Ella Mansfield (5 page)

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Authors: Married to the Trillionaires

BOOK: Ella Mansfield
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He thrust hard inside her and stilled as she clenched around him, a low groan escaping his lips.  She waited for him to collapse beside her as the other men had done, but she realized he hadn’t finished.  He hadn’t sprayed inside her.  Her eyes widened.  “Are you not finished?”

He let out a bark of laughter.  “I’m nowhere close.” He pulled out and climbed onto the bed with her.  Rolling her to her front, he dropped a kiss on her spinal column just above her ass.  “On your knees.”

She let out a groan, not sure she could take another hard fucking.  She’d come so many times she felt like she was dry, yet she needed to finish with him.  She sighed, getting to her knees and lifting her ass in the air like she knew he wanted. 

He knelt behind her and slipped right in, his hips pistoning in and out of her tight pussy.  He reached around her to fondle her tits, squeezing her nipples. 

She was surprised at how much rougher he was with her than the other men.  She hadn’t experienced anything like him before.  The others were all so careful with her nipples, but he just squeezed to his heart’s content.  They were all gentle as they thrust into her, but he just
went at her like a crazed man, driving for his own pleasure.

She looked at the clock and saw they only had ten minutes left, and she sighed with relief.  He had to finish soon, right?

Five more thrusts and he collapsed on top of her before rolling to the side.  He groaned, reached down and cupped his balls.  “That was great.”  He sighed.  “You’d better rest up all day tomorrow, because we’re all going to use that pussy tomorrow night.”  He pulled her to him and rested her cheek on his shoulder. 

She realized then he still hadn’t kissed her.  She leaned on her elbow and looked down at him.  “You’ve never even kissed me.” 
She knew her tone was accusatory, but she couldn’t help it.

He laughed.  “You came in here horny.  Why would I kiss you?”
  He couldn’t believe that he’d forgotten, but how cute she looked because she was mad at him over it, was worth making fun of him about.

She frowned.  “Because it’s polite?”

He pulled her down over the top of him and kissed her gently.  His teeth sank into her bottom lip, and his tongue swept through her mouth.  By the time he was finished, she was shaken.  “I like kissing you.”

“Maybe next time I’ll remember to kiss you without being prompted.”  He pushed her away.  “Go clean up.  Time to go back to Bill.”

She climbed from the bed, feeling the soreness that came from the new activity.  Her thighs ached as she dragged a washcloth across her pussy.  She slipped back into the bedroom and saw that Steve was already snoring.  She shook her head before going to the door, and opening it.

Bill was waiting up for her, sitting at the edge of his bed.  He opened his arms wide.  April removed her dress and slipped into his arms, and he held her while she went to sleep.  She could get used to being married if at least one of her
husbands kept treating her this way.


Chapter Three



As soon as she woke the next morning, Bill urged her to get up.  “We have to get back to Texas.”
  He was already dressed and standing beside the bed.

“Texas?  You live in Texas?”  Why hadn’t she known that?
  Did she really know anything about them other than the fact they were willing to pay trillions of dollars for a woman?

He nodded.  “We live in Dallas.”  He took her hand and watched as she got out of bed, wincing with pain.  “You can take a hot bath before we leave if you hurry.”
  He knew the others would be annoyed by the delay, but she wasn’t going to be able to ride back comfortably without a soak first.

He looked down at his cock and frowned.  “Sorry, little buddy.  I know you were hoping to get another chance with her before we flew home, but she’s just too sore.” 

She stopped and turned around at the bathroom door.  “Did you just call your penis ‘little buddy’?”  Did all men talk to their penises?

He nodded with a grin.  “Sure did.  You’re welcome to call him that anytime as well!”

She laughed and closed the bathroom door as she headed for the bathtub.  It was a good tub, with massaging spouts, and she took full advantage.  She had just started to get comfortable when Bill walked in.  “It’s time to leave.  I left a change of clothes for you on the bed, and we’re going to finish loading the van while you get ready.”  He started to turn but stopped.  “I’m sorry you don’t have time for a longer bath.”

She smiled at him.  “I’ll live.”  April climbed out of the tub and stepped into the drying chute.  She was dry in seconds and went to the mirror to brush out her long tangled mop of hair.  She put it up into a simple twist and rushed into the bedroom, pulling her clothes on as quickly as she could.

She’d just finished putting her pink jumpsuit on when all four men came into the room.  They all eyed her proprietarily, and she took a quick step back.

flashed her a grin.  “It’s going to be really nice when you’re recovered enough from your first night that we can all have two turns with you per day.”

She stared at him in shock.  “Two turns?  You all want to do that with me twice per day?”  Were they serious?
  How would she ever walk again?

let out a bark of laughter, pulling her into his arms and kissing her quickly.  “We all want to do that with you a dozen times a day.”  He patted her ass.  “You’ll get used to it.”

She groaned.  “I sure hope so, because right now, I’m not sure I can ever do that again.”
  She resisted the urge to massage her inner thighs.

wrapped an arm around her and led her toward the van.  “You can.  I’ve got a massager set up on your seat on the van, and it’ll work on you for the whole length of the flight.”  He opened the door for her and watched as she settled in, showing her how to use the remote for the massager.

“How long does it take to fly from here to Dallas?” she asked.

“Depends who’s driving and how traffic is,” Steve answered.  “Probably around an hour and a half?”  He patted her shoulder good morning before moving to his seat.

They all got into the same seats as they had the day before.  She sat next to Bill in the middle, while Steve sat all the way in the back.  “How did the four of you decide to buy a woman together?” she asked.

Bill grinned.  “It was my idea.  We all share the top floor of the high-rise apartment building we live in.  We’ve become friends over the years.  I knew that none of the other guys went for the gay lifestyle either, preferring to just ‘go it alone’ rather than touch another guy.”

She looked at him blankly.  “Go it alone?”
  Remain single?

“Masturbate!” Steve called from the backseat. 

April blushed.  That was a word she knew.  It had a dirty connotation to it, though, so she wished she didn’t know it.  She could just picture all four of them sitting around masturbating.  As she pictured it, she felt her pussy flood with moisture.  “Okay, so all of you were…taking care of things yourselves hoping for a woman?”  She still wanted to understand what would make four men band together to buy a woman.

Bill sighed.  “I think we’d all given up hope for a woman even.”  He turned to look at her directly.  “There was no point in hoping.  Anyway, one of my clients came to me last week and told me he’d heard about the auctions taking place.  Yours wasn’t the first.  The others have been more underground, but the auctions have been declared lawful, so yours was really publicized.”

“It was?”

“Advertisements were taken out everywhere.  So, realizing how much you’d probably go for, I decided to talk to my friends here.  We can easily share a woman.  I figured we could all f
-…make love to you once per day and be content.  Maybe not happy, but content.”  Bill shrugged. “So we decided to pool our money, and we’ll all put in up to two trill for you.”

“Two trillion dollars.  Each.  For me.”  April shook her head in disbelief.  Whether the world was short on women or not, that was a lot of money to spend on someone to have relations with.

John turned to her from the front seat directly ahead of her.  “It was worth it. 
were worth it.”  His voice was steady as his eyes met hers.

She blushed
.  “I’m glad you all think so, but it still seems really odd to me.”  She shrugged, not quite sure how to explain how she felt about the whole thing.  Why did they all feel so strongly about having her?  “So I’m going to be doing what?  Cooking, cleaning, and having sex?”  She’d known a lot of housewives in her community, and they all filled their lives with pretty much the same things.

laughed.  “No, you’re going to be spreading your legs and having babies.  We want to help repopulate the earth.  That was one of the requisites for even bidding in the auction, actually.  We had to agree to never use birth control so that you could have lots of daughters to help replenish the human race.”

“So, really, I’m having sex for all mankind?”  She liked to think of it that way.  She would be happy to have sex if it would help out the human race.  She wouldn’t even have to feel guilty about it that way.

Bill grinned at her as if reading her mind.  “That’s right.  Sex for all mankind.  We hire people to cook and clean.  You can spend all day pampering yourself or doing whatever you want to do.  In the evenings, you’ll take turns between us.  For now.  Eventually, we might all join you at the same time.”

She stared at him in shock.  It was one thing to fuck them one after the other, but all at once?  Her pussy clenched at the mere thought.  Being married to four men was going to be very interesting.

They all got quiet as David took a phone call and tried to calm someone on the other end of the call.  He got similar calls over and over for the rest of the trip, keeping his voice calm and soothing. 

Bill looked at April.  “Soothing self-important sports figures is his specialty.”

John turned from the front seat and nodded.  “Trust me.  No one does it better.”




They parked on the roof of a huge building in Dallas, and Bill helped her down.  He could see that she’d stiffened up again during the flight.  “Would you guys mind unpacking her while I show her around my place since she’ll be living with me?  I want to get her in the tub as soon as I can so she’ll be up to the evenings activities.”  He winked down at her as he said the words, and she blushed bright red.

The other three readily agreed and he took her hand leading her to the elevator that whisked them down to the top floor.  “Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to leave here much.  We can’t risk others knowing we have an honest-to-goodness breeder up here, because they’d go nuts.”  He opened the door and ushered her inside.  “I have a man who comes in every day to cook and
clean.  I’ll arrange for someone to come and fit you for a custom wardrobe.”  He eyed her jumpsuit.  “As pretty as you look in that color, we’re going to all want to see you in sexy clothes, not jumpsuits.”

He showed her the huge living space.  “This is the living room.
”  He pointed to the screen.  “All fifty thousand channels are available.  You can watch everything from preachers screaming at people for donations to porn, depending on your tastes.”  He pulled her along to the kitchen.  “Here’s the kitchen. You’re welcome to get yourself a snack in here, but leave the real cooking to Maurice.  He’s paid to do it.”  He pulled her to the dining room.  “We’ll eat in here.  Entertain if we decide to do some entertaining, but we’ll probably not do that much.”  He led her to a room with a desk in it.  “I set this up for you.  I thought you might like a study of your own.  There are tons of computer games here as well as any program you can imagine.  I don’t know what you like to do, but whatever it is, you can do it here.”  He frowned then, realizing the ad for the auction hadn’t included anything about her personality, only about her health, beauty, and purity. 

She studied the room carefully, noting that he’d had it decorated in softer tones than the rest of the apartment.  “My degree is in creative writing.  Would you mind if I used it to write?”
  She eyed the computer with interest, knowing she could do a lot with the powerful machine she saw in front of her.  The only computers she’d ever used had been purchased fifty years before and were relics.

He slipped an arm around her hugging her against him.  “Of course not!  You can do whatever you want.”  His eyes met hers.  “Don’t worry about trying to make money, though.  I will support you in every way.  You’re married to me, you live with me and I support you.  The other guys just get an hour a night.”
  He kissed her forehead, making his possession of her very clear.

She nodded, resting her head against his shoulder.  She loved the idea of having a home base with him, and just visiting the others.  “That sounds good.”

He pulled her toward the back of the apartment.  “This is my study.  It’s the only room that will be off limits to you, but only because I keep confidential client records in here.”

She nodded, not at all offended. 

“This is the spare bathroom.  It’s primarily used for guests, but feel free.”  He pulled her down the hall.  There were three empty bedrooms.  “I used to keep stuff in there, but I want these to be nurseries.  When the babies start coming, we’ll get a nanny so you won’t be overwhelmed, but for now, they’ll stay empty.”  He kept pulling her back toward the back.  There was a small room with a twin bed in it.  “This is for the nanny when we hire him.”

She wrinkled her nose.  “Him?  I’d always thought of nannies as females, not males.”

He laughed.  “Where are we going to find a female to be a nanny?”  She really didn’t have any idea of how much of an oddity she was to the outside world. 

“Oh.  I hadn’t thought of that.  I’m used to things being like they were back home.” 

He pulled her hand toward the last door.  “This is our room.”  It was a huge room with two bathrooms leading off of it.  Each bathroom had a walk-in closet.  He showed her how she could raise and lower the bed with a switch and explained how the massage on the bed worked.  “I’m going to get you daily massages for the first few weeks you’re here. If you want them for longer than that, we can continue them, but I know you’re going to be sore until you get used to us. I know of a masseuse who will come to the apartment.”

“Oh good!  Thank you.”  She rubbed her aching back, wishing she felt like she could rub her inner thighs with him standing there watching her.  “Is it okay if I take a bath now?”

He pushed her toward the bathroom.  “I had this bathroom decorated for a female, and had a lot of common beauty products brought in if you want to use them.”  He smiled and unfastened her jumpsuit for her. “I’m going to go call and see if I can get you a massage this afternoon.  I don’t want to leave you alone with anyone until I see how they are with you first.”

She nodded and pushed the button to turn the water on, setting the temperature to one hundred two degrees.  When the tub filled instantly, she stepped into the water with a sigh, sinking down until the water reached her neck.  The tub started moving under her, conforming to her body, before it turned the jets on and the water massage began.  She thought about telling Bill she wouldn’t need a massage after her bath, but then she realized she would.  Even for a tub like this, it would be hard to massage her inner thighs.

Bill stepped into the bathroom fifteen minutes later and smiled at the look of bliss on April’s face.  She was obviously so happy to be in the bathtub he hated to disturb her.  “The masseuse will be here in forty-five minutes.  Take your time and relax, but I’m going to set the tub to start draining in thirty, so you can be dry and wearing a robe when he gets here.”

April nodded to indicate she’d heard him but never opened her eyes.  “Thanks,” she called a
s she heard him leave the room.  “Wait!  I don’t have a robe!”

“I’ll leave one out for you.”  He shut the door behind him leaving her privacy to bathe.

She was feeling a lot more relaxed by the time the tub drained and she got out, thrilled about her first massage.  She was glad Bill had thought of it and was so willing to make her as comfortable as he possibly could.  She stepped into the drying chute and felt the heat dry her skin in three seconds, before getting out and slipping into the pink silk robe he’d left on the bed for her. 

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