Ella Mansfield (11 page)

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Authors: Married to the Trillionaires

BOOK: Ella Mansfield
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April shook her head.  “No you don’t.  You just want to sell off my babies.”  She clutched her hands to her very pregnant belly. 

Bill looked at her
, and his eyes met Steve’s.  “We thought that might be the problem.”  He sighed.  “We brought a copy of our new contract with us.  I want you to read it and notice the date.”  David handed him the contract and he put it in her hands.  “Please read it, April.”

She read through the contract, which was the same as before, but at the end of the contract it stated, “Any daughters born of this union will choose their own husbands.  They will never be auctioned off.”  She searched for the date.  June 16
, 2310.  “But this was before I ever left!”

Bill nodded.  “We knew within a week of meeting you that we could never sell of our daughters. 
Partially because it would break your heart, but mostly because it would break ours.  Steve had already refused to be part of that and said if a girl was his, he wouldn’t let us sell her anyway.”

I ran away for no reason?”  She looked between them all, standing there staring down at her with smiles.  “And you don’t hate me?”

Bill pulled her against him.  “We could never hate you.”  His hand moved to the mound of her belly.  “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

She sniffled, burying her face in his shoulder.  “Girls.  I’m having twin girls.”

When she looked up again, she realized that Bill had tears in his eyes.  He looked at the other men dazed.  “We’re having girls!”

The other men cheered. 

“You’re really happy?” she asked, looking between them.

“We’re thrilled!  We’re not thrilled we’re going to have to wait to give you the welcome home we were planning, but we’re thrilled.”  John waggled his eyebrows to tell her exactly what they’d been planning.

She stifled a laugh.  “I’ve missed you all so much!”

David disappeared into her bedroom and came out carrying all of her luggage.  “We packed while we waited for you.  You’re coming home.”

“I have to tell my boss at the hotel.”  She shuddered.  She never wanted to step foot in the place again, but she wouldn’t just disappear.  She had a stronger work ethic than that.

Steve shook his head.  “If you’re going back there, we’re all going with you.”

She sighed.  She could just picture the four of them surrounding her as she told her boss she wouldn’t be back.  It was so good to be loved.




Three months later, April peeked into the nursery to make sure the babies were okay before tiptoeing out.  The girls were identical
, and as cute as buttons.  They’d named them Sally and Sabrina.  Sally after the girl who had given her so much help and Sabrina after her mother.

She knocked on the nanny’s door.  “I’m heading out.  Both girls are sleeping.”

At Michael’s nod, she slipped out of the apartment and went to John’s place.  She hadn’t been intimate with her husbands since June of last year, and she needed them desperately.  She knocked once and the door was opened for her.  John took her hand and led her back to the bedroom.  The other three men were already naked and surrounding the bed.  John shrugged off his robe, and they stood watching her.

April shuddered, her pussy flooding with moisture.  “I’ve missed you all so much,” she told them as she reached for the straps of the negligee she wore.  She slipped the straps slowly off her arms, and pushed her gown off, slowly shimmying out of it. 

She was still slender, but childbirth had changed her body in ways all the men noticed.  Her breasts were fuller, and her hips were slightly wider.  She had a look about her that screamed motherhood, and they were all more turned on than ever by her. 

She stepped out of her gown and walked to the bed, moving to the middle and lying flat on her back.  She reached a hand out in both directions, letting the men know she wanted and needed them to join her.  “I’m so happy to be home!”

It took them several hours, but they were able to show her without a doubt how happy they were for her to be home as well.




Erin was more than angry.  She was absolutely furious.  Her parents had been watching the extra wealth her childhood best friend’s father and step mother were experiencing, and they’d informed her just an hour before that they were going to be auctioning her off.  How could they do such a thing?  Why instill morals into your daughter if you were going to sell her off to the highest bidder?  How dare they?

She sat down and opened her computer, noticing an email notification.  She opened her mail and couldn’t help but smile.  April had responded!  As soon as she’d gotten the news, she’d sent off an email to April, letting her know exactly what she thought of her parents for what they were doing to her.  She knew April would be willing to commiserate.

“My dear friend Erin:

I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but your parents are doing something that may put you in a wonderful situation.  I’m married to four men that I love more than life itself and have twin daughters that mean the world to me.  I know it’s not the lifestyle we were brought up to think we would have, but I promise you, it’s a good way of life.  I have everything I could possibly want at my fingertips, and I have four men who will do anything for me.  Go into your marriage with a good attitude, and you may end up with a wonderful life, just like I have.

I love you, and I want the best for you!  Please email me so we can keep in touch. 

, April”

Erin stared at the words disbelievingly.  April was actually happy where she was?  She didn’t hate her life? 

She shut off her computer.  She was certain her parents had put April up to sending that email.  She must hate her life.  Who would enjoy being the object of desire for four men?  She’d have to be crazy to believe that.

She put her face in her hands.  She only had one day to pack before she went off to her own auction at the coliseum in Madison.
She hoped her parents were happy with their money.  She wondered if her three younger sisters would follow in her footsteps…


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Looking for more books by Ella Mansfield?  Read on for an excerpt from Mail Order Ménage, co-written by Leota M. Abel and Ella Mansfield and available to buy


Marina stood in front of the glass, smoothing her hair, until Jasmine finally dragged her away from it, and made her sit down.
“Oh Jas, it’s just…I’m sure this is it. I’m sure it is.” Jasmine sat next to her, and patted her hand.

“Marina, dear, are you sure? Please, tell me who has you all in a flutter?”
“Well, you know how I got that factory job?”

“Oh, I thought only women worked there, how on earth did you meet a man there?”

Marina clapped her hands together in delight. She’d been holding out on Jasmine for just ages. She never got to surprise her.
“Oh, only women work on the floor, but of course management is men, no, gentlemen.”

Jasmine’s face fell.
  “Are you…I mean, did you, one of the managers?”
Marina didn’t notice the ashen tone of Jasmine’s face, she was too caught up in the moment.

“Oh Jasmine, he’s perfect! We’ve been having lunch together, once a week.”

“Which day?”

“Oh, Mondays.”

“Why haven’t you told me about him?”

“He said he’d get in terrible trouble for courting a floor girl, so until we’re ready, we can’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t want to him to lose his job, well then, how
would he support us!”

“Did he ask you to marry him?”

“Well, no, not in so many words. He’s courting me still, silly.”

“And yet, he’s never asked to be introduced to your family?”

“Don’t be silly, he knows you’re my only family. We’ve only just started courting.”

Jasmine stood and walked to the window and looked out. She looked around the shabby room and then looked back at her sister.
  “What is this man’s name?”

“You can’t tell anyone; I was sworn to secrecy.”

“Oh, of course not.”

Micheal Parry.”

“The manager, Michael Parry, wants you to keep your relationship with him secret?
From all the girls on the floor? What about your lunch meetings?”

“Oh, he has different girls visit him every day for lunch. Says it helps keep him fresh about what is happening on the factory floor.”

Jasmine looked up at the ceiling, clearly choosing her words carefully.
“Please, Marina, be careful. There are plenty of men who would take advantage of a sweet woman like you who desires marriage.”

Marina stood up and frowned at her sister
. “Why are you being so sour! You’ve talked nonstop about me finding and getting a good man, and now that I have a chance, you’re cutting sharp at me? Just because you lost your husband, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to find myself one!”

“Marina, please, I didn’t mean it like that. I just…I’ve had more experience than you, and I’d hate for you to be hurt.”

Marina walked over to Jasmine, and took her hand in hers.
“It’s just that he makes me so happy.”

Jasmine clutched her hands
.  “Then I’m sure everything will be just fine. Go to work, we’ll talk when you get back.”

Marina swept out of the apartment and Jasmine settled at the table, flipping through the paper. There was a whole section of advertisements for mail order brides.
One caught her eye: “Rancher in Montana seeking a mail order bride. Must be openminded and at least eighteen years old. Adventerous widows only. Send letter to George Maddix, General Delivery Hope Springs, Montana.” She looked down at the advertisement in the paper again, grabbed her writing supplies and began writing.

“Dear George, My name is Marina Miller. I’m nineteen years old and I work in a factory in New York City, but grew up on a farm. I love the idea of moving out west to be a mail order bride. I’m very open-minded. I have red hair and green eyes. I look forward to your response.
Sincerely, Marina.”

Jasmine chewed her lip, but knew that if it worked out, she just wouldn’t tell Marina what she’d done. And if Michael was still a cad, then Marina would have an escape. Jasmine thought she’d make a good mail order bride, as Marina had never really liked living in the city. They both missed the farm they grew up on, but they had to sell the land after Momma died.

She rushed out to the post office to mail her letter. “How long will it take to get there?” she asked the woman sitting behind the counter. She didn’t even want to wait a day. She hoped the letter would fly.

“Two weeks or so.”
The woman looked bored as she accepted the letter from Jasmine, only glancing at the address to respond to Jasmine’s question. 
It was early April, and she hoped to receive an answer before summer was in full swing. She knew Marina hated summer in New York, and how hot it got in the factory. Jasmine giggled, remembering last year when Marina would pull her clothes off and run naked through the apartment, not caring that it wasn’t proper.


Marina was sick of her job at the factory in New York City. She was ready to marry, and start a family. She would rather get out of the city, but with Michael’s job at the factory, they would have to hope they could get a small house
She flitted through her day, excited that it was Monday, so she’d be having lunch with Michael. Although it wasn’t entirely proper for him to have girls alone in his office, he reassured her that it was the best way to know what was going on in the different places in the factory. Plus, on Wednesdays, he had the Genesee twins for lunch. Still, she thought she might encourage him to stop, after they were married.

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