Embrace Me (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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Shall I fax these over now, Shannon, or did you want to check them first?” Grace called at my do
or, waving the contracts in the air.

No, you can fax them. I trust you,” I smiled.

Are you sure you’re alright, Shannon?” she asked warily. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I had three weeks—only three weeks until my new life began.

I’m fine,” I smiled nervously.

Did you and Charlie have a fight?”

I laughed a little. Charlie was the only thing holding me together at the moment. “No, I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

Oh, I get it. It’s three weeks until…” Grace trailed off. I nodded, looking back down at my pile of papers.

Half an hour later, I heard a soft tap at my door. I looked up, expecting to see Grace, but my heart fluttered as I saw a pair of blue-green eyes watching me.

Charlie!” I beamed, standing up to greet him with a soft kiss. “What are you doing here?”

I’m here to take you to lunch, of course.”

I have so much to do. I don’t think…”

No excuses. Get your coat, it’s cold outside,” Charlie interrupted, running his hand down my back. I gave in, rolling my eyes at him. How could I refuse his face? I mean, he
travel across town just to take me to lunch.

As we rolled up outside the restaurant, I studied him. Something was going on, and Charlie could tell I was working it out.

Shannon, please. Your mother and I just want to talk to you about Texas,” he complained, getting out of his car.

I knew it!” I yelled. “When did you and my mother suddenly start talking again? I thought she was still angry with you?” I glared.

Do you realise how beautiful you are when you frown?” Charlie smirked, walking into my mother’s favourite restaurant simply because it was the most expensive in New York.

Don’t even try that one, Mr. Collins,” I smirked.

Mr. Collins?” Charlie touched his chest, pretending to be offended. “Are you that cross with me?”

That depends,” I replied, walking into the restaurant and seeing my mother already sat at her favourite table.

On what?” he whispered, placing his arm around my waist.

On if this was my mother’s idea or yours.”

All your mother’s,” he breathed against my neck just before we reached the table.

Chapter Eight

I sat watching them both, wondering who was going to speak first. It was clear that my mother was still angry with Charlie, as she shot him a cold glare when their eyes met.

Hello, Mother,” I smiled, sitting next to her. “This is a wonderful surprise.”

Hello, Lizzie.” My mother sipped her wine before adding, “Hello, Charles.”

Come on, then, it’s clear you both have something you want to say to me,” I moaned when I became annoyed with the silence a few minutes later.

My mother sighed, looking at me in exasperation. “We need to talk about Texas.” I rolled my eyes and looked towards Charlie.

You need to listen to your mother, Shan.” He took my hand in his. “Texas is a really good idea.”

But we will be so far apart,” I whispered.

I will come and see you every weekend, and it will only be for a few months.”

But it’s Texas!” I added.

Lizzie, my ranch isn’t some ruin. I wouldn’t even want to put a price on it now. It’s priceless.”

I didn’t mean to be rude,” I replied to her, “but if my identity is coming out, why bother to hide? I thought you wanted people to know who I was.”

My mother touched my face. “Lizzie, this is about your safety. When the world learns I have a weakness, it will make you an easy target. I have to know that you are safe, and Charlie wants the same thing. Neither of us ever want to lose you again.”

It was difficult to look into their pleading eyes and not realise what they were trying to say to me. I knew they were only thinking about my safety. It was time to stop being so stubborn.

If I agree to go to Texas, what would that mean?” I almost whispered.

It would just be a long holiday,” my mother beamed, “and it would only be until things settle down.”

I turned to Charlie, who was smiling nervously at me. It can’t have been easy for him, knowing we would be separated for a short time. “And you promise every weekend you can, you’ll come to Texas?” I asked him.

Nothing would keep me away, Shan,” he whispered, taking my hand in his. “It won’t be that different from when I was working in Canada.”

I sighed, looking between my mother and Charlie. “Okay, I will go to Texas, but on one condition.” They both widened their eyes at me, silently urging me to carry on. “You two have to get over this silly argument about marriage. I will be marrying Charlie one day, Mother. I just want some time to get used to my new life first. Do I make myself clear?”

That’s fine by me,” Charlie smiled. “Jennet, I am sorry if I offended you, but it was only because I love Shannon so much and wanted her to understand that I wasn’t going anywhere. I realize why it upset you, and I apologise for that.”

No, Charlie, I should be apologising. Without you, I would have never found my daughter again. No mother could ever be as proud as I am to have you as a son-in-law one day,” my mother beamed. I could tell Charlie was flattered by her words.

Well, I guess I am going to have to buy a cowgirl hat,” I teased as we settled down for lunch. My mother and Charlie both laughed at my response.

The final details were almost all confirmed. Now that my mother was at Headcom every other week, I worried that everyone knew something big was happening. I was becoming more and more paranoid as each day went by.

Jesus, Shan, relax!” Lorna chuckled in my office one afternoon.

Why does it feel like everyone is watching me?” I questioned, sipping my Starbucks coffee.

No one is watching you yet, but wait until they know who you really are. Everyone will want to be your new best friend once they do,” Lorna teased.

Thank God I am going to Texas then,” I breathed.

I can’t believe you are wimping out.”

At least I can trust you and Grace to run things here until I get back,” I commented.

You shouldn’t be running in the first place.”

Tell that to my mother and Charlie.”

I think the press will have a field day when you go into hiding. Your mother is only fuelling the fire.”

I don’t know if you are right, but I do know it will get messy. I will be a target once my identity comes out. I am the only heir to all of this.” I waved my hands up in the air, trying encompass everything around me, but still I found it all so hard to believe.

Everyone is going to wish they were you,” Lorna smiled.

No, everyone is going to want to get their hands on her for a profit!” My mother’s voice came from my door.

Ms. Downing, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you today,” Lorna replied, getting up and taking her coat.

Can you leave us for a moment please, Lorna?” my mother asked. Lorna simply nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

This is a nice surprise,” I beamed.

Shannon, Maisy Field has been kidnapped,” my mother blurted out, clearly stressed.

What?” I replied, my whole body numb. The thought of little Maisy Field all alone and scared upset me more than I thought it could, but I had watched her turn into a beautiful young lady in the five years I had been friends with Megan.

My lawyer informed me today. The Fields believe she was taken by a well-established crime ring. I thought you would want to know.”

What will happen to her?”

I have no idea. The Fields will have to pay a ransom and hope they get her back.”

Are you saying the kidnappers might not give her up?”

That depends on the kidnappers. Some would just take her deeper underground for more money.”

How did they take her? There is always security around her and Megan.”

Someone broke into the apartment.”

The apartment in London?” I was too stunned for words as my mother nodded. “How is that even possible? It was the penthouse!”

People will do anything for that level of money. I suspect someone was paid off to gain access into the penthouse.” My mother sat down on the leather couch in the far corner of my office. “Do you understand now why I am so scared for you? Can you see just how easy it is for someone to disappear?” My mother put her face in her hands. “I’m not sure going public is the best thing, Shannon. All it will do is put you in danger, but I have no choice now—the ball has already started rolling. Too many people know about you in the company, so it isn’t something that will stay a secret for long if we decide not to go ahead.”

Mum,” I replied, kneeling in front of her. “It will be fine. I will be in Texas, and you have at least five security men following me already. I don’t think anyone could get near me even if they tried.”

Am I bad person for opening you up to all this?” my mother whispered. Her emerald eyes were piercing my own.

No, this is my life now. I
to be a Downing.” I smiled, believing wholeheartedly in my words. “It’s who I am.”

I have never wanted anything more than you, my Lizzie,” my mother sobbed as a single tear fell down her face. I had never seen her so weak before, and it scared me to imagine just what she would give up if I was in danger. I wasn’t sure the Fields would give up as much for poor Maisy.

We are in this together,” I whispered. “You and me.”

You sound like your father,” she said as she smiled weakly. I took comfort in that. I knew my father had been a gentle, caring man who my mother had loved dearly.

So when do we sign the papers?” I smiled.

Next Monday. All the lawyers will be there, as well as all the directors. Everything will become official.” My mother smiled, touching my check. “My beautiful baby girl will rise from the ashes.”

I grinned, trying to get my head around everything. Was it really just days away? My old life already seemed like a fading memory, and soon I would be saying goodbye to it forever. My life would never be the same again. And now I had the fear for poor Maisy Field, too. If they took her, did that mean they could come after me next?

Slow down, Shan,” Charlie laughed as I downed another vodka and coke. “At least let the rest of us catch up with you.”

I think she is feeling it tonight,” Lorna replied, sipping her cocktail.

It’s a big thing,” Grace added. “Shannon is allowed to be nervous.”

I think I’m more than nervous,” I whispered, calling the bartender over with my hand for another drink.

Charlie pulled my hand down. “Slow down,” he whispered firmly.

Just one more. I will drink this one slower, I promise,” I begged. Charlie looked deep into my eyes and finally gave in, calling the bartender over himself.

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