Embezzled Love (16 page)

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Authors: Ginger Simpson

BOOK: Embezzled Love
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With the aid of the banister, she stood and hobbled down the remaining stairs. Passing through the kitchen, she noticed Evan's jacket hanging on the kitchen chair. She paused, fighting the urge to search his pockets. Did she have the right? No, that would be invading someone's personal space.

She crossed to the door and, with her hand on the knob, paused and glanced back at the leather garment. It seemed to be calling her name.

"What the hell," she mumbled. "If he has nothing to hide, then my curiosity shouldn't present a problem."

Despite her logic, she glanced between the office and kitchen and determined the coast was clear before delving one hand into his right pocket. She found only a pack of gum, some empty wrappers and two pennies. Quickly, she switched to the other side. Her fingers latched onto some folded papers and she started to extract them.

"Ahem." Evan cleared his throat. "Are you looking for something?"







Chapter Twenty


Cassie's cheeks warmed. Caught red-handed! She didn't quite know what to say. She smiled at Evan while sorting through various excuses in her head. Looking for my keys…no…searching for gum….

With no excuse in mind, she pulled her empty hand out of his jacket pocket, reeling from extreme guilt. "Sorry, I was…."

Barefoot and clad in only pajama bottoms, Evan padded over and took his coat from her. He reached into the pocket and produced the very papers she'd felt.

"Here." He handed them to her. "This is the job I told you about last night. Two copies of the contract signed by the customer. One needs to be autographed by you as CEO and mailed back to him.

Evan, his gaze lowered, used both hands to smooth his sleep-tousled hair. "And you're right. We need to start doing things by the book. Since you're the boss, you need to authorize everything." His demeanor and tone cried out for forgiveness.

Cassie unfolded the documents and perused Evan's messy handwriting. Her mouth gaped and she looked up at him. "Oh, my God! This is for forty-five thousand dollars. Is this right? She did some quick math in her head and allayed the concerns about the credit card issue.

"Sure 'nuff." He nodded. "I told you I sold him everything I could think of."

Cassie flung her arms around Evan's neck. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry I doubted you. Will you forgive me?"

Evan gave her a tight squeeze. "You bet. I promise I'll keep you informed from now on. I've never had a boss, and I expect I'll need some time to get used to having one."

Cass pulled away and sought his gaze. "I don't want to be your boss. Can't I just be an active partner?" Besides, I don't want to fight anymore. I don't like going to bed without you."

Evan swept her into his arms and started toward the stairs. "I can fix that right now."

"Noooo." She kicked her feet back and forth. "I have to pick up Mom, and I'm already late."

Evan set Cassie back on her feet and perused her attire, then made a pouting face. "I guess I can't go with you dressed like this. Hurry home. We have some unfinished business to tend to."

Cassie blew him a promissory kiss as she went out the door.


* * *


All the way home from the airport, Cassie boasted to her mother about Evan's newest creation in the backyard and the progressing construction, hoping to prepare her for the drastic changes.

You'll love the pond, Mom. It's awesome. We waited to purchase the fish so you can help pick them out. Trust me, it's going to take quite a few. Oh, and Evan is in the process of enclosing the back patio to create office space for him and me."

"You know how I love goldfish." Mom seemed unfazed by Cassie's second announcement. "I'm sure you recall the ones I always had around when you were a kid."

Sweet memories formed Cassie's mind. "I sure do. We kept you supplied each year by throwing ping pong balls into bowls at the fair,"

Mom chuckled. "Yes, some of those fish were quite costly. If I recall, Alaine didn't have a very good aim when she was young."

The mention of her sister's name brought a lump to Cassie's throat.

"All this stuff Evan is doing sounds costly." The seriousness in Mom's tone didn't go unnoticed. "Where's the money coming from?"

Cassie swallowed hard, reliving the unpleasantness of last night. "I was concerned about that myself for a bit, but Evan just sold a huge landscaping job. Since I've not had my own business before, I have a lot to learn, and I think he's just the one to teach me."

"Well, I certainly hope you're right. I've not been a business owner either, but I do know that everything you make isn't profit."

"I know that too, Mother. I'm not a complete dolt. I've set up folders for job costing, contracts and expenses. I'm actually quite organized." Cassie's crossed fingers rested atop the steering wheel. Did she really have all the bases covered? Ending up the dolt she denied being wasn't in her plans.

After a brief recap of Mom's trip, conversation lagged and Cassie turned on the radio. Her mother leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes, obviously tired from her travels. Thankfully, the conversation about Cassie's business sense ended. She'd much rather listen to smooth jazz and think about Evan's promise of lovemaking. Last night's lustful thoughts returned, tingling and all. So lost in the moment, Cassie almost drove past the house. She braked hard and whipped into the driveway, grateful her snoozing mother wore her seatbelt. Even the erratic driving didn't wake her.

Cassie switched off the ignition and shook her mother's arm. "Wakeup, we're home."

Straightening, she glanced around. "I wasn't sleeping, I was resting my eyes."

"Yeah, well, your eyes were snoring." Cassie laughed. She pointed to the pond. "So, what do you think?"

Her mother gathered her purse on her arm and left the car. Deafened by the silence, Cassie followed.

"Well, say something, Mom."

"It's big, that's for sure." The older woman headed toward the footbridge. "I must admit, though, it's a thing of beauty." She toddled up the wooden ramp and stood at the railing, gazing down at the serenity with a smile on her face.

Cassie left her mother to enjoy the moment. Returning to the car, she popped the trunk, retrieved Mom's bag, and set it on the back step. She kicked aside a few two-by-fours, clearing a path to the house, before she joined her mother at the pond.

On the bridge, Cassie pointed out the waterfall feature. "Oh, and look where the water calms…you can see a reflection of the clouds. The pond is a wonderful addition to the yard, don't you think?"

"When are we going to get the fish?" The smile on her mother's face said it all, but the question emphasized her delight.

"As soon as you're ready. We can go today if you aren't too tired, or wait until—"

The back door slammed and Evan raced outside. "Howdy, Ma. We missed you."

He gathered the woman's petite frame in a bear hug. "So whadda you think of the pond?"

Cassie's mother wrestled herself free. "Lordy, you're gonna squeeze me to death before I get to enjoy it." She smoothed her skirt and ran one hand along the side of her graying hair. "The pond is beautiful, Evan. I love it." She eyed the back porch area. "Can't say much for your current redecoration, though."

"Ah, you'll love that, too, when it's done. I'm even getting plastic storm windows from Texas to help keep the room weather-proofed."

"Texas?" Cassie's head snapped around. "Can't you get them here in California?"

"Not like these. I figured a quick trip back to Texas will serve several purposes. I need to check in on my family, make sure the business is properly closed with all work done, and I'll bring home the windows."

Sounded like he'd given the trip a lot of thought. How come he hadn't mentioned his intention before? She'd ask later. The less her mother knew, the better. The woman worried too much already. Cassie flashed a half-smile, intending to change the subject. "C'mon, Mom. I'll take your bag into your room so you can rest a little while."

"Oh, no you don't," Evan insisted. "Ladies don't carry bags while this man is around." He nudged Cassie to the side, picked up the suitcase, and held the door open for Mom.







Chapter Twenty-One


Cassie stood at the vanity, brushing her hair, when Evan came into the bedroom.

"Mom's bag has been delivered, and she's safe in her room." He shut the door and leaned against it.

"Thank you." Cassie made sure her voice held an icy tone as she bent to let her hair hang free while she continued to pull the bristles through her locks. "Would you like to tell me how long you've had this trip planned? What happened to doing things by the book and keeping me informed?" She straightened and turned, awaiting his response.

"Don't get you panties in a wad, baby girl." He plopped down on the bed. "I discussed the windows with the sub-contractor yesterday, and with all that happened last night, I didn't get a chance to talk to you."

True, they hadn't had much time for discussion today. Her anger abated and her pulse slowed. "Okay, I'll give you that. I was in a rush to get Mom, but I still can't understand why you have to go all the way to Texas to get windows. Who's going to see to the contractual obligations while you're gone?"

"You don't think I do all the grunt work, do you? I snared four of Stan's extra laborers to come work for us. They do the dirty stuff and I court new clients. Don't worry, I'll make sure they know what to do the week I'm gone. They're all well-trained."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "You still didn't answer my question. Why windows from Texas?"

"The company that makes them is located not far from where I lived. I figured going to get them would be quicker than ordering and having to wait. Besides, I really need to check on Marlene. She's not well, you know."

"I thought her daughter lived with her."

"She does, but I still want to check in on her myself. She's always been there for me. I'm sure you'd do the same for your mom."

Of course she would. This was the tender side of him Cassie loved. She perched next to him on the bed. "You mentioned your old business?"

"Yep, I need to make sure my men did the work I paid them to do. I left a few tools with them, too, and I want them back. I'll only be gone a week, and then I won't have to go back again…unless of course I take you with me to introduce you as my wife."

Her throat constricted. He kept tossing wife around with much more ease than he should. True, she loved him, but things were so tumultuous. Evan would definitely have to make the changes he promised before she even considered marriage. "When will you leave?" Her avoidance evident, she steered the conversation in a new direction.

"I figured to go on Friday. Is that a problem?"

She shrugged. "I don't believe so. We don't have any other plans, do we?"

"Not this weekend, but when I get back, I want you and me to get away for a few days. I think we deserve a break. Would you like that, baby girl?"

"Do you really think that's a good idea? You have so much going on."

"You let me worry about that. I'm going to make reservations for us in Vegas. You, me, a big suite, swimming, eating, and…." He gave her a suggestive wink that finished the sentence perfectly.

"Hmm, that does sound nice. I can't miss work right now because Takeda's on the warpath, but we could leave on Friday evening and stay the weekend."

"What's up the boss's butt this time?"

"The state is doing an office audit, and he wants all hands on deck."

"Then we'll do exactly as you said. We'll have two glorious days of just you and me. Well, a day and a half, really, but I'll take care of everything. All you have to do is decide what to pack."

He gathered her in a hug and pulled her backward onto the bed. She giggled when he buried his face in the hollow of her neck and peppered her throat with butterfly kisses. "Oh, Evan, stop." His soft breath against her skin raised goose flesh on her arms.

He trailed kisses along her shoulder while his fingers fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. When the first was undone, his lips moved to the crest of her breast. One hand worked with her bra clasps and undid them. Her nipples hardened in anticipation, and as if reading her mind, he drew one rosy peak into his mouth. Cassie held her breath, loving the moment, and wanting more. Sex wasn't the lure as much as feeling desired after so long.

Driven by passion, she unfastened his belt buckle then attacked the buttons on his jeans. She longed for the ease of a zipper, but worked diligently to free him of the pants that confined his bulging manhood. If Evan was going to be gone for a week, she planned to have her fill of him before he left. Reaching inside his boxers, she grasped the width of him and delighted in his moan.

Taking the lead, Cassie rolled Evan onto his back and straddled him. She cast him a provocative look while her fingers undid each shirt button. With his chest fully exposed, Cass reciprocated the homage he'd paid her by swirling her tongue around each furry nipple and playfully nipping at his tanned skin. Her need to feel more than his erection pulsing against her clothing fueled her playful antics.

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