Emerald Fire (11 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

BOOK: Emerald Fire
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In the meantime, he’d head back over to the beach house and try doing a little work. At least, he’d be next door and would know when Sarah arrived home. It was times like this he wished he could transport himself rather than doing everything the old-fashioned way.

The boat was hardly tied off when he jumped ashore and jogged to where his car waited.

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Patience was something that eluded him as he sat in traffic waiting to cross the bridge back to the isle. He played several scenarios through his mind of what he would say to Sarah. He was already aware she was hurt and angry and might not want to see him. Hell, from what Elias had said on the phone, she’d been ready to hand him his ass, and Brock would have let her. He’d fucked up major by walking away without a word, and the worst was he’d unintentionally lied.

He really had meant it when he’d said he would give them a chance, but for some reason, when he’d found out Elias was his competition, he’d felt the lesser man. Again, he’d allowed the past to dictate his life.

Traffic inched forward, and with it, Brock’s resolve intensified. He was done living in the past, and it was time to let Mina go. By moving on with his life, he would also release her to go forward. She didn’t deserve to be stuck here in this existence.

As he drove his car to the other side of the bridge, he realized not only had he left the mainland, but he’d also left his emotional baggage back there, as well. For the first time in over fifty years, he felt as if he could breathe. Expanding his lungs, he sucked in the sea air and expelled a liberating breath.

“Mina, I’m ready to move on. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart, but it’s time to love again.”

Sunlight filtered in the passenger window and revealed the silhouette of his dead mate. He wrinkled his forehead. “I thought you could move on now.”

“I can, but I have one last duty to perform before I leave,” her faint voice replied.

He pulled back his shoulders and stretched his neck. “What would that be?”

“You must save her.”

Brock pulled into his driveway, shoved the car in park and tried to push down the fear currently rising from the pit of his stomach. “What do you mean, save her?”

“They have her, Brock. The people who took my life and that of our son so many years ago. They’ve spread their hate for our kind, passed it down through the generations. They plan to kill her.”

Fear raced through his veins, turning his muscles rigid. Not again. He couldn’t live through this a second time. “W-where is she?”

* * * *

Brock sped down the highway, thankful traffic was clearer going in the other direction. His grip on the steering wheel was white-knuckled as he spoke to Elias over the car phone.

“Mina said she was in trouble,” he repeated for the second time.

“What the hell do you mean Mina?” Elias’ voice blared over the cars speakers and Brock didn’t miss the tone. He thought Brock had finally gone off the deep end.

“Listen, fuck wad. I don’t have time to explain. Just meet me at the coordinates, and make sure we have backup.” He pressed the end button and swiped his hand over his sweaty brow. “Shit, I hope we’re not too late.” He pushed down the panic that threatened to squeeze his chest. He needed to remain calm and focus, or he would be worthless to Sarah. He had to believe she was still alive. After all, a bond had started to form, and he would know… He’d feel it if she were gone. Wouldn’t he?

“Pull this hunk of metal off the road.”

Brock jumped, his gaze moving to the man sitting next to him. “Son of a bitch! Really you need to wear a damn bell.”

Damis’ pupils narrowed to pinpoints. “Park this fucker now. I can get us to your mate faster.”

Brock didn’t argue but whipped the car down a side street and into the parking lot of the local grocery. Next thing he knew, he was standing hunched over trying not to retch. When his gut stopped rolling, he stood erect and took in his surroundings and found Damis standing next to him.

“Sorry, I got us here the quickest way I know how,” Damis whispered.

Brock shook his head. “No, I’m glad, but I didn’t realize you could transport another person.”

“It’s part of my new power, but unlike traveling through our gateway to get home, this takes a bit of getting used to. Hell, I tossed my cookies the first time.” Damis pulled a six-inch blade from his boot. “Elias, Snake and a few others are here as well, but we are still out-numbered. Do you sense her presence here?”

Brock took a moment and concentrated on the buildings surrounding them. “Nothing.”

“It’s possible they have her well hidden.” Damis pressed the handle of the blade he’d procured into Brock’s palm. “Only kill them if you must. Otherwise, I want those bastards alive.” His lip curled into a snarl. “I have questions that need answering.”

Brock squeezed the warm wood of the dagger’s hilt and set his jaw. “If they’ve touched her, if they’ve harmed her in any way, they will beg me for mercy. The torture I will inflict on them will be slow and painful. They will be kept on the threshold of death but not allowed to cross over until I allow it.” He thrust his shoulders back. “I’m not the same man I was before. Today, I’ll not run away.”

Damis slapped him on the back. “Welcome back, friend. We have your mate to save and a war to wage with these humans. It’s been a long time coming.”

“What do you mean a long time coming?” Brock sensed there was more Damis wasn’t telling him.

Damis motioned Brock to follow him down a dimly lit corridor. “Elias has been tracking this group for some time. Trying to determine how many there are and where their command center is.”

Brock grabbed Damis by the arm and pulled him to a stop. “What? You both fucking knew about these people and said nothing?” Anger heated his veins, and he tried to remember the man he held in a vise-like grip was his prince and supposed friend.

Damis shot him a menacing glare. “We had no idea Sarah was in any real danger, and you were not told because I thought it better not to rehash your past.”

He knew what Damis meant. They hadn’t trusted him to keep his shit together if he’d found out these bastards had resurrected their little hate group. He’d have gone over the edge, a place he currently teetered because they had Sarah.

* * * *

Sarah was unable to keep her eyes open. They throbbed as if someone had jammed an ice pick into her corneas. She’d been so stupid, but how was she to know they’d drugged her tea? Mrs. Somers had seemed like such a sweet woman. When Sarah had walked into the back of Mrs. Somers’ shop, she’d been greeted like a long-lost granddaughter. The old woman had even dressed the part, complete with flowered skirt, white blouse and pearls. The last thing she remembered was becoming violently ill then dizzy. She must have blacked out because she had no recollection of anything after that.

She tried to get past the stabbing pain in her head and the fog that seemed to surround her. As best she could tell, she was chained to a bed that groaned every time she tried to move. The room held no windows that she could see, but then again, it was pitch black. Hell, for all she knew, it was dark outside. She could have been here for days and be none the wiser.

She tried to sit up, but the pain in her head sent her stomach into a lurch, causing her to relax back into the lumpy mattress. As she swallowed down the bile, a door opened, sending bright light to her watering eyes. A dark figure stepped inside, but she was unable to make out any details.

“I see you’re awake,” a low, gravelly voice commented.

Male. She’d suspected as much from the size of his frame, and the voice confirmed it.

“Who are you?” Her own voice surprised her, as it was almost unrecognizable.

He stepped closer. “Someone who thinks your kind needs to be eradicated.” He let loose a menacing laugh. “It’s fucking sickening how our government allows the spawn of Hell to live among us.” He leaned over and placed a cold hand around her throat. His rancid breath assaulted her. “It’s taken us years to come back together after your so-called leader wiped out most of our families.” He squeezed, cutting off her air. “But he didn’t get everyone, and now, we’re back. We’re going to take back what belongs to us.”

Sarah struggled to bring air into her lungs, but his grip was too tight. Instead, she tried to raise her knee to kick at him, but he caught her. His calloused hand ran up her leg and under her skirt, stopping at the boundary of her panties. “You are a pretty thing, I’ll grant you that, and since you demons like to whore yourselves out, we’ll oblige you before we kill you.” He dug his nails into her flesh. “Yes, I wouldn’t mind fucking you just to see what all the fuss is about.”

She sensed the smile plastered on his face and tried to swallow her rising panic at what they would do to her. Somehow, she needed to get free.

“There are five sturdy, horny men here, and they all plan to have a go at you, as well. Matter of fact, Stan is getting everything ready so we can string you up for easy access. Maybe, we’ll fuck you to death before we cut out your heart.” His grip around her neck loosened, and she went into a coughing fit. “Enjoy your solitude while you can.”

He laughed and jabbed a needle into her skin then turned for the door.

Her arm burned at the injection site, and her vision blurred. All she saw was darkness after he closed the door behind him. She tugged on her restraints to no avail and realized whatever was in that needle must be draining her power. She tried to think, to plan an escape but felt herself slipping away.
Need to stay awake. Must survive.

Sarah had no idea how she’d get free of this mess and all she could think of was Brock. He’d been right to leave her. This was exactly what he’d feared, losing another mate. Unfortunately, by the time Elias figured out she was missing, she’d most likely be dead.

She let the tears spill that had been threatening. Deep in her heart, she knew Brock cared for her. How would he react when he found out what happened to he? Her murder would send him over the edge.

* * * *

Brock tried to center himself and push aside the panic rolling in his stomach. He gripped the blade in his hand so tight his knuckles whitened. “I’m a fucking idiot,” he whispered.

“We’ll find her,” Damis replied back.

God, they’d better or he couldn’t be held responsible for his actions. Right now, the need to find her and keep her safe was the only thing keeping him sane.

Both men hugged the walls of the dark corridor and headed for a dim light that flickered at the end. Voices could be heard laughing, but Brock couldn’t make out what they were saying. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and with it determination. He’d been given a second chance at happiness, and he’d tossed it out in the trash like a wadded up wrapper. Now, again, he was being given another chance. Mina had led them here, and if Sarah was still alive—
stop thinking she’s not—
he would claim her as his. Somehow, they’d get through this nightmare.

They approached the doorway. Brock on one side and Damis on the other, they peered around the corner. What met his eyes caused bile to rise, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to remain still. Three men circled Sarah like vultures waiting for their prey to die. Her wrists were tied to a chain attached at the rafters. Her legs were spread and her ankles shackled to the floor. Two other men sat at a table, tipping back bottles of whiskey and gaping at her with a hunger that made Brock’s stomach boil.

Brock curled his lip and snarled. From the corner of his vision, he saw Damis bring a finger to his mouth, indicating silence. They would have to wait for Elias and Snake to surface on the other side before going in. Rushing the men without backup could get Sarah killed. Brock set his jaw and looked straight at his prince.

Where the fuck are they?
he mouthed in silence. The sound of ripping fabric caused him to turn his head. They’d torn off her dress and left her in only her bra and panties.

His vision went red.

Without thought or regard to his safety, Brock ran into the room growling like a maniac and slashing the blade back and forth. He barely registered Damis cussing behind him as he thrust and twisted the dagger into the gut of the first guy who came at him. All he saw was Sarah. He had to reach her, but first, he needed to gut every human in the room.

Shouts and the sounds of fighting echoed around him. Several more men came from nowhere, and in the melee, he had no idea how many they fought. Shots rang out, and his anger boiled. What the fuck had Damis been thinking handing him a dagger. He hoped the others had guns or this wasn’t going to go down as planned.

Pain radiated from his side followed by a warm wetness running across his stomach. He glanced down briefly to see the front of his shirt soaked with blood. Apparently, he’d been hit. He pushed through the pain.
Almost there.
A few more feet and he would reach his goal and free his mate. A blade slid deep into the side of his chest, puncturing his lung. He gasped and faltered. He never saw the man come at him and it was all the time the humans needed.

“Stop right fucking there!”

The room silenced, and everyone’s attention focused on the man holding a long blade to Sarah’s neck.

“If any of you so much as twitch, I’ll take her fucking head off.”

Brock’s breath caught. He focused his vision and glanced around to assess the current situation. Elias and Snake stood like stone on the other side of the room. Their blades dripped with blood, and the bodies around them indicated they’d taken a few out. He tried to locate Damis but was unable to find him. Brock was the closest one to Sarah, but he knew if he moved the man with the knife would hold true to his promise and take her head.

Think damn it!

There had to be a way out of this mess.

“Grab those three and tie them up then give them an injection,” the leader snarled. “This has gone down better than I’d hoped. Looks like I’m getting four of you motherfuckers to gut.”

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