Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)
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"We're in," Roberta and Carrie said in unison.

The four of them laughed and high-fived each other, then shared hugs.

Before they left, Roberta added, "The one you should talk with is
Zoey. My darling daughter will love this idea. She knows about design. And computers. And now that she's quit her good job at Town Hall, she will have time to help you. And the new
Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon

Siena felt inspired after the ladies left. She had already spoken with
Zoey, who had ideas for using Face Book and Twitter. Maybe even a You Tube video. What if they could sell beyond their little harbor town, say… to Boston or New York? That would shake Haven's Point to its core and give her all the support she needed to make this work.


When Dana called that evening talking about harmony with Earth and the convergence of energy from the full moon, Siena was impatient, as usual. "We've had snow again. How’s life riding on the back of a hog?"

Dana laughed a lifting sound. "Seeing this beautiful country with a two thousand pound engine between your legs is a real charge. But I’m having a blast. We're heading into Florida, on our way to Key West. Can't wait to blog about Hemingway and the edge of land before swimming to Cuba!"

Siena held her breath. Would Dana actually consider going to Cuba! "No! You wouldn't!"

"Just an expression, baby. It's warm and beautiful
and I'm content right here."

Siena groaned. While she was stuck in winter wonderland surrounded by snow and financial problems, her mother was having a blast, teasing about swimming to Cuba. Yeah, she was jealous. "Dana, have you ever heard anything about the hidden mermaids here in Haven’s Point?"

"The art-glass pictures? Oh baby, I think that’s something you should steer clear of. Caused quite a bit of controversy for Aunt Addie at one time."

"Then you know about Luciano."

There was a pause and a heavy breath from Dana. "Yes, I do."


"So sweet. She claims he was her one true love. But he practically ruined her life."


"You know how artists are. Temperamental and. . ."

"Dana?  What happened?"

"Well, it was embarrassing in those days that he never married her. Eventually she claimed they were married in a secret ceremony. Even took his name. But I think Luciano had big money. He was from Italy or somewhere. And when he left town, he left her there in Haven's Point. You'd think he would have taken her back to Italy with him. Think of it – living in Italy!"

"Well, no
t everyone shares your wanderlust, Dana. You say he was wealthy? Are you sure he just left her? I heard he died unexpectedly. At sea."

"Well, there was talk that he just left and went back to a secret family in Italy. No proof was ever found
either way. I don’t know exactly what happened. But he left her those wild mermaids. And in a fishing town, that's not good news."

"I hear they’re all around town. And some in storage. Maybe they're worth something."

"Honey, sell them if you can. But you'll probably get more for her antiques. Dishes and furniture. I don’t want them, so they’re all yours, baby."

"Um, fine." Siena had a lot on her plate in addition to all of her aunt’s stuff. She had inherited cats and Lacy Ladies. Now antiques and mermaids. She wasn’t sure she wanted this heaping plate of leftovers. The alternative was to consider their marketability. Certainly she and Dana could use the money from a sale if she didn't want the items. 

Dana’s voice dropped a level. "Baby, we have a little issue with uh, the ashes. Aunt Addis' ashes." Dana cleared her throat. "I, uh, well the problem is that Aunt Addie’s friend, Kay, isn’t coming directly back to Haven’s Point right away. She’s going to spend a few months with her daughter in Wisconsin."

"So. . . "

"Well, she doesn't want to take the ashes along. Too depressing, she says."

"Why don't you just go to her friend’s house in Orlando while you're in Florida. And pick them up. Bring them back when you come for the service."

"But I might not, uh, be able to be there in time." Dana was silent for a moment. "You know that having them would be a very hard thing for me to do, Siena."

Siena sighed impatiently. "Just do the hard thing for once, Dana. It’s hard for all of us."

Dana’s voice grew sharp. "Don’t ask me to do this. I just wanted to know where to ship them. Are you going back home? Or staying in Haven's Point?"

"Home is here. I’ve closed the apartment in Boston. Can’t afford to keep it. I put all our stuff in storage."

"Oh. Well, I'll have Kay send them. If you'll be in Haven’s Point for a while, you must like it there."

"I don’t know how long. Maybe just until the reading of the will this summer. It’ll give me time to fix the place up a bit for selling. Or whatever." Now was not the time to discuss plans for a new business with Dana.

"Aunt Addie always said she was leaving everything to you since you’re the wise one."

Siena let her breath out slowly. She wasn’t terribly surprised. Who would leave a business to Dana? Besides, Aunt Addie knew she’d share everything with Dana.

"Okay. I'll have the ashes shipped to you in Haven's Point."

Siena winced at the idea of Aunt Addie's ashes on a Fed Ex truck.
"Damn it, Dana. Do the right thing for once." Then she remembered one more thing. "Uh Dana… I love your blog. I think it's… brilliant."

"Why Siena, thank you. It's the nicest thing you've said to me in a long time. Certainly about my jobs."

"I know. And I'm going to work on that."

"I'll work on it, too. You're my sweet honey-bun. How's that?" She laughed. "Honestly, I think I've found my niche. And I'm building an account in Pay Pal. That's how I get paid. Okay, gotta go. The Keys are calling."

"Be safe. Have fun…"

Siena always felt a spirit-drop after talking to her mother. She walked around and took some deep breaths. She vacillated between being angry at Dana over the ashes; Sad that their relationship could hit bottom
so quickly in a conversation; and proud of the ingenuity of Dana's blog.

Not surprisingly, Dana approved anything Siena wanted to do. She approved because she didn't have to make
any decision. She could just agree with no judgment. Siena fought tears. At that moment, she needed to share her loss, needed to mourn Aunt Addie’s passing with another family member. She needed a mother's opinion of this new business, not just a blanket agreement. She wished her mother would grow up, and be like other mothers. Mature, responsible, and there when Siena needed her, not riding around on a hog with a man half her age, worrying the hell out of her only child.

Siena was simply a woman in need of honest love, whatever the hell that was. She didn't need a roving mother who took no responsibility for anything. Nor a two-timing boss/fiancé. And certainly not an old boyfriend who thought they could just pick up where they left off
years ago. She needed someone who cared about her, for who she was now. Someone to share all this damned unwanted responsibility. Someone who really loved her. And someone she could love right back.


On February 14, the day set aside for valentines and sweethearts, Siena baked her heart out. She made naughty spice cookies decorated with red sprinkles to look like panties and bras. The trick, she discovered, was simply to stamp a heart-shaped cookie in the flattened dough. Decorate the top of the humps with icing to look like a bra. Turn the next cookie upside down and decorate the humps to look like a woman's panty bottom.
Valentine cookies that resemble boobs and butts.

By noon, the place was buzzing. They slogged through snow and ice, a brisk wind, and a forecast for more snow. They drove from neighboring towns. They came in stamping their boots and leaving coats in the entry. They hugged each other and greeted friends they hadn't seen in ages. They
laughed and nibbled at the spicy cookies and sipped rosy sangria and chatted. They loved the naughty cookies and wanted the recipe. Ahhh, success among so many good cooks.

They came for the party and party, they did. All women. Except for George who helped Siena move an antique table downstairs.

Before he could scoot away, one woman pushed a handful of cookies into his hand and another kissed his cheek. He stumbled out, embarrassed to the core.

"Thanks, George. Why don't you stay?" Siena followed him.

"Do you think I'm out of my mind?" He popped a cookie in his mouth and left pronto. Siena wondered if he had looked closely at those naughty cookies. He'd probably be shocked if he knew he had chomped a woman's bottom.

Siena wore her navy leggings with red hearts and a short navy skirt with a color-blocked red and white sweater. She was delighted to see so many people coming to the Valentine's Day party. Amend that to 'so many
at the party'. They were a lovely, chatty group, undoubtedly desperate to socialize. And to be someone's sweetheart.

As soon as she spotted her partner in crime
Zoey, Siena swung open the door and helped carry things inside. "Zo-ey. What. Is. Going On? How did all these people find out about our party?"

glanced around the room until she found the antique table for her laptop. "I see they got the invitation."

"What invitation?" Siena followed with a huge bag
Zoey had given her.

whipped out a flier with hearts and flowers and
Love that Amazing Lace
scrolled boldly across the top. "This one."

Siena scanned it quickly. "What's this? Drawings? Free gifts? Let the amazing magical lace bring you happiness! Have a heart on Valentine's Day!" She looked up. "What?

"Well, you don't expect them to come for nothing, do you? I mean, a party, yes, but give them more. I figured this would be a good time to lighten your unwanted inventory. Like those feather masks. I want to win one of those."

Siena sighed. "And I thought I knew something about marketing."

"I'm learning as we go."
Zoey shook her head. "I tried, but couldn't get Mom to come. I'm so disappointed. I think she would have a good time here."

"Why not? Is she sick?"

"Not really sick. She's feeling ok. Just gets tired easily. But she… she didn't want people seeing her hair, actually that strange wig Zach bought her. She doesn't like people asking questions, you know. She's very shy about everything."

"Poor dear. I understand. But I really wish she
would come and enjoy herself just for a little while."

"She had a hundred excuses, including that Zane might be calling. Hell, I can't beat hearing from her oldest son. However," she lifted the bag, "she made about a gazillion Heart's Desire pillows to sell."

Siena grabbed a couple of the pillows. "Wow. I'll bet she made more than any of the Lacy Ladies. She should win something for that."

"See? You're getting it."
Zoey opened up her laptop and began punching keys. "I'll have this up in no time and then we'll invite the world to our par-tay!" She looked at Siena. "Would you please get George? I want to make sure I'm doing everything right here."

"I don't think I can get him to come back. All these women have him spooked. He grabbed a cookie and ran."

Claire spoke up. "Let me go talk to him. The old coot makes money writing his fool stuff about us aliens from the sea. The least he can do is help with that bloody computer!"

Everyone watched as
Claire puffed out her chest and strode elegantly next door. Siena mouthed softly, "What was that about?"

shrugged. "I think we just saw the power of a Heart's Desire pillow in action."

In a matter of minutes,
Claire returned with George following close behind her. Patiently and entirely focused on the screen, he helped Zoey adjust the site. It only took a few minutes but no one paid much attention because they didn't know what was happening.

Zoey motioned to the crowd. "Come on ladies. See what we've created. George is really a genius with this thing."

Curiously they all gathered behind George and
Zoey and stared at the computer screen. Zoey typed a short message for Twitter. Then she clicked to a different site and sent a photo and message to Facebook.

"What did you say?" someone in the crowd asked.

"I told them there's going to be a virtual party! Check our website." She began clicking again with brief instructions from George.

"It's only a landing page for now," he explained.  "But soon
Amazing Lace
will have a full website."

Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon
," Siena corrected.

"Oh, right," he mumbled.

"But here,"
Zoey said, "customers can see our party atmosphere today and better yet, purchase a Heart's Desire pillow with one click."

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