good girl such as herself would discuss
in polite society and focused on winning the game.

She was off to a great start with her solid break, but she
didn’t make much headway during her next two runs and kept leaving Chase
advantageous shots. Before she knew it, he was staring down at her,
super-thrilled. Victorious. And no doubt plotting his bedroom moves.

Sure enough, his head dipped and his lips grazed her temple
as he said, “Time to pay up, babe.”

Chapter Five


They pulled into a parking lot in a not-so-discreet area of
town. Not that Cassidy worried too much over that. No one would recognize her
SUV. Well, except for any one of her coworkers who’d not headed down the hill
to the valley of the sun today.

Chase jumped out with a hearty, “Back in a sec!” Then he
disappeared inside the boutique.


She frowned. Bristled. Simmered. Squirmed.

Holding on to her good-girl morals proved much more
difficult than she’d suspected. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was
purchasing. And myriad possibilities sent magma rushing through her, causing
Cassidy to squeeze her legs together as vibrant bursts deep in her pussy made
her instantly hot and restless.

Chase had already demonstrated unparalleled determination
when it came to getting her off. And not only did he want her to come at his
command, he wanted her to come hard. Screaming-at-the-top-of-her-lungs hard.

He was damn good at it. No denying that fact. And even
though Cassidy had her issues, she couldn’t lie about her innate response to
Chase and how amazing it felt to ignite and incinerate under his capable

Her curiosity and exhilaration escalated as his “back in a
sec” turned into fifteen long and excruciatingly arousing minutes while she
contemplated every conceivable reason for him to stop into the risqué boutique.
Condoms could be bought at a drugstore, after all.

But this place… She eyed the sexy window displays that held
more than lacy panties, satin camis and thigh-high stockings.

Her brows knitted together at the same time her pulse
spiked. Was that a…vibrator? Her gaze narrowed and she sucked in a breath. Yes,
indeed. Positioned in the velvety red folds of the window display were myriad
items, not all of which she was able to describe, but they were all—quite
clearly—sex toys.

She wrung her hands in her lap. Nerves snapped and anxiety
tripped through her.

But above all the
holy shit, what is Chase up to?
thoughts racing through her mind, anticipation and excitement prevailed.

Whatever Chase was up to, she hoped like hell she could
“woman up”. No cowering in any corners, freaking out over something beyond her
experience or good-girl threshold.

Cassidy spared a glance in the rearview mirror, studying
herself carefully. What Chase had done to her the previous evening had rocked
her world, yes. She had a feeling he could do even more than that. And Cassidy
wanted him to.

Really, it was as simple as that.

“Just try to stay calm,” she told herself.

Catching a movement out of the corner of her eye, she turned
and saw Chase strutting out of the shop with a bag in his hand. He tossed it
into the back and then climbed into the driver’s seat next to her.

With his usual devilish grin, he said, “Treasure. Fucking.
Trove. I could have spent all day in there.”

Cassidy’s insides blazed at the same time panic lanced
through her.

Could she do this?

Could she really and truly
do this

Chase leaned over and laid a scorching kiss on her. Then he
said, “This’ll be seriously hot.”

He shifted into reverse, backed the SUV out of the lot, hit
Drive and they were off.

Cassidy pulled in a few deep breaths before asking, “You
didn’t take very long. Did you already know what you planned to buy?”

Oh Goddamn her insecurity! She just couldn’t go with the
flow. Revel in the sexy moment. Nooo, she had to wallow in the notion that
Chase had likely fucked a multitude of women in the exact way he’d fucked her
last night—and intended to this evening.

She pressed two fingers to her temple. Looked away.

As she stared out the side window, her elbow rested on the
ledge while she rubbed a pressure point.

Chase said, “Actually, I wasn’t totally sure what I was
looking for. But I milled around a bit and suddenly this incredibly arousing
idea hit me like a ton of bricks.” He chuckled, though it sounded more like a
man agonizing over a rock-hard erection he couldn’t do anything about.

Cassidy spared a look his way. Indeed, Chase appeared all
twisted up and in need of some relief.

“So, we’re venturing into unchartered territory?” she asked
with trepidation.

“Not totally. I mean, I’ve fantasized about you in a number
of ways, babe.” He winked at her, then returned his attention to the road. “But
my thoughts have always been all over the place. You know, me getting all
jacked up over having you this way or that. But I for sure nailed the way I
want you when confronted with all the easy-to-purchase accessories.”

“Accessories.” She tried out the word, finding it both
scintillating and a tiny bit scary.


Over her shoulder, she eyed the bag in the backseat. Her
lips twisted in contemplation.

What sort of accessories had Chase deemed
appropriate…stimulating…hot enough for the evening?

And did she really want to know?

Yes, damn it!

She bounced a little in her seat, on pins and needles. They
were a good half-hour from the rental house and that was thirty
nerve-racking-and-heart-pounding minutes of
what does Chase want to do to

He gave nothing away, and it was all Cassidy could do not to
reach into the bag and inspect his purchases.

Her thighs pressed together and her toes tapped on the

Chase laughed heartily.

She shot him a look.

“What?” she demanded.

“You are chomping at the bit.”

She fought to keep her hands from fisting in her lap. Willed
her toes to stop their incessant beat.

No go on either account.

“Chase.” She stared at his strong profile. “What did you


She smirked.

Condoms, my foot.

Sure, she figured that was a major purchase. But… It was a
really big bag. Like, lots-of-goodies-crammed-inside-of-it big.

“Give me a hint,” she anxiously said.


She twitched in her seat. “Come on, Chase. I have no idea
what sort of wild shit you’re into. Enlighten me.”

He slid a glance her way and said, “Whatever I’m up to has
been in my head since I met you. I haven’t tried any of this out on anyone
else. Got it?”

Cassidy writhed in her seat. “Really?”


That was even hotter. Whatever fantasy-fulfillment items
were stashed in the shopper’s bag were meant for her alone.

Cassidy’s inner walls clenched. Chase had some sort of
erotic play in mind built around
—not any other woman.

She took a few deep breaths to calm her raging insides. But
a smile tickled the corners of her mouth.

The drive back to Forest Highlands was agonizingly long. It
took all the willpower she possessed not to grab the bag in the back and rifle
through it. Or quiz Chase further on what was contained within.

He sat smugly beside her. She brimmed with excitement.

When they finally reached the rental, her anticipation was
through the roof. Chase followed her into the house and handed over the

“Take this into the bedroom, unpack everything and think
about it. I’ll get wine.”

She eyed him curiously. “What am I supposed to think about?”

Anxiety crept in on her.

Chase kissed her on the forehead and repeated, “Just keep an
open mind. This is meant to be fun and sexy, Cass.”

“Fun. Sexy. Right.” So why’d she suddenly feel as though she
were standing in front of a firing squad?

He kissed her on the forehead, then sauntered off. Cassidy
walked the long hallway as if it were a gangplank. What was Chase up to and why
did she need to keep an open mind about it?

Wicked, kinky fetishes…

His words from last night at the party flitted through her

Really, what is Chase into?

She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out the first
item. Unfolding the white tissue paper, she found a pair of pretty purple lace
panties. A G-string but nothing too horrifying there. She’d been working out
hard at the gym. And Chase had already seen her naked with her ass in the air
anyway, so that part of her anatomy was no great mystery. Actually, after what
he’d done to her the previous night, she couldn’t exactly be inhibited today,
now could she?

Okay. Good so far.

Without looking or rummaging, she extracted a box of
condoms. Ribbed and ultra-sheer for mutual pleasure, it indicated on the box.

Cool. Condoms were a plus.
Especially a whole box of

Next, she found a small bag that contained personal
lubrication and a sex-toy cleaner.

Whoa! Hold the phone, there!


Cassidy dove into the bag, yanking out more contents, her
breath hitching and her pulse spiking at every item she laid out on the
mattress—not even unveiling them all.

Oh crap!

She jumped to her feet, though her gaze remained locked on Chase’s





Cassidy’s heart thundered and her stomach coiled as her gaze
roved the bounty before her.

Her fingers grazed the sensual purple-satin sash. She lifted
a box containing something called a Whipping Willow.

Her throat went dry.

A whip?

The thundering turned into massive heart palpitations.

Then she spied the large black, fluffy, feathery creations
that looked like dangling earrings but with tiny clamps attached to them.

Didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what those little
clips latched on to. And it wasn’t her earlobes.

Jesus Christ!

Chase intended to…? On

She plopped down in the chair in the corner of the room, her
mind reeling. Her pulse raced, but she had to admit that it wasn’t from fear

Goddamn, she was actually a bit excited. Curious, even.

Yet…definitely confused.

“Got questions?”

Her head snapped up at Chase’s voice. He stepped into the
room with two glasses of wine. He handed her one before turning on the
fireplace. He drank slowly, patiently awaiting her response.

Cassidy didn’t know what to say. She took a few sips in
hopes of calming her nerves.

Okay, Chase was into bondage. She didn’t know much about it,
but she could easily piece together what he had in mind.

Contradictory feelings warred within her. There was
something exhilarating about the fact that Chase found her adventurous enough
to guide her down this path. And there was something a bit terrifying about
what this path might lead to.

He’d said this stuff was meant to be fun and sexy.

How was that possible?

They were talking about bondage, here. Well, they weren’t
about it…yet.

She took a deep sip, stood and returned to the bed. She sat
on the edge again and trailed her fingers over the lacy G-string.

“Most of these things are acceptable. Non-offensive. But the
satin sash and the whip? The…” She eyed the feathers but couldn’t quite get the
name for them out of her mouth.

Chase simply said, “The nipple clamps?”

Cassidy nodded as her cheeks burned.

“All meant for your pleasure.”

Her gaze narrowed on him. “What do you get out of it?”

“You’re kidding, right?” He let out a short laugh. “You
don’t think that the visual alone could launch me into the stratosphere? As it
was, it took all the willpower I possess to keep from getting erect in the
store when I was envisioning you all naked and tied up and…wet.”

Excitement shot through her and her pussy clenched. Her
nipples tightened and an electric current moved through her veins.

“This isn’t meant to intimidated or scare you, Cass. It’s
supposed to be titillating. And an opportunity to enhance your pleasure.
Intensify it. Make you come harder than ever before.” He took a few steps
closer and stared down at her, heat igniting his beautiful blue eyes.

“To achieve that, I have to be completely at your mercy?”

“No.” He knelt alongside her. “I’m not into anything
hardcore, Cass. It’s not a lifestyle I live. It’s a fantasy you inspired, so I
studied up a bit. You don’t need any safe words, all you have to do is tell me
something makes you uncomfortable and it’s a done deal. Tell me to untie you.
Tell me to stop whatever I’m doing…and I will. No questions asked, no
hesitation, no nothing. This isn’t a
you at my mercy
thing. It’s a
wanting to drive you absolutely wild

Her clit tingled. He was damn good at getting her going.
Getting the fire roaring through every inch of her. Getting the juices flowing
between her legs.

Sensibility though took a hike. All that seemed to register
was the heat burning deep within her and the very intense desire she suddenly
had to let go of the apprehension gripping her and let Chase have at it.

He gently rested a hand on her knee and said, “I just want
you to trust me, Cass.”

She inhaled deeply. “I’m very closed off, Chase. I rely only
on myself. I’m very independent and self-sufficient and—”

“You don’t think I know all of this?” he demanded in a
quiet, tense voice. “I told you, this isn’t something arbitrary or fleeting for
me. I want you, Cass. All of you. And that means I want you to trust me and
just…give in to me. Sometimes.”

She smiled at the frustration, determination and motivation
in his tone.

He wanted this. Badly.

And Cassidy…?

Well, she couldn’t seem to deny him anything.

Trepidation still skittered through her. But this was Chase.
The man who’d devoted two years of his life to working up to this one weekend
of slow seduction. The man who respected and admired her. The man who sent her
over the edge so quickly, so easily.

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