Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords (8 page)

BOOK: Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords
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The metal hinges creaked as Doogal raised the bars. The thief clenched his teeth at the sound, praying that nobody heard it. Seth and Tessa both looked about with worried faces, until Doogal had laid them back down. “Now for the window.” He said.

Doogal used his dagger to cut the seal around the slanted glass. It did not take long for him to lift the side and slide the glass completely out. He placed it on the rooftop, and then motioned down into the rebel leader’s bed chambers. “Shall we?”

“After you?” Tessa replied.

Doogal placed his hands on either side of the opening and dropped into the room below. He landed on the bed, and then motioned for Tessa to follow. The Ranger mimicked Doogal’s actions, but slipped and fell through the open window. Doogal caught her in his arms and sat her down.

“Thank you.” Tessa offered.

“My pleasure.” Doogal said with a grin.

“Out of the way.” Seth called before lowering himself into the room.

Doogal looked at the wall where Seebaul said the hidden entrance was located. Fortunately, finding hidden doors was part of his expertise. Doogal located the secret door and was pleased to find it unlocked. “I wonder if Marlow even knows about this?” He pondered.

Seth grabbed a candle from the nightstand beside the bed. He used a match to light it, before offering it to Doogal. “We may all have night vision, but that doesn’t do any good in absolute darkness.”

“Agreed.” Doogal said.

After squeezing into the narrow opening, Doogal closed the hidden door behind them. There was only one direction to go, so the trio headed that way. They found a steep stairwell that took them down to another level. They were forced to cross the distance of the back wall a second time before finding another stairwell.

“This is another reason why they never added windows on this side of the building.” Doogal commented.

They did the same twice more, finding two more secret doors before finally reaching the basement level.

“Now comes the hard part.” Doogal explained.

“I am ready.” Tessa offered.

Doogal located the exit. He blew out the candle and waited for the smell to evaporate before opening the door and peering out into the hallway. As expected, there were lanterns hanging on the wall, providing enough light to traverse the passage easily.

“Let’s do this.” Doogal spoke, as he handed his knife over to Seth.

Tessa tied Doogal’s hands behind his back with a chord. She and Seth pulled their hoods up over their heads, and then they began marching down the hallway towards the vault where Princess Megan was supposed to be held. As they turned the corner, they found two guards blocking the path.

“Halt!” One of the men ordered.

Seth addressed them, “Captain McRawl wants this half-elf presented to the prisoner, to see if she recognizes him.”

“We received no such orders.” The guard answered.

Seth nodded, “He was just captured trying to sneak into the Keep. Captain McRawl is suspicious that this half-elf may be the prisoner’s true father; the one who is supposed to pay her ransom.”

“Then why not take him to the jail house, or better yet, let the wizard interrogate him?” The guard objected. Seth noticed that only one man did all the talking.

“The wizard is busy. And with Warlord Trian away, no one knows what Landis looks like.” Seth prayed that these guards had never heard about Landis’ mixed color eyes, something that he had been told about often. “So it was thought best to lock him away with the prisoner until Trian, or the wizard, returns.”

“Then we will take him.” The guard insisted.

“You will get no argument from me.” Seth replied, shoving Doogal forward.

The two guards grabbed Doogal and pushed him up against the wall. The silent guard searched Doogal for weapons, or anything else that should not be on him while locked up. “He is clean.” The man said.

“Go and tell Captain McRawl that we have him secured. And while you are at it, can you find out when they are bringing that bitch some water. She drank all of hers up again.”

“Let her go thirsty.” Seth suggested, before turning away. Tessa followed him down the hall in silence. They walked back to the secret door and made their way inside.

“Now we wait.” Tessa said as Seth closed the door behind them.

* * * * *

Megan was startled when the door was open and the half-elf was shoved into the room with her. She saw that his hands were tied. Megan waited until the door was sealed before speaking. “Who are you?”

Doogal pressed his ear to the door to see if anyone was listening. Satisfied that he could speak in private, he said, “Relax, Princess Megan, I am here to rescue you.”

Megan jumped to her feet. “Who sent you?”

“Let’s worry about getting out of here alive first.” Doogal said. “Would you mind untying me?”

Megan was unsure, but she instinctively detected that the half-elf was telling the truth. “Need I remind you that you are locked in here with me?” Megan stated.

“Only until you release me.” Doogal retorted.

“Oh, very well.” Megan stepped behind Doogal and began undoing his bonds. Once he was free, the thief began undoing his trousers.

“What in the abyss.” Megan backed away in fear.

“Relax, princess, and please turn the other way for a minute.” Doogal reassured her.

Megan did as instructed. When Doogal told her that she could turn away from the wall, she was pleased to see that his pants were up and secure. Doogal knelt in front of the door and began using his lock picking tools to release the latch.

“How did you smuggle those in here?” Megan asked.

Doogal continued working as he answered, “Believe me, princess, you do not want to know.”

Megan’s jaw dropped.

Doogal heard the feint clicking sound of the lock releasing. Then he stood up and readied himself for action.

“What are you doing?” Megan asked.

“Waiting for a commotion from outside.” Doogal whispered.

* * * * *

“It is time.” Seth said, as he withdrew his dagger and opened the door, hiding the blade behind him.

Tessa pulled her knife and followed. “I hope that Doogal has succeeded.”

“We will find out soon enough.” Seth answered.

As they stepped around the corner, Seth spoke before either of the guards had the opportunity to challenge them. “We need the male prisoner. Captain McRawl wants to see him immediately.”

The senior guard looked perturbed, “Enough of this, I want to see orders from the Captain.”

Seth tried not to look at the vault door that was opening behind the two guards. “Then send your lackey upstairs to ask. We will wait here.”

Before the guard could speak, Doogal jumped him from behind. The thief grabbed the man by the head and twisted his neck, snapping it with ease. The second guard began drawing his sword, but Seth and Tessa were upon him before he could pull the blade free of its sheath. Seth stabbed the man in the throat. “Swords are not really good in closed quarters.” He said to the dying man.

“It is safe, princess.” Doogal said.

Megan rushed out of the room that had been her prison for days. She looked at the two corpses on the floor, and then said to her liberators, “Thank you.”

Tessa patted Megan on the back. “Do not thank us yet, we still have to get out of this place.”

They hurried back to the secret entrance. This time Doogal grabbed one of the lanterns off of the wall. They entered the narrow passageway and made their way back up to the top level as quickly as possible. While they made good time, each of them was certain that they would hear the call to arms at any moment.

Doogal stopped at the entrance to Alister Marlow’s bedchambers. He peeked in the room, then threw open the door. Seth ran past him. The young man stopped when he saw something on the table against the wall. He rushed over and picked up a round, red colored, glass orb. Doogal watched as Seth thrust it into his pouch. “Who is a thief now?”

Seth ignored him. He jumped onto the bed and then flung his body up into the air to grab the window ledge. He swung up and through, like a gymnast, then stretched his arm back through the skylight. “Hand me the princess.”

Doogal stepped on the bed and motioned for Megan to do the same. He grabbed the girl by the hips and lifted her into the air. Seth grabbed her outstretched arms and pulled her up to the roof.

“Your turn.” Doogal said to Tessa.

The Ranger stepped up onto the bed. “Watch your hands.” She warned.

Doogal lifted her. “It is not my hands that I am watching, missy.”

Seth grabbed the Ranger and helped her through.

“Now you.” Seth said to Doogal.

“Like you can lift me, kid.” The thief replied. He jumped into the air, managing to grab the ledge with his right hand. Seth grabbed Doogal’s left hand, and together they were able to get the thief back up onto the rooftop.

Tessa was looking out to where Seebaul and Reldoor were waiting. She was able to make out the elf’s hand gestures, and then turned to the others. “We are in luck. The guard just went past. We have time to climb back down before someone returns.”

Doogal tossed the rope over the side. “Who is taking the princess?”

“I will.” Tessa offered.

Seth grabbed the rope and began repelling down the side of the wall. He was on the ground in no time.

“Get on my back, princess.” Tessa instructed.

As Megan grabbed hold of the Ranger, Tessa looked to Doogal. “What are you going to do?”

“Once you three are safely in the woods, I will pull up the rope and then climb down. We do not want it hanging there for the guards to find. When you reach the woods, do not wait for me. I am going after McRawl.”

“Good luck.” Tessa offered as she began repelling down the side of the Keep.

Before falling out of view, Megan looked to the thief and mouthed the words “Thank you.”

McRawl watched Tessa reach the ground. He kept his eyes on her until the two females had made their way to the trees behind Seth.

“The elf did not have to provide a distraction after all.” He said with a grin, as he began hauling the rope back up.

* * * * *

Alister Marlow staggered into his chambers with the buxom brunette on his arm. “Get undressed, my dear.” The bald, beady eyed, man said to the woman. The smell of her perfume had enticed him the first time she walked by him in the tavern. He could see in her eyes that she really did not want to be here, but she knew from the onset that she had no choice in the matter. No one denied the Supreme Commander his desires. She knew that she would either have to succumb to his advances, or face slavery. One night with Alister Marlow had to be better than that. Marlow did not care that this barmaid resented being here. That only made it more exciting to the twisted man. He smiled as he watched her undress. Marlow kicked off his boots and unfastened his pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. He fell back onto his bed, waiting for the woman to join him. He looked up, and noticed the missing window and the opened bars in the skylight above his bed. That was the moment that the Supreme Commander first took note of the lantern in his room. His mind was so fixed on his lustful desires that he had failed to consider how the room had been lit when he first entered. Marlow sat up. He looked at the table in the corner: The red orb was gone.


* * * * *

Doogal cursed under his breath when he heard the voice crying out from the bedchambers below. “No time to untie the rope and sneak away.” He spat.

Doogal tossed the rope back down the wall and quickly began repelling down the side of the building. He had to get away before the guards went into action. When he reached the ground, Doogal took off running across the yard. There was no need for secrecy now. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked back and saw a guard running his way. The man had just turned the corner when he saw Doogal fleeing. The alarm had not yet been sounded, but anyone running from the Keep was obviously up to no good.

Doogal continued running. He knew that he could reach the trees before the guard caught up to him. He heard something wiz nearby. Looking back he saw the guard tumble to the ground with an arrow in his chest.

“Come on!” Seth called out to him.

Doogal saw Seth and Tessa waiting for him. Both holding bows. He wondered which one had shot the guard.

“What are you still doing here?” He asked as he caught up to them.

“Seebaul and Reldoor have taken the princess ahead. Tessa wanted to wait to make certain that you got off the roof okay.”

Doogal looked for Shadow. When Tessa saw him searching, she said, “I sent her with Seebaul.”

Horns sounded from the other side of the Keep.

Doogal pointed ahead, “We have to run. They do not know where we are yet, but as soon as they find that dead guard, they will know which way we went.”

* * * * *

McRawl removed the black crystal orb from the black pouch he carried it in. He did not want to make this report to the Warlord, but knew that delaying it would only make matters worse. He rubbed the orb and thought about contacting the Warlord. McRawl did everything that Trian had taught him to do should he ever have the need to initiate communications through the ancient, magical device. Until tonight he had always been on the receiving end of the Warlord’s communications. He tried over and over, and was about ready to quit when Trian’s image appeared in the glass.

“What is it?” Trian asked.

“Warlord Trian,” McRawl began, “the princess has escaped.”

Trian was outraged, “How did this happen?”

“Someone broke into the Keep and rescued her. Whoever it was, also stole the Commander’s orb. They entered through his bed chambers. The princess’ escape went unnoticed because Marlow had the guards running after the person he believed to have stolen the orb. It was only when he sent for me that I considered it to be a ruse, and went down to the vault, where I found the guards had been killed.”

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