Embrace Me (18 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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You have got to stop carrying this guilt around. What they did to you was disgusting. They have brought all of this on themselves.”

Easy, Lorna. I know how protective you get over me,” I teased with a smile.

Not half as much as Charlie. God, you should have seen him when he was trying to get to Field Island to save you. Seriously, move over Superman. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for you,” Lorna giggled. “He scared the shit out of me and Brad at one point.”

Really? Why?” I asked, intrigued.

He was talking about never having anyone in his life as important as you, and that he couldn’t live with himself if he failed to save you.” Lorna put her hand over her heart. “He was like the modern day Romeo, I swear. Mind you, Brad can be just as sweet.” I looked at her closely. “In a more manly way, of course,” she laughed.

Are you saying Charlie isn’t manly? Because I can assure you…”

Okay, I don’t need to hear all the ins and outs. I just meant that Charlie is more in touch with his feelings,” Lorna interrupted.

Does Brad have feelings about things other than sports?” I teased.

Bitch,” Lorna smiled.

God, just listen to you two,” Grace laughed. “It’s like watching a tennis match.”

I wish you two were back in New York. I never get this banter at work anymore,” Lorna sighed.

You can always email me,” I smirked.

It’s not the same.”

We will be back in a few months.”

You better be,” she warned.

What is so wrong with Texas anyway?” Grace crossed her arms as she looked at us. “I mean, I was raised here.”

Nothing is wrong with it, Grace,” Lorna replied. “It’s just a little too tame for Shannon these days—being the daughter of a billionaire and all.”

What are you girls rambling on about?” Bradley asked as he walked in, wrapping his arms around Lorna’s waist. “I swear you three could gossip more than journalists.”

That’s harsh, Brad,” I replied.

But true,” he beamed like a Cheshire cat at me. “Come on, Baby. We really need to go. The car is waiting,” he said to Lorna. “We will see you guys soon.”

Grace and I waved the lovebirds off and then set about our daily routine.

So, did you see much of Danny at the party?” I asked while we were going over last week’s budget. It was the only thing I really did at the moment that had to do with the company. Number crunching wasn’t my favourite thing and Grace knew it.

You really hate doing the budget, don’t you?” she smiled.

Is it that obvious?”

Yeah, but I think there is something else. You seem really distant today.”

I’ve got a lot on my mind,” I sighed, pulling the papers closer to me. Grace knew me pretty well, which, at this moment in time wasn’t the best thing.

Does it have something to do with Mac?” Grace watched my reaction and her eyes widened. “Crap, it is to do with Mac.”

No…no…really, it’s not!” I screeched when I realised she might have gotten the wrong idea, but that reaction made her even more alarmed.

Shannon, what about Charlie? He loves you so much. It will break his heart.”

It’s nothing like that, Grace! Trust me—you have the wrong idea,” I laughed nervously. “Nothing in my world means more to me than Charlie.”

Grace put her hand on her chest. “You scared me for a moment.”

I am finding it hard to be away from Charlie, and well, Mac is just an ass that wants to get into every girl’s pants. I can handle that, though.”

I thought Charlie was going to hit him when he saw you two dancing at the party,” she grinned

Charlie has too much control for that,” I smiled.

You are lucky to be so in love that you know what your future holds,” Grace sighed.

Is Danny not the one then?” I asked with a smirk.

That’s the problem. I think he is, but he doesn’t want to leave Texas. He loves it here, while I want the adventure and bright lights,” she sighed.

Trust me, Grace, if it is meant to be, love will find a way. It’s all about fate. I believe we are all destined for one love…we just have to keep our eyes open so we don’t miss them or the opportunity.”

You really are a hopeless romantic, aren’t you?” Grace giggled.

I sure am,” I smiled as we carried on with the figures even though my whole body just wanted to crumple to the ground.

At some point, I would need to face the mess in my head—just not today.

Chapter Thirteen

I had been in the shower for what seemed like hours. So many thoughts were rushing around my head. The hot water jets massaged my neck as I stood there letting the water wash over me while calming my nerves.

I knew I had to talk to Rachel, but where did I start? Was it really any of my business? When it came to Charlie, it
my business. No matter what had gone on in the past with Rachel and Charlie’s father, Charlie had the right to know he had a brother.

The steam created a thick blanket in the bathroom. I had to wipe the condensation from the mirror before I looked at myself. How had things gotten to this point? Why did I have to overhear the fight with Mac and Rachel? Was God punishing me for being too happy?

I got dressed in a daze. I knew my mother and Rachel were leaving for Russia today, so I couldn’t put it off any longer.

I found Rachel reading the paper in the main kitchen area, so I took a deep breath before joining her at the table.

Shannon, I haven’t seen you in a few days,” Rachel smiled, putting the paper down. “Charlie said you weren’t feeling too good. How are you now?”

I’m better, thank you,” I smiled. How was I going to begin?

Is something wrong?” she asked, watching me closely.

Rachel, I don’t know where to start,” I whispered, taking her hand in mine.

Is it Charlie? I…”

Charlie is fine,” I interrupted. “I heard the fight you had with Mac at the party. I
, Rachel.”  

What are you talking about?” she chuckled, pulling her hand away while shrugging off my comment.

Is Mac really Charlie’s brother?”

Rachel snapped her head at me in utter shock. “How do you…?” she couldn’t finish her words as tears swelled in her eyes.

I told you, I heard the fight. You were lucky Charlie didn’t.”

Shit,” she muttered to herself. It was really unlike Rachel to swear—completely out of character for her.

He needs to know, Rachel,” I whispered, putting my hand on her shoulder.

No he doesn’t!” she screeched, pulling away from me. “Please promise me you won’t tell him. It will
him to know that I have lied to him all these years.”

You can’t ask me to do that. I can’t hide something like that from him,” I replied sadly. “You have to tell him.”

I can’t. He will hate me. Everything I told him about his father was a lie. How do you think he will feel when he learns he was a stupid, unwanted mistake?” My heart ached for Charlie having to come to terms with it, but I would help him every step of the way. I’d spent the last twenty years of my life thinking exactly that.

It could be worse if Mac tells him first,” I commented.

Mac wouldn’t dare. He knows Charlie would never believe him, anyway.”

Has Mac always known?” I asked, remembering the hostility she constantly had towards Mac.

No. He only found out when his parents died. His wonderful father left the news in his will.” Rachel rolled her eyes. “Even in death, that man is still ruining my life.”

Charlie will come around. You know you can’t hide this, though, Rachel. I mean…he has a

I need time, Shannon, please. I know I am asking too much, but I need to get the timing right. He is working in London on the biggest contract of his life. I can’t drop that bombshell on him right now. Just imagine what it would do to him and his career?” Rachel had a point, but it hurt knowing that I would have to spend the next few months lying to him. “Please, Shannon, all I’m asking is for a little more time.”

As soon as Charlie is finished in London, you need to tell him or I
,” I replied firmly.

That’s only fair,” she smiled sadly. “I’m sorry to bring you into all of this.”

I’m not happy about this,” I sighed. “I never wanted to keep anything from Charlie. I hope you realise what you are asking of me.”

I’m so sorry. You have enough going on without me adding to it,” Rachel muttered solemnly.

It wasn’t going to get any easier over the next few months, but as long as I knew Charlie would hear the truth in the end, I would try to live with the guilt.

Rachel was right. It was all about timing. Charlie was in the middle of the bigge
st project of his career—now wasn’t the time to tell him. Although it ripped at the core of my heart to lie, I was doing this for him. I was only delaying the hurt for a little while so he could concentrate on his career.

I found a familiar envelope at my door a few days later and sighed happily. It had been a while since Charlie had sent me a letter, and they still sent lightning bolts to my heart.



Was reading this poem and thought of you. I miss you.



Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her
by Christopher Brennan

I love you now until I die.

For I must love because I live

And life in me is what you give.


I love you

Notice Me xxxx



I would never get bored of his words or how he always managed to find the perfect poem or quote to express
his love. It just hurt that at this moment in time, I didn’t deserve them. I was lying to him and it destroyed me.

You’re getting pretty good at that,” Frank laughed as he watched me hit one of the cans with my stone.

Well, I’ve had a lot of practice,” I smiled, throwing another stone that skimmed over the top of the remaining can.

Is Grace with Danny?”

Where else?” I smiled.

We need to go over the procedures for New York next week,” he replied, crossing his arms.

God, I can’t wait to do some actual work,” I sighed.

It’s going to be crazy. The press got wind that you are going, so it will be a battle to get you there in one piece.”

I’m sure you can handle it, Frank,” I teased. “Look how well you coped at the party. There was no trouble at all.”

That’s what you think,” he mumbled to himself. “Your mother invited half of New York and expected me to be happy about it. Doesn’t she realise the dangers of inviting these people into her own home? Anything could have happened.”

But it didn’t. My mother trusts you with her life…and so do I.”

Thank you. That means a lot,” Frank said with a smile before strolling off.

I could hardly control the excitement of being able to go to New York for the weekend—to be able to work from my own office—I had almost forgotten what colour the walls were.

I had sent a few emails over to Charlie, but he was knee deep in work with Straton. I knew he wouldn’t be able surprise me in New York, as much as I wanted him to.

Grace and I took the private jet. I was practically bouncing in the seat with excitement.

Do you think Frank will let us go to a bar tonight with Lorna?” I asked Grace.

No he will not! Your mother has given me orders!” Frank commented before Grace even had the chance to speak.

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