Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords (4 page)

BOOK: Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords
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Landis shrugged his shoulders. “Not a lot. When I left the Empire the revolution was brewing. I did not think it plausible at the time, but it sounds as if the rebels in the south have become pretty powerful. I have heard rumors that they have Eastland elves on their side, although I cannot believe that there are many. The Delowe’ Elves shun humans. Perhaps they are rogue elves who have become outcast. I have heard that many were rejected and left behind several decades ago when they spoke out against the decision of the Delowe’ king to migrate south to evade the growth of the Empire.

“As you already mentioned, there are two fractions of the rebellion in the Eastland. Until they become united there is little chance of either succeeding.”

Eric nodded, “For someone who does not know a lot, you certainly have a good grasp on the situation. Up until now, Alexon and Birhirm have been working together to support one of the two forces, providing them with information and assistance when possible. The
is still alive and well in Roole.”

Eric’s frowned as he continued, “We have also learned that Warlord Trian is searching to find one of the Dragon Gates. We believe that whoever this Trian is, he probably wants the Sword of Alexon to try to open one of the gates.

“As for the Delowe’ Elves, you are correct that they have migrated further south. That migration apparently was completed some seventy years ago. However, some of the elves who did not leave have continued living in their ancient homeland, and it is believed that some of these have joined forces with one of the fractions after learning reports of atrocities committed against elves, and other mixed-breed races, by the empire. I have been unable to confirm any such reports.”

Landis looked at Petra. “Alexon has chosen to take sides in this rebellion?”

“Roole has been a thorn in the Westland’s side for as long as Alexon has existed.” Petra explained, “In the last twenty years, they have locked down many of our trade routes and encroached farther on the Westland. You’ve been there, Landis. You of all people understand just how evil Emperor Toshaar is.”

“He is that,” Landis agreed, “but he is a very intelligent man. I find it hard to believe that he would think that kidnapping the Princess of Alexon would do anything but escalate the hostilities between the two nations. I imagine that you already have forces preparing for war.”

Alek nodded, “The Knights of Alexon are always ready for war, but they have increased their preparations, and many units are advancing east at this time.”

Petra interrupted her husband, “We are not going to war with Roole, or the rebels, just yet. As much as I desire to do so, I will not declare war against anyone for the sake of my daughter alone. But we must be prepared to do so if the situation demands it.”

“Roole has cut off all communications with the Westland.” Eric explained, “All we know is what my
can glean.”

Landis leaned back in his chair. “Why the Sword? If someone is trying to open one of the Dragon Gates then they would need all four pearls. The other three are buried beneath Sedau.”

Eric nodded, “My father had the entire length of the tunnel below the ruins collapsed, and the well with the secret entrance filled in. He even had the stones removed and all traces of the well hidden. I visited there after it was completed, and was unable to find the exact spot of the entrance myself, and I was there with you, if you remember.”

“You better go check anyway.” Landis suggested.

“Relax, Landis. They are safely buried. But I have sent someone to check it out just to be certain.”

“Someone?” Landis asked.

“I sent for Natis. He should be able to confirm that they are still buried down there.”

Landis agreed. “Then when do I leave?”

“Leave?” Petra asked.

Landis looked about the room. “Someone has kidnapped the princess, and he is demanding the Sword of Alexon as ransom. I see no reason why we should not turn over a cracked sword, especially when there is no danger of the culprit opening one of the Dragon’s Gates with it. So when do I leave for Cathaar?”

Eric was in agreement, “I think we should send you with the sword. However, I do not think that it is wise to simply turn over one of the Pearls of the Elf Lords to some kidnapper, and let him do with it as he will.”

Landis leaned forward, “I have no intention of letting him keep the pearl. Once I get Megan back, I will see to it that her kidnapper is taken care of.”

“I will go with you.” Jaylen volunteered.

“I am going, too.” Jordan spoke up.

“That is not a good idea.” Landis objected, “No offense Jordan, you were a great help when we returned Petra home, but that was eighteen years ago. You are now the Prince Regent of Alexon. As such, you are way too important to risk in hostile territory. Besides, if you are captured, it could be disastrous for Alexon.

Jordan locked eyes with the half-elf, “I will not sit by while you run off to rescue Megan on your own. You may be her real father, but she is
daughter just the same. Either I go with you, or I will take the sword and go myself.”

Trevor Kahn spoke up. “I will vouch for his skill as a swordsman, Landis. And you will have me along as well.”

Landis accepted the word of the Sword-Master, “Very well Jordan, you are coming with us. But Prince-Regent or not, I am calling the shots. I know the Roolemian territory and people better than any of you. Whatever I say will be adhered to, or else I will have you trussed up and returned back here. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Jordan replied.

“Don’t either of you even think about coming,” Landis pointed to Petra and Eric as he spoke. “Taking the Prince-Regent is bad enough, but I will not put the High Queen of the Westland, or the King of Birhirm in danger.”

Eric held his hands before him, “Do not worry, Landis. We have no intention of going. I believe that the four of you are more than enough to handle the task. Besides, I might be able to arrange for some assistance when you get there.”

“When do we leave?” Jaylen asked.

“The sooner the better.” Eric answered, “I have secured passage for you on a ship from the Free Cities to Durma. It will take you at least two days of hard riding to get from Durma to Cathaar.”

The sound of a gruff, angry voice could be heard outside. The door opened and a haggard looking dwarf stomped into the room. He carried a long bundle in his arms. His hair and long beard were both greyer now, but Landis recognized Weslocke Blademender at once.

“Landis, you old son-of-a-troll, how in the abyss have you been. It’s about time that you came back for this.” He dropped the bundle on the table before wrapping his thick arms around the seated half-elf.

“It is good to see you again, Wes.” Landis greeted his old friend.

Eric looked at the bundle, “So, you have been hiding the Sword of Alexon under my nose this entire time.”

Weslocke shrugged his shoulders, “I have not been hiding anything. It has been in my forge all these years. No one has ever asked me about it.”

Landis pointed at the bundle on the table, “Unroll it and let’s see how badly damaged it is. I never did get a good look at it in the light.”

Weslocke cocked his head to the side. “About that, well, let me just show you.” He unrolled the bundle, allowing the Sword of Alexon to roll onto the table. All eyes looked upon the blade of the most fabled talisman in the Westland. The sword that had been crafted for and used by Alex Sergius to defeat the army of the Empire of Sedau three centuries earlier. Landis looked at the blade in awe. The last time he had seen it, the sword was ruined. It was broken at the tip and cracked to nearly the middle of the blade. Now it looked completely whole, as if it had never been damaged.

Landis reached out to touch the sword, running his index finger along the blade where the crack had once been. “You truly are a master sword-smith, Wes.”

The dwarf’s grin could be seen through his thick beard, “Aye, I have done some work on it over the years, but I cannot take credit for this. The sword began healing itself, probably due to the magic in the pearl. I made it look new, but that is all.”

Petra stretched out her arm, grabbing the hilt of the blade that she had carried in battle before handing it over—illegally—to Landis. She raised the sword, turning it back and forth as she looked the blade over. “It does not feel the same as before, but I can still sense magic within it.”

Jaylen chucked. “I am indeed one blessed elf, for I may be the only living soul who has seen that sword used by all three who have wielded it in combat.”

Chapter Four

Weslocke was still grumbling as he sat in the dining hall with Eric and Petra. “I still see no reason why I could not go with them.”

Eric sat down his goblet of wine, “We have been over this enough, Weslocke. Dwarves are very uncommon in that part of the world. You would stick out like a sore thumb, bringing attention to Landis and the others. They need to reach Cathaar in secret if they are to have any chance of success. Should someone capture them and take the sword then there would be no reason to return Megan.

“Besides, you are getting too old for adventuring.”

“Why, if you were not the king I would show you a thing or two; too old indeed!” Weslocke spat.

Petra laughed, perhaps for the first time since learning of her daughter’s kidnapping.

Eric continued, “I am certain that you would be valuable to them Weslocke, but the decision has been made and they left hours ago. Why cry over spilled mead?”

“It is the principal of the matter.” Weslocke insisted.

A banging at the door halted the conversation. Eric looked to the guard and nodded his approval for him to ascertain who was there. The guard opened the slide in the door and after a few quiet words he closed the slide and turned to face the table, “It is the wizard, Natis.”

“He’s probably mad that he wasn’t included too, which is probably fortunate for Landis.” Weslocke mumbled.

“Admit him.” Eric ordered.

The guard opened the door to allow the black robed wizard into the room. It had been several years since Petra had seen the mage. His dark hair was longer than she remembered it, and was streaked with grey. His thick black beard also showed signs of aging.

Natis hurried to the table, neglecting to bow to either of the royals. “Has Landis left yet?”

“Several hours ago.” Weslocke proclaimed with satisfaction.

Natis cursed; then apologized to Petra. “I have returned from Sedau as quickly as possible. We have a problem.”

“What kind of problem?” Eric asked, “Are the Elf Lord Pearls missing?”

“Not only are the pearls missing, but the Gate of the Dragon is gone too.”

“How can that be possible?” Eric asked in alarm.

Natis shook his head, “I do not know. The place is not the same as it once was. You cannot tell that a city was ever there. All traces of the ruins are gone. The place is a beautiful valley, surrounded by the forest on three sides and the mountains behind it. It is unnatural, I tell you. I really did not believe that I was in the same place.”

“Are you certain that you were?” Petra inquired.

Natis nodded, “Most certainly, although it was not easy. It was as if something was trying to prevent me from finding the location. If I did not have the use of magic, I might have become lost and missed it altogether. Someone has used a powerful magic to hide that valley. But I am certain as to where I was. It took some doing, but I located the area above the tunnels.”

The mage produced a crystal ball from his pouch, “With this, I was able to see inside Bytoron’s lair, where the Gate of the Dragon was located.”

“What is that?” Petra asked.

“Something I found when we were there the last time.” Natis explained.

Eric was outraged, “You took something from Bytoron’s lair without telling us?”

“That is in the past,” Natis continued, “the point is that with this I can see into places. Actually, I can get into them, sort of. I am not physically able to be there, but I can project myself into places. I did so there, and discovered that the gate has somehow been taken away.”

“Could it have been an illusion?” Eric asked, remembering all too well the protective spell that had nearly caused their deaths when he had traveled beneath Sedau with Landis’ party nearly two decades earlier.

“It was no illusion. The gate—and the pearls—are gone. Someone has taken them. And if I am right, then whoever has them is waiting for Landis to arrive with the Sword of Alexon to complete the set, and have all four keys to open the gate.”

“We must warn Landis!” Weslocke declared.

Eric stood and began pacing the floor, “This is not good.”

“You have to send riders after them.” Petra insisted.

“They will not catch them in time. The ship will sail the moment they board. I can send word via the
but they will not get that until they are in Roole.”

“I must go after them.” Natis insisted. “Whoever has the pearls must be a powerful wizard. They will have no chance against him without someone with magic.”

“Are there not wizards in Roole that you can call upon?” Petra asked of both Eric and Natis.

“There are some that I trust; but will Landis trust them?” Natis answered. “We can send word just in case, but I should still go.”

“I will draw up papers to secure you passage on the next ship leaving for the Eastland,” Eric agreed, “if you leave soon, then you may arrive no more than a day behind them.”

Weslocke slammed his meaty fist onto the table, “This time I insist on going.”

Natis looked down at the dwarf.

“Do not give me that smirk, mage,” Weslocke spat, “You and I both know that I have never trusted magic—or you—very much. But you have never betrayed Landis before, so I trust you with this, and you may need my axe along the way.”

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