Emerald Eyes (36 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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“I know I know, I’m late, I’m sorry.” I smile and sit on the opposite vacant bench.

“Nah it’s ok. Julia is still not here.” Milan waves her hand and leans in to kiss my cheek.

“I just texted her, she’s two minutes away.” Vera says and gives me an awkward hug above the table.

“You, look happy. Like, just
happy.” Milan points her finger at me and smirks.

I glance at Vera and her cheeks are just as red as I imagined.

“I’m not kissing and telling.” I smile and fold my arms over the table.

“You always do! Now spill!” Milan says, mock-shocked.

“Not with this guy.” I shake my head.

“Who is ‘this’ guy?” Vera asks quietly.

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to make a scene. Understood?” I pin Milan with a glare and she nods back with bright eyes.

I expel a long breath, “It’s Mr. Eric Miller, my boss.”

Both their jaws drop at the same time and I have to laugh at that, it’s too damn funny.

“Your boss? But isn’t that against some law or something?” Vera asks.

“No, not really. I mean it’s not the best work ethics but it’s not like it’s set in stone.”

“You. One. Lucky. Bitch.” Milan says shaking her head slightly. “How is he? No no no no…. none of that no kissing and telling bullshit, describe him with three words.” Milan asks then leans in closer as if I’m telling her government secrets.

I think about it for a moment and decide to go with, “Carnal, tender and out-of-this-fucking-world.” I smile when Milan sags back into the bench.

“I hate you…” she mumbles and fans her face with her hand.

Vera and I burst into a fit of laughter then wipe the tears that slipped out from giggling too much.

“Excuse me Miss, there you go.” A waiter wearing all black shows up next to me and slides me a Mojito.

“I didn’t order this.” I look at him, confused.

“I know. The gentleman over there did.”

He waves his hand to the middle of the room and my eyes land on smiling chocolate brown eyes.
I smile tightly and lightly wave at him.

“Please tell him thank you.” I say to the waiter and glance over at the girls.

They’re looking at me perplexed.

“My name is Franco. Are you ready to order?” the waiter asks.

“Not yet, we have another person joining us.” Milan says.

“Very well.” Franco smiles then leaves.

“Who sent you that?” Vera looks at the Mojito like it turned into jar of acid.

I sigh, “Patrick Green. He works for Eric. We all went out to SoFi together when I was in Miami. A few days ago he showed up in the office saying he wants to take me to lunch. Obviously, I declined. I told him I have a boyfriend now.”

“Well, seems like he has a thing for you.” Milan lifts an eyebrow then throws a side-glance in Patrick’s direction.

“He doesn’t have to have a thing for her to send her a drink! He knows her and just wanted to say hi.” Vera says.

“You’re probably right.” I smile at Vera, but Milan decides to educate her a bit.

“If he wanted to say hi, he would’ve just approached our table and said, ‘Hi’ but no, he sent her a drink. That means he wants them to be more than just acquaintances.” Milan says the word acquaintances like it’s a dirty word.

Vera pales and looks at me.

“Don’t worry, honey. I got my out-of-this-fucking-world boyfriend remember?” I wink and she smiles. “Yeah, you do.”

“How do you like Vera’s dress? Valentino, baby.” Milan changes the subject.

Vera is wearing a nude dress with vertical ruffles from collar to hemline and she added a black sash around her waist. So much like her, soft and romantic.

“I love it.” I smile.

“Hey, Girls!” Julia calls us as she makes her way to our table.

I get up to give her a hug.

“Hey there lady, what took you so long to get here?” Milan asks.

Julia sits down then scoots away, giving me some room to sit.

“Traffic, sorry.” She smiles and there is a bright light in her eyes… she looks radiant.

“I have to tell you girls something. But please, no shrieking.” Julia looks around us.

We all agree and before Julia has a chance to say anything, Vera gasps and wide-eyed whispers, “You’re pregnant!”

Six sets of eyes shift to Julia and her only reaction is a nervous giggle.

“No. I am
pregnant. I
engaged.” Julia puts her left hand in the middle of the table.

Vera squeals and jumps up and down her seat, Milan and I gasp and smile at her. Immediately, my arms circle her and I pull her into a tight embrace.

“Congratulations, darling! You and Nick deserve this happiness.” I whisper and kiss her cheek.

I wipe my teary eyes and call the waiter.

Fuck saving, this needs to be celebrated.

“Yes, are we ready to order?” Franco smiles.

“Not yet. Please get us a bottle of champagne, we have a celebration going on.” I say.

Milan takes Julia’s hand while Vera and her examine the ring.

“Which one would you like, Miss?” Franco hands me a list of different champagne bottles.

I scan the list and find the one I want.

“This one, Salon 'Le Mesnil' Brut Blanc de Blancs 1996.” I say and Franco beams at me.

“Right away, Miss.”

“My turn!” I lilt and take Julia’s hand.

I look at Julia’s ring and a wave of fresh happy tears stings my eyes. It’s perfect, just like their love. The cushion diamond is big but not distasteful, surrounded by smaller diamonds that also cover the band.

“Julia, this is beautiful!” I hug her again.

“How did Nick propose?” Vera asks with starry eyes.

Julia laughs lightly then smiles at us. “He took me to that crappy diner in Queens, where we first met. Half way through my pancakes, he gets up and goes down on one knee. I almost choked on my food, I had a full mouth.” She giggles and we join her. “Anyway, he said, ‘Julia Case, you brought me to life when I didn’t know I was dead. You captured my heart when I didn’t know I had one and you bound my soul to yours when I thought I’d never find one. Will you make me yours for the rest of my life? Will you be my wife?’ And of course I was bawling and a quivering mess.” Julia wipes her eyes with her napkin. “But I managed to say yes.” She laughs.

I look over at the girls, Milan has a sweet smile on her face and Vera is crying happily into her napkin.

I look at Julia and see so much happiness in her eyes, so much excitement that she’s glowing with it. It envelops us entirely and we all beam back at her.

“Damn, that Nick knows how to do it.” Milan wipes a stray tear.

“Katya is dating her boss.” Vera mumbles, sniffling.

“You’re what?” Julia turns to me, wide-eyed.

“Umm… well… I’m dating Mr. Miller?” My eyes shoot to Milan for a moment.

“How on earth did you get him to do that? This guy is one of the most untouchable men I know.” Julia looks at me like I just told her I could cure cancer.

“I don’t know, I was just me, oh and I was flirting with him non-stop. Maybe that helped too.” I shrug and Milan bursts into laughter.

Julia shakes her head lightly, “If anyone could tame him, that would be you.”

I smile brightly, “I’ll take that as a compliment, and now let’s look over the menu, I am

When Franco arrives with our champagne we place our orders. We lift our flutes full of bubbly and I begin the toast.

“To Julia and Nick. The best couple I’ve ever known. May you always have each other and always have your ‘happily ever after’.”

“Aaand, may you have lots of steamy sex and don’t become those boring married couples who have sex three times a month!” Milan adds, making Julia snicker and roll her eyes.

“And, may you always make each other happy and have lots of cute babies.” Vera says with big smile.

“Thank you, sweethearts. May all your wishes come true.” Julia looks at us with so much joy, my heart melts into a puddle. We clink our flutes and each of us takes a healthy sip.

“Mmm…. This is so good.” Milan licks her lips and Vera shakes her head.

“You’re making me believe you have a problem with alcohol.” Vera scolds.

“Oh please, I only drink when we go out.” Milan rolls her eyes.

“Which is almost every night, Milan. Try to cut back please.” Vera asks with a soft voice and I give Milan my best scrutinizing stare.

“Fine. Ok, I will… geez. And you, put your kryptonite eyes away.” she looks at me.

“Just looking out for you, Milan. None of us wants to be the one to wash vomit off your hair.” I shrug and they all start laughing in unison.

As we indulged in the delicious dishes that we ordered, our conversation focuses mainly on Julia’s vision for her wedding. We’re all chosen to be her bridesmaids and her oldest friend, Cherri, will be her maid of honor.

“Please tell me we can choose our dresses.” Milan says.

“Of course and no color will be picked, so whatever you girls want.” Julia smiles.

“Oh thank you God! I love you, woman.” Milan clinks her champagne flute with Julia’s.

“Vera, how’s Aiden treating you?” I ask then place a piece of that heavenly Black Cod into my mouth.

Vera smiles shyly and her cheeks turn pink, “He’s great. He treats me like a princess.” She looks at each of us.

“Last night he took me to the Met and we stayed there till closing time. We were just walking around and holding hands.” She inhales softly.

“I’m glad to hear that, because if he wasn’t treating you right, he’d have to answer to all of us.” I look at Milan and Julia and they nod in agreement.

“That’s right, babygirl. We’ve got your back.” Milan winks at Vera.

My clutch vibrates behind my back, pulling my attention to it. I take my phone out and find that Eric has sent me a text message:

Hello my sexy kitten, I hope you’re having fun with the girls. I miss you like an addict misses his drug. You are my drug. Keep Friday free of plans, I got a surprise for you. ;)

My heartbeat quickens and I bite my lower lip to contain the grin that is spreading on my lips. Quickly, I text him back:

I miss you too, tiger. What are you planning?

“Is that, Mr. sex on legs?” Milan asks.

I look up from my phone and smile. “Yep. He’s telling me to keep my Friday clear, that he has a surprise for me.”

“That is so romantic.” Vera smiles.

“Probably going to tie you up and screw you to oblivion.” Milan smirks.

I lift an eyebrow at Milan. “No, this is different. I wonder what he is up to.” I smile.

While my mind works over all the possibilities of what Eric might have planned for me, Milan frowns and mutters something about, ‘you always told me everything’ but I can’t focus on the rest because my phone buzzes again so I look down, finding another text:

If I tell you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. I know you’re a curious little kitty but you’ll just have to wait. Tiger out.

I smile and text him back:

You got it. Can’t wait till Friday… xoxo

I put my phone back and return to my fun dinner. During desert, Julia called Nick to pick her up and we decided to join her. I wasn’t sure if Nick felt like playing chauffeur, but he couldn’t say no to Julia. We split the bill and thank Franco for his superb service, then head downstairs full and happy.

“Katherine.” A rich voice calls me from the bar downstairs.

I turn around and in the sea of people, I find Patrick sitting on a stool, holding a tumble with what looks like whiskey inside.

“It’s that guy!” Vera whispers harshly.

I do have a few questions for Mr. Green. What he told me a few days ago about needing luck and Eric being ‘that’ type of guy has been bothering me, and no matter how much I’ve tried to push it back and ignore it, it’s been festering in my mind like some sort of a plague.

“Go ahead without me girls. I forgot I needed to ask him something.” I smile tightly.

“Ooh, and the plot thickens.” Milan smirks.

“There is nothing going on I swear, it just about work. I’ll get a cab and once I’m home, I’ll text you all. Ok?” I’m hoping they will leave without a fight.

“Are you sure?” Julia looks down at her phone. “Nick is outside.” She looks up at me.

“Oh my God, you girls are exaggerating a bit. I need to ask him a question, not hook-up with him. Bye!” I say and back away from them.

I wave to them and they reluctantly wave back. I mouth ‘Congrats’ to Julia and she smiles brightly at me. I turn around and walk to Patrick, who’s sporting a self-satisfied smile.

“Lose the grin, Mr. Green. I’m here for an answer, nothing more.” I sit on the stool beside him.

Patrick’s eyes harden slightly but he doesn’t lose his victorious smile.

“How may I help you, Miss Slav?” he asks and takes a drink.

I shake my head to the approaching bartender and turn my focus on Patrick.

“I want to know what you meant when you said that Eric was ‘that’ type of guy.” I look into his eyes as his warm, chocolate irises turn into hard onyx.

“Let’s sit over there,” he gestures to the lounge across us. “Too many people here.”

I take a breath and follow him to a free couch. We settle down and I immediately look at him, waiting for an answer. Patrick tips his tumbler all the way, finishing his drink while not taking his eyes off of mine. He puts it down and signals a waiter. Patrick orders another drink, and I try to calm the irritation that is rising inside me.

“Why do you want to know so bad?” he tilts his head to the side.

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