Ember's Curse (Prime Wolf) (6 page)

BOOK: Ember's Curse (Prime Wolf)
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I chuckled at his eagerness and slowly opened my legs for him, giving an unhindered view of me. "I suggest you do a little less talking and a lot more doing…" Before I could finish my comment, Collin leapt onto the bed and settled his head in between my legs.

I looked down at his handsome face nestled there and my clit throbbed for him to take a taste. The first swipe of his velvet tongue made me buck my hips, but Collin was ready for it. He wrapped his arms around my legs and made me take more of his sweet torture. I could feel a buildup of pleasure deep inside of me, with no clue of what it was; I tried to push him away.

You’re about to cum for me, my heart. Just relax and let it happen,
said Collin’s voice in my head. I was briefly startled by his intrusion but followed his instruction. And thank God, I did. He started concentrating on one spot in particular, rubbing over it continuously with his silk tongue, moving it in short quick flicks. The sweet buildup increased until it shattered inside me, radiating out in short waves.

With a satisfied grin and a final lick to my sensitive clit, Collin slowly stalked up my body.

"You look so damn beautiful when you cum," he said, leaning in to take my nipple into his mouth. His fingers found my entry and he began to push two of them inside of me, stretching me, and then there was that wonderful pleasure again.

Not so fast this time,
his voice echoed in my head.
I want to be deep inside of you for this one.

I tucked my leg around his for leverage and pushed against his massive chest. His look of surprise and then approval was priceless, as I settled on top of him.

"You didn't see that one coming did you, oh great mind reader," I said playfully.

I reached down between us and wrapped a firm hand around his cock. My hand couldn't reach completely around it and when I began to stroke it downward it took ages to reach its base...he was huge. I looked up at him nervously. He looked back with concern; he could tell that I was a little bit frightened by the size.

"Don't worry, Love. My body was made just for you. I will fit perfectly. There's no way we could hurt each other."

With a trust only born from true love, I believed him. Nervously, I pushed myself up and settled over his large head. I slowly lowered myself onto it, one inch at a time. I felt like I was being stretched to capacity but I kept working my way down. When I was close to fully rooting him inside of me, he wrapped his long fingers around my waist. With a moan, he started pumping himself in and out of me. The friction we made together was delicious and I watched my Alpha male melt in pleasure underneath me. I could feel myself nearing the edge so I rode him even harder.

I'm close,
he whispered in my mind.

I know,
was my answer. I fell on top of him, barely able to hold myself up, as I came all over is hard length. My channel pulsing around him was his undoing and after a few more long thrusts, he followed me over the edge.




Chapter 6


I awoke feeling more alive than I had ever felt before. The cool sheets under my skin were soft as I slid my legs over them. The air that filled my lungs tasted sweet, sweeter than the ripest peach to ever breech my lips, and I owed it all to the man who lovingly held me cradled in his arms.

"You better be careful, Ember. You’re going to give me a complex," Collin chuckled into my hair.

"Get out of my head, you brute," I said, nudging him in the side with a sharp elbow. “My privacy is a must. Don't go picking apart my every thought."

Collin claimed my mouth with a deep, passionate kiss. I almost forgot about his little invasion...almost. "I'm serious. We have to learn to respect each other’s privacy," I said, spearing him with a tense glare. "No poking around unless we have to, or are invited to."

Collin rolled out of bed and stretched out his tan, chiseled body. He looked at me mischievously. "Alright…I can handle that. But one thing..." he said with a twinkle in his green eyes. "I can poke around anytime during our love making...with your body and your mind."

I threw a pillow at him and pulled the covers over my head to hide my blush. I could hear his smug laughter all the way in the bathroom.
He just thinks he's all that,
I thought to myself.

"I sure do," he yelled back at me.

"Collin!" I shrieked.


What am I going to do with that man?
I pondered on the thought for less than a second and came up with...everything.

I heard the shower turn on right about the same time as Collin started singing loudly and out of tune. It was perfect. I would never think of the song, ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ the same again.

I pushed the covers off of me and poured my tired body out of bed. It was still daylight outside, but not for much longer. I needed to get freshened up and ready for when Harper, hopefully, awoke.

I walked into the bathroom. It was full of steam from Collin’s shower and smelled like Irish Spring. I stood in front of the fogged up mirror and wiped it down with a hand towel. I looked at my reflection with wonderment. It was really happening. My soul was truly coming fully alive from the claiming. The same nose sat on my face. My hair was messy but still dark brown. My eyes on the other hand had changed. Instead of an endless dark brown, my eyes now shone their true color. They were the color they would have been if not for Alexandra's curse. My eyes were a light hazel. They reminded me of the round champagne marbles I use to play with as a child. I loved them and everything they represented. A single tear of joy trickled down my cheek.

"I'm not allowed to check for myself, Beautiful. So please tell me what's wrong."

I didn't hear the shower turn off, so I was surprised to see Collin standing behind me. He had a gentle look on his face and a pesky towel hiding all his yumminess from me.

"I'm fine, Collin, all happy tears. Check for yourself," I invited, giving him permission to delve into my thoughts. He went quiet for a moment and then he saw. He saw the emptiness I had lived with all my life and the joy and fulfillment he brought into it now.

His face lit up and he puffed out his chest proudly. "It's my job to make you happy," he said cheerfully, “it's good to know I'm doing it right." Collin smacked my bare ass. It made a soft cracking sound and left a light hand imprint.

"Hey!" I said turning away to hide the tempting target. "That hurt a little." He picked me up and set me in the shower. "Hurry your sexy ass up. We have shit to do."

I pulled the curtain shut and turned on the water without argument. He was right. I wish I could bask in the honeymoon stage for a little while longer, but it wouldn't be right. There were a ton of questions piling up and I needed to start uncovering some answers. Harper would be waking soon and I wanted to be there the moment she did. If for no other reason than to make sure she didn't wake up alone.



I peeked out the window and watched the sun’s deadly rays slowly sink into the horizon. Harper's eyes began to flutter and she made a small choking sound as she inhaled her first gulp of evening air.

"I'm glad you decided to come back to us," I said with a relieved sigh. I walked over to the bed and settled in next to her. Harper was very pale and when she finally opened her eyes, they were filmed over. It was hard to see her irises through the milky white hue that blanketed them like a sheet of ice. It looked like she had cataracts. She was in pretty bad shape but at least she was awake. I had come so close to losing her. Goosebumps formed on my arms just thinking about how close it really was.

"I brought you some breakfast," I said holding up a bag of blood. Her scary eyes followed its every move. I pressed it up against her lips. The hungry vampire’s chapped mouth opened stiffly and long white fangs extracted. She punctured the plastic sack with a quick strike and began to feed. Harper took long, greedy swallows and then pushed the empty container away when she finished.

"I'm feeling much better...thank you," she said pushing herself up. Her body moved a little feebly as she leaned against the headboard.

She was already starting to look a lot more herself. Her eyes were almost back to their normal green color, thank God. The dead stare was beginning to creep me out.

I relaxed my tense shoulders. The hard part was over. She really was going to be all right.

"Do you remember what happened at the apartment?" I asked gently. I wiped a cool rag over her forehead to clean off the dried blood. I didn't want to be insensitive by pelting her with tons of questions so soon, but it couldn't be put off.

"How is she?" Nathan asked, coming into the room. Collin was right on his heels.

"I'm right here, Mongrel. You can address your questions to me." Harper winked at Nathan as she said it and I watched the worry melt off his face.

"As you can see, she is fine. She was just about to tell me what happened."

Have you told her about us yet?
Collin asked me through our connection.

Not yet, there hasn't been enough time,
I quickly sent back.

"Unfortunately, I don't remember everything," Harper said, rubbing at her eyes. "I can tell you this much," she said confidently, "it was a werewolf and a vampire that attacked me...and the werewolf was an Alpha."

This had just gotten really bad. I didn't doubt that she could tell if the werewolf who attacked her was an Alpha or not. She could smell power from miles away. If she was right and we had a group of wolves and vamps working together, well then that spelled trouble. There were hunters in my territory...ahem... I meant Tommy's territory, and we had to chase them out. As for the ones responsible for injuring Harper, they would be handled by me personally.

And me,
Collin corrected.

What did I say about poking around?

This classifies as an emergency so sorry, Beautiful...the rules are null and void.
I shot Collin an irritated look. He just smiled wolfishly back at me, no pun intended. Man, this was going to take some getting used to.

"I'm even more convinced that it's the Gatherers now, Collin. Everything adds up to it," Nathan said. He took a seat over by the window and let out a tired sigh.

"Who are the Gatherers?" Harper and I asked at the same time.

She looked over at me. Her eyes then shifted to Collin. He had grabbed hold of my hand as he came over to stand by my side.

"And more importantly, who is the hot guy hanging all over Ember?" she asked, batting her now perfectly clear, gorgeous green eyes at him.

"Pump your brakes, girl. This man belongs to me."

I like this jealous side of you,
Collin said, rubbing his arm against the side of my breast. God help me, but his touch made me want to strip off my clothes and jump him.

Instead, I just responded to his teasing with a resounding,
Shut up.

He chuckled low and squeezed my hand gently.

I never thought I could ever leave Harper speechless. She was my friend who was always equipped with about a million or so smart-ass remarks, but my last statement accomplished it. As it turned out, it was only momentarily.

"Well, it's about time you loosened up a little," Harper said with a shrug. "I thought for sure your legs were going to start creaking like a rusty hinge from lack of use." She pierced Collin with a deadly glare and dropped fang. "You mess with her heart and you mess with me," she said, letting her stare linger for a few more seconds, making her point. Two very sharp points to be exact. After she was satisfied, her fangs disappeared and it was back to business.

"Now, Nathan. What about these Gatherers?"

Collin tipped his head respectfully at Harper to signal he understood.

"Before we start jumping to conclusions, I suggest we gather some Intel," Collin said before Nathan could answer Harper’s question.

"What do you suggest we do?" Nathan asked.

Collin pulled out his cell phone. It was one of those fancy numbers with a huge screen. I never wasted my money on expensive gadgets like the one he held in his hand. I'd either break them or lose them. And really, what was the point; unless you had never-ending disposable income, how could someone keep up with all 'the next best versions’ anyway? Phones nowadays have more sequels than the Saw movies.

"I already have one of my guys at the crime scene. He left me a message earlier requesting debriefing. He should be here soon," Collin relayed to us.

"Then that's that," I said, closing the subject for now. "Let's give Harper some privacy to freshen up." I gazed over at Nathan. He looked really tired, but who could blame him? He had been busy taking care of everything. I walked over and gave him a big hug.

Are you trying to get the twerp thrown out of the window?
Collin growled through our link.

Take it easy, Handsome, Nathan's been through a lot...and mostly because of me.

"Thanks for everything, but it's time for you to get some rest," I said to my tired friend.

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