Embrace Me (20 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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She was already in the conference room with a handful of people when I got there. I was led through the back of house areas of the hotel to get to her. Frank thought it was the safest way.

Shannon, thank God!” My mother pulled me into a tight embrace, and I could feel her fear as it rippled through her body. “I’m sorry about that. The press has outdone themselves this time.”

Don’t worry. I have to get used to it, remember?” I grimaced. “Frank did an amazing job.”

Thank you, Frank,” she glared. That was as good as a compliment coming from her. Frank nodded and went to check over the room, positioning his men around the perimeter.

Shannon, this is our guest speaker, Dr. Lawson.” My mother gestured towards a pale, frail looking man in a well-fitted blue suit. “He is leading our research with the oil replacement.”

Wonderful to meet you, Dr. Lawson,” I smiled, shaking his hand.

Why, Jennet, she is a mirror image of you,” Dr. Lawson beamed. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Shannon. Jennet has told me so much about you.”

Come on, Lawson. Let’s get this presentation finished before people begin to arrive.” My mother winked at me as she led him away.

I heard you had a bit of a battle getting here today,” a deep voice chuckled from behind me. I froze for a second, not knowing how to react now that I knew Mac was Charlie’s older brother. “Shannon, are you alright?” Mac asked, touching my arm.

I finally turned to face him. Was it strange that I could see a small part of Charlie in his eyes or was I just looking too hard? “Hi, Mac. Sorry, it’s been a really weird day with seeing all those people outside.”

Do you want a drink or something? A coffee might help with your nerves.”

No,” I forced a smile. “I’m starting to calm down now.”

It’s difficult, isn’t it?” he whispered, moving closer towards me. I flinched slightly.

What is?”

Adjusting to all of this,” Mac said as he gestured around the room. “It’s not easy when you’ve grown up around it, but to walk into this the way you have…it must be difficult to get your head around.”

I’ve known for over a year, Mac.” I didn’t want him to think he knew what I was feeling.

Yeah, but you haven’t lived the life yet, Shannon. Trust me, it will test you…and Charlie.” He was searching deep into my eyes as he spoke.

Charlie and I can get through anything. You have no idea what we’ve already overcome,” I whispered, pulling away from his eyes.

Money changes people.”

Not me.”

How can you know that?” he mused.

Mac, you have no idea about the bond Charlie and I have, so just leave it,” I glared.

I’m not judging you or trying to interfere. The two of you interest me, that’s all.”

We interest you?!” I yelled. It was more like Mac wanted to use me to get to Charlie. He had no idea I already knew what he was after; his brother. I was relieved, to be honest, that it wasn’t me he was after. Charlie and I had already done all that with Will Field.

It was a compliment, Shannon. I can see Charlie really loves you. I know I get slated as the love rat, but I guess I’m jealous. I want a love like yours.” I stood there with my mouth wide open. Harry Mac wanted to find love? Now I knew I must have been dreaming. “Don’t look so surprised,” he laughed. “Love is what makes the world go ’round, you know.”

You surprise me, Harry Mac.” I grinned before taking my place for the business conference. Mac smiled and nodded as he took the seat next to me.

What?” he sniggered at my glare. There were plenty of other seats to choose from. Why did he have to pick the one next to me? “Your mother told me to sit next to you.”

She would,” I groaned. “The press will love it.”

According to them, we will be having an affair in a few weeks.”

Don’t joke. I have no idea where they get half of their stories from.”

You are such a worrier,” he chuckled. I couldn’t help but slap him on the arm. The timing was completely wrong, because Rachel walked in just then, glaring daggers at Mac and me. “Don’t worry about Rachel. She really hated my father,” he whispered a little too close to my ear.

I did wonder,” I whispered, turning away from him before I gave anything away.

All eyes were on me as the room filled with employees. Lorna came near the front with Grace, giving me the thumbs up. The rest of the afternoon was easy—all I did was listen to the public speakers and my mother talk about her plans for the future. Downing International was growing from day to day, and it frightened me that I would be running all of it at some point.

After the conference, my mother invited a few select employees to a champagne buffet in the meeting room next door. I was passed around from person to person like a rare diamond, simply to be admired by everyone, it seemed. I was slowly losing my patience; I didn’t even have a name to half of these people…I was just Jennet Downing’s long lost daughter.

Breathe, Shan,” Lorna muttered as she walked past me, touching my arm.

Help me,” I whispered.

Sorry, no can do. Grace and I have to mingle—orders from your mother.”

Great,” I muttered as Lorna crossed the room.

How is it going, Darling?” my mother asked as she came up behind me a few minutes later.

Fine, but I have no idea who half of these people are,” I replied, picking up a glass of champagne as the waiter wandered by.

Lizzie, some of these people have come halfway around the world to meet you. A little appreciation would be appropriate.”

It’s just been a long day,” I smiled weakly.

But I thought you wanted to be in New York? I mean, that’s all you’ve gone on about in Texas.”

I do. I’m just adjusting. Today was a little crazy. Not even Megan Field gets greetings like I did from the press this afternoon.”

Well, of course you would, Dear. The Fields aren’t a patch on us, and that goes for beauty, as well. Megan is nothing compared to you, which is why—” My mother put her hand over her mouth mid-sentence.

Why, what?” I glared.

No, it’s a surprise. You’ll find out tomorrow.”

Why don’t I like the sound of this?” I replied, sipping my drink.

What would you say if it involved Charlie?”

My face lit up and my heart leapt just at the sound of his name. “You have to tell me now,” I begged. “Please? Does it involve me getting to see him?”

You will have to wait and see.” She smiled before kissing my cheek. “But it may involve a trip to London,” she whispered before she walked off to greet some more guests.

If I hadn’t been in a crowded room, I would have jumped up and down, screaming in excitement, but I had to regain my control. My mother had done this for me, so I could not let her down today. I dragged all my enthusiasm back to the surface and pulled off a performance my mother was proud of as I mingled with all our guests.

One thing kept me going through the endless questions and glares, and that was

I knew Rachel had been waiting all evening to get me alone. Every time Mac got too close, she would create a barrier between the two of us. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was worried I would tell Mac I knew his secret, or if she actually thought he was trying to pursue me. The latter idea upset me. Surely she knew how much Charlie meant to me?

I never thought I would get you alone.” Rachel came over to me as guests began to exit the room.

I am so talked out,” I sighed. “I have never spoken to so many different people in the space of a few hours before.”

Your mother is so proud. She’s talking to the press now.”


Rachel laughed at me. “She does make them worse, I swear.”

It’s probably her giving them the ideas for their silly stories.”

Don’t say that, Shannon. Your mother would be really upset to hear that,” Rachel muttered. “Mothers will do
to protect their children.”

Even lie to them,” I glared. “You
going to tell him when he returns from London, aren’t you, Rachel?”

You’ve left me no choice.”

It’s not about a choice. Charlie has the right to know.”

You and Mac looked friendly earlier.” I looked at her, hoping she wasn’t trying to imply what I thought she was. “You need to be careful around Harry Mac, Shannon. He’s a dangerous man.”

Who happens to be Charlie’s brother,” I whispered. “Look, Rachel, I know what you are trying to say, but the only thing I care about in all of this is Charlie.”

Are you saying I don’t? Shannon, all my life I have been trying to protect him from the truth.”

What’s so wrong with the truth?”

He was unwanted, Shannon. His father asked me to get rid of him.”

He’s not unwanted now. Charlie is strong…he’ll be able to cope,” I replied. “And you
tell him, otherwise I will.”

I wasn’t prepared to carry on lying to Charlie. Once we were together again, he would be able to read me like a book. I had no idea how he would deal with this sort of news, but Charlie was an amazing man. Honestly, I felt a little envious that he had a brother—that was the one thing I knew I would never have. It made me happy to know Charlie had that chance, though, if he wanted it.

I was bouncing in my seat, looking out the window of our private jet.

Well, at least I can imagine what you were like as a child,” my mother chuckled.

I can see London through the clouds!” I screeched.

I’m glad you are happy, Darling.”

Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.”

Oh, I think I have an idea,” she smiled.

Once we landed, I tapped my hand impatiently against the jet’s door, waiting for it to open. When it finally did, my heart raced ahead of my body as Charlie stood on the tarmac, waiting for me in all his perfection.

I pushed past the cabin crew and flew into his waiting arms. My own wrapped around his neck as our lips crashed together with urgency. Had it really only been four weeks since I last saw him?

Hello, Sweetheart,” he muttered against my cheek. “Surprise!”

I can’t believe you managed to persuade my mother to bring me here,” I replied in between kisses. He tasted so good; I actually couldn’t keep my lips off him.

Well, it was the thought of you in our bed all alone that drove me insane. I had to see you; I couldn’t wait a moment longer,” Charlie beamed, running his hands through my hair. “Shannon, you get more beautiful by the day. I swear you do. I’ve missed you so much.” I blushed, kissing him again.

My mother had booked Charlie and me into a five star hotel in central London. She made her excuses as we pulled up in the car, and before I knew it, Charlie and I were alone in the grand suite of the hotel.

I had no idea why I was suddenly nervous as Charlie stood watching me with a breathtaking smile on his face.

How did it go in New York?” he asked, walking towards me slowly.

Pretty scary. There was a big turnout waiting for me,” I replied as he pulled me into his arms. I was on fire as his hands glided down my back, and all I wanted right now was to be naked in his arms. My body was yearning for it so much it actually hurt.

My mother told me about that. You were amazing, I heard.” Charlie kissed down my neck and I shuddered in pleasure. At any moment, I was going to explode with lust.

It was good getting off the ranch,” I whispered. I was finding it difficult to speak as his hands glided over my clothes, slowly stripping them piece by piece.

I have missed you so much. I am going to have to make sweet love to you for hours until I get my fill of you, Miss Downing,” he whispered as his hands removed my shirt. That was the point I actually exploded as he took me to the depths of heaven with each touch.

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