Embraced by Fire (30 page)

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Authors: Louise Delamore

Tags: #Vampires and Shapeshifters, #Dragons, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Embraced by Fire
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Desperate for distraction, she watched the team quickly go about their business, dealing with this new piece of information and working out what to do next. She couldn’t follow all the chatter, half the words sounded like another language. Ryu and Adrian hung over Spock’s shoulders, watching something on his computer screen, while Delilah, Hass, and Derek talked quietly in the corner.

She’d been wrong to believe in Johnny, was she wrong about Ryu? She stared at his back. Her judgement had been screwy once, could she trust it now?

She watched the quiet camaraderie and respect between him and the other members of his team, and recalled how he’d protected and cared for her since they met. Some of that was his job, true, but the tenderness, and unselfish pleasure he’d shared last night had nothing to do with work.

If she was wrong about Ryu, then she needed to re-evaluate the entirety of her life, because everything in her, right down to her soul, shouted he was the honourable and remarkable man he appeared.

Ryu and Adrian stepped away from Spock, their dark heads together as they spoke in low tones. She couldn’t hear what was being said but she caught flashes of pleasure, anger, and bemusement on Ryu’s face. She debated creeping closer and trying to overhear, but decided that sort of thing was not only obvious, but below her. If there was something she needed to know, she’d have to trust Ryu to tell her. Heck, he’d brought her here. Trust, crazy but true, she trusted him.

There were obviously things he couldn’t tell her because of his job, but when it came to everything else, she relished the chance to learn. She trusted he’d share when he was ready. She glanced over at the two men again. Of course, that didn’t stop her being curious.


“Mac, you got a moment?” Adrian pulled Ryu aside.

Ryu wondered if he was about to get bollocked for bringing Kait to HQ. He prepared a defence as they stepped out of earshot. But when Adrian spoke, his words were completely out of left field.

“I wanted to let you know Neil has been pulled off this assignment.”

“What—why?” Startled, Ryu searched Adrian’s face for clues. Unfortunately, Adrian was adept at hiding his emotions when he wished.

“The Director called me. He was the one who tagged us for this case by the way. He wanted an update.” A crafty look tugged at the corner of Adrian’s eyes and mouth, making Ryu’s eyes narrow.

“Why didn’t the Director call Neil for an update, he’s the project lead?” Ryu asked slowly.

“Turns out we’re not the only ones who find Neil difficult to work with. Not only that, but people in power are asking questions about why this is taking so long. I gather his other projects aren’t glowing examples either.”

“Really.” There was a wealth of curiosity in Ryu voice.

“I let slip I thought Neil had made some errors of judgment regarding surveillance, and he hadn’t taken Kait seriously as a lead, nor looked out for her safety.”

“I still can’t believe he brushed off my concerns.” Ryu shook his head in frustration.

“I did try to tell him otherwise. However, if this works out, you may get a commendation.”

“Me?” Ryu stepped back in surprise. “I haven’t done anything except my job.”

Adrian stepped closer so they could continue to speak in low tones. “That’s what commendations are for, doing a good job.”


“No ‘buts’, I’ve already filed the forms.”

“But you don’t know how this is going to end. Everything could still go tits up.”

“We’ll just have to make sure it doesn’t.” Adrian’s voice said the subject was closed.

Ryu felt a warm swirl of pleasure spiral though him. A commendation. “Thanks.” What else could he say?

Adrian nodded. “There was something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Yes?” Ryu raised an eyebrow.

“I noticed something when Kait arrived, maybe you can explain it to me…”

Uh, oh
. Ryu didn’t know exactly what was coming next, but he knew he wasn’t going to like it. “I’ll try.”

Adrian’s gaze flickered across to Kait then back. “Life-bond.”

Ryu hunched his shoulders as Adrian let the word speak for itself. Damn, how did he explain this? Sleeping with a woman involved in their case, that he was meant to be protecting, it was wrong on so many levels. But to bond as well…He ran his fingers through his hair.

Adrian saved him having to reply immediately. “Does she know what you are?”

Mutely, Ryu shook his head.

“How did this happen? Why now, for goodness’ sake.” Adrian’s eyes were filled with equal measures of annoyance and curiosity as he watched Ryu.

“She was a virgin, I didn’t know,” Ryu muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

“What does that have to do with it?” Adrian’s voice trailed off as realisation dawned. “I’d forgotten. Panthers don’t bond automatically to virgins. Why didn’t you ask her before you did the nasty?”

“For the first time in my life, I forgot.” Ryu glared at Adrian. What did he think, Ryu did this all the time? If that were the case he’d have bonded long ago.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. I just can’t believe you’re bonded. I’m so curious I could gnaw my own paw off, but I won’t ask.”

“That’s lucky, because I wasn’t planning on doing a ‘Dear Playboy’ on this one,” said Ryu acerbically.

Adrian grinned, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. “What are you going to tell her? It’s not only your secrets at stake.”

Ryu’s arms dropped and he stepped closer, his voice lethal. “I would
share secrets that weren’t mine to give, and you damn well know it.”

Adrian grabbed his shoulder. “I know, but it had to be said. You’re going to explain to her what you are, and she’s a smart girl, she’ll have questions.”

Ryu glanced away, anxiety eating his gut.

“You have to tell her. You didn’t plan this but it’s done. Living without a bond-mate is one quick, painful trip to hell.”

“I know. I just haven’t worked out how...this is going to be a mind-twist for her.”

Ryu saw Adrian’s chest surge as he took a deep breath. “This girl will be in your life for a long time, and I don’t intend to lose you out of my team so, if it’ll help, you can tell her what I am.” Adrian squeezed his shoulder before letting go.

“Thank you.” Ryu knew deciding to share their second-selves wasn’t something any shifter took lightly. “And I won’t break team or assignment confidentiality.”

“Will she cope with that? Knowing you have secrets she can never be privy to.”

“Like you said, she’s a smart girl. My not being human is going to be more of a problem. Hell, maybe she won’t want me.”

“No time like the present to find out,” Adrian said decisively, walking toward Kait.

She looked up as they approached. Her smile made Ryu ache to hold her.

“Mac, why don’t you take Kait next door? I’m sure she doesn’t want to crowd in here with us.” Adrian’s words tugged Kait’s attention to his boss.

Taking her elbow, he led her next door, knowing Adrian would give him as much time as he could before calling him back. This was his chance to tell her.
Warning! Here be dragons.
He smiled at his own weak joke.

With luck it wouldn’t be the last time he smiled. He took a deep steady breath. He hoped he had the courage to do this. His eyes darted to her face, and he really hoped she could cope.

He was about to find out.

Chapter 30

“Finally, alone.” Ryu leaned against the closed door, the wood cool against his palms, and swept his hot gaze over her from head to toe.

The t-shirt and sweatpants Delilah had brought fitted her better than his t-shirt, but he felt an odd pang knowing she wasn’t wearing his clothes today. The sight of her wearing his old t-shirt had been unexpectedly endearing. Although, the tighter t-shirt made it clear Delilah hadn’t provided her with a bra.

He banished the image of her breasts exposed to his gaze last night, nipples tight and begging for his mouth. Right now he planned to talk but…she might be a more open to his revelation if he reminded her why she’d slept with him in the first place. If he blurred her mind with passion it could create a buffer. He pushed away from the door. The chemistry between them hadn’t died after last night, if anything it was stronger.

As he closed the distance, he admitted kissing her might be an excuse to delay this discussion. It might also give him the courage he needed to tell her the truth.

He stopped when their bodies touched. Sliding his arms around her waist, he lowered his mouth for a taste. Delicious.

“Ryu, we need to talk,” she said against his lips. He tasted her breath.

Brushing her lips with another kiss, he didn’t move away. “You’re right, we need to talk.” He wondered if she tasted his coffee from earlier the way he tasted hers?

“Soon.” Her tongue flicked against his lips and his body leapt to attention.

He pulled her closer. “Now, in fact.” He ran his lips down her throat.

Her head tipped back. “It’s important.” Closing her eyes, her arms locked around the back of his neck.

“I know, there are things I need to tell you.” He hooked her leg over his hip, and moved his lips up the other side of her throat.

“Last night too much happened.” She broke off on a gasp. “But now…”

“Now we have time,” he whispered against her ear, before taking the lobe into his mouth and sucking gently.

She groaned. “Ryu…we must talk.” Her leg tightened around his waist.

“I know.” His hands tightened on her ass, holding her against him, and he grabbed her lips in another kiss.

He wasn’t sure how long he lost himself in the wonder and delight of her body before finding the strength to drag his lips from hers. The life-bond thrummed, teasing and tempting him to lose himself in her.

“If I don’t stop now, I’ll never stop,” he said.

She kissed her way along his jaw. “Yes, stop now.”

He groaned and cupped her breast. “It’s important we talk.”

She arched into his hand as his thumb rubbed over her nipple. “Can’t talk, can’t think.”

He closed his eyes as the taut peak responded. “There are things you need to know about me.”

“You’re sexy, already know that.” She slid her hand under his t-shirt.

He chuckled, her humour breaking the sensual spell trapping him. “Thanks, but that wasn’t what I was thinking.”

“Very sexy?” She kissed his collarbone.

He unhooked her leg and released her, but quickly grabbed her again when she staggered.

“Sorry, knees all funny.” She smiled crookedly, still dazed by passion.

There was no couch so he led her over to the bed and sat down beside her. “We need to talk.”

“And you think this is the best place?” She gestured to the bed.

He looked longingly at the pillows. “No, but I’ll try to keep my hands to myself.”

“Must you?” She flashed him a naughty grin.

He sighed regretfully. “Sadly, yes. We do need to talk.”

Her expression grew serious. “You’re right. Let’s start with why you got angry last night.”

“Last night.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure how to explain this.”

“Oh, cripes, you’re married.”

“No, I’m not married.” He frowned at her. What kind of man did she think he was? “If anything it’s more complicated than that.”

“You keep saying that—complicated. How complicated can it be?”

“Well, you see—”

Delilah’s distinctive knock cut him off.

“Mac, you in there?”

“Damn,” he muttered under his breath. “Yes, I’m here.” Delilah knew where he was but she was giving them time to get decent if need be. He appreciated her tact. “Come in.”

Delilah poked her head around the door and when she saw they were fully dressed, and the bed unmussed, she came in.

“Sorry to interrupt. We’ve received the GPS route from the phone. Spock has overlaid it on a map, with a few other data points and we need you to look at it. Adrian wouldn’t have sent me to call you except you have a real knack for the aerial stuff.”

Ryu’s fingers curled, damn Delilah’s timing. Could he ask Adrian to wait while he finished talking to Kait? No, unprofessional, besides Adrian wouldn’t have called if he didn’t need him. Frustration replaced the desire burning in his blood.

It was his own fault, if he hadn’t started kissing her they would’ve had time to talk. He hoped when he finally told her, she didn’t hold this delay against him. And he must find time.

Ryu looked at Kait, making sure to catch her eyes. “We’ll talk later.”

She nodded as he stood up.

“I’ll stay with Kait, keep her company,” said Delilah.

“Thanks, Delilah. You’ll be okay here, Kait?”

“I’ll be fine, you go catch the bad guys.” She touched him lightly on the arm.

He reached down and squeezed her hand then headed next door.

Once the door closed behind him, Delilah flopped down on the bed next to Kait. Well, if she’d been any other woman it would have been a flop, Delilah managed to make even flopping graceful.

Kait saw the other woman assessing her appearance. She brushed her fingers lightly over her neck, wondering if her skin was red from stubble-burn, then quickly dropped her hand self-consciously.

She cleared her throat. “So, Delilah, how long have you and Ryu been doing this sort of work?” Forget her neck, she should see this as an opportunity to weasel information about Ryu out of Delilah.

“It’s so weird hearing you call him that. Everyone else calls him Mac.”

reminds me of a hammer,
of a knife, and the man is a knife not a blunt bludgeoning instrument.”

Delilah gave a ripple of laughter. “That is so true, I can’t wait to tell the others.”

“I don’t—”

Delilah waved away her concern. “We’ll all have a laugh, but I’m guessing it won’t take long before everyone is calling him Ryu.”

“I don’t want to make things awkward for him.” She shifted uncomfortably on the floral bedspread, she shouldn’t have tried explaining.

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