Embezzled Love (12 page)

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Authors: Ginger Simpson

BOOK: Embezzled Love
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More relaxed in pink sweats, Cass walked to the kitchen window. Her mouth curled into a smile, watching Evan put each stone in its precise place. The beauty he so easily perceived still evaded her, and she shook her head at the devastation. What choice did she have but to trust him?

Her rumbling stomach drove her to the refrigerator. Evan would be in soon, and probably hungry, although she wasn't in the mood to cook. There wasn't much in the fridge other than leftovers, and she decided the spaghetti could be transformed into a meal with the minimal effort of adding a salad and some French bread.

As she finished setting the table with candles and wine glasses, Evan entered, shedding his dirty work boots at the door. His bare chest inflated with a big breath. "Something smells good."

She gestured toward his chair. "Voila! Ambiance, vino, and instant leftovers."

"Whatever it is, it smells wonderful. I'm going to wash up. Back in a flash."

Cassie dished the spaghetti into a bowl, poured the wine and sat. As an afterthought, she rose and turned off the lights. The flickering candles lent the romantic touch she sought.

"Ouch!" Evan yelped.

Cassie hurried to the hallway. "What happened?"

"I ran into the door jamb. What happened to the lights? Did you forget to pay the electric bill?"

"I'm sorry." She grinned. "I was trying to add a little atmosphere to the left-over spaghetti."

He rubbed his forehead, and apparent even in the dim candlelight, his boyish grin let her know he wasn't too upset. Following her into the kitchen, he gave her a playful pat, then like a true gentleman, pulled out her chair before taking his own seat.

Evan started to fill his own plate, but paused and offered her the first serving. Cassie obliged, taking only a small portion. The French bread looked much more appealing, and the crisp salad called her name.

Her fork to her mouth, Evan lifted his wine glass. "A toast to my beautiful baby girl, my new business partner, and hopefully, someday, my wife."

She gulped. Wife? It was far too soon to for a declaration like that. They hadn't even discussed marriage. Instead of a rebuttal, she forced a smile and raised her own glass, clinked the delicate crystal against his, and took a huge swallow of white zinfandel.

During dinner, Evan chattered about business plans and his pending project in the back yard, the dreams he hoped to achieve, and the success they were bound to enjoy. Cassie's mind drifted to scary images of her in a bridal gown at their backyard wedding among mounds of dirt and throngs of guests all dressed in police uniforms.

"Cass?" Evan's voice summoned her from the nightmare.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked what color you'd like me to paint the bridge."

She fluttered her lips with a loud breath. "Color? I don't have a clue. I'm not a paint connoisseur, why don't you decide? Whatever you pick is fine with me."

"Good. I was thinking the same color as the house siding would be nice."

"Um huh." Cassie crammed her mouth full of lettuce.

Evan scraped his plate, moving the last bit of spaghetti into a pile, then like a true Italian, twirled the strands around his fork. He washed the food down with the remaining wine in his glass, and then patted his stomach. "That was delicious. Thank you."

He shared the chore of cleaning up, him clearing the table while she loaded the dishwasher. With the last dirty utensil inside, Cassie spun the knob and started the machine. "That didn't take long. I'm going to take a shower. Would you like to join me?"

"You go ahead. I have a few phone calls to make."

Her mouth gaped, but she reminded herself he was excited at being at the helm of a brand new business. Unfamiliar with him rejecting her, she nursed her wounded ego and started upstairs. "Don't stay up too late," she called over her shoulder. Showering alone wasn't part of her plan.

Evan's muffled conversation carried to the top of the landing. What phone call was so important he'd choose talking over sex? Although the urge to listen in on the upstairs extension gripped her, Cassie went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The warm water did little to suppress her curiosity.






Chapter Fourteen


Another stack littered the kitchen counter. Cassie scooped up the mail and carried it to her desk. She'd just left work and the last thing she wanted to do was plant herself back in an office chair, but if she didn't tend to the postal avalanche, she was bound to be swallowed by it.

Outside, the hired men were busy, but Evan wasn't around. She figured he was probably picking up supplies and incurring more charges. Her shoulders tensed. No one put a gun to her head when he'd mentioned a mutual business.

 She grabbed the first envelope, then gripping a letter opener, she braved the contents. When she unfolded the extracted sheet, her eyes widened at the bill for two thousand dollars. Itemization showed the charges for rock, sand and equipment rental. Funny, when she considered being part of Evan's venture, she hadn't given thought to the expense.

After the whole pile had shifted to the other side of her desk, Cassie lowered her head into her hands, moaning at the amount of debt. Everything purchased tied into the backyard project, and she'd given Evan the 'go ahead.' Sort of.

 Hearing the back door close, she turned toward the kitchen. "Evan, is that you?"

"Yep, just gettin' something to drink."

"Can you come here, please?"

He appeared in the doorway, overwhelming her with his masculine and rugged look in faded blue jeans, denim shirt unbuttoned to the waist, and his baseball cap expertly arced to shade those dazzling blue eyes. She forgot what she planned to say.

"Well?" He leaned against the jamb.

Money became the last thing on her mind. "Oh…I just finished going through the mail and noticed the backyard improvements are getting a little costly."

He removed his cap and splayed his fingers through his flattened hair. "Don't you fret about the money. I've been out drumming up some business." He produced a paper from his back pocket, held it out, and smiled. "Our very first contract."

Cassie took the sheet and read it. He'd sold a large landscaping job, complete with brick barbeque, sod, and some additional cement work. Speechless for a moment and her mouth gaping, she glanced up. "Wow, you can do all this?"

"Of course, I can do anything. Well, almost. What I can't, we'll sub-contract."

She couldn't grasp the concept. "I have no idea how things are going to work. I'm smart, but I've never run a business before."

Evan knelt before her. "Like I told you, leave everything to me. Being in charge is what I do best."

Her elbow disturbed the stacked bills, sent them toppling and reminded her of her greatest concern. "What about cash flow? I make a good wage, but I can't handle thousands of dollars at a time."

"Everything will work out. Trust me. We have to make bills to buy the goods we need, but I collect half the money at the signing of the contract and the other upon completion. I realize you're feeling overwhelmed, so this should help." He handed her a check and stretched to give her a peck on the cheek. As he stood, his knees popped.

A glance at the check brought instant relief—two thousand dollars. She looked up and smiled. "This makes me feel better. I was close to a panic attack, wondering how we were going to pay all these." She motioned to the bills.

"Don't worry, purdy gal. You do the paperwork, and I'll see to the jobs, do the work, and keep the money rollin' in. Now, how about you and I go upstairs and tend to business of a more personal nature?" He dropped an eyelid in a playful wink.


* * *


Cassie lay next to Evan and gazed at the ceiling. His heavy breathing slowed as hers did. The feel of his caresses still lingered on her breasts, while her nether region finally relaxed from the orgasmic contractions. His lovemaking satisfied her soul.

Rolling to face him, Cassie twined her fingers through the soft fur matting his chest and nestled her head on his shoulder. Her cheek adhered to his damp skin. His eyes closed beneath a brow beaded with sweat.

"Hey, cowboy, are you going to fall asleep on me?"

"Hmmm," he murmured. "You sapped me dry."

She chuckled and rolled away. "Well then, I'm going to take a shower."

He reeled her back. "Would you like some company?"

"Sure, c'mon." Cassie scrambled off the bed, but old-fashioned modesty deemed she wrap her bathrobe around her nudity before she hurried into the bathroom.

As soon as the water warmed, Cassie stepped inside. Evan slid open the door, and she moved aside to give him room. He entered and ducked his head beneath the showerhead, letting the water trickle down his face. His handsome profile renewed her internal warmth, and she thanked her lucky stars she'd taken a chance on joining a dating site.

She rubbed the soap between her palms until bubbles formed, then lathered Evan's broad back. His muscles contracted beneath her touch, and he moaned. "Ohhh, that feels almost as good as sex."

"Well, now it's your turn." She handed him the bar. "One good back wash deserves another."

He batted water from his lashes and grinned. 'I'd much rather wash your front."

Despite the heat rising in her cheeks, her checked emotions renewed. A moment ago, she'd been spent, but now she craved his touch, his kiss. Warm water drizzling between their molded bodies further ignited her passion. Rivulets ran between her breasts and trickled down her stomach. He lapped the liquid from her chest, teasing her nipples and splaying his fingers through her pubic hair. Despite her attempt to foster his arousal by grinding against his hand and kissing his ear, evidence of his renewed desire didn't develop.

Evan pulled away, his eyes dulled with an apologetic look. "I guess I already gave you my all."

She understood and nuzzled his neck. "Don't feel bad, sweetheart. I think we both expected too much, considering we just had fantastic sex in the bedroom."

"But, I don't want to disappoint you."


Evan stole the words from her mouth by dropping to his knees. She threw her head back and held her breath as he sought the bud of her womanhood and found it. With lips firmly latched, he suckled the strength from her, turning her legs so weak they barely supported her weight. She clung to the walls until her trembling body could stand unaided.

Evan rose and pushed his sodden hair out of his eyes. A 'Cheshire cat' smile appeared on his face. "How about ordering a pizza? I'm starved."

While Evan dried off, she soaped herself and rinsed. Stepping from the shower, she stood on legs still wobbly from Evan's oral ministrations, and peered into the mirror. Her reflection resembled that of a drowned rat, but her complexion sparkled with an afterglow caused only by sex. She suppressed a chuckle at Evan's ability to move from an extremely romantic moment to a sudden desire for pizza. He was quite a guy…in more ways than one.

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of her own hunger. Maybe pizza wasn't such a bad idea. In the bedroom, Evan's voice sounded on the phone, placing an order for delivery.






Chapter Fifteen


Cassie's office phone rang and she answered.

"Ms. Fremont?" A strange voice inquired. "This is Guila from Unity Bank. We received your application for a credit card, but some information is missing on the form. I need to confirm a few things before I submit the paperwork for approval."

Unity Bank? Cassie had no knowledge of applying there or anywhere for that matter. "When did you receive the application?"


Her immediate suspicion: Evan. But why did he apply in her name? "Guila, I don't recall submitting an application, but I have a new business partner who might have. Is there a business listed somewhere?"

"Actually, there is. You're listed as the CEO of C&E Designs and the main applicant."

Thankfully, the woman couldn't see the embarrassment flaming Cassie's cheeks. Some CEO. If Evan respected her supposed position, he would have discussed applying with her before filing the forms. Awkward silence lingered on the phone. She composed herself. "What exactly do you need to know?"

The questions were routine: income, secondary employment, and Cassie responded with the needed answers. The bank representative assured Cassie her application would be approved with a healthy credit line. After thanking her and hanging up, Cassie took deep breaths to ease her ire. She'd talk to Evan about this fiasco as soon as she got home. His behavior was inexcusable.


* * *


"Evan!" Cassie called for him as soon as she walked in the back door. The phone call from the bank had occupied her mind all day, and she needed to talk to him about it and any other surprises that might surface.

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