Embrace the Wind (4 page)

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Authors: Caris Roane

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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Who sent you?
he asked.

No one. I saw you were in trouble, so I came after you.

Okay, I don’t know how that’s possible, but do you know what happened in Britchett Falls? Because
I only saw the advance of a dozen Invictus pairs. The rest is murky.

The wolf’s fur rippled, a shudder maybe.
I don’t know. As soon as I saw the arrival of that last group of Invictus pairs, I left.

So, you were in Britchett Falls as well?

Not exactly. Are you in much pain?

I hurt like hell. As you can see, Margetta used a whip.

Memories returned to Zane suddenly, of being in the northern city. Sweet Goddess, all those Invictus pairs had surrounded him. But a mist had flowed through the streets and right afterward, he’d lost consciousness. He couldn’t believe he was still alive.

Now I remember,
he said.
Margetta used her mist on me. Several of the Invictus pairs fell unconscious at the same time. But seconds later I was bound and flown here, wherever the hell this is.

He forced himself to sit up, but pain flashed through him so hard that for a moment he couldn’t breathe. He focused on his self-healing and in quick stages the pain began to diminish as the cuts started to seal up.

His Guard coat was nowhere to be seen.

He stared down at the wolf. She lay panting, her muzzle lifted expectantly, green eyes alert. He had so many questions about who she was, but those would have to wait.

He continued with telepathy.
Do you know where we are? Which part of the realm?

The Dead Zone near Angler’s Cliff.

He nodded, turning to look through the canvas flaps.
What’s going on out there?

A major celebration because Margetta has you captive.

Well, we need to change that. But how the hell have I not known this camp was here?

It’s hidden behind a powerful fae spell at least a hundred yards in height.

He turned once more to stare at the wolf who rose up and began pacing back and forth.
How did you get into the camp, then?
No shifter he knew could jump that high.

If wolves could smile, the woman called Olivia was smiling.
I leaped. It’s sort of a gift.

This wouldn’t even compute inside his head. What shifter could clear an obstacle one-hundred-yards high?
And no one saw you?

Olivia shook her muzzle and for a moment everything just stopped. He was looking at a wolf, but he thought he’d never seen a more beautiful creature in his life. He felt almost compelled to cross to her and run his hand over her head and down her back.

But it would have been completely inappropriate, so he stayed put.

I was on the porch,
she sent.

He shook his head.
What do you mean?

Earlier. The green house in Barker’s Bend. I think you knew I was there, that you sensed I was watching you.

He nodded slowly.
You’re right. I could feel your eyes on me. But I don’t understand. Why couldn’t I see you?

Better if I show you. I call it a cloak, not having a better term.
He watched her slowly begin to disappear, her chest first, her back end, her front shoulders and legs and finally her head.

He drew in a soft surprised breath.
What the holy fuck are you?

Not sure, but this is how we’re getting out. I can cover you as well, although you’ll have to be close to me for it to work.

Zane moved in her direction but brought his hands into two tight fists since that same compulsion to touch her returned, sharper now. But the last thing he wanted was to frighten her off.

In the distance, he heard Margetta call out, “Bring the prisoner to me.”

Whatever you’re going to do, Olivia, better do it fast.

And just like that, he felt a vibration rise up his legs and over the rest of his body so that the moment two of the guards entered the tent, he was no longer visible to them; her cloak had worked.

One of the guards backed out quickly, shouting the alarm. “The prisoner has escaped.” The second guard shook his head and left as well.

Zane gestured to Olivia with a forward wave of his hand. She paced right next to him as he simply followed after the last guard, then dipped beneath the tent ropes, the wolf with him. He began working his way carefully through the ensuing chaos, avoiding collisions with the Invictus pairs running in their direction.

Eventually, he made his way to the far eastern side of the camp, stunned that he was completely invisible to the Invictus.

He breathed easier once he was at least a hundred feet away from the chaotic search going on near the tent he’d so recently occupied.

When he’d moved a good distance beyond the last row of empty tents, Olivia telepathically told him to stop, that they’d reached the spelled wall.

Where is it?
he asked.
All I see is a rocky landscape that goes on for miles in the direction of the Arundel Mountains.

Stretch out your right hand, but not too hard. It will feel like a wall.

He did as she suggested so that the next moment he was touching the spell.
This is like stone. If I’d been running, I would have crashed into it.


But Margetta’s spell set his nerves to crawling. The ancient fae had so much power.

How do you want to do this?
he asked.

You’ll need to levitate, which means you’ll have to hold me in your arms if you want to remain cloaked. But that’s up to you. I know you could fly out of here quickly enough, maybe even without setting up an alarm and having the entire camp after you in the air. And I’m sure I can bound out of the camp. It’s your call.

He didn’t have to think twice.
We go together.

Then I’ll change to my shifter form because I’ll be easier for you to hold than if I remain in my wolf form. Agreed?

Sounds like a solid plan. Go ahead and shift.

Over the course of his life, Zane had seen thousands of shifts, but for some reason this one cast a spell over him.

What emerged out of silvery fur was a tall woman, with flowing blond hair and large green eyes surrounded by thick dark lashes. She wore jeans and a low cut, light blue t-shirt so that not only was her cleavage on display, but a companion silver ruff of fur as well, which set off the swell of her breasts.

The compulsion to touch her returned. Her fur was a draw like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

Her waist narrowed as full hips blossomed, and for a moment all he wanted to do was plant his hands on her ass and pull her against him. A strange sensation began to swirl through him, of a lust and need so profound that once more his lungs wouldn’t work properly.

She then bared her teeth in the way of a shifter who was also in need.

A scent came to him of an edgy cinnamon spice, and the more he smelled it, the more he wanted this woman, needed her.

He dipped his face so that he could sniff her neck. Sweet Goddess, her blood smelled of the same spice. He slid an arm around her waist and began licking her throat.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he needed to leave Margetta’s camp, but he was completely captivated by the scent of the woman’s blood.

Yes, Zane, please, take what you need. Take your fill. It will heal you. And my cloak will keep us safe while you drink.

Before he knew what he was doing, he bit her with his fangs and began to suck down her blood.





More fire.

And he was hard as a rock and only a few seconds had passed.

He wanted this woman under him.

Take us out of here while you drink,
she pathed to his mind
. I’ll guide you.

He slid an arm around her bottom and pinned her against him. With one hand, she cupped the back of his neck to keep his mouth fixed to her throat. Needing to avoid the wounds on his back, she used her free hand to take hold of his arm, gripping him tight.

He began to levitate straight up while he suckled at her vein.

Keep going, Mastyr. You’re doing fine. Oh, God, I love that you’re drinking from me. I knew I wanted this, but I didn’t think it would feel so incredible.

Your blood is firing me up, Olivia. By all the Elf Lords, I’ve never tasted anything like this. Holy fucking shit.



Olivia smiled blissfully as Mastyr Zane suckled at her throat and drank her down. What she didn’t understand was her desperate compulsion to feed him like this. He’d used a donor less than two hours ago at the Elf Lords Hideaway. Yet the moment he’d drawn close, all the desire she’d felt for him over the past nine months rained down on her like a thunder storm.

Despite her raging desire, she forced herself to focus on guiding him out of the camp. He sucked hard at her neck as he levitated. His free hand was pressed up against her bottom, and she could feel his arousal, which in turn made her weak with answering need.

She held him tight, though careful not to hurt his healing wounds.

The camp was now about seventy-five yards below them so she had a solid bird’s eye view.
Keep going,
she sent telepathically.

Which part?
Oh, God, his voice sounded incredibly deep even within her mind. He continued,
The levitation or sucking your throat?

Both. Damn, that feels good Mastyr. Can you get us somewhere private for a few minutes? I’ll let you do other things, if you want.

Hell, yeah. If you can keep us cloaked, I’ll take us down to the beach about thirty miles south. I know a spot.

Good. But maybe you should stop and take a look at the spell. We’ve breached the top and I want to know if you can see it.

I don’t want to let go of your vein.

Hey, don’t worry,
she said
. I’ll feed you again. But have a look.

He caught the bottom of her feet with his boot so she could stand on something firm. She kept one arm pinned around his neck, as he drew away just enough to be able to see the rim of the spell.
There. The top is right in front of you. Can you see it?

No. I don’t see a damn thing, just some low hills in the distance and a lot of stars.

All right.
Apparently, the gift to see Margetta’s fae spell belonged only to her.
Go ahead and rise about ten more feet.

He moved swiftly now that he wasn’t busy at her neck.

We’re well above the top, but take us slowly to the east. We wouldn’t want to crash into the spell in case for some reason I can’t see an invisible upper portion.

Will do.
He moved forward slowly and she pushed against the air in an attempt to detect something she couldn’t see. But she’d been right, the spell only went so far.
We’re good.

When he’d flown them twenty yards away, she told him to turn around and look back. “Do you see the camp?”

He turned her in the air once more. “I don’t see anything but stars and distant land.”

“It’s all there. Want to go back for a look-see, a little reconnaissance?”

“No, I don’t think so. Margetta might be able to track us or even see both of us, then we’d be in deep shit.”

“You’re right.”

“Hold on, Olivia. I’m heading to the beach now. It’ll be a quick trip.”

He drew her against him, and she held him tight, her gaze facing forward.

She couldn’t believe she was in Zane’s arms and the way the man smelled, like the wind blowing over seaside grasses. She drank it in and the wolf in her loved it, craved it.

Fur remained on her hands and chest. While he flew, she used the back of her fingers to stroke his cheek to let him feel what she’d sprouted. She knew what she wanted from him right now and she didn’t even care if it was a one-time thing or not.

This was Zane, the man she’d tracked for months, ever since she first saw him at the Elf Lords Hideaway. She’d been attracted to him from the first, but right now, desire boiled in her veins. She needed to be with him, connected to him, and she wanted him to feed again while he was buried between her legs.

She slipped into telepathy.
Will you take from my vein again?

He squeezed her waist with his hand.
Nothing could stop me. I feel fired up and I’m healing faster than ever. You have power, Olivia, more than I’ve seen in another Realm woman in a long time.
He paused, then,
We’re almost there.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief.
Her body felt wound up so tight she was ready to fly off into outer space.

She didn’t exactly understand what was happening between them, but her wolf did and she was letting the shifter part of her take the lead. Shifters by nature – at least according to everything she’d read – needed physical release in every possible way, whether battling for pack order, or taking off for long runs across the countryside, or the pleasure of sex.

She’d been starved most of her life as a result of her separation from the shifter world, which sort of explained why she had only one intention right now.

He flew over what proved to be a tall, seaside cliff, dropping them down to a beautiful beach. Because she’d been tracking him as long as she had, she knew he hadn’t been in this location once during the past nine months. She kept her cloak tight, however, covering them both just in case Invictus happened to catch them unawares.

The beach was curved, leading to a series of rocks that jutted out of the ocean to the south. The white sand glittered in the moonlight.

As he set her down, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

Her fingers landed on his bare arms, now fully healed, so that she was touching what she’d been lusting after all this time.

Zane had a magnificent body. He was lean and so muscled that her mouth watered.

She drew back slightly, shifting to kiss his bicep. He flexed for her, and without thinking, she opened her mouth wide and bit the tough mound of muscle, holding onto his flesh.

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