Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II (13 page)

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Authors: Tales From The Temple 02

BOOK: Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II
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“Hey Luc,” Tom called. “Do you have the key?”

Her heart leapt into her throat when the vampire turned his dark head toward Tom.

“Sure thing.” Pushing off the wall, Luc walked toward them. With each step, her breathing grew shallower. Luc had a confident, easy walk; one that proclaimed he was comfortable in his own skin and in his place in the world.

He stopped near Rachel and she inhaled deeply. Heat swirled through her belly when she discerned his masculine scent through the myriad aromas in the room. It was dark and musky, sexual, a mixture of heated spice and warm male flesh.

“I need to run down the cellar; we’re almost out of chardonnay.” Tom gestured toward Rachel. “The lady would like a drink.”

Luc turned toward her and she braced herself for the magnetism of his stare. The moment his midnight gaze landed on her face, she felt as if a hot poker had slid under her skin. Fighting for a cool demeanor, she lowered her arm and wondered if he’d recognize her as a Chat regular. His dark eyes showed definite interest in her as a woman, but she couldn’t detect any flash of recognition. It was amazing what a little makeup could do.


One Night Stand

A slow smile curved the handsome sinner’s mouth. “It would be my pleasure to assist the lady.”

A warm, liquid heat ignited in the pit of her stomach and her palms grew moist.

Luc retrieved a slim silver key from his pants pocket and unlocked a narrow door built into the wall. Inside the cubbyhole were two black carafes, each marked with either a cat or wolf paw print in bright red. He reached for the one with the wolf imprint.

“Excuse me. I’d prefer the other, please.” Rachel said.

His dark brow arched and the corner of his mouth hitched as his hand veered toward the one marked with the cat print. Picking up one of the black mugs, he set it on the bar.

“Not too many women search out this particular brand.” He filled the cup halfway.

“Indeed.” Rachel reached for the mug and pulled it toward her; her senses already on high alert at the first scent of the rich, warm blood. “I guess I’m not like many women.”

His smile grew and Rachel’s legs went watery. “I would have to agree that you’re not like many women I’ve known.”

A rush of pleasure moved through her and she smiled. “Oh, I can guarantee that.”

He laughed and the warm, rich sound poured over her senses like sun-warmed honey. Dizzy with her success, she picked up the mug and tossed the miniscule contents back like a pro, or how she’d imagine a pro would do so.

The moment the liquid hit her mouth, she reeled. Unlike the familiar taste of mortal blood, the werecat blood was oddly spicy—almost to the point of being overwhelming.

She felt as if someone had hooked her tongue to a car battery and then administered a series of short jolts. She swallowed hard and her eyes were watering when she set the cup down with a clatter.

Oh my…

She heard Luc chuckle.

“First time?”

She blinked and his handsome face slowly took shape. She scrubbed at her eyes and realized she’d just made a complete fool of herself. She’d only look more ridiculous if she denied her inexperience so she settled for a jerky nod as she struggled to not cough herself silly. She could feel her cheeks grow red from the strain and she forced herself to stop rubbing her eyes. She could only hope her mascara was as waterproof as the package had claimed.

His big hand covered hers. “It’s not a good idea to toss back werecat blood like that.” His fingers moved to encircle her wrist. “Think of it as brandy to a human; it is a delicacy that should be savored.”

She cleared her throat. “So I see.” Her voice came out low and husky. “I won’t make that mistake again.”


J.C. Wilder

She was disturbingly aware of his flesh against hers, the heat of his skin and the strength of his fingers. His thumb gave the inside of her wrist a soft stroke and her heart stuttered. Liquid warmth in the pit of her stomach ignited and spread through her system, causing her to become hypersensitive to everything going on around her: the noise of the crowd, the dim lighting overhead and the heady sensation of this man focusing his complete attention on her.

“To properly enjoy the experience, you should take your time when indulging yourself.” His voice was low, sensual. Luc released her wrist and she immediately mourned the loss of his touch. “Take pleasure in it.” He reached for the carafe and refilled her mug before retrieving a mug for himself. “Were-blood, like lovemaking, should be savored.”

Rachel reached for her drink. “So you’re a man who believes lovemaking should be savored?” Amazed that she’d managed to speak of sex without stuttering, she raised the glass to her lips while she mentally praised the effects of the were-blood on her self-confidence.

He nodded. “Much like a fine wine or a rich meal.” He propped his elbows on the bar and leaned forward until his mouth was barely an inch from hers. His breath was warm upon her lips when he spoke. “New Orleans is a city that possesses the twin vices of sin and pleasure.” His gaze flicked over her mouth. “The city, like a good woman, should be indulged.”

She lowered the glass and offered him a suggestive smile. “Or a good man.” She tilted her head, enjoying the soft buzz from her drink and the long-dormant arousal that surged forth. She pressed her thighs together in a vague attempt to ease the burgeoning ache. “What about you? Are you a good man, Luc?”

His lips quirked. “Some women have said that I’m a good man.” His gaze dropped to her mouth again. “While others might disagree.”

She ran the edge of her cup against her lower lip before setting it on the bar. “Well, I don’t trust the judgment of other women.” She shrugged and allowed her arm to come down, then watched as her hand landed on his wrist. “I guess if I really want to know, I’ll have to find out myself.”

* * * * *

Luc couldn’t tear his gaze from the beautiful woman who’d just propositioned him.

Her long dark hair was a riot of curls and they framed a delicate heart-shaped face. Her eyes were sea-green and thickly lashed while her nose was small and pert. But it was her mouth that drew him. Wide and painted scarlet—nearly as scarlet as her velvet choker—her lips were slick with gloss. He wondered how those plush scarlet lips would look wrapped around his cock.

The temptress raised her glass to her mouth and took a small sip, her sexy-sleepy gaze never wavering. When she lowered the glass, a thin stain of blood marred her 78

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lower lip. Never one to let an opportunity go to waste, he leaned forward and licked the liquid from her lip before taking possession of her mouth.

He felt her start of surprise a second before he lost himself in the lush sensuality of her kiss. Her lips were soft and warm against his tongue. He suckled the plump, lower lip, tasting both woman and the exotic flavor of the were-blood. She opened for him and he nipped at her tongue. She made a soft sound of either alarm or acquiescence, he wasn’t sure, but he assumed the best as she made no attempt to move away.

The kiss continued and the noises from the bar faded to the hiss of white noise. All that existed for him was this enchanting creature and her luscious mouth. Their tongues tangled and their breath melded as they tasted and teased each other. The faint mewling sounds she made caused his blood to heat and his heartbeat to accelerate. His cock gnawed at the fragile zipper of his pants when she gave his tongue a strong, earthy suck. A low growl sounded from his throat as he reached for her. Her soft curls brushed the back of his hand when a loud voice intruded upon the sensual haze she’d woven around him.

“Jeez, get a room, Luc.” Laughter laced Tom’s words.

Luc pulled away from her tempting mouth, cursing the fact he’d forgotten where he was. Inattention to his surroundings could cost him his life, though in that moment he wasn’t too sure he wouldn’t sacrifice himself for another kiss.

Across from him, the wide-eyed beauty looked both dazed and aroused. Her lips were rosy and damp from his kiss while her sleepy gaze gleamed with a mix of amusement and arousal. He couldn’t wait to kiss her again…and again. And again.

He cleared his throat. He wanted to get out of the Chat and take her with him, to spend some time with this intoxicating creature. But he couldn’t—not yet. He glanced at his watch. Only one hour to go until his business meeting and then they could leave.


“Shall we go listen to some jazz?” He was surprised his voice sounded so normal considering he was hot and hard as a pike. He did not relish having to walk out from behind the bar.

“That sounds lovely.” Her voice was husky and just the sound of it aroused his senses even further.

Willing his body to cool down so as not to embarrass him, Luc topped off their glasses before locking the carafe up and tossing the key to Tom. Once he felt more in control of his anatomy, he walked around the bar to approach her from behind. His breath caught in his throat when he saw her dress.

Mother of God…

The slim curve of her back was exposed almost to her waist and her creamy pale skin was dusted with something that caused it to shimmer ever so slightly. His palms grew hot.

She swiveled the seat around then slid off the edge causing the hem of her dress to slide up enough to allow him a flash of pale thigh above her black thigh-high stockings.


J.C. Wilder

Her high heels looked lethal and, even with them, she barely came to his chin. He put out his arm to steady her when she swayed.

“Careful.” He knew she’d be feeling the effects of the were-blood. She’d downed enough in her first shot to make any grown vampire stagger.

“I’m fine.” She picked up her drink. “Do you think we’ll get a table in the club?”

“I have a private table upstairs.”

A slow smile curved her lush mouth. “Just how…private?”


Her smile grew wider and he took her hand before picking up his glass. He led her through the crowd to a door near the club entrance before releasing her to unlock the door. After ushering her through it, he allowed the door to slide shut behind them.

The darkness was complete and the sounds of the club were muffled and indistinct.

Her scent, warm woman mixed with vanilla, teased his senses and took his breath away. He reached for her and then forced himself to stop, knowing he had to move or risk taking her at the bottom of the stairs like a dog in heat. He took her hand and with their fingers twined, led the way up the narrow steps to a small, private balcony overlooking the club floor.

Barely eight feet by eight feet and surrounded by a wrought iron rail, the intimate space sported a small table and a comfortable padded bench seat built for two. A single white candle burned on the table and the tablecloth was blood red in the golden light.

He stepped to the side and ushered her toward the seat.

“This is wonderful.” She set her drink on the table before sitting down. “Who knew this was up here?”

Luc slid in next to her, relishing the feel of her warm thigh pressed against his.

“Who knew?” he murmured, raising his glass to his mouth and taking a small sip.

On the stage below, the band was playing a wild Zydeco dance tune and, under the colored lights, the dance floor resembled a cast of extras from a B horror movie. Two zombies in tattered costumes and several werewolves—the real kind—cavorted with some outrageously dressed witches. In another corner, a group of women were dressed as football players while their male cheerleader dates sported short skirts and very bad wigs.

He grinned. New Orleans. There was no place like it.

Luc’s gaze returned to his new-found friend. Her eyes were wide as she watched the show below. Her lush lips were parted and her expression was completely enraptured.

“Do you like the music?” He had to lean in to ensure she could hear him over the band. Her scent caused his cock to throb and his lips brushed the tender curve of her ear. He felt her shiver as he inhaled her vanilla-scented hair.

Her grin was wide when she turned toward him. “I love music and there’s no city like New Orleans when it comes to music and food. It’s the only place in the world 80

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where you plan your dinner while sitting at lunch and there’s music on every street corner.”

The strip of scarlet velvet looked erotic against the pale flesh of her throat. He reached for her, his fingers touching both the velvet and her skin and he couldn’t decide which was softer.

“What’s your name, beautiful?” he whispered, leaning toward her.

“Rachel.” She licked her lips and the blood rushed to his groin.

* * * * *

Rachel didn’t know how it happened. One minute she was watching the band and the next Luc was kissing her. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once and yet it still wasn’t enough. She climbed into his lap, her hands stroking his broad chest while she leaned into him. Her thighs straddled his and his cock nudged at her aroused flesh with an insistence that was not to be ignored.

His mouth was hot on her throat while he slid his hands inside the deep vee of her dress. Lightly holding her breasts, Luc began to rub his thumbs over her nipples before he captured her mouth and kissed her deeply.

She moaned. He swallowed the sound as they kissed and she flung her arms around his neck. The unfamiliar feel of heated male flesh and warm silk against her breasts was both erotic and empowering at the same time. Her fingers fumbled with the thong that held his hair. When she managed to release the leather, she slid her fingers through the silk, tangling in the soft strands as she angled his head for a deeper kiss.

His big hands eased the bodice of her dress down to puddle around her waist before he broke the kiss and cupped her breasts. “I want to see you,” he rumbled.

Rachel released her grip on his hair, hesitating for a moment before moving back a few inches. His dark gaze moved over her breasts and while she saw nothing but acceptance and pleasure, suddenly shy, she moved to cover herself.

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