Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)
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He’d hoped to find a nice relationship with Monique, but it had all been forced. Not real. For both of them, although she wouldn’t admit it right now. She wanted more of him than he could offer. And she didn’t satisfy any of his desires, even sexually.

Only weeks ago, Siena had entered his life and knocked him off balance. She was doing
the same thing with the town. Thinking outside the box, throwing them off balance. She was such a fiery spirit, he’d been drawn to her from the beginning, unable or unwilling to resist her when they were young -- and now that they had some years of experience, he found her even more irresistible.

She was smart and sassy with a giant heap of confidence. He just couldn’t stay away from her, even when a loud voice in his head kept saying she was trouble, that she would upset his well-planned world. But, he would risk it. And that was another strange feeling for him to have. He’d always been so careful and driven by his own stubborn ego. He would not be like his aggressive father or his long-suffering mother. He would take his own stand in the middle.

Zach drove down by the far side of the bay, beyond the old fish warehouse. The walls of the buildings creaked noisily in the wind and the shutters were long gone. The dock was unstable and unsafe, and a few boards dangled by a nail or two, ready to drop with the next storm. It occurred to him that the structure probably should be torn down, for safety’s sake. He’d have to check on the ownership and get that process going.

he wrecks of several old fishing boats lay grounded with one side exposed. There was a special one. 
Wrecks. Relics. Remnants of abandoned lives,
he thought

He stopped, cut the motor, sat there for a
scant moment, wondering if this was the right thing to do or if it would ruin everything between him and Siena. But they were here and he needed her to know, to understand him. So he got off the seat and helped Siena get her footing in the snow. Why had she worn those freakin’ high-heeled boots?

They walked along the shore and stopped by the oldest, most timeworn wreck. He looked at it for a long time. "That’s my dad’s
boat. It washed ashore empty, and we knew we’d lost him because he’d never leave it. Never. And here you can see why so many people won’t accept those damn mermaids as anything but bad." On the bow of the wrecked boat was the faded and chipped carving of a mermaid. Barely visible was the name,
Sea Siren

Siena wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his chest. "Oh Zach, I’m so sorry.
That he lived his life this way and that you lost him so young. But it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Certainly not yours. And not… the mermaid's."

"Yeah, I know." His words came slowly, thoughtfully. "He was drunk. Always drunk. That's why I should have been with him. Afterward, we all needed someone to blame. This damned mermaid was right there, guiding him. He was the only fisherman to have a freakin' mermaid on the bow. The men laughed and teased him. It was stupid, like he was defying fate."

"It wasn't your job to save him. You were just a kid. Let go of it, Zach. He was your father, but he isn’t you. Let him go."

He shuddered, loving what she said. Loving her. But resisting everything.  "Oh God, Siena, I just can’t."


Chapter Thirteen


Siena returned home understanding more than ever about this man who had always thrilled and intrigued her. Now there was even more mystique about him. He was trapped by his huge ugly past. It seemed that he had devoted his life to compensating for his father’s sins. But she knew he couldn’t fix the past and it would destroy him if he didn’t let go.
She tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.

Zach dropped her off at
Amazing Lace
saying he had business out of town. He’d see her later. She felt it was another put-off, to avoid further clashing with her.

"Let's keep it like this, Siena. Just you and me, like always. And don't talk about this again. You can't possibly know what I'm going through."

"I can try. Do you understand where I'm coming from? My dilemma?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Going against the establishment here is brutal."

"Is that why you don't?"

"I see both sides. And how to get things done."

"For you. But not for me."

He paused and kissed her lightly on the lips and whispered, "Love," and he was gone, roaring down the road, spraying snow.

Siena touched her lips. They tingled where he'd kissed her. Actually, her whole body tingled when he'd whispered
. Did he really mean that? Did she?

After he left, she sat cross-legged on the shop counter
, talking to Venus. "I probably don’t have a chance in hell." She paused when the curious cats joined her, probably hoping for more lobster treats. "I just can’t stop now. Zach has to fight his battles and I have mine.

"Damn it – I want to do this,
want to have my own business. I need it. Everyone does, at one point or another. I’ll go down fighting, even without Zach’s support. He didn’t like my little plan. He thinks I’m crazy. It's clear that he won't support salvaging the mermaids. But they’re not the biggest problem. What happened with his father was terrible. And he hasn’t come to terms with it yet. In all these many years. It's still holding him back."  

The cats watched her silently. They hopped up on the counter and rubbed against her. Finally one said, "Me-ow."

"Hi kitty-kitties. You happy to see me?" She reached out to pet each one. "I’m glad someone is."

The shop door rattled and opened. "Hey Siena, who are you talking to?"

Siena smiled and motioned. "Hi Zoey, come on in. It's just Harry and Sally. We’re turning into best buds. They’ve finally let me pet them."

"You aren't becoming the lonely cat lady, are you? Where is everybody?"
Zoey walked in carrying snowshoes.

"Initially I wanted to find homes for them. Now, I kinda like them. They listen without
comment. They don't even object to my crazy ideas."

"Maybe they want you to hang around longer."

"I'm all they have." Siena shrugged. "I want to thank you for the Valentine's Day party. It was a great success, although the Lacy Ladies will probably be busy the rest of the year filling Heart's Desire pillow orders."

"I told you I could sell anything online. What's next? My brother’s in a sweat and the town’s a-twitter about you."

Siena shook her head. "A bunch of folly about business, that’s all."

"Well, I know that’s not all. Hey, business is what I’m mainly interested in. My mom sent me to talk to you."

"Why?" Siena looked at Zach’s young sister and saw a smart, savvy young woman with beautiful red hair and desperation in her eyes. But would she really get on board Siena's crazy train? 

"Because I have ideas, but nobody listens. Because I don’t
want to be Zach’s little sister or his mayoral assistant. Because if I can’t find some creative and interesting job, I’m out of here, even though Mom wants me to hang around this boring town. Truthfully though, as long as she needs me, I'll stay."

Siena sighed. "I know what you mean. What I’ve decided to do is born of a little desperation along with a ton of determination. Or maybe
it's the opposite. Regardless, I’m going to try to salvage this place. I've decided I want to have my own business, not lighthouses and lobsters. I want to do something wonderful with the beautiful lace. And it’s so out-there, it may fail here in Haven’s Point just on the idea alone."

grinned. "Sounds like my kind of challenge."

"I’d love to hire you
Zoey, but – no money. I don’t even know how I’m going to change out all this stuff and buy new inventory."

"If it doesn’t fly, you can always sell out to Zach." She paused, during which Siena made a grumbling noise. "How about this? I’ll work for you, help you get started. If you can make a profit in six months, fine. Pay me. If not, just give me one of the stained glass mermaids."

"Deal!" Siena raised her hand for a high-five. "But wait, you don’t even know what I’ve got in mind."

about Victoria’s Secret, according to mom. That’s good enough for me."

"Only much better
," Siena countered with growing enthusiasm. "Beautiful but substantial, individually fitted shapewear. Graced with the ever-beautiful and elegant, amazing hand-made, Irish lace." Siena gained enthusiasm as she explained her conversation with the executive team of a cotton mill in South Carolina, desperate for work to keep their mill open. "They’re producing prototypes now. No money up front. Now that's either desperation or a whole lot of trust. I’m very excited about what's happening. I’m changing the name to
Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon
, but the place needs an overhaul, inside and out. And I will definitely be dumping the lobsters and lighthouses."

listened with a gleam of creative genius in her eyes. "You’ll need a website, a Face Book page, and of course, Twitter to drive customers to your blog. And then – "

"Blog? Oh no! Hold on, Ms. Social Media. I can’t do all that. I have a business to
create and run."

patted her heart. "But I can. Or I can show you how to do it quickly and efficiently. Online."

Siena looked away for a long moment, then back to
Zoey. And she burst out laughing. "This is so much easier than trying to explain everything to Zach. You get it. But the real challenge is if you can sell cup huggies!"

"Huh? What’s that?"

"Those damn little coasters the Lacy Ladies crocheted for glasses and cups. Hey, I need all the help I can get with this project. It's huge, almost overwhelming. And if you’re willing, it’s worth a try. If it turns any kind of profit, I'll pay you first. I have great confidence. Look what you did with the Heart's Desire pillows!"

shoved the snowshoes toward Siena. "Let’s take a walk and brainstorm a little. I think better when I'm moving."

Siena grabbed her coat and followed
Zoey out the door. "Let me tell you about the cup huggies. We’ve got a ton of them to sell."

"Sell or give?"

Siena cupped one mittened hand. "Loss leaders. Incentives! Yes!" They high-fived again.


Claire and Danny

What's she up to now? Siena has this wacky-doo idea to turn
Amazing Lace into a lingerie shop. Actually, Addie played with the idea, many years ago. She was a woman ahead of her time. But the men in charge around here went a little bit crazy and hurt her with their sharp words and criticism. I believe Siena is stronger than Addie was, and she has a plan. Maybe it's not such an out-there idea, after all.

Amazing Lace
Lingerie Salon – hmmm, it's got a ring to it.

I'll have to get used to that name and the new store idea.
Like bringing a stranger into the family.

When Danny and I married, we were almost strangers. I called him Mr. Fairchild
for a while. Even though I'd been to bed with the man, I barely knew him. He set me straight. Told me I might be Mrs. Fairchild to the world, but to him, I was his 'darling Claire.' And he was Danny to me.

But I didn't really know what
love meant until he proved how much he loved me.

How did he do that? Why, he
let me go. Free! And I turned right around and chose him.

Oh yes
, I called him Danny, and other sweet, silly names when we were alone.

I wonder if Siena can trust Zach like that. And if he can prove that he's not like all the rest. I think that's what a woman wants
… a man who loves her, but isn't like all the rest. And someone who will let go of control, let her be herself. Let her go. Free!

Here I am, a lonely widow-woman, thinking about love when I should be getting on with the lace. We sold out of our Heart's Desire pillows.
Zoey and George put them online. And they sold out in one day. Is that powerful, or what?

Names are funny things. You have to buy into what they mean.

Claire Cathleen O'Sullivan Fairchild is a name that has power, mainly because I deem it so. Will the new Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon give our lace power again?

Maybe. If we believe. Oh my…


Chapter Fourteen


Later in the week, armed with a bunch of great ideas from
Zoey plus her own dreams, Siena hitched up her bra, zipped up her boots, and headed for the local bank. Filled with high expectations, a promising business plan in her brief case, and a renewed sense of confidence from Zoey, she could only succeed. Even without Zach’s support, she’d take her chances. Besides, this was something for her own self-esteem, something she needed to take care of by herself, for herself.

Her heart fell when she was ushered into the loan specialist’s elegantly appointed office. Hardwood paneling. Original Wyeth paintings. Leather-bound books. Maine art glass. Framed family photos, including a blond beauty that was none other than Monique, daughter of Rich, granddaughter of Walter, ex-girlfriend of Zach. The whole damn bunch was all in the family.

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