Embrace the Wind

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Authors: Caris Roane

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Dear Reader

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Thank you!

About the Author








By Caris Roane Copyright © 2015 by Twin Bridges Creations LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced in whole or in part, scanned, photocopied, recorded, distributed in any printed or electronic form, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Formatting and cover by Bella Media Management.

Dear Reader, Welcome to the seventh installment of the Blood Rose Series, EMBRACE THE WIND. In this book, Mastyr Zane joins forces with a powerful shifter, Olivia, to destroy an enemy encampment. Having lost his wife five years earlier, Zane doesn’t want a woman in his life. Being half-human, Olivia has never belonged anywhere. Can these two build a life together?

A powerful mastyr vampire, with a surly temper, meets his match in a beautiful half-human shifter who challenges him at every turn…

Mastyr Vampire Zane didn’t want another woman in his life not after the dreaded Invictus killed his wife five years ago. He serves Swanicott Realm, the land he rules, and doesn’t want anything to interfere with his war against the enemy. But when he’s captured by the evil Margetta, only one woman can save him, a shifter with unusual powers to track him and to provide him with special protection. But will his sudden unexpected desire for the shifter, shake his commitment to go it alone?

Olivia has always lived as an outsider. Being half-human, she never really belonged anywhere. Growing up as a fur-sprouting shifter in the U.S. made her an easy target. When she finally moved to Swanicott to be with her kind, suddenly she’s tracking a mastyr vampire and falling hard for the man. Except for a need to jump his bones, she has no reason to align herself with a surly warrior type. But can she find a place in her new world by getting involved with a vampire?


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Now Available: RAPTURE’S EDGE 1 AWAKENING, the continuing saga of the Guardians of Ascension, featuring Duncan and Rachel. He’s a warrior to the bone, but she only wants peace! Check out RAPTURE’S EDGE on my website.

Coming Soon: Book #8, Mastyr Ian’s story:

Also Coming Soon: Episode #2 of
more of the continuing saga of the Guardians of Ascension

Be sure to check out the Blood Rose Tales Box Set –
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-- shorter works for a quick, sexy, satisfying read. For more information:


Zane held the tall fae woman in his arms.

“Thank you,” he whispered. He had her pressed up against the bathroom wall, door locked. She was breathing hard.

So was he.

She’d offered her body and donated from her vein as well, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember her name. It had become a pattern of his in recent months to seek out willing females from those who frequented the Elf Lords Hideaway. The infamous biker bar had a cross-section of shifters, vampires, trolls, and the occasional fae who all had one thing in common; a love of riding.

Having his blood needs taken care of helped. A little. He suffered from the results of chronic blood starvation, as all mastyr vampires did. Which meant he was still left with the usual stomach cramping, just less intense because of the woman’s donation.

He leaned his forehead against hers. He’d gotten them both off, but he felt like shit.

She’d been willing, of course. He made sure his
knew the score going in. And he always took care of the woman. But lately his soul felt crushed each time he took a woman like this. It was no different now.

“Thank you,” he said again, just to make sure she knew he appreciated her sacrifice.

She had her hands clasped behind his neck and a loose, satisfied look in her eye. “You’re welcome, mastyr. Anytime. Really.” Her smile widened. “And my name is Jewel.”

She was a lovely fae woman, who liked her men on the rough side. She released her hold on him, for which he was grateful. “Ask for me again,” she suggested with a smile. She started buttoning up her leather vest.

“I will.” Not likely, though it wasn’t personal. Jewel – so that was her name – seemed nice enough, someone he might even have dated at one time.

He didn’t date now. Hadn’t for the past five years. Not once since his wife, Emily, had been killed by the Invictus.

Damn, he was still raw from the loss, destroyed in ways he didn’t understand. For one thing, he doubted he’d ever marry again. For another, he was always mad when he thought about his wife. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to get past his rage.

He’d wanted to have a family with Emily, but she hadn’t. She took terrible risks by going out alone to deserted places to paint, always against his advice. They argued every morning at dawn when he came home from Guard duty. He’d loved her, but they’d been oil and water.

Then one day, after returning from battling Invictus all night, he found a pool of blood on his kitchen floor and no sign of his wife.

Crushed was the right word.

He left Jewel in the bathroom to pull down her short denim skirt and do whatever else a woman did after hot, quick sex in a public place.

He headed into the men’s room, took a pee, and tried not to feel like the ass-end of hell.

These days, he made war against the Invictus and not much else. All the mastyrs of the Nine Realms were engaged in the exact same way, battling the Ancient Fae and her army of vicious, bonded wraith pairs. The woman wanted to rule their world and was coming damn close to achieving her ambitions.

His realm, Swanicott, suffered almost constant Invictus intrusions every night so that his Vampire Guard was in a worn out state as were his Shifter and Troll Brigades.

He left the bathroom. The rough boards of the bar creaked beneath his leather hip boots and two-eighty frame. He was taller than most mastyrs since he topped out just shy of six-seven.

The place smelled of beer, whisky, and good times. Something out of Nashville played on the radio, crusty and gut-wrenching. He was at home here, having a proclivity for hard-drinking women and bar fights.

Lately, he’d been doing a lot of the latter. He’d gotten into the bad habit of letting his starvation run way too long between feedings, which tended to ramp up his already surly temper. He needed to stop that shit, but he wasn’t sure how. Ever since Mastyr Malik had hooked up with his blood rose, a woman designed to ease the pain of a mastyr’s starvation forever, Zane had been irritable as hell.

He didn’t want a blood rose of his own; he wouldn’t know what to do with her even if she happened to come along. And he sure as hell didn’t want that kind of intimacy with another woman. His difficult marriage had finished off any desire to pursue another relationship.

Now that his stomach had settled into a series of dull cramps instead of the knife-like pangs he’d been experiencing, he headed to the door. Time to resume his duties as Mastyr of Swanicott and kick some Invictus wraith-pair butt.

He gave a shout to the bar-owner, a lovely troll named Heather, bidding her good-night. The entire room shouted back, a friendly well-wishing that made him smile.

He pushed the door open and a string of bells jingled, an odd sound for a place full of tattoos and hardass.

Outside, the air was cool and fresh. He took a deep breath, his gaze moving in a swift arc over the dark green house opposite, the red and gold autumn forest on either side, then up and down the street.

He saw no sign of the Invictus, no tell-tale red wind in the trees that would announce their presence.

All clear.

The Elf Lords Hideaway was located way off the main drag of a small town called Barker’s Bend, not far from the beach. There was a row of houses to the north of the bar and a three-office strip center to the south. The latter was a sad affair housing a tattoo parlor, a hair salon that advertised something called glitter nails, and a liquor store that was robbed about once a week.

After a moment of taking it all in, he relaxed a little.

Harleys were lined up one after the other in front of the bar. He’d owned at least a dozen in the last couple of years alone and now rode a Valkyrie just to mix things up. Though vampires might be good at flying, sometimes there was nothing better than wheels on the road.

He never kept his bikes long, not so much by design as happenstance. He rode everywhere, but when he was called away by his Communication Center to do battle, he often had to fly off, leaving his motorcycle wherever he happened to be.

His realm had an abundance of sneaky forest gremlins and those bastards didn’t hesitate to steal anything not chained to a cement slab, including his abandoned bikes.

Mounting his street-facing Valkyrie, he was about to fire her up when a chill ran across his shoulders. He had a sudden and profound sensation he was being watched.

Letting his arms fall to his sides, he once more extended his senses and made another pass visually up and down the street.

His gaze became stuck on the small house opposite, with dark green shingles on the exterior walls. No lights were on and he saw no one moving around inside. But he would swear someone was there, watching him.

A breeze rustled the fall leaves, whipping a few up into the air then bringing them down to roll along the street. He loved this time of year. The air was crisp and clean. Rains came often now, adding the occasional snow flurry, reminding the inhabitants winter was on the way.

Finally, he turned the key. The deep rumble of the machine, with vibrations that got his juices flowing, eased him all over.

Just before he took off, however, a familiar sensation crept over him. Besides the sense that he was being watched, his gut told him that forces in his realm were winding up for a show-down. And he asked the question that had been on his mind since returning to Swanicott: Was his enemy, Margetta, the Ancient Fae, already in his realm?


Olivia Hart, half-human, half-shifter, stood on the porch of her small Swanicott home, sniffing the air. She knew full well Mastyr Zane had just had sex and that the same woman had fed him as well.

Some aberrant part of her growled at the thought of the unknown female having her paws all over the man. But her rational mind repressed the odd, possessive sensation; Zane belonged to no woman and hadn’t since the supposed attack on his wife a few years back.

Though there was absolutely no reason why she should have a claim on him, she growled anyway.

Apparently, the shifter part of her had long since decided Zane was her pack, a man she needed to protect, a man she belonged to. So, it was hard not to feel a need to rip his donors to shreds, especially when they’d spread their legs for him.

At least he looked a lot better than when he’d gone into the Elf Lords Hideaway, but still not great. He had a constant pained expression between his brows because of his chronic blood starvation. Most mastyr vampires did. It was a terrible curse for these men that when each gained a phenomenal amount of power, their ability to be satiated by the average woman’s blood, disappeared.

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